Руководство по эксплуатации Hotpoint HDA 477

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Hotpoint HDA 477

Устройство: Hotpoint HDA 477
Категория: Посудомоечная машина
Производитель: Hotpoint
Размер: 3.13 MB
Добавлено: 11/10/2014
Количество страниц: 16
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Краткое содержание страницы № 1

How to operate
yourdishwmher p4
baded right,
dishes getcleaner p8
Whatisdishwmher safe?p10
Save timeandmoney.
Before yourequest service,
usetheProblem Solver. p12

Краткое содержание страницы № 2

l{y~~~~ ~,@~y~g~l%e Enodel 2Bd serial Inunlbers [tis intendedto helpyouoperate indmaintainyournewdishwasher You’ll findthemona labeljust ?roperly. insidethedishwasherdoor. Thesenumbersarealsoonthe 1 Keepit handyforanswerstoyour ConsumerProductOwnership ( ~uestions. RegistrationCardthatcomeswith yourdishwasher.Beforesendingin [fyoudon’tunderstandsomething thiscard,pleasewritethese orneedmorehelp. . .Call,tollfree: numbershere: rhe GE AnswerCenter’” 300$626.2000 :onsumerinformationservice ModelNum

Краткое содержание страницы № 3

. .— .- MPORTNT S~ETY mSTRUCTIONS Read all imtructiom before wing thk appliance. e. @-ROGEN GASis WM”mG—When using this Totiihe thepossibility of’ produced by the chemicalaction appli:mce,alwaysexercise basic inju~. within your waterheater. It can safetyprecautions, including the o When loading items to be following: accumulatein the water hea~r washed: and/or water pipes if hot water @Use this applianceody for A. Locate sharp items so that has not been used for a period itshtended purpse~ asyou

Краткое содержание страницы № 4

z%o~~ tooperate yourdishwasher a DoorLatch CycleIndicatorDial ~ ~urn to Start) (Locked) - / / / / / / ● r DflYINo DfNlffi nw flu? soundinsulated m~ on OfF D “;;@~::b 0, \ k @ForLIGHT’ WASHcycle: STEP1. Loadyourdishwasher Estimatedyearlysavings, withdishes,silverware,pots, dependingon yourlocalelectrical a. Be suredooris unlatched. rates,areas follows: pans,bowls,etc.accordingto instructionsonpages8 and9. LIGHTWASHS Electric Rate (perKwh) $ .11 $.05 $ .08 STEP2. Adddetergenttothe ON❑ * .- Estimat

Краткое содержание страницы № 5

& -- * ForPLATEWAMER cycle: cycle selectionhink ——— - RINSEHOLD—Forrinsing It is importanttofollowtheloading a. Loadcleanplatesanddishesto partialloadswhichwillbe washed instructionsonpages8 and9. b: warmed. later.SelectDRYINGHEAT– ~ ~electDRYINGHEAT–ON .- NORMALWASH—For most OFF dryingoption.Do notuse dryingoption. loadsofeverydaydishes,glasses detergent. andcookwarewithmediumsoils. c. Leavethe door unlatched. PLATEWARMER-For warming LIGHTWASH—For dishes cleandishesandservingplatesfor thathaveb

Краткое содержание страницы № 6

How tochoose and use Help pre%’ent spotting the right dete~ent. with a rime agent. with HOT water. First,useonlydetergent Sc~\~e waterheaterthermostatsare A rinseagentmakeswaterflowoff specifical~y madeforusein dishesquickerthanusual.This Seingsetat lessthan 140”F. at the dishwashers. Othertypeswill factory.Also,watertravelingalong lessenswaterspotting.Makes dryingfaster,too. causeoversutilng. distancefromheaterto dishwasher canloseheatbeforeit reachesthe Forbestdishwashing Second,checkthephosph

Краткое содержание страницы № 7

-. - what you can leavein dishes. -- And what you shouldn’t. ITytur detergentgetsoldor If thisis yourfirstdishwasher,or if 3. Trytoremovefoodscrapsand imf~l~y, throwit away.It won’t you’rereplacinga mucholder placedishesin dishwasherbefore --- soilhasa chancetodry andbecome washwell. Olddetergentlosesits model,youmaywonderhowmuch power.Lumpydetergentoften pre-preparation yourdishesneed. hard. Disheswithdried-onsoilare moredifficultto washandmay won’tdissolve. Actuallyverylittle.Pre-rinsingof nor

Краткое содержание страницы № 8

Howtoloadthe TOPRACI< Thetoprackisbestforglasses,cupsandsaucers. ~zisisa random retiedload,themostcornrnon we Cupsandglassesfitbestalongthesides.Thisisthe youwillhtive. placefordishwasher-safe plastics,too.Makesure Makesuredishesareproperly loaded toinsurehat smallplasticitemsarelodgedintightlysotheycan’t watercanreachthe sotiedsurfaces. Thewasharmin fdl ontotheCalrod? heatingunit. thebottomsprayswaterup.The towerthatrisesin the cent~rsendswateroutoverthedishestowashthe itemsintheupperrack. I —

Краткое содержание страницы № 9

Heavilysoiledpofi,pansandcasseroles MUST be. Fitplatesandsaucersbetweenthepins.Load - loadedin @ebottomrack, ficipgdown”. Propthe pla~ers,potsandbowlsalongtheides, @corners or in theback. brpilerpanandrackalongtheedge.Shallowitems maybe angledprovidedthelowersidedoesnotshield thesoiledsurfaceinsidefromthewater. ‘ ,. ,, withthesilverwareontop. 9 ,...., .-.

Краткое содержание страницы № 10

sDecialInstructions Exceptions (notsafe) Somedarkeningor spottingpossible.Remove by YES Somecoloredanodized scouringwithsoau-filledsteelwoolpads. aluminumcanfade. YES Antique,metal-trimmed, If indoubt,checkwiththemanufacturer. Or testwash hand-painted or over-the-glaze onepiecedailyforat leasta month.Comparewiththe patternsfade. rest oftheset. Goldleafwilldiscolor. Loadsecurelyto preventmovement. Antique,metal-trimmed or crystal YES hand-painted patternsfade. Goicileafwilldiscolor. Do notwashind

Краткое содержание страницы № 11

Bwilf”indishwashers The air gap iseasytoclean. The inside usually takes care often use anair gap. Withmosttypes,firstturnoffthe of itself. If it should everneed dishwasher,thenliftoffthechrome cleaning,use a mildcleansing I{?epit Cleaal. cover.Thenunscrewtheplastic powder.Scouringpadsandharsh .~nair gapis a plumbing device. capandcheckforanybuild-up cleanerscanmarthefinish. It protects your dishwasher against ofgrit. A toothpickmakes water backing up into it if a drain cleaningeasy. How h prepar

Краткое содержание страницы № 12

Beforeyou cdl for service, chwk the Roblem Solver. \ If you have a problem, it maybe minor. Youmaybe abletocorrect ityourself.JustusethisProblem Solverto locateyourproblemand thenfollowthesuggested recommendations. POSS~LE CAUSEANDREMEDY PROBLEM DISHWASHER A fuseinyourhomemaybe blown,or thecircuitbreakertripped.Replacefise or reset WON’TRUN circuitbreaker.Removeanyotherappliancesfromthecircuit. UNUSUALNOISE e Utensilsmaynotbe secureonrackpins.Or somethingsmallmayhavedropp@from the rack. Wateris

Краткое содержание страницы № 13

Spottingcanbe causedbyallthesethings: SP~ ANDFILMING ON GLASSESAND Extremelyhardwater.(Seepage6.) FLATWARE Lowinletwatertemperature.(Totest, seepage6.) Overloadingthedishwasher. Improperloading.(Seepages8-9.) Oldor dampdetergent. Phosphatelevelin detergenttoolow.(Seepage6.) Toolittledetergent.(Seepage6.) Duetovaryinglocalwaterconditionsandpersonalpreferences,try severalbrands ofdetergentsto findonethatgivesthebestresultsforyou. Toremoveseverespotsandfilmfromglassware: 1. Removeall metalutensilsf

Краткое содержание страницы № 14

PROBLEM POSSIBLECAUSEANDm~DY CHIPPINGOF CHINA Roughhandlingcancausechipping.Loadwithcare. Makesureglasswareandchinaare secureandcan’tjar loose.(Seepages8 & 9 forcorrectwayto loadglassware. ) Makesure tallglassesand stemwarewillclearthe topofthetub whenyoupushtherackintothe dishwasher. Alwaysusethe toprackfordelicateitems. SMALLAMOUNTOF Wateraroundtheoutletonthetubbottomat thebackofthetubis normal.It is clean WATERSTANDING water.It’sthereto keepthewaterseallubricated. IN THEBOT~M OF THE TUB WATER

Краткое содержание страницы № 15

~~+—--- ConsumerSertices —. ___ Our Consumer Servicesare designedwith your needs and wants in mind. WarrantyProtection Beforeyour newappliance left the factory, it went And you have a written warranty to protect you. Seethe through rigoroustests to detect manufacturing defects. warranty on the back page of this book for details. ConvenientService FIRST, contact the peoplewho servicedyour appliance. Whether your applianceis in or out of warranty,you’re just a phone callaway from our nationwidenet

Краткое содержание страницы № 16

.. Mg–- Il&;; Save proofof originalpurchasedatesuchasyoursalessliporcancelledchecktoestablishwarrantyperiod. Ii-= Ii-*=~ $ . II ‘WHATIs COVERED FULLONE-YEAR WARRANTY Thiswarrantyis extendedto theoriginalpurchaserandany Foroneyearfromdateof original succeedingownerfor products purchase,wewill provide,freeof purchasedfor ordinaryhomeuse charge,partsandservicelaborin inthe48 mainlandstates,Hawaii yourhometo repairor replaceany andWashington, D.C.InAlaskathe partofthedishwasher thatfails warrantyist

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