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PostScript (PS) emulation 15 When these operators are used, it is equivalent to executing the following PostScript emulation sequence: << /PageSize [x y]/ImagingBBox null /Policies << /PageSize 0>> >> setpagedevice where x y are the PageSize in points. Tray selected with tray operators = Supported X = Not supported Printer models Operator Tray selected (corresponding image size is set) C950 X950, X952, X954 a4tray tray with A4-size paper a5tray tray with A5-size paper b5tray tray with B5-size p
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PostScript (PS) emulation 16 Envelope sizes supported = Supported X = Not supported Envelope sizes Printer models Size name Literal name Size (mm) Size (inches) Size (points) C950 X950, X952, X954 7 3/4 3.875x7.5envelope 98.4 x 190.5 3.875 x 7.5 279 x 540 Commercial 9 3.875x8.875envelope 98.4 x 225.4 3.875 x 8.875 279 x 639 XX Commercial 10 4.125x9.5envelope 104.8 x 241.3 4.125 x 9.5 297 x 684 International DL 110x220envelope 110 x 220 4.33 x 8.66 312 x 624 International C5 162x229envelope 162
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PostScript (PS) emulation 17 � If the requested size and the size loaded in the active source do not match, then the sources are searched in the order defined by the Priority array in the InputAttributes dictionary in the pagedevice dictionary. � If the requested media size is not found by the previous search, then the following search order is used: – Envelope feeder – Multipurpose feeder � If the requested size and type are not available from any automatic source, then you are prompted to load
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Printer specifications 18 Printer specifications Airflow requirement The room should meet ASHRAE 62—1989 standards. Noise emission levels The following measurements were made in accordance with ISO 7779 and reported in conformance with ISO 9296. 1-meter average sound pressure, dBA Status C950 X950 X952 X954 Idle/Ready 22 24 24 24 Printing (simplex) 53 52 52 53 Printing (duplex) 54 54 54 55 ADF Mono Scan Not applicable 55 55 54 ADF Mono Copy Not applicable 55 55 55 ADF Color Scan Not applicable 5
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Printer specifications 19 Electrical specifications Printer model Electrical specification C950 SFP low ‑voltage models 100–127 V at 50–60Hz, nominal 90–137 V, extreme C950 SFP high ‑voltage models 220–240 V at 50–60Hz, nominal (available only in some countries) 198–259 V, extreme X95x MFP low ‑voltage models 100–127 V at 50–60Hz, nominal 90–137 V, extreme X95x MFP high ‑voltage models 220–240 V at 50–60Hz, nominal (available only in some countries) 198–259 V, extreme Warning—Potential Damage: D
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Printer specifications 20 Physical specifications Lexmark C950 dimensions Height Width Depth Weight with cartridge (unpackaged) C950 565 mm (22.24 in.) 640 mm (25.20 in.) 685 mm (26.97 in.) 95.0 kg (209.5 lb) Lexmark X95x dimensions Height Width Depth Weight with cartridge (unpackaged) X950de, X952de, X954de 762.3 mm (30.01 in.) 640 mm (25.20 in.) 685 mm (26.97 in.) 116.0 kg (255.8 lb) X952dte 1127.3 mm (44.38 in.) 640 mm (25.20 in.) 685 mm (26.97 in.) 150.7 kg (332.2 lb) X954dhe 1127.3 mm (44.3
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C950, X950de, X952de, X952dte,
X954de, X954dhe
Technical Reference
November 2011 www.lexmark.com
Lexmark and Lexmark with diamond design are trademarks of Lexmark International, Inc., registered in the United States and/or other countries.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
© 2011 Lexmark International, Inc.
All rights reserved.
740 West New Circle Road
Lexington, Kentucky 40550
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Edition notice November 2011 The following paragraph does not apply to any country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: LEXMARK INTERNATIONAL, INC., PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions; therefore, this statement may not appl
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Contents 3 Contents Edition notice...............................................................................................2 Introduction.................................................................................................5 Understanding letters after model numbers............................................................................................5 Learning about the printer...........................................................................7 Finding information
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Contents 4 Appendix B: PJL support.............................................................................32 Common variables for both printer languages........................................................................................32 Lexmark ‑unique PJL variables for both printer languages......................................................................34 Common variables for PCL emulation.........................................................................................
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Introduction 5 Introduction Overview This edition of the Technical Reference contains information about the following printers or multifunction printers (MFPs): C950de X950de X952dte X952dte X954de X954dhe Understanding letters after model numbers TM Some Lexmark printers may have one or more letters after the model name to indicate printer features. Acronym Meaning 1 d duplex de duplex and e-Task (electronic task) touch-screen interface dfe duplex, finisher/stapler, and e-Task touch-screen inte
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Introduction 6 Acronym Meaning ni network and ImageQuick tn network and additional tray 1 Duplex printing (two ‑sided printing) using an optional duplex unit or an internal duplex unit based on the product. 2 The additional tray is part of a drawer.
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Learning about the printer 7 Learning about the printer Finding information about the printer What are you looking for? Find it here Initial setup instructions: Setup documentation—The setup documentation came with the printer and is also available on the Lexmark Web • Connecting the printer site at http://support.lexmark.com. � Installing the printer software Additional setup and instructions for using the printer: User's Guide—The User's Guide is available on the Software and Documentation CD.
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Learning about the printer 8 What are you looking for? Find it here Latest supplemental information, updates, and customer Lexmark Support Web site— support: http://support.lexmark.com � Documentation Note: Select your country or region, and then select your product to view the appropriate support site. � Driver downloads Support telephone numbers and hours of operation for � Live chat support your country or region can be found on the Support Web � E ‑mail support site or on the printed warrant
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Printer Control Language (PCL) page formatting 9 Printer Control Language (PCL) page formatting For more information on PCL, see the Printer Languages and Interfaces Technical Reference. It contains a complete listing with descriptions of PCL commands. To determine which PCL commands your printer supports, see “Appendix A: PCL support” on page 23. Printable areas The printable areas and logical pages for PCL emulation (both portrait and landscape orientation) are illustrated below. See the legen
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Printer Control Language (PCL) page formatting 10 Supported paper and envelope dimensions The following table lists the page sizes and print area dimensions for all supported paper and envelope sizes. For more information about the printable areas and logical pages for PCL emulation, see “Printable areas” on page 9. 1 Selection Paper/envelope Dimensions by area (pels) dimensions Page size Name mm inches A B C D E F G H I 2 parameters Paper 2, 602 Letter 216 x 279 8.5 x 11 5100 6600 4800 6360 150
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Printer Control Language (PCL) page formatting 11 1 Selection Paper/envelope Dimensions by area (pels) dimensions Page size Name mm inches A B C D E F G H I 2 parameters Envelope 80 7 3/4 98.4 x 190.5 3.875 x 7.5 2324 4500 2024 4260 150 120 0 100 100 Envelope 81 10 104.8 x 241. 4.125 x 9.5 2474 5700 2174 5460 150 120 0 100 100 Envelope 3 90 DL 220 x 110 8.66 x 4.33 2598 5196 2314 4960 142 118 0 100 100 Envelope 91 C5 229 x 162 9.02 x 6.38 3826 5408 3542 5172 142 118 0 100 100 Envelope 5 B5 176.0
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Printer Job Language (PJL) 12 Printer Job Language (PJL) PJL commands information Your printer supports complete PJL commands, including certain commands that cause the printer to enter PCL emulation, PostScript emulation, and Personal Printer Data Stream (PPDS). For a complete listing with descriptions of PJL commands, see the Printer Languages and Interfaces Technical Reference. To determine which commands your printer supports, see “Appendix B: PJL support” on page 32.
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PostScript (PS) emulation 13 PostScript (PS) emulation Your printer supports complete PostScript emulation supplemental operators. For full descriptions in detail for these operators, refer to the PostScript emulation chapter in the Printer Languages and Interfaces Technical Reference. To determine which commands your printer supports, see “Appendix C: PostScript support” on page 79. Supported paper sizes = Supported X = Not supported Paper sizes Printer models Size Literal name Size (mm) Size
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PostScript (PS) emulation 14 = Supported X = Not supported Paper sizes Printer models Size Literal name Size (mm) Size (inches) Size (points) C950 X950, X952, X954 Custom custom 297 x 431.8 11.7 x 17 842 x 1224 Custom custom 320 x 559 12.6 x 22 908 x 1584 XX Custom custom 297 x 914 11.7 x 36 842 x 2592 XX * This is a Japanese Industry Standard (JIS) paper size. The same named designation is used by JIS and International Organization for Standardization (ISO) for different paper sizes. PostScrip