Руководство по эксплуатации Electrolux 7.05 Compact

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Electrolux 7.05 Compact

Устройство: Electrolux 7.05 Compact
Категория: Посудомоечная машина
Производитель: Electrolux
Размер: 2.16 MB
Добавлено: 9/21/2014
Количество страниц: 30
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Краткое содержание страницы № 1

EFS - Dishwashing Systems Platform
Electrolux Professional

CONTENTS: This document contains all the parameters and information for programming the electronic boards.
EDITION: 07.2009
Valid for firmware versions:
All the safety regulations and procedures to be followed by the Specialised Technician/Technical Assist-
ance performing electrical, mechanical or electronic maintenance operations

Краткое содержание страницы № 2

Electrolux EFS - Dishwashing Systems Platform Electrolux Professional INDEX A FUNCTION KEYS............................................................................................. Pag. 4 A1 DISPLAY OF AUXILIARY VALUES ................................................................................. Pag. 4 A2 ACCESSING THE USER MENU..................................................................................... Pag. 5 A2.1 EXIT ...........................................................

Краткое содержание страницы № 3

Electrolux EFS - Dishwashing Systems Platform Electrolux Professional INDEX OF FIGURES AND TABLES Figure 1 Menu access keys.............................................................................................................. Pag.4 Figure 2 Accessing current, water volumes and levels display mode.............................................. Pag.4 Figure 3 Accessing the USER MENU .............................................................................................. Pag.6 Figure 5

Краткое содержание страницы № 4

Electrolux EFS - Dishwashing Systems Platform Electrolux Professional A FUNCTION KEYS BUTTONS USED A B C D E Figure 1 Menu access keys A1 DISPLAY OF AUXILIARY VALUES From the normal machine operation mode it is possible to see several screens not accessible to the user. These screens give various machine values, and are accessed by pressing at the same time the combina- tions of buttons displayed. (Figure ). Figure 2 Accessing current, water volumes and levels display mode DOC. NO. 5956.677.00 P

Краткое содержание страницы № 5

Electrolux EFS - Dishwashing Systems Platform Electrolux Professional Press the Start button - “E” (Figure 1) - and relief blue button - ”D” (Figure 1) - at the same time for a few sec- onds to access the first screen; press the drain button - “A” (Figure 1) - to access the subsequent screens. The following screens are displayed ( in order) : 1 2 3 4 tAn tAN AIG sCp LE GLN LE LE 2.9 6.8 22.1 6.8 Air Gap level Wash tank level Volume of water contained Prewash tank level in the wash tank (signi

Краткое содержание страницы № 6

Electrolux EFS - Dishwashing Systems Platform Electrolux Professional Figure 3 Accessing the USER MENU USr (USER MENU) ESC(EXIT) Con(CONSUMPTION) Figure 4 Consuption menu chart Press the relief blue button (“D” - (Figure 1)) and the drain button (“A” - (Figure 1)) at the same time for several seconds to access the USER MENU. USr ESC The various USER MENU items can be selected by using the drain (“A” - (Figure 1)) and de-lime (“B” - (Figure 1)) buttons. A2.1 EXIT Press the confirm button (“C” - (

Краткое содержание страницы № 7

Electrolux EFS - Dishwashing Systems Platform Electrolux Professional Press Enter to display the resettable counter; in this way the “CONSUMPTION RESET” mode is accessed. nbr 0 itE 0 rES 20 Press the confirm button again to reset the resettable rack counter. The rack counter is reset. Press the relief blue button to exit “CONSUMPTION RESET” mode. Use the drain and de-lime buttons to display the screens relevant to (in order): - racks number - rinse time [minutes] - wash time [minutes] - s

Краткое содержание страницы № 8

Electrolux EFS - Dishwashing Systems Platform Electrolux Professional FAC (SERVICE MENU) PAr(PARAMETERS)Inf(INFO) rfC(RINSE CONTROL) GFu RiN tub pRE(*) COM APE (GENERIC (RINSE (WASH (PREWASH (COMUNICATION) (APEX) FUNC.) MODULE) MODULE) MODULE) SUP ADJ SEt tSM (START-UP) (ADJUSTMENT) (SET UP) (TEST) Figure 6 Parameter and function access menu chart (*) Only for prewash machines. Press the relief blue button (“D” - (Figure 1)) and the de-lime button (“B” - (Figure 1)) at the same time for sev- era

Краткое содержание страницы № 9

Electrolux EFS - Dishwashing Systems Platform Electrolux Professional Press the confirm button (“C” - (Figure 1)) to access the first parameter of the GENERIC FUNCTION family. spd Current value 0 Default value 0 Press the relief blue button (“D” - (Figure 1)) to display the GENERIC FUNCTION family again. Use the drain and de-lime buttons to select the other parameters of the GENERIC FUNCTION family. Press the confirm button to edit the selected parameter: the parameter value starts flashing.

Краткое содержание страницы № 10

Electrolux EFS - Dishwashing Systems Platform Electrolux Professional Phase Phase Total Total Water Water Event to evolve to the next Phase Loads duration duration Time Time consumption consumption phase [min,sec] [sec] [sec] [min,sec] (only wash) (with prewash) initial pause Fixed time (3 seconds) 0,03 3,00 3 0,03 load the air gap until the working X The air gap level is equal or 0,000,0030,03 level is reached (to avoid pump higher than the air gap cavitatio

Краткое содержание страницы № 11

Electrolux EFS - Dishwashing Systems Platform Electrolux Professional Phase Phase Total Total Water Water Phase Loads Event to evolve duration duration Time Time consumption consumption [min,sec] [sec] [sec] [min,sec] (only wash) (with prewash) initial pause Fixed time (3 seconds) 0,03 3,00 3 0,03 empty completely the tanks X X The tank are completely emptying 1,19 79,00 82 1,22 The tanks level is equal or higher than 1 load the tanks with fresh water X X X the

Краткое содержание страницы № 12

Electrolux EFS - Dishwashing Systems Platform Electrolux Professional The table given below indicates the delay between transit of the rack on the autorinse lever and stopping of the rinse phase. E.g. in a WT44 working at high speed (200 racks/h) the rinse pump keeps operating for 3 seconds after the last rack has released the autorinse lever. Capacity speed nr. 1 (racks/ Delay speed nr. 1 (sec) Capacity speed nr. 2 (racks/ Delay speed nr. 2 (sec) hour) hour) WT44 100 6 200 3 WT66 100 6 200 3

Краткое содержание страницы № 13

Electrolux EFS - Dishwashing Systems Platform Electrolux Professional The PREWASH MODULE family contains the parameters that identify the prewash module characteristics FAM PrE The PREWASH MODULE / PrE family parameters are described below: Parame- Display Family Parameter Parameter description Unit of Min Max Factory set- ter name visualiza- Nr. Nr. measure ting [for WT44] tion Tank 4 5 Tank temperature set point. °C / °F 5/41 90/ 10/50 Prt temper. 194 Autom. 4 11 Number of racks passing betw

Краткое содержание страницы № 14

Electrolux EFS - Dishwashing Systems Platform Electrolux Professional FAM SUp Use the drain and de-lime buttons to select the other parameter families. Press the blue button (in relief) to return to the display of the Apex family. Press the confirm button ("C" - (Figure 1) to access the first parameter of the subfamily selected. OPM 0 0 Press the blue button (in relief) to return to the display of the subfamily. To move through the parameters and to edit them, use the same procedures indi

Краткое содержание страницы № 15

Electrolux EFS - Dishwashing Systems Platform Electrolux Professional Parameter Display Family Parameter Parameter description Unit of Min Max Factory set- name visualiza- Nr. Nr. measure ting [for WT44] tion 8 0 It indicates the wash tank detergent set ecounits 10 310 27* Detergent dSP point. The default value of the detergent set point set point parameter is based on the combinations of the following “Start-up family” parameters: “Product” (Prd), “Soil level” (SoL) and “Water hardness” (Hrd).

Краткое содержание страницы № 16

Electrolux EFS - Dishwashing Systems Platform Electrolux Professional A3.1.6.4 Setup menu (SEt) The Setup menu contains dispenser configuration settings that are typically not often reset after initial startup of the dispenser. Parameter Display Family Parameter Parameter description Unit of Min Max Factory set- name visualiza- Nr. Nr. measure ting [for WT44] tion 10 0 Detergent Manager monitors the probe -0 1 1 Detergent dtM controlled detergent feed time to reach manager set point. When the de

Краткое содержание страницы № 17

Electrolux EFS - Dishwashing Systems Platform Electrolux Professional The following table shows the default set points for all product groups across all combinations of soil loads and water conditions. It also gives an estimated relation between Ecounits and drops for all product groups. GRP III GRP I GRP II GRP IV GRP V GRP VI (See NOTE below) SOIL LEVEL / Solid Power, Solid T1* = Apex (Power Plus & Ultra) Apex Power Solid Metal Fusion Solid Metal Pro Solid Endurance WATER QUALITY Power w/Gl

Краткое содержание страницы № 18

Electrolux EFS - Dishwashing Systems Platform Electrolux Professional A3.2 INFO Press the confirm button (“C” - (Figure 1)) when the display indicates the INFO item(InF) and the machine firmware (FW) versions will be displayed. USER 705 . WASH + RINSE POWER 701 . PREWASH POWER 701 . Press the confirm button to return to the SERVICE MENU. A3.3 RINSE CONTROL Press the confirm button (“C” - (Figure 1)) when the message rFC appears on the display, and the machine is going to start a rinse flow cont

Краткое содержание страницы № 19

Electrolux EFS - Dishwashing Systems Platform Electrolux Professional Wait about 2 minutes, during which the machine performs a series of air gap filling solenoid valve and rinse pump activations, until the display will show the actual rinse flow: rFC End 1.9 Compare the result obtained with the data given in the table below and if the flow is higher or lower than that indicated in the table, close or open the rinse flow regulating cock and repeat the control cycle until the opti- mum value is

Краткое содержание страницы № 20

Electrolux EFS - Dishwashing Systems Platform Electrolux Professional Press the START and ENTER buttons together to display of the first Apex warning in progress. The possible Apex low level warnings are: Probe failed: ALr Prb FLt The conductivity probe reading is outside the permissible reading range. Probe missing: ALr Prb MiS The conductivity probe is disconnected. Checksum error: ALr CHS Err There is no matching between the checksum saved in the APEX memory and that calculated by the firmwar

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