Руководство по эксплуатации Jackson 999-215

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Jackson 999-215

Устройство: Jackson 999-215
Категория: Автомобильный погрузчик
Производитель: Jackson
Размер: 0.35 MB
Добавлено: 5/3/2014
Количество страниц: 14
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440 Rutherford St. P.O. Box 847 Goleta, CA 93117
1-888-888-4079 • FAX 805-692-2525 • www.supercharger.com
Installation Instructions
‘99-’00 Mazda Miata 1.8L
999-200 w/ power steering, w/ AC
999-205 w/ power steering, w/ out AC
999-210 w/ out power steering, w/ out AC
999-215 w/ out power steering, w/ AC
Follow the instructions STEP-BY-STEP, and your 17mm, 14mm, 13mm, 12mm, 10mm, & 8mm sockets
installation will be trouble free. If

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Figure 1.4 1.0 DISASSEMEMBLY behind the lump. If your hose does not have this restrictor there is one provided in the hose bag of 1.1 Disconnect your Miata’s battery. the supercharger kit. Save this restrictor for step #7.8. 1.2 Release the air flow meter harness 5-pin con- nector by pressing the locking tab on its clip. 1.5 You can do this entire procedure without los- Remove the stock air flow meter from the air box by ing too much coolant, there is no need to drain removing the two 10mm heade

Краткое содержание страницы № 3

HOSE CLAMPS FROM MAZDA ARE BEST front and side of the dummy throttle body. REMOVED BY APPROACHING FROM THE SIDE WITH NEEDLE NOSE PLIERS. GRASP 2.5 Do not connect the ICS electrical connection ALL THREE TANGS AT ONCE AND COMPRESS until after the next step. THEM TOGETHER. THIS IS EASIER TO DO WITH THE THROTTLE BODY ALREADY LOOSE 2.6 Wiring Harness Modifications: FROM THE INTAKE MANIFOLD. Plug the Locate the main engine wiring harness on the left coolant hoses with a screwdriver, golf tee, or pen-

Краткое содержание страницы № 4

Figure 3.1 2.7 Locate the ICS blanking plate and take it over to your Mazda throttle body. Use the 1104 sealant between the blanking plate and the Mazda throttle body. Install the blanking plate onto your Mazda throttle body using the two new Phillips head screws supplied in the kit. Insert the shaft of a Phillips or cross head screwdriver into the ends of the coolant connections. Gently twist the connec- tions 90 degrees counter clockwise to their stan- dard position so that they point in the s

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3.2 When you are done with your trial fit- ting of the flat idler pulley bracket, take this flat bracket to a workbench and install the two nylon idler pulleys using the bolts and Nylock nuts provided. Make sure that the bolt heads point towards the Figure 3.4 rear of the car. 3.3 Secure the idler pulleys firmly to the flat bracket. Proceed to install the idler pulley assembly onto the car per the pro- cedure practiced during the trial fitting. The final assembly (minus the pulleys) should look

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4.0 FUEL MANAGEMENT PowerCard in the interior. To route the hard plastic vacuum pipe to the engine compartment, you will need a long narrow rod or screwdriver shaft approxi- 4.1From the kit, mately 24+” long. On the driver side of the engine locate Jackson compartment you will find a rubber grommet where Racing “PowerCard” the main wiring harness goes through the firewall. Digital Fuel From inside the engine compartment, carefully push Management Module your long tool through the grommet. Have s

Краткое содержание страницы № 7

5.2 Locate your throttle cable bracket that is bolted 6.0 SUPERCHARGER INSTALLATION to your standard intake manifold and remove the throttle cable by loosening the pinch nuts surround- 6.1 Remove the engine lift eyelet at the front of ing the cable end on either side of the bracket. the engine, just above the exhaust manifold by Once the nuts are loose, you can pull the cable out removing the bolt using a 14mm socket. Install of the bracket - the grommet will deform and let you the new flanged h

Краткое содержание страницы № 8

using an open-end wrench. If you find that the bracket/supercharger assembly collides with your cam cover vent tube during initial installa- tion, it means you did not leave enough threads exposed on the main mounting bolt installed in step #6.1. Retry it with the bolt further out. 6.3 Swing the flat lower bracket up into place in front of the supercharger boss. Locate the small stamped throttle cable bracket from your kit and thread the new bolt through the throttle cable bracket hole, through

Краткое содержание страницы № 9

assistant operate the gas pedal multiple times rubber grommet that you earlier removed from to confirm that the action is free and easy with- the stock Mazda air filter box into the 3/4” hole in out binding or interference. Make sure that the the base of the new Air Filter. Insert the grommet cable has a bit of “sloppy” slack with the gas from the backside so that the grommet’s flange is on the outside of the filter base. The small hole pedal released and that full throttle is available and boss

Краткое содержание страницы № 10

not back towards it. Continue the hose across the Locate the 3/8” internal diameter hose from your engine side of the radiator and under the upper kit and press the restrictor into this hose at least radiator hose. Using the Ty-Wrapp straps provid- one inch. Attach this hose from the ‘medium’ fit- ed, attach the rubber hose securely to the fan ting on the plastic elbow (near the throttle body, shroud supports near the fan motor(s). Attach the pointing to the engine). Cut to length and attach end

Краткое содержание страницы № 11

power steering bracket to attach your lower bracket tension on the belt. You should have less than to, you will use special bracketry that we have 3/8inch deflection on the longest run of the belt. If included with your kit. Turn to figure 3.4 in the you find the belt to fit too tightly, gently rock the car in installation manual and find the note describing the fourth gear while pressing the belt onto the pulley. bolt that will be used for the non-power steering Watch out for your fingers. UNDE

Краткое содержание страницы № 12

9.1 Locate the rubber sleeves and the front cross the supercharger assembly slightly forward or rear- over pipe. Check inside the cross over pipe for ward to correctly align the drive pulleys. The slots debris and clean it out if necessary. Install the cross in the supercharger mounting bracket will allow you to find the perfect alignment for the belt run. over tube between the idle air manifold (dummy throttle body now on the intake manifold) and the NOTE: Do not attempt to move the supercharg-

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9.7 IDLE ADJUSTMENT: does not use any engine oil for its lubrication, Restart your engine. Using the idle air screw on your engine will be working a little harder with the your throttle body (now on the back of the super- addition of a supercharger. The synthetic oil pro- charger), adjust your idle speed to 950 rpm after vides an extra measure of protection, but is not the engine is warm. This is done by backing the necessary for safe and reliable operation. adjustment screw out a half turn at a

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TROUBLESHOOTING SYMPTOM: Engine cranks but will not start. PROBABLE CAUSES: Airflow meter disconnect- ed; Idle air line open; Low battery voltage. CURE: Double check that the connector to air- flow meter is well connected. Re-check the 3/4” ICS line and the PCV line to see that they are not leaking. Use a known good battery to “jump” the Miata’s battery. It is possible to have enough voltage to crank a Miata but not enough to cor- rectly run the engines control computer. SYMPTOM: No power during

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