Руководство по эксплуатации Metz 72TK79 Kreta-72

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Metz 72TK79 Kreta-72

Устройство: Metz 72TK79 Kreta-72
Категория: Плоский телевизор
Производитель: Metz
Размер: 0.77 MB
Добавлено: 4/20/2014
Количество страниц: 64
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Metz 72TK79 Kreta-72 Руководство по эксплуатации - Online PDF
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Краткое содержание
Краткое содержание страницы № 1

Spectral-55 MF 55TK68
Astral-63 MF 63TK63
Nordkap-70 BM 70TL 73
Spectral-70 MF 70TH90
Linea-72 SF 72TK67
Linea-70 SF 70TL67
Astral-72 MF 72TK79
Kreta-72 SF 72TK87
Spectral-82 MF 82TK91
Astral-82 SF 82TH95
Operating instructions
603 47 2013.A3

Краткое содержание страницы № 2

Foreword Contents Dear customer, 1. Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2. Safety Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 thank you for purchasing this 3. Remote Control Unit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Metz product. 4. General Operating Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 We have equipped this TV set 5. Daily Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 with a menu system which uses 5.1 Setting the operating mode . . . . . . . . . . . 11 "fi

Краткое содержание страницы № 3

1. Installation • Take care that no bright artificial light or sunshi- ne falls directly on the screen. This could cause reflections which have a negative effect on the brilliance of the picture. 5x cm • The optimum viewing distance is about five times the screen diagonal dimen-  sion. For TV sets with a 70 cm screen, it is thus about 3.5 metres. • The antenna cable and any other components (such as a video recorder) connected between the antenna socket in the wall and the TV set must comply wi

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2. Safety notes • Always place the monitor on a solid, stable sur- face. • If a cold TV set is moved to a warm room, always allow any condensation on the screen to evaporate before switching it on. • The TV set is intended for use in a dry room. If, in exceptional circumstances, you use it out- doors, take care that is protected against moi- sture (rain, splashed water, dew). • TV sets need adequate ventilation. Never cover the openings on the rear of the set with curtains, doilies, newspapers,

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2. Safety notes • Lightning can damage electrical equipment. A lightning flash entering the power cable or the aerial cable can damage the TV set even if it is switched off. You should therefore disconnect the power cable and aerial cable from their out- lets or from the TV set in the case of a thunder- storm. • The monitor may be opened and repaired only by a qualified person. CAUTION! HIGH VOLTAGES CAN KILL! If repairs should be necessary, consult your local dealer. • Always switch off the TV

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3. Remote control unit The remote control unit transmits com- mands to the TV set with the aid of infrared light. You should always point  the remote control unit directly at the TV set. The remote control unit may possi- bly interfere with other infrared devices  (such as infrared headphones) within its range. Sunlight falling directly on the TV set may interfere with the operation of the remote control unit, because the TV set cannot detect the infrared signals from  it. The TV set mu

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3. Remote control unit Overview of key functions  Switch to satellite radio mode 1) Switch on from standby mode to satellite radio mode 1) ( only if a SAT upgrade module is fitted) Function keys F1 ... F3 Cursor control key in the „Information“ and the TV menu OK - confirmation key  Change settings in the TV menu  Sound mute  Call the TV menu In the menu: return to the previous main menu item  Call Teletext  Call the „Information“ In the „Information“: return to the contents  Fram

Краткое содержание страницы № 8

Call the menu 4. General operating notes When designing this TV set, we have tried to make its operation as easy as possible so that you will enjoy learning how to use it. The TV set itself can provide the answers, with the menu „Information“, to any questions you may have during installation and switching on. To use this function, simply press the „INFO“ key to display the table of contents of the INFO „Information“ on the screen. The menu „Information“ (help function) In the table of contents,

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4. General operating notes Call the menu Using the menus With the „TV menu“, we help you to find your MENU way through the many operating functions of your TV set. Main menu items Do not hesitate to try out the options in the various menus. Any changes you make become permanently effective only if you    save them by pressing the „OK“ key. If Picture-Volume you are not sure that you want to retain AV devices a new setting, you can simply exit from Station table the menu by pressing the „TV“

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5. Daily operation Switching on Switch on the TV set with the main switch. The red standby indicator lights. Then enter the desired programme position on the numeric keys of the remote control unit. Alternatively, simply press the key with the TV set in standby mode to select the programme position you were watching before the set was switched off. If you have defined an initial programme position (see page 46), pressing the key with the TV  set in standby mode will select this programme positi

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5.1 Setting the operating mode Call the menu The TV set can be switched on at the desired ope- rating level with the keys "TV", "AV" and "R". These keys can also be used to switch between the TV AV R operating levels. When the TV set is switched on with one of these keys, the station which was last selected at this operating level is again set. TV = television mode AV = audio-visual mode for use with AV devices 1) R = radio mode 1) ( available only if a SAT receiver is installed) 5.2 Operating

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5.2 Operating scope    The full TV menu is displayed   A reduced TV menu is displayed. The follo- wing functions are no longer available: - Special picture settings such as panorama, CTI, noise reduction, picture sharpness, etc. - Special sound settings such as stereo wide, spati- al sound, balance, tone settings, etc. - Picture and sound settings for individual pro- gramme positions. - Programming of the function keys. - Settings for the EURO sockets. - Special functions in the menu "Ope

Краткое содержание страницы № 13

6. Setting the language and country Call the menu In a menu with two asterisks (**), the set-  tings for the menu items "Language" and "Country" cannot be changed. MENU Setting the language for the TV menu You can select one of the available languages for the display of the TV menu. All texts in the menu and in the help function (Information) are then displayed in the selected language. Setting the country OK After installing the TV set, you must select the country where it is installed (such

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Call the menu 7. Programming stations You can programme the TV stations in three diffe- rent ways. MENU a) Automatic station search The automatic station search function searches the entire range of reception frequencies for TV stations. All stations which are found are placed in a station table, which is displayed at the end of the search operation. If you are not satisfied with the order in which the stations are stored, you can shift or delete OK stations (see Section 9, "Sorting stations").

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7. Programming stations Call the menu b) Station search The station search function permits you to search MENU for specific stations if you do not know their chan- nel number or frequency. Executing a station search • Press the „MENU“ key to display the TV menu. • Press the white key to display the station table. • Move the cursor to en empty programme posi- OK tion (or to a position containing a station you wish to replace with the new station). • Move the cursor to „Frequency/Channel“. • Press

Краткое содержание страницы № 16

Call the menu 7. Programming stations wish to replace with the new station). • Move the cursor to „Frequency/Channel“. • Press the „OK“ key. MENU • In the setting window which is then displayed, move the cursor to „Channel“ or „Special chan- nel“. • Enter the number of the channel or special channel with the numeric keys. • Press the „OK“ key to save the station. • Press the „TV“ key to close the menu. OK Fine tuning When you programme stations, each channel is automatically tuned to the centre

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8. Station logo Call the menu Each station which transmits VPS signals also sends a station logo with up to eight characters, which is automatically assigned to this station in the station list. If this automatic function does not MENU work correctly, or if you want a different station logo, you can overwrite the logo manually. Setting the station logo • Select the desired programme position. • Press the „MENU“ key. OK • Press the white key to open the station table. • Move the cursor to the

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Call the menu 9. Sorting stations In the station table, you can shift or copy one or more stations to other programme positions. You can also delete any unwanted stations. MENU Copying, shifting and deleting stations • Press the „MENU“ key to call the TV menu. • Press the white key to call the station table. • Press the „F1“ key to enable editing of the sta- F1 tion table. • Use the cursor control key to select the pro- gramme position you want to copy, shift or OK delete. • Press the „OK“ key t

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10. Selecting stations Call the menu Station selection and programme posi- tion management Your TV set can manage up to 999 programme positions in the station table. You can select these programme positions with the numeric keys, with the oval „P+/P-“ rocker key or via the station table. When you enter a position number on the nume- ric keys, the first digit you enter is the „hundreds“ digit. If there are less than 100 programme posi- tions defined, this digit automatically moves to the „tens“ p

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Call the menu 11. Picture settings, general In a menu with two asterisks (**), the set-  tings for certain menu items cannot be MENU changed. You can adjust the picture settings (brightness, contrast, chrominance, etc.) for all programme positions and save these settings as the standard values. These standard values can be recalled at any time by pressing the „OK“ key. OK Defining the picture settings: • Press the „MENU“ key to open the TV menu. • Press the „OK“ key to open the menu „Picture an

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