Руководство по эксплуатации ProScan

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства ProScan

Устройство: ProScan
Категория: Телевизор CRT
Производитель: ProScan
Размер: 3.26 MB
Добавлено: 2/16/2014
Количество страниц: 88
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Краткое содержание страницы № 1

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TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRICSHOCK, DO WARNING NOT REMOVE COVER (OR BACK). NO USER To reduce the risk of fire or SERVICEABLEPARTSINSIDE. REFERSERVICING TO QUALIFIED SERVICEPERSONNEL. shock hazard, do not expose this TV to rain or moisture. i_ his symbol indicates "dangerous voltage" inside This important symbol instructions indicates the product that presents a accompanying the risk of electric shock or product. personal injury. Caution: To reduce the risk of electric shock, match wide blade of

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Safety Information ............................................... i First Things First ................................................. 3 Using the Menu System ...................................... 7 The Menu Rule: Point and Select ....................................................... 8 Menus and Control Panels ................................................................. 9 Interactive Setup .............................................. 17 Enteringthe Interactive Setup ................

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Appendices ....................................................... 61 Things to Know Before Connecting Components .............................. 61 Appendix A: Connections ................................. 62 Connection A: TV Only .................................................................... 62 Connection B: TV and Mono VCR .................................................... 63 Connection C: TV and Stereo VCR ................................................... 64 Connection D: TV and Ste

Краткое содержание страницы № 5

ALLOW ME TO INTRODUCE MYSELF... FIRST THINGS FIRST 1 My name is Scott, and I wrote this ProScan User Manual. You probably weren't expecting a personal introduction, but then, a ProScan TV is designed to give you more than you expectedmand that includes the User Manual. AN 80-PAGE INSTRUCTION BOOK? You used to be able to buy aTV, plug it in, stick a rabbit on top of it (or the ears, anyway), and you were off and running. Watching. Whatever. Times have changed, though. But don't worry, it looks mo

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STEP 1 :UNPACK THE TV AND ACCESSORIES The accessories packed with TV include the Universal Remote, the Simple Remote, six AAA batteries, an antenna adapter, and an audio/ vck _r,ou_ video.adapter for plugging your camcorder into the front of the TV. Be sure to locate the Connections Foldout. _lc_ sl_ _uusE Important Information: _. L 't , ". _ _-_ ,,_ Optional Stand for Table Model TVs ONLY CAUTION: Matching stands were designed to be used with <2 _, ,5" specific 25-inch and larger table model T

Краткое содержание страницы № 7

TV WITH OTHER COMPONENTS Use the Connections Foldout to connect your TV to a VCR, satellite receiver, or laserdisc player. See AppendixA, p. 62 for detailed information about using each of these connections. After connecting the T.V,proceed to Step 3, below. If your components don't match those shown on the Foldout, or if you prefer a different connection, see your dealer or the specific component user manuals. STEP 3: PLUG IN THE TV Plug the power cord into the wall outlet, matching the wide bl

Краткое содержание страницы № 8

VCR SAT'CABLE STEP 5: TURN ON THE TV Press TV. on the remote, or press POWER on the TV itself. AM-EM TAPE AUX REVERSE PLAY FORWARD RECORD STOP PAUSE STEP 6 CH GUIDE SKIP Read the next section, Using the Menu System, which is a brief overview of the basic rules for getting around in the menus. MUTE GO BACK STEP 7 FAV'INPUT ANTENNA Proceed to section three, Interactive Setup. This setup routine walks you through the steps needed to fully configure the TV. Part two of the setup INFO CLEAR RESET SCA

Краткое содержание страницы № 9

A LIVING ROOM IN MY LIVING ROOM? You access the TV's features through an on-screen menu system. The first menu in the system looks like a living room, hence its name: the Living Room Main Menu. You use the Living Room Main Menu to get to other menus, USING "THE such as the Audio Menu. MENU SYSTEM

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THE MENU RULE: POINT AND SELECT You only need to know one rule to use the on-screen menus: point and select. WHAT IS POINT AND SELECT? The point and select method has two steps. 1. Point to a menu item using the MOVE arrows on the remote. MENU (_ To point up or down, press the up or down arrows. To point left or right, pressthe left or right arrows. (_ MOVE 2. Select a menu item by pressing MENU. SELECT Selecting an item tells the TV's menu system to go ahead and make a change or go to a place y

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MENUS, CONTROLS AND CONTROL PANELS There are three parts to the menu system: menus, controls, and control panels. Before you can use the contols and control panels to adjust your TV, you have to move through the Main Menu and select a control. THE LIVING ROOM MAIN MENU To bring up the Living Room Main Menu: 1. PressMENU on the remote or front panel. The Living Room Main Menu contains eight items that you can select: six menus and two buttons. Let's take a look at the buttons first. 9

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The Exit Button All menus have an Exit button. Selecting the Exit button always takes you to the previous screen. Selecting the Exit button from the Main Menu returns you to regular TV viewing. For example, 1. PressMENU to bring up the Living Room Main Menu. Point to Exit. 2. PressMENU. The Living Room disappears. 10

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The Help Button All menus have a Help button. For example, selecting the Help button from the Main Menu brings up all of the help balloons for the Living Room. 1. PressMENU to bring up the Living Room Main Menu. 2. Point to the Help button and press MENU. The help balloons appear. 3. PressMENU again. The help balloons disappear. The rest of the Help buttons in the menu system bring up helpful information explaining one aspect of that menu. 11

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THE MENUS There are six menus available from the Living Room Main Menu. When you point to different items in the Living Room, a different menu highlights. PressMENU on the remote to select the highlighted menu. To exit a menu There are two ways to exit a menu: • Point to Exitand press MENU. • Press CLEAR. The on-screen displays clear from the screen and you return to TV viewing. CONTROLS Controls do the work in the menu system. Using the controls, you can choose a setting, enter a number, or adj

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Toggles Use toggles to choose a particular setting from several available settings. For example, to indicate which antenna you are using: 1. PressMENU to bring up the Living Room Main Menu. 2. Point to Channel (the remote control on the table) and press MENU. The Channel Menu appears. 3. Point to Signal Source. The Signal Source toggle highlights. The current setting for Signal Source appears at the bottom of the toggle. 4. Point left or right to indicate the correct setting for your connection.

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CONTROL PANELS Control panels can contain different types of controls, such as numeric entry, sliders, and checkboxes, that let you adjust the TV. A slider in a control panel works just like a slider in a menu. Numeric entry and checkboxes are described below. Numeric Entry A control panel with a numeric entry control allows you to enter numbers and letters. For example, to set the current time: 1. PressMENU to bring up the Living Room Main Menu. 2. Point to ]]me (the clock) and press MENU. The

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Checkboxes Use checkboxes to add a particular channel to a list of channels, or to remove the channel from a list. For example, to add channel 13 to your list of favorite channels: 1. PressMENU to bring up the Living Room Main Menu. 2. Point to Channel (the remote control) and press MENU. The Channel menu appears. 3. Point to Lists and Labels and press MENU. The Lists and Labels control panel appears. The Normal channel list checkbox is highlighted. Lists d LabeLs 4. Point up repeatedly until ch

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EXPLORE, EXPLORE, EXPLORE! Once you've learned the basics, feel free to poke around in the menu system. The context-sensitive help at the bottom of the screen provides instructions for getting through any particular menu or control panel. Remember, press CLEAR at any time to leave the menu system and return to regular TV viewing. When you've had your fill, proceed to the next section of the manual, Interactive Setup. 16

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THERE'S AN ON-SCREEN SETUP ROUTINE YourTV has an interactive setup routine that walks you through the steps needed to configure theTV. There are five sections: • Connect theTV • Search for available channels • Set the time and day • Set speaker configuration • Make channel lists and labels 3 INTERACTIVE SETUP

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ENTERING THE INTERACTIVE SETUP The interactive setup routine is accessed through the Assistance Menu: 1. Press MENU to bring up the Living Room Main Menu. 2. Point to Nipper to highlight the Assistance menu and press MENU. The Assistance menu appears with the Setup control highlighted. 3. PressMENU to select Setup. You are asked if you want to begin the setup routine. PressMENU to begin. • i You must complete the Search for Channels to receiveTV signals and put channels in memory. You can also a

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