Руководство по эксплуатации Minicom Advanced Systems 3000

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Minicom Advanced Systems 3000

Устройство: Minicom Advanced Systems 3000
Категория: Телевизор CRT
Производитель: Minicom Advanced Systems
Размер: 2.48 MB
Добавлено: 6/20/2013
Количество страниц: 44
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DS Vision 3000
User Guide

www. m i n i c o m .c o m
International HQ North American HQ European HQ
Jerusalem, Israel Linden, NJ, USA Dübendorf, Switzerland
Tel: + 972 2 535 9666 Tel: + 1 908 486 2100 Tel: + 41 44 823 8000
minicom@minicom.com info.usa@minicom.com info.europe@minicom.com
Technical support - support@minicom.com
5UM40169 V1.2 12/07

Краткое содержание страницы № 2

DS VISION 3000 Table of Contents 1. Welcome ........................................................................................................3 2. Introduction ...................................................................................................4 3. Features .........................................................................................................4 4. System components......................................................................................5

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USER GUIDE 14. Tuning Receivers L/DCL (or Line Splitters/L) via the Service Utility.........29 15. Remote Tuning ............................................................................................33 16. Service .........................................................................................................36 Upgrading firmware..................................................................................................... 37 Display Data Channel (DDC) hotkey ..........

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DS VISION 3000 1. Welcome Thank you for buying the DS Vision 3000 system. This system is produced by Minicom Advanced Systems Limited. This document provides installation and operation instructions for Minicom’s DS Vision 3000. Technical precautions This equipment generates radio frequency energy and if not installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, may cause radio frequency interference. This equipment complies with Part 15, Subpart J of the FCC rules for a Class A

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USER GUIDE 2. Introduction The DS Vision 3000 (DS Vision) system from Minicom is an out-of-band solution for the last step in a digital signage network. DS Vision combines video, stereo/audio and serial functions for distributing real-time multimedia content from player to multiple screens up to 600m/2,000ft away. The DS Vision system distributes Video, Audio and Serial control data from a single content source to up to thousands of remote monitors over CAT 5/5e/6/7 Twisted Pair media.

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DS VISION 3000 4. System components The DS Vision system consists of the following components: • A Transmitter or Broadcaster + cables + power supply • Receivers / Receivers L (Long) + power supply • Receivers DCL (Dual Cascade Long) + power supply • Line Splitters / Line Splitters L (Long) + Tuning cable+ power supply. • Tuning unit + cable • CD containing Video Service Utility System overview The figure below gives an overview of the system, showing a Broadcaster, Line Splitter L a

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USER GUIDE The figure below illustrates the Broadcaster 8 port model. The ports are the same for the Transmitter and Broadcaster 16 port model, except for the number of System ports. The Transmitter has 1 System port and the Broadcaster 16 port model has 16 System ports. Local Monitor Speakers Serial AUDIO OUT VIDEO OUT LOCAL 5VDC CONTROL12345678 VIDEO IN SERIAL AUDIO IN Power System Serial Video Serial Download Audio connector cables cable cable cable cable Figure 2 Broadcaster Unit - 8

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DS VISION 3000 System Tuning cable adjuster 5VDC SYSTEM TUNING Power connector Figure 4 Receiver – side 2 Serial Download System cable cable 5VDC SYSTEM TUNING Power connector Figure 5 Receiver L – side 2 7

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USER GUIDE Receiver DCL The Receiver DCL p/n 0VS50006 has the following features: • Connects to 2 monitors with each having totally separate video, audio and serial control • Receiver DCL is cascadeable – it has a pass-through port for connecting more Receivers/ Receivers L/ Receivers DCL • Can be up to 300m/1,000ft from Transmitter/Broadcaster • With a Line Splitter L can be up to 600m/2,000ft from Transmitter/Broadcaster The figures below illustrates the Receiver DCL ports System Sy

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DS VISION 3000 100mm 75mm Figure 8 VESA standard screw holes Line Splitters Add Line Splitters / Line Splitters L to use for clusters or to increase the number of Receivers in the system. You can even connect Line Splitters to Line Splitters. The Line Splitters come in the following models: • Line Splitter - p/n 0VS50001. With Line Splitters, Receivers can be up to 110m/360ft from Transmitter/Broadcaster • Line Splitter L - p/n 0VS50002. With Line Splitter L units, Receivers can be

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USER GUIDE The figure below illustrates the Line Splitter / Line Splitter L ports. Serial Download cable SYSTEM OUT 5VDC TUNING SYSTEM IN Power System cable System connector to Broadcaster cables to Receivers Figure 9 Line Splitter LEDs The table below explains the functions of all the LEDs of the units in the system. Unit LED Function Transmitter / Broadcaster Front panel - Green Power indicator Green - Power indicator Yellow solid – unit is connected to the system. RJ45 System port

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DS VISION 3000 Tuning Unit The optional Tuning Unit p/n 0VS50008 is used to manually tune Receivers L / Line Splitters or to download preset tuning parameters. The figure below illustrates the Tuning Unit. Figure 10 Tuning Unit 5. DS Vision applications The figures below illustrate the versatility of the DS Vision system. Figure 11 shows a basic installation with a Receiver and Receiver L. Receivers can be up to 110m/360ft away from the Transmitter/Broadcaster. Receiver L can be up t

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USER GUIDE Player 100m/330ft Receiver 300m/1,000ft 100m/330ft Line Splitter Long Transmitter/Broadcaster Receiver Figure 13 Long cluster Figure 14 and Figure 15 show different mixed installations with different combinations of Line Splitter and Line Splitter L and Receiver and Receiver L. Receiver Player Line Splitter 10m/33ft 100m/330ft 200m/660ft Receiver Transmitter/Broadcaster Long Figure 14 Mixed installation 1 Receiver Player 100m/330ft 300m/1,000ft 300m/1,000ft Line Splitter L

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DS VISION 3000 Figure 18 shows a Line Splitter L cascaded to a Receiver DCL. Receiver Player DCL 300m/1,000ft 100m/330ft 200m/660ft Receiver DCL 300m/1,000ft Receiver DCL Line Splitter Long Transmitter/Broadcaster Figure 18 Receiver DCL + Line Splitter L Figure 19 shows two Receiver DCL units cascaded to 300m/1,000ft. (You can cascade up to 10 levels of Receiver DCL / Line Splitters). Player Receiver DCL Receiver DCL 100m/330ft 200m/660ft Transmitter/Broadcaster Figure 19 Cascaded Recei

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USER GUIDE 7. The DS Vision cables The DS Vision cables are illustrated below. All these cables connect to the Broadcaster/Transmitter and player. VGA cable p/n 5CB40056 Serial Download cable p/n 5CB40419 Serial Extender cable p/n 5CB40515 Stereo Plug cable p/n 5CB40027 Figure 20 Broadcaster/Transmitter cables 14

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DS VISION 3000 8. Connecting the cables The connections illustrated in Figure 21 are described below. The detailed connection of the Receiver DCL is illustrated in Figure 22. To local Serial device Serial Download cable To Serial port DS Vision 3000 To Audio Out Broadcaster To Serial port AUDIO OUT VIDEO OUT LOCAL To Line 5VDC Out port CONTROL123 4 5678 VIDEO IN SERIAL AUDIO IN To To To Audio In Serial Video port In Stereo Audio cable CATx cables to Player Serial Extender cable *Receivers or

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USER GUIDE 3. Connect the Stereo Audio cable to the Broadcaster/Transmitter Audio in port and the Computer’s Line Out port. 4. To use the Video Service Utility, connect the Serial Download cable to the Broadcaster/Transmitter Control port and the Computer’s Serial port. 5. (Optional) Connect a monitor to the Broadcaster/Transmitter Video Out port. 6. (Optional) Connect speakers to the Broadcaster/Transmitter Audio Out port. 7. (Optional) Connect a local Serial device to the Local port.

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DS VISION 3000 System In CATx cable from System Out CATx cable to Line Splitter/L Transmitter/Broadcaster or or Receiver* unit Line Splitter/L or Receiver DCL unit Screen 1 Screen 2 Serial port / Serial port / device device SYSTEM SERIAL 2 TUNING 5VDC Receiver SYST E M IN SYSTE M O UT SERIAL 1 DCL side 1 12 VIDEO 2 TUNING AUDIO VIDEO 1 Receiver Speakers / Speakers / DCL side 2 Video Video Audio Audio * Receivers refers to any of the following: Receivers Receivers L Receivers DCL Figu

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USER GUIDE 9. Adjusting the picture quality When the broadcasted picture needs adjusting: For the Receiver turn the Tuning adjuster – see Figure 4, using a small screwdriver. The Receiver L/Receiver DCL/Line Splitters can be tuned either via the Service Utility, as explained on page 29, or by using the optional Tuning Unit as explained below. Note! Where there are cascaded Receiver DCL/Line Splitters you must tune them from the unit nearest the Broadcaster/Transmitter onwards. See diagra

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DS VISION 3000 Choose the preset distance closest to the actual distance in meters between the Player and remote screen. This will give you a fairly accurate tuning, which can be further finely tuned using the other functions of the Tuning Unit. To tune an image: 1. Scroll to Tables 2. Use the arrow keys to browse through all the predefined tables. 3. When you reach the desired table, press the Menu key. MNU=SAVE appears in the LCD and the table downloads. During downloading the LCD me

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