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Service Training
"Customer Satisfaction Through Knowledge"
LEBANON, TN 37087 "In Touch With Tomorrow"
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INTRODUCTION 1. This book supplements video tape NTDVT006, Toshiba DVD Servicing. It covers the mechanical disassembly and reassembly of a DVD player, and how to CONTENTS diagnose a problem to the board level. For more detailed information and drawings refer INTRODUCTION ............................................ 1 to service manual 810-9601. For connector DISASSEMBLY ............................................... 1 locations and pin identification, refer to the LASER DISASSEMBLY ..........
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the 2 self tapping screws on the back panel. 21. Remove the 4 screws holding the power 7. Remove the top portion of the shield and set supply. it aside. 22. Lift the power supply board out of the cabi- 8. Unclip the wires leading to the power supply. net. 9. Lift the main board and remove the bottom 23. Remove the 3 screws holding the laser me- portion of the shield. Then rest the main chanical assembly. board in the built-in holders. 24. Lift the assembly out of the cabinet. 10. Align the notch
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7. Retract the 2 screws on either side of the LASER REASSEMBLY motor pulley. 8. Turn the mechanical assembly over and 1. Start the laser reassembly by reinstalling the release the 3 tabs holding the loading motor feed motor. Be sure the red wire is attached PC board. to the number 2 terminal, and the black wire 9. Lift the pc board out of the mechanical to the number 1 terminal. assembly and gently detach the flex cable. 2. Push the feed motor gear onto the shaft of the 10. The laser slide asse
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portion of the lever. 4. Replace the laser mechanical assembly. 11. Push the slider back and forth to confirm the 5. Replace the power supply. operation of the opening and closing gears. 6. Place the main board in the service position 12. Replace the 2 screws holding the loading and connect all of the flex cables. motor in place. 7. Remove the solder from the shorting pad. 13. Replace the loading belt. 8. Install the disc clamp and the cross bar. 14. Slide the lift assembly into place, and repla
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left and right analog audio. In the right 4. Recheck the dc voltages on pins 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, position you get left and right analog audio 7, 8, 12, 13, and 14. and no AC-3 audio. If you change the position 5. If the voltages are still improper or missing of the audio selector switch, you must cycle there is a problem with the power supply. the power so the change is recognized by the However, if the voltages are normal the power microprocessor. supply is alright, and there is most likely a 5. Be
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tween the 2 boards occur during low transi- volts peak to peak. tions. 3. Clean the objective lens with a cotton swab 4. Using pin 7 as the reference, monitor the and alcohol if the signal is low. clock signal on pin 6 of CN602. There are 4. Recheck the RF signal, and if it is still low eleven negative clock pulses during 1 low replace the laser slide assembly. cycle of the FSTBX signal. 5. Another way to check the power of the laser 5. Check the DSPSO signal on pin 5 of CN602. is with a laser
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to check the operation of the signal. If the unloaded. signal is missing or improper, the main board 12. For problems associated with the feed motor is most likely at fault. or the spindle motor check the signals on 4. Play a CD and check the tracking error signal connector CN502. at TP507 13. Check the feed motor drive signals at pins 1 5. Check for a focus or tracking problem at pins and 2 of CN502. They are easiest to see 1, 2, 3, and 4 of CN501. These are the focus when the power is cycle
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attempt at the drive signal coming on. color difference outputs on the back of the 20. Check the feedback from the spindle motor player. hall switches by monitoring pins 9 through 13 3. Connect channel 1 of the scope to the lumi- and pin 15 while cycling power and playing a nance output on pin 1 of CN302. disc in times 8 scan. 4. Connect channel 2 of the scope to the Cr 21. Check the spindle motor hall switches manu- signal output on pin 3, and ensure it is in sync ally by rotating the spindle m
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CN801 CN302 CN501 1 NC 1 Y/R OUT 1 T+ 2 EVER 5V 2 GND 2 F+ 3 POWER ON 3 Cr OUT 3 F- 4 +5V 4 GND 4 T- 5 +9V 5 Cb OUT 5 CDPD 6 +8V 6 GND 6 GND 7 +5V 7 NT/RGBX 7 LD 8 +3V 8 GND 8 MON 9 GND 9 VOR CN602 10 GND 10 FO 1 DSP - RESET 11 GND 11 EO 2 EVER 5V 12 -24V 12 AO 3 GND 13 F- 13 BO 4 DSPSI 14 F+ 14 CO 5 DSPSO 15 DO 6 DSPCK 16 RFP 7 FSTBX 17 RFN CN502 8 -24V 18 GND 1 FMP 9 F+ 19 VCC 2 FMN 10 F- 20 VREF 3 ADL 21 LAYER 4 GND 5 HO2N 6 HO1N CN503 7 HO1P 1 LDMN 8 HO2P 2 LDMP 9 V+ 3 TCLS 10 W+ 4 TCPN 11 U