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AlchemyTV DVR
User Guide
Revision 2.4
(c) 2003-2005, Miglia Technology Ltd
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Table of contents Introduction and Overview of AlchemyTV DVR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Introduction and System requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Overview of AlchemyTV DVR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Hardware and software installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Introduction and Overview of AlchemyTV DVR AlchemyTV DVR™ User Guide Page 1
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Introduction Thank you for choosing AlchemyTV DVR™ from Miglia Technology. AlchemyTV DVR™ allows you to watch TV on your PowerMac and enables you to record your favorite programmes onto your hard drive in a supported QuickTime format of your choice. System requirements: • PowerMac G4 or G5 with a free PCI or PCI-X slot • G4/400 MHz or higher processor • 256 MB of RAM • Mac OS X 10.3.x or higher • QuickTime 6.5.x or higher Package contents • AlchemyTV™ DVR card • CD-ROM with software and installa
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Overview of AlchemyTV DVR™ Video inputs AlchemyTV™ features several video inputs: • TV input • Composite input • S-Video input • Stereo audio input (jack type) • Stereo audio output (jack type) TV/Antenna Composite IN Audio IN S-Video IN Audio OUT Remote Receiver G4/G5 version Product code: DVRPCI-SIL FM Radio TV/Antenna Composite IN Audio IN S-Video IN Audio OUT Remote Receiver G4-Only version (no longer in production Product code: DVRPCI-PALSEC DVRPCI-NTSC AlchemyTV DVR™ User Guide Page 3
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• TV/Antenna connection: This connector should be used for your analogue TV cable coming from an RF antenna or a cable box. • FM Connector: This connector is available solely with the G4-only version of the card. It allows you to connect an FM antenna. • Composite input: Composite is a widely used standard for connecting video equipment. Note that the quality of this connection is not as good as S-Video. This type of connector is often found on camcorders and VCRs. • S-Video input: This conne
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Hardware and Software Installation AlchemyTV DVR™ User Guide Page 5
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I. Hardware Installation The installation of AlchemyTV™ is a two step process starting with the hardware installation into your PowerMac. AlchemyTV™ is a PCI card that should be installed in a free expansion slot of your Mac. Makes sure you are wearing an anti-static wrist wrap before beginning the installation. PowerMac G4 1. Shut down your Mac and open the side door of your PowerMac. Locate an unused PCI slot. Using a small Phillips-head screwdriver, remove the retaining screw from the PCI ex
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PowerMac G5 1. Shut down your Mac. Remove the side panel and plastic door of your PowerMac. Locate an unused PCI slot. Using a small Phillips-head screwdriver, remove the retaining screw from the PCI expansion slots access panel, then remove the access panel itself. 2. Align the connector end of the card with the PCI expansion slot and insert the card. Secure the card with the screw that you removed in the previous step. 3. Close the plastic cover and side panel. Start your PowerMac and proce
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Remote Installation: Connect the remote control receiver cable to the RM port on the AlchemyTV card. Make sure the plug of the cable rests on the PCI card and not the metalwork of the case. Note that the infrared remote control has a plastic separator between the battery and the electric contacts. Remove it to operate the remote. AlchemyTV DVR™ User Guide Page 8
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II. Software Installation 1. Insert the Installation CD that shipped with your AlchemyTV DVR™ card into your CD/DVD drive. 2. Before installing the version available on the CD, it is recommended that you check any available updates on the Miglia site. Double-click on the icon named ‘Click here to check if a newer version is available’ to access the website page. 3. Open the folder AlchemyDVR and double-click on the ‘’Install AlchemyTV DVR™” icon to launch the installer. Select the startup driv
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6. The AlchemyTV DVR folder will be located in the ‘Applications’ folder of the volume containing your system software. 7. Note that the control panel “Remote Control’ is also added to the System Preferences panel. If you have installed the Application Enhancer (for the iChat patch), the APE manager will also appear. 8. The installation log is located in: / Library / Logs AlchemyTV DVR™ User Guide Page 10
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Setting up AlchemyTV DVR for viewing and recording AlchemyTV DVR™ User Guide Page 11
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Introduction This chapter will guide you through the initial setup of the AlchemyTV DVR card and software. Before proceeding, make sure you have installed the PCI card and the software and connected your video source via the composite or S-Video or coaxial connectors. I. Serial Number and Registration 1. Launch AlchemyTV DVR located in your Applications folder 2. You will be asked to enter your serial number located on the CD sleeve or the CD itself. Enter the 32 digits serial number with the d
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2. The Setup Assistant will ask you to choose the type o f connection you are using. If you connect your card directly to an antenna or a cable TV outlet, choose the ‘TV Tuner’ option. If you are subscribing to a premium or digital cable service or digital satellite, it is recommended that you make a connection via S-Video. This will ensure the best quality possible. Channels will have to be switched via the remote control of your cable or satellite receiver. If you are using AlchemyTV DVR fo
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USA residents only If you have selected TV Tuner as the input connection, the Setup Assistant will ask you to enter your ZIP code to download the relevant channel naming templates from TVGuide.com. This will prevent you from having to give names manually to the individual channels. 4. TV Tuner Connection: Press the ‘Start Scan’ button to start the automatic channel search. You will be given three options during the channel scan: Get all Channels: The software will scan and store all channels w
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Using the AlchemyTV DVR Menus and Onscreen Remote AlchemyTV DVR™ User Guide Page 15
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I. AlchemyTV DVR Menus Various functions are accessible via the menu bar: 1. The AlchemyTV DVR Menu lets you access: About box: Displays about box with version number Setup Assistant: Launches the Setup Assistant Register: Open the Registration dialog Software Update: Checks online if a new version is available. This check is also performed automatically at launch if an internet connection is open. Hide/Show/Quit: Standard Hide, show and quit options. 2. The File menu enables you to close the f
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The Edit Menu 4. The View Menu contains the video related commands. Scheduled Recordings: Open the scheduled recordings window. Enables timed recordings. Log Window: The log window contains a report for each finished or aborted scheduled recording. TV Window: Displays the live TV window TV Window Size: Contains 3 pre-defined sizes, quarter, half and full size. The Full Screen option will hide all other applications and display the video in full screen mode. Controller: Displays the onscreen co
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The View Menu 5. The Window menu contains a shortcut to the full screen mode (Zoom) and enables you to switch between open windows. 6. The Help menu contains a link to the Miglia supportweb page and allows to open this manual. II. AlchemyTV DVR Onscreen controller Technical Channel name Channel Volume level Video Input List Channel list Channel up/down Volume up/down Record Video Snapshot Extended menu AlchemyTV DVR™ User Guide Page 18