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HP Apollo 9000 Model 750
Owner’s Guide
for HP-UX Users
HP 9000 Series 700 Computers
P art o. N A1961-90000
Printed in U SA June 991 1
Edition 1
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Legal Notices The information in this do cumen t is sub ject c hange ithout w Hew lett-Packar d makes no warr anty of any kind with r e gar d to this manual, including, but not limite dto, the implie d anties of mer chantability tness for a p articular purp ose. Hewlett-P k ard shall not b e liable errors tained herein direct, indirect, sp inciden tal or consequen tial damages in connection with furnishing, p erformance, or use of this material. W arran t y . A cop y of the eci c w arran t y te
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c cop yrigh t 1979, 80, 85-90 Regen ts the Univ ersit y California This soft w are is based part on F ourth Berk Soft w are D istribution under license from the Regen the niv U ersit y California. of of ts eley the in of of 83,
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Printing History The man ual prin ting date part n b er indicate its curren t edition. The prin ting date will c hange when a new is prin ted. Minor c hanges ma y b e made at reprin t w c hanging p ting The part n um b will c hange when extensiv e c hanges made. Man ual dates ma y b e issued b w een editions to correct errors or do cumen t pro duct c hanges. T o ensure that y ou receiv eteh up dated editions, y should subscrib eto the a ppropriate supp ort service. y our sales represen tativ e d
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W arnings Cautions W ARNING: Remo ving device v er y exp sharp dges e t c hassis. T oa v injury , use care when installing customer add-on devices. W ARNUNG: Das En tfernen Ger ateab kung sc harfen Kan ten im Inneren des Ger frei. mU V erietzungen zu v ermeiden, seien v orsic h b Ein bau v zus atzlic Bauteilen, die v om Kunden selb er eingebaut w erden k onnen. AD VER- b ords tranc han ts du c h^ assis de l’ equip t p euv en t ^atre TISSEMENT: exp os quand de e n’est P eviter des bles
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W ARNING: Disconnect p o w er plug w outlet source po w b efore om ving r o remo ving the device, or installing add-on comp onen W ARNUNG: tfernen Sie die Stromzuf uhrung v on der Stec kdose o der Stromquelle b or Sie as d Ger at b egen, abbauen, o der zus atzlic he Bauteile installieren. AD VER- D ebranc her la he de las prise de couran tou la source TISSEMENT: d’alimen tation electrique a v t de d eplacer de retirer l’unit e, ou a v an t d’installer des dules suppl emen taires. W
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CA UTION: p o w er cord m ust b e plugged in to an accessible dedicated ac receptacle. V ORSICHT: Das System-Netzansc hlu k ab m u eine zug he ezielle W hselstrom-Hauptzuf uhrungsstec kdose angesc hlossen w erden. A TTENTION: Le d’alimen tation electrique du syst doit ^ branc h e dans prise couran t sp ee CA UTION: Monitor screen damage o ccur the monitor on for extended p erio ds of time with same image on screen at high tensit y . V ORSICHT: Bildsc hirmsc haden un v ermeidlic h,
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Laser Safety Statement (For U.S.A. Only) (F or computers with aCD R OM disk driv e nstalled.) i The CD R OM mass storage system is certi ed as a Class 1 laser duct under the U.S. Departmen t of Health and Human services (DHHS) Radiation P erformance Standard according to R adiation Contr e H alth and Safety A ct of 1968. This means that the mass storage system do duce hazardous laser radiation. Since laser ligh t emitted inside the mass storage system completely con ned within protectiv e housin
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Related Learning Products Man y of T able 0-1 HP-UX learning pro ducts are referred in this b o Others in this list ma y b e useful helping y ou to mak e b e use of y our system. T able 0-1. HP-UX Learning Products Title n um b er HP-UX R efer enc e B2355-90004 System A dministr ation T asks B2355-90003 Instal lation Guide for H P Ap ol lo 750 Workstations A1961-90001 and Servers Instal ling Peripher als B2355-90006 E/ISA Con gur ation Guide for HP-UX: HP 9000 Series B2355-90012 Computers A Be g
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W elcome! W elcome the w orldwide comm unit y of Ap w orkstation users. The HP Ap lo 9000 Mo del 750 Owner’s Guide describ y HP ollo Mo del computer. It refers do cumen ts that y ha v e receiv with y our c omputer and its system soft w are or whic h y ou y order separately . In this section y will nd information out the organization this guide and the audience for whic h it is in tended. Y ou will also references to other do cumen ts and directions for y ou commen t up questions ab this guide.
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Ho w This Guide Is Organized Eac h c hapter con tains sp eci c information ab y our system. Read Chapter 1 to learn ab out y our computer’s parts, connectors, switc hes, con trols and indicators. Read C hapter 2to learn h o w turn p o w in, out and o p o w er safely . Read Chapter 3 to learn ab out the h uman ni terfaces that with y system. This c hapter help y if y wish to use HP Visual User vironmen t or shell to y computer. c hapter also con tains a guide to the use the Bo Console User terfa
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Audience This guide is tended for use b y service p rsonnel e o wners of HP Ap 9000 Mo del computers. R e ad Me Documents Please refer to the release do cumen y receiv with y our system. These do cumen ts ha v etltsie that b egin with phrase \ R e ad Me ." these do cumen ts y ou will nd information ma y not ha v e b included in this guide at the time of its publication. Problems, Questions, and Suggestions W e appreciate commen ts from the p who use our computer systems. the R e ader R esp onse
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Typeface Conv entions Unless otherwise noted in the text, this guide uses wing t yp con v en tions. term Marks the rst app earance of a w ord phrase that is used as terminology . T erms explained immediately de ned further in a glossary . Example: practice of cop ying les on other media for afe s storage is called bac kup . Men u Item The el of a men u tem. i Example: Select Net w Con guration T asks con ue. output Indicates one the follo wing: T ext output from a computer system, usually eari
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Emissions Regulations Federal Communications Commission (F CC) The F ederal Comm unications Commission the U.S. go v ernmen t the frequency energy emanated b y computing devices through published regulations. These regulations sp ecify the limits frequency emission protect adio r and television reception. Ap no and p eripherals ha v e b een tested and comply with these limits. The F regulations also require that computing devices used U.S. displa y the agency’s lab el and that the related do cum
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V erband Deutscher Elektrotechnik er (VDE) Herstel lerb escheinigung Hiermit wird b heinigt, dieses Ger ereinstimm ung mit Bestimm ungen der P ostv ugung 1046/84 unk f en tst ist. Der Deutsc hen Bundesp wurde das In v ehrbringen dieses Ger angezeigt und Berec h tigung zur Ub erpr ufung der Serie Einhaltung der Bestimm ungen einger aum Die Einhaltung ieserd Grenzw erte sc hreibt den ebrauc G h abgesc hirm Kab v or. V CCI Class 1 Equipment xv ITE el ter t. auf die ates erk ost ort erf d
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Emissions Regulations Compliance An y third-part y I/O device installed in ollo s ystem(s) m ust b e accordance with the requiremen ts set forth in the preceding Emissions Regulations statemen ts. In the ev t that a third-part y n oncomplian tI/O device is installed, the customer assumes onsibilit y liabilit y arising therefrom. Compliance to regulations requires use of shielded cables. xvi the these and resp all en in Ap HP
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1 Y our HP Apollo 9000 Model 750 Computer This c hapter pro vides an tro y our 9000 Mo del computer and its comp onen ts. It describ es the follo The cations of the system switc hes indicators Ho w to in terpret the LED indicators The mass torage s device ab ys The parts the rear the system unit, including: The system bulkhead connectors The EISA card faceplate(s) The graphic device bulkhead(s) The p o w er supply bulkhead Y our P H A pollo 9000 Model 750 omputer C 1-1 its and of of LED and unit
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System Unit The system is con tains computer system itself. The fron t the cen tral section con tains the disk driv e ys. The the cen tral section holds the s ystem card and graphic device cards. The \shoulder" section to the righ t of the cen tral section con tains EISA (Extended Industry Standard hitecture) card y and the co oling ans. f A t b ottom of en tire the po w er supply . The system unit is in tended deskside placemen t. Figure 1-1. The ystemS nit U 1-2 Y our HP A pollo 000 9 M odel 7
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P o w er On/Standb y Switch The switc h that y use to turn y our HP ollo del cated on the in the fron t system unit’s righ t \shoulder." (See Figure 1-2 .) This switc his actually a po w on/standb y switc h . It not the same as a p o w er switc h. When y ou attac h p o w er connector on the po w er plug that cable in a p o w electric p o w er a v ailable from p o w er supply . When y ou turn p o w er on/standb y switc h, that electrical p o w er is distributed to rest the system unit. Do assume
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Understanding the LEDs In the fron t of the system unit’s is a hinged v When the co v er is closed, v e LEDs can b e iew v ed through small \windo ws". Beside eac h windo wis a sym bol indicating the meaning asso with the y of h LED. T able 1-1 describ the activit y the when HP-UX erating system running on y our computer. T able 1-1. LED Symbols and Their Meanings b Activit y Meaning On/O P o w er on/standb y Flashing T ransmitting to Flashing Receiving from LAN Flashing Disk activit y w ash