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Issue 1.0
DV29 DVD Player
B Bringing music & mo ringing music & mov vies to life ies to life
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DV29 Contents List Circuit Description Power Supply L959AY ! CCT diagram ! Component layout diagram ! Parts list Main Board L971AY ! CCT diagram ! Component layout diagram ! Parts list Display Board L972AY ! CCT diagram ! Component layout diagram ! Parts list Transformers ! L924TX ! L925TX ! L931TX Mechanical Assembly ! Mechanical and packing part list
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FMJ Dv29 Circuit description. Overview Fig 1 PSU clock control and IC305 line status The DV29 is effectively a no compromise version both electronically and mechanically of the DV79. Fs PSUFS1 PSUFS0 PSUCLK Frequency Pin 11 Pin 12 Output Pin 5 The player is based around acclaimed Zoran Vaddis select IC305a IC305a of IC305a 44.1 kHz 0 0 44.1 kHz V chipset coupled to high specification Wolfson D to A 48 kHz 0 0 48 kHz converters for all six audio output channe
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The DV29 uses a separate isolated Toroid transformer Main Board electronics and Rectification stages based around Bridge rectifiers DBR1000 and DBR1001 and bulk smoothing caps Zoran Vaddis V. C1048 and C1049 to supply the Analogue stages the smoothed D.C output from this stage is fed L1013 (+) The main processor/control chip on the main board is the and L1015 (-). Zoran Vaddis V at location IC202, this is the latest incarnation of the very popular Vaddis range of processors Regulat
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Display Board interface Flash/ SDRAM The display board interface is on the 16 way FFC flexi IC203 is a 64Mbit (32 bit x 2Meg) SDRAM. It runs at foil connector at location CON202. Power for the 135MHz display also travels on the connector. There are 4 – wires to interface with the VFD driver chip these are IC205 is a 16Mbit (16 bit x 1Meg) intel type flash IC for seen as. program storage (Player software). o XFPDIN - Data to the display board The flash interfaces to the Vaddis V
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Fig 3. GPIO control signals from the Vaddis V Clock Buffer IC301 us used to buffer the audio master clock. The circuit Single Name I/P-O/P Function Control PSU Clock PSUFSO-1 Output is arranged so that each device that requires the audio divider master clock has it’s own driver these are seen as. SCART control High ENABLE_AV Output in normal operation o MCLK_DAC0 - Pin 18 and low in standby o MCLK_DAC1 – Pin 16 Scart 16/9 16/9 Output anamorphic control o MCL
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Left and Right channel D to A stages The six analogue output signals are seen as. The Wolfson WM8740 stereo DAC requires +5V(A) and a +3V3 supply along with the Digital Audio data o DAC_A = Composite lines already described in this guide. o DAC_B = SVID Y o DAC_C = SVID C The Left channel output only will be described in this o DAC_D = Y or Green o DAC_E = U or Blue section as all audio output stages are the identical (all six channels of a DV79) apart from the HDCD gain o DAC_F = V
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HDMI output stage Please note: Due to the plug and play nature of the TMDS (Transistion Minimised Differential Signalling) this HDMI/DVI interface, if presented with a reported no consists of a clock signal (TXC+/TXC-) and 3 data HDMI problem it is worth checking all set-up signals (TX0+/TX0-, TX1+/TX1- and TX2+/TX2-). parameters of both the DVD player and the All signals are differential and use current switching Plasma/Projector in use before performing component techniques therefor
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Comms and Final video output stage The signals from the main board travel up to the Comms board on connector CON902. The Video signals simply travel via an A-C coupling net before exiting the player via the RCA-phono SKT902 SKT903 sockets at locations and . The RS232 interface is on 9 way “D” type CON900, with IC900 providing the level translation and static protection between the RS232 levels and the 3.3V CON900 CMOS levels required by the VADDIS V, also supplies a +5V Status
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SW2A SDDFC30400 DGND VP5V SKT1 BULGIN 1 TX1 SH1 PX0580 Small Toroidal Mains NF L924TX EMC Shield D1 R1 DZ2 R6 115V 22K BZX79C C1 C3 FHLDR1 5 2KBP02 6K8 0W25 10V 3N3 20mm HLDR C29 0W25 NF D5 MF DO-35 N 250V 2 22UF MF C5 CER AC_PRES* 63V 115V 230V FS1 T315mA E L1 3 DZ3 YK NF 250U SW1 BZX79C S504 1N4148 L 18-000-0019 6 C8 3V3 C31 C27 C28 DO-35 C2 C4 100N DO-35 22UF 1000UF 1000UF 115V VN13V5_F1 3N3 FHLDR2 100V TR2 63V 63V 63V NF 250V 20mm HLDR MKS2 YK YK YK CER 4 DZ1 FS2 T315mA L2 BZX79C DZ4 C30 DGN
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DV29 DVD player PSU board L959AY issue 1.1.1 Designator Part Description C1 2J410 Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N C2 2J410 Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N C3 2J410 Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N C4 2J410 Capacitor SM 0805 X7R Ceramic 10% 50V 100N C5 2MA610 Capacitor Surface Mount Electrolytic 10UF 50V 6.3 X 4.5MM C6 2MA610 Capacitor Surface Mount Electrolytic 10UF 50V 6.3 X 4.5MM C7 2MA610 Capacitor Surface Mount Electrolytic 10UF 50V 6.3 X 4.5MM C8 2L210 Capaci
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L967C10 L971C10.Sch PSUCLK POWER AC_PRES* AC_PRES* SHEET 10 L967C4 NOTES ON PCB VARIANTS L967C2 L971C4.Sch L971C2.sch SCART_LEFT AC_PRES* SCART_LEFT GAIN_SCALING SCART_RIGHT GAIN_SCALING GAIN_SCALING SCART_RIGHT RESET* RESET* RESET* MD Part number L971AY L974AY L973AY MD MD MC MC MC ML_8740_0 Product DV29 DV79 DV75 ML_8740_0 ML_8740_0 ML_8740_1 ML_8740_1 ML_8740_2 Audio output channels 6 6 2 ML_8740_2 DAC L&R L967C3 AUX PSU fitted YES NO NO L971C3.Sch SHEET 4 FSEL0 PSUCLK Precision parts on comp
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+3V3D L200 120R@100MHz VDDP_A P271 FRONT PANEL RESET +1V8D L201 120R@100MHz +3V3D P273 CON202 VDD_PLL 1 2 FPDOUT 3 XFPCLK IC201 4 XFPSEL 5 C207 XFPDIN 6 REM_BUS_P PWR_ON_RESET* P239 REM_BUS_P RST 7 IRRCV 100N 8 +5V_DISPLAY 16V 9 0603 10 LM809M3-2.63 11 SOT-23 C208 C210 C248 C250 12 13 DGND +1V8D +3V3D 100N 100N 10UF 10UF 14 REM_BUS_N -9V_OUT -13V5_OUT -19V_OUT 16V 16V REM_BUS_N 50V 50V 15 +3V3D +3V3D 0603 0603 YK YK 16 +3V3D CONFIGURATION LINKS DV75 R203 4K7 DGND DGND MOLEX 52806 DGND 0805 P205
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CLOCK GENERATOR R302 AUDIO CLOCK BUFFER P325 MCLK_DAC0 REG300 75R 0603 +5VD LM1086CS-3.3 Audio master clock frequency for different sample +3V3PLL CLOCK DIVIDER +3V3 R303 rates P326 MCLK_DAC1 C303 C302 C342 C306 C311 C308 75R 0603 Fs Master clock frequency IC301A 100UF FSEL1..0 100N 100N 100N 100N 100N TO-263 1 OE R304 44.1kHz 11.2896MHz (256 x Fs) 00 10V 16V 16V 16V 16V 16V 18 P318 P327 Y0 MCLK_DAC2 48kHz 12.288MHz (256 x Fs) 01
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+12VA Audio outputs are inverted so as to be compatible with OUTPUT BUFFER DV88. This is compenstaed for in software by setting a Gain of -2.2 for HDCD, otherwise -1.1 register in the DAC to invert the signal D400 Cheapo version could have bipolar op-amp, but without feedback round coupling cap R420 BAT54S SOT-23 11K 0W125 0805 FILTER 2nd order Bessel filter, Av=1 -12VA R400 R408 P408 C434 R422 33P 1M0 680R C424 3K3 C426 R402 C430 IC400B 100V 0W125 0W125 0W125 2N2 3K3 680P 5 IC401B 0805 0805
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Audio outputs are inverted so as to be compatible with +12VA DV88. This is compenstaed for in software by setting a ALL PARTS ON THIS SHEET ARE NOT FITTED FOR DV75 register in the DAC to invert the signal OUTPUT BUFFER Gain of -1.1 D500 Cheapo version could have bipolar op-amp, but without feedback round coupling cap BAT54S R516 SOT-23 11K 0W125 0805 FILTER 2nd order Bessel filter, Av=1 -12VA R500 R508 P507 C530 R518 P518 33P 1M0 680R C520 3K3 C522 R502 C526 IC500B 100V 0W125 0W125 0W125 2N2
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+12VA Audio outputs are inverted so as to be compatible with DV88. This is compenstaed for in software by setting a OUTPUT BUFFER register in the DAC to invert the signal Gain of -1.1 ALL PARTS ON THIS SHEET ARE NOT FITTED FOR DV75 D600 Cheapo version could have bipolar op-amp, but without feedback round coupling cap R616 BAT54S SOT-23 11K 0W125 0805 FILTER 2nd order Bessel filter, Av=1 -12VA R600 R608 P607 C630 R618 P618 33P 1M0 680R C620 3K3 C622 R602 C626 IC600B 100V 0W125 0W125 0W125 2N2
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SCART_RIGHT AUDIO SCART_LEFT C800 C801 47P 47P 100V 100V R800 0805 0805 0R0 DGND 0W125 0805 SCART_BLUE SCART_GREEN VIDEO SCART_RED SCART_COMPOSITE SCART OUTPUT C802 C803 C804 C805 47P 47P 47P 47P 100V 100V 100V 100V 0805 0805 0805 0805 SKT800 SCART_RIGHT 1 DGND 2 SCART_LEFT 3 SCART_AGND 4 5 6 SCART_BLUE 7 0/6/12 8 9 SCART control signals 10 SCART_GREEN 11 ENABLE_AV: 0 in when standby mode, 1 when on 12 (3V3 levels) 13 (RGB_STAT is supposed to be >1V when driving 75R) 14 SCART_RED 15 16/9: 0 whe
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DGND M3 R/A PCB FIXING BRACKETS SH1000 ITEM1002 ITEM1003 C1008 1 ITEM1004 ITEM1005 DISPLAY BOARD SUPPLIES 4 1 4 1 100N 4 1 4 1 50V 0805 3 2 3 2 L1006 L1009 P1024 P1007 EMC CAN -19V 3 2 3 2 NF NOT FITTED NF 120R@100MHz 120R@100MHz -19V_OUT EMC Shield DGND P1034 C1006 100N EMC_GND FIX1009 FIX1010 FIX1000 FIX1001 FIX1004 FIX1006 Place these near power input 50V 0805 L1004 L1007 P1001 P1022 P1005 P1010 P1031 -9V 1 1 1 1 1 1 C1042 C1043 C1022 C1024 C1026 C1028 120R@100MHz 120R@100MHz -9V_OUT 1N0 1N0