Руководство по эксплуатации Hotpoint HDA787

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Hotpoint HDA787

Устройство: Hotpoint HDA787
Категория: Посудомоечная машина
Производитель: Hotpoint
Размер: 3.04 MB
Добавлено: 8/6/2013
Количество страниц: 16
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Hotpoint HDA787 Руководство по эксплуатации - Online PDF
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Краткое содержание страницы № 1

the best
AirGap 11
Useand Care of
ApplianceRegistration 2
built-in models
CareandCleaning 11
CycleFeatures 4
Detergent,DetergentGuide 6,7
DispenserCups 7
Energy-Saving Tips 2
FrontPanelColorChange 11
Loading 8,9
ModelandSerialNumbers 2
CycleSelection 5
SoilLevel 7
PlateWarmer 5
ProblemSolver 12-14
RepairService 15
SafetyInstructions 3
UserMaintenance Instructions 11
Warranty BackCover

Краткое содержание страницы № 2

Helpus E~~wy-s~vi~gmp~@ Thepowerconsumptionofyour Wrik down themodeland BeforeWingyour dkhwasher, dishwashercanbe minimizedif serialnumbers. readthisbookCarefullye youfollowthesesuggestions: You’ll findthemon a labeljust It is intendedtohelpyouoperate ~ Operatedishwasher onlywhen insidethedishwasherdoor. andmaintainyournewdishwasher fu~l.Letdishesaccumulatein properly. Thesenumbersarealsoonthe dishwasher.Whenyouputin a ConsumerProductOwnership partialload,useRINSEHOLD Keepit handyforanswerstoyou

Краткое содержание страницы № 3

SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS @Keep all washingdetergents $Vm~lG—When using this @Load light plastic items so they will not become dislodged andwettingagentsoutofthe appliance, alwaysexercisebasic reachofchildren,preferablyin and drop to the bottom of the safetyprecautions, includingthe dishwasher—theymight come a lockedcabinet.Observeall following: warningsoncontainerlabelsto into contact with the heating * use this appliance Ody for unit and be damaged. avoidpersonalinjury. ibintendedpMrpose9m you e _~~

Краткое содержание страницы № 4

Howto operate your dishwasher Cycle Indicator Dial Door Latch - (Turn:0 Start) (Lo:ked) d I ~ ForLIGHTWMHcycle: STEP 1. Loadyourdishwasher Estimatedyearlysavings, dependingonyourlocalelectrical withdishes,silverware,pots, a. Be suredooris unlatched. pans,bowls,etc.accordingto rates,areas follows: b. PushNORMALWASHcycle instructionsonpages8 and9. button. ElectricRate (perKwh) I I STEP 2. Adddetergenttothe Estimated LIGHT detergentdispenser.Makesurethe $10.90 YearlySavings W.95 $7.90 CycleIndicato

Краткое содержание страницы № 5

For PLATE WAWER cycle: cyclese~ection hinm RINSEHOLD—Forrinsing It is importantto followtheloading a. Loadcleanplatesanddishesto + instructionsonpages8 and9. partialloadswhichwillbe washed be warmed. later.SelectDRYINGHEAT– = b. SelectDRYINGHEAT–ON P~S &PANS—For itemssuchas OFFdryingoption.Do notwe dryingoption. pots,pans,cookware,dishesand detergent. glasseswithheavysoil. Everyday c. Wavethe door udatched. dishesmaybe included. PLATEWARMER-For warming I cleandishesandservingplatesfor NORMALWASH

Краткое содержание страницы № 6

Gooddishwashing starts showers,giveyourwaterheater timeto rccovcrbef’orc operatingthe with HOT water, dishwasher. T(Jgetdishescleananddry.you TIJimprovewashabilityif’thewdtcr needhotwater.Tohelpyougetwater detergent specificallymadefor is lessthan 120”F andyoucannot ofthe pr~]pcr temperature,your useindishwashers. Othertypes adjustyourwdterheater:Selecta dishwasherautomatically heatsthe willcauseoversudsingo longercycleand fillbothdetergent waterinthewdshcycle.Forgbod cupsat leasthalf-fullwithde

Краткое содержание страницы № 7

Howtoprepare the dishesfor washing 3. Trytoremovefoodscrapsand If thisisyourfirstdishwasher, or u’11 find two detergent ifyou’rereplacinga mucholder plac~dishesindishwashe~before dispenserson theinsidedoorof soilhasa chancetodry andbecome model,youmaywonderhowmuch yourdishwasl~er, Two,because pre-preparation yourdishesneed. hard. Disheswithdried-onsoilare omecyclesusetwowashes. moredifficultto washandmay Actuallyverylittle.Fre-rinsingof notcomecleanintheNORMAL normalfoodsoilsis notnecessary. WAS

Краткое содержание страницы № 8

- — . Thetoprackisbestforglasses,cupsandsaucers.Cups ~is is a randommixedloud,themostcommontypeyou andglassesfitbestalongthe sides.Thisis theplacefor willhave. dishwasher-safe plastics,too.Makesuresmallplastic Makesuredishesareproperlyloadedto insurethat itemsarelodgedin tightlyso theycan’tfallontothe watercanreachthe soiledsurfaces.Thewasharmin the Calrod”heatingunit. bottomsprayswaterup. Thetowerthatrisesin the centersendswateroutoverthedishestowashtheitems in theupperrack. I Saucepans, mixing

Краткое содержание страницы № 9

Fitplatesandsaucersbetweenthepins.Loadplatters, Heavilysoiledpots,pansandcasserolesMUSTbe - potsandbowlsalongthe sides,in comersor inthe loadedinthebottomrack, facingdown.Propthebroiler —- back. panandrackalongtheedge.Shallowitemsmaybe — —- — angledprovidedthelowersidedoesnotshieldthe soiled — - surfaceinsidefromthewater. -- - - . ma- -. -= - —– — - I i;- a - -—. —. —- — — — —– - — - - w. —. — ~ —— - ~ — ml Put flatwarein the removablesilverwarebasketwith Takeoutanythingthatmightfallor extendthr

Краткое содержание страницы № 10

what youcan usually wash safelyin your dishwasher. And what youcan’t. usually Material Safe Exceptions (not safe) Special Instructions YES Some darkeningor spottingpossible.Removeby Aluminum Somecoloredanodized scouringwithsoap-filled steelwoolpads. aluminumcanfade. YES China/ Antique,metal-trimmed, If indoubt,checkwiththe manuticturer.Or testwash Stoneware hand-painted or over-the-glaze onepiecedailyforat leasta month.Comparewiththe patternsfade. rest oftheset. Goldleafwilldiscolor. Loadsecurel

Краткое содержание страницы № 11

care andcleaning SERNIAINTENANCE The airgapis easyto clean. Howtoprepare your Withmosttypes,firstturnoffthe instructions dkhwasher for winter dishwasher,thenliftoffthechrome sto~e Built-in dkhwashers cover.Thenunscrewtheplasticcap often use an airgap. andcheckforanybuild-upofgrit. If thedishwasheristo beleft Keepit clean. A toothpickmakescleaningeasy. unusedinan unheatedlocation duringthe wintermonths,havea Anair gapisa plumbingdevice. Checktheairgapanytimeyour servicetechniciantakethe Itprotect

Краткое содержание страницы № 12

.....— -.- ., :-:-~—z ...-. .—. ..... ...... ~.. -. ->-’? Questions? ~-— —— .-— — —.— “~-=~y use Thk Problemsolver —. PRoBLE&l POSS~LE CAUSEAND~~DY DISHWASHER A fuseinyourhomemaybe blown,or thecircuitbreakertripped.Replacefuseor reset WON’TRUN circuitbreaker.Removeanyotherappliancesfromthecircuit. UNUSUALNOISE Utensilsmaynotbe secureonrackpins.Or somet~ngsmallmayhavedroppedfrom the rack.Wateris causingutensilstorattle.Makesureeverythingis securelyplaced in dishwasher. DISHESDON’TDRY Makesureinle

Краткое содержание страницы № 13

‘PROBLEM POSSIBLECAUSEANDREMEDY DETERGENTCUP CycleIndicatordialmustbe in OFFpositionforcupto latchproperly.If youunlatch WON’TLA~H thedoorandopenit to dryyourdishes,theCycleIndicatordoesnotadvancetoOFF AFTERADDING byitself. DETERGENT SPOTS.4NDFILhlING Spottingcanbecausedbyallthesethings: ONGLASSESAND Extremelyhardwater.(Seepage6.) FLATWARE Lowinletwatertemperature.(Totest,seepage6.) Overloadingthedishwasher. Improperloading.(Seepages8 and9.) Oldor damppowderdetergent. Phosphatelevelindetergentto

Краткое содержание страницы № 14

FROBLEM POSSIBLECAUSEANDREMEDY CHIPPINGOF CHINA Roughhandlingcancausechipping.Loadwithcare.Makesureglasswareandchinaare secureandcan’tjar loose.(Seepages8 & 9 forcorrectwayto loadglassware.)Makesure till glassesandstemwarewillclearthetopofthetubwhenyoupushtherackintothe dishwasher. Alwaysusethetoprackfordelicateitems. Wateraroundtheoutletonthetubbottomat thebackofthetubis normal.It isclean SMALLAMOUNTOF WATER STANDING water.It’stheretokeepthewaterseallubricated. IN THEBOT~M OF THETUB WATER WON’T

Краткое содержание страницы № 15

If YouNeed service Toobtainservice,seeyourwarranty onthebackpageofthisbook. We’reproudofour serviceand wantyouto bepleased,If forsome reasonyouarenothappywiththe serviceyoureceive,herearethree stepsto followforfirther help. FIRST,contactthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance.Explain whyyouarenotpleased.In most - - cases,thiswillsolvetheproblem. - NEXT,if youarestillnotpleased, mf- writeallthe details-including yourphonenumber—to: Manager,ConsumerRelations - Hotpoint AppliancePark Louisville,Kentucky

Краткое содержание страницы № 16

— .— YOURHOTPOINTDISHWASHER WARRANTY Save proof of original purchase date such as your sales slip or cancelled check to establish warranty period, 4 — FULL ONE-YEARWARRANTY This warranty is extended to WHAT Is COVERED ( the original purchaser and any Forone year from date of original succeeding owner for products purchase, we will provide, free of purchased for ordinary home use charge, parts and service labor in the 48 mainland states, Hawaii in your home to repair or replace and Washington, D.

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