Руководство по эксплуатации Hotpoint HDA795

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Hotpoint HDA795

Устройство: Hotpoint HDA795
Категория: Посудомоечная машина
Производитель: Hotpoint
Размер: 3.11 MB
Добавлено: 8/6/2013
Количество страниц: 16
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Краткое содержание
Краткое содержание страницы № 1

Use andCare of
Btit-inModel HDA795
Energy-saving tips
How tooperate
Loaded right,

dishes getcleaner
4 What isdishwasher safe?p10
Save tie andmoney
Before youcallforservice,
usetheProblem Solver p12
TheGEAns}ver Cent;~

Краткое содержание страницы № 2

HelpUS Contenti helpyous•• A Writedownthemodeland Readthisbook carefully Howtooperate . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Q4 serialnumbers. Itwillhelpyou operate and Good dishwashingstarts maintainyour newdishwasher You>llfind them on a label just with HOTwater . . . . . . . . . . . ...6 properly. insidethe door. lIOWto test water ,. . ...00. ● *.*6 e Keepit handy for answersto your Thesenumbers are also on the Using arinseagent . . . . . . . . . ...6 questions. ConsumerProduct Ownership RegistrationCard

Краткое содержание страницы № 3

MPORTANT SAFETYINSTRUCTIONS Readallinstructions beforeusingthisappliance WARNING—When usingthis ● Useonly detergentsor wetting o Do not abuse, sit on, or stand on the door or dish rack of the appliance,alwaysexercisebasic agentsrecommendedfor usein a dishwasher. dishwasher. ~afety ~rec;iutions,includingthe -Oiiowing: * Do not washplasticitemsunless @Closesupervisionis necessary marked 6(dishwasher safe” or the if this applianceis usedby or near * Use thisapplianceonlyfor its equivalent.For plast

Краткое содержание страницы № 4

DoorLatch CycleIndicatorDial HOW tOoperateyOu~ dishwasher (Locked) (Turnto start) r r A W[H ml DRYING NEAT XRIJB CVCI[ @ ● For LIGHTWASHcycle STEP1. Load your dishwasher STEP4. Selectthe desiredwash with dishes, silverware,pots, pans, cycleand start the dishwasher. LIGHT WAS If your dishwasherdrainsinto a bowls,etc. accordingto instruc- , RINSE %?!Mc HOLO ~:~ food wastedisposer,operate the tions on pages8-9. ON ❑ OFF ❑ disposeruntil it is emptybefore STEP2. Add detergentto the starting the dishw

Краткое содержание страницы № 5

Cycleselectionhints POWER SCRUBCYCLE– LIGHT WASH— For itemssuch as pots, pans and For dishesthat havebeenpre- casseroleswith dried-on or baked- rinseii before loading. Also, for on soils. Everydaydishesmaybe washingverylightlysoileddishes included. “ - with soilsthat havenot driedon. a is im~ortant to followthe RINSE HOLD— loadinginstructionson pages8 For rinsingpartial loads whichwill and 9. be washedlater.Do not use detergent. NORMAL CYCLE— For most loads of everydaydishes, glassesand cookware

Краткое содержание страницы № 6

How to chooseanduse Gooddishwashing Youcanhelpprevent detergent. startswithHOTwater. spottingwitha rinse agent. First,useonly detergentspecifi- Toget dishescleanand dry you A rinseagentmakes water flowoff callymadefor usein dishwashers. needhot water.To help you get dishesquickerthan usual. This water f~fthe proper temperature, lessenswaterspotting. Makesdry- Othertypeswillcauseover-sudsing. your ~otpoint dishwasherauto- ing faster,too. o maticallysensesthe temperature Second,checkthe phosphate

Краткое содержание страницы № 7

Whatyoucan ~ leaveon dishes. — AndwhatyoushouIdn9t. If yourdetergentgetsold or If this isyour first dishwasher,or if 3. Tryto removefood scrapsand lumpy,throwit away.It won’t you’rereplacinga much older placedishesin dishwasherbefore ash we~.Old detergentlosesits model, you may wonderhow soilhas a chanceto dry and ower.Lumpy detergentoften much pre-preparationyour dishes becomehard. Disheswithdried-on @ won’tdissolve. need. Actuallyverylittle.Pre- soilare more difficultto washand rinsingof norma

Краткое содержание страницы № 8

; !, Loadedtight,dishesgetcleaner. .! ,, / 1/ DONOTBLOCKTHISAREAOR LOADTALLTHINGSNEXTTOIT. How to loadtheTOPMCK m — . 8 —

Краткое содержание страницы № 9

How to load theBOTTOMRACK. —

Краткое содержание страницы № 10

Whatyou canusuaflywmhsafelyinyourdkhwasher. Andlwhatyou can’t. YES Somecoloredanodized Somedarkening or spottingpossible. Remove byscouring ,*lur.linum withsoap-filled steelwoolpads. aluminum canfade. If indoubt,checkwiththemanufacturer. Ortestwashone China/ YES Antique,metaltrimmed, hand-painted orover-the-glaze piecedailyforat leasta month,Comparewiththerestof Stoneware patternsfade. theset. Gold-leaf willdiscolor. YES Antique,metal-trimmed, or Loadsecurely to preventmovement. Crystal hand-pai

Краткое содержание страницы № 11

[instructions UserMaintenance How to prepare your Tokeepyourdishwasher Buflt-indishwashers dishwasher for winter lookinggood . . . oftenuseanairgap. E storage -— KWp!t clean. ~.. If the dishwasheris to be left DO NOT USE ABRASIVES, - n ar gap is a plumbingdevice.It m unused in an unheated location SHARP OBJECTS, SCOURING ProtectsYourdishwasheragainst duringthe wintermonths, have a PADS, HARSH OR GRITTY water backingup into it if a drain servicetechniciantake the follow- CLEANSERSON ANY PART clog

Краткое содержание страницы № 12

ToSaveTimeandMoney— beforeyoucalllfor service, checkthe ProblemSolver If you havea problem, it maybe minor. Youmaybe able to correct it yourself.Just use this Problem Solverto locateyour problem and then followthe suggested recommendations. The Problemsolver PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE AND REMEDY DISHWASHER WON’T A fuse in your home maybe blown, or the circuit breaker tripped. Replace fuse or reset circuitbreaker. Removeany other appliancesfrom the circuit. RUN UNUSUAL NOISE Utensilsmay not be secure

Краткое содержание страницы № 13

.. . . —. I -—..-,..———— ~~~~RGENT LEFT IN Water may ~~ot be reachingthe detergent cups. Move dishesthat may be l>IS;.’’ZNSER CUPS blockingdetergentcup. The dispensercover may not be opening or may be blocked by improperly loaded items. Open the cup and remove any caked-on detergent. If the cup stilldoesn’t open automatically,call for service. Detergentmay be old. If it’s hard or caked in the box, throw it away.The detergentmay not be workingwell.Try another brand. —— Spottingcan be causedby all

Краткое содержание страницы № 14

TheProblemSolver(continued) POSSIBLE CAUSEAND REMEDY PROBLEM Teaor coffee can stain cups. Removethe stains by hand, usinga solution of 1/2 cup bleachand 3 cupswarm water. An overallyellowor brown film on dishesor glasswarecan be causedby iron depositsin water.A specialfilter in the water supplyline is the only way to correct thisproblem. Yourwater softener company can tellyou about the filter. Yellowfilmon sterlingsilverresultswhen you wash copper utensilsin the same load. Silverpolish willusual

Краткое содержание страницы № 15

r Consumer Services —. i At Hotpoint we’re committed to providing you with the best appliances we know how to build andwe know that you want your appliancesto giveyou manyyearsof dependable service. m. Our ConsumerServicesare designedwith your needsand wants in mind. -w .w.– .— m= ~— - .r WarrantyProtection Seethe warrantyon the back pageof this bookfor ~“ Yournewapplianceis a well designedand engineered - details. product. Beforeit left the factory, it went through m . rigoroustests to detect m

Краткое содержание страницы № 16

%* 4* ●H.-”= — ., —— ~ YOURHOTPOINTAUTOMATICDISHWASHER , , ,“ *.. v ------- - —— --— — WARRANTY-~~S -,= Ii II ‘,< IIg:; Saveproofof originalpurchasedatesuchas yoursalesslip or cancelledcheckto establishwarral~ty period. ..-== Jimx —.. -.—.—.,.. .— ,-—.-,.. .... . .......____ .. ..________ _. . _ _._. __ __.——— —-— . . . . ..- . . ... —-.— —— -..— . .. .........___ ._ —._-___-_Tu.-G=Gsu-zv 7_ne._ —..—.——. - .—. -.,.... : . . . . . . . ..--- ..-—. .—— This warranty is extended to the WHAT Is COVER

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