Руководство по эксплуатации Whirlpool

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Whirlpool

Устройство: Whirlpool
Категория: Плита
Производитель: Whirlpool
Размер: 0.58 MB
Добавлено: 9/16/2013
Количество страниц: 12
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Whirlpool Руководство по эксплуатации - Online PDF
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Refrqerator-Fu Freezers, Oryers. Clothes Washers, Automatic Dehumldifters. Conditioners. Air Room Compactors, Trash Ovens. Ilcrowave
RC8570XS Model

Краткое содержание страницы № 2

. . . 01987 Whirlpool l a l a l from l to l l for of l not or to l for information. use and safety important for Guide” “Cooklng See information. complete Instructions” “Installation the See properly. it operate unable anyone children by used is cooktops. home expected jobs only used is maintained. properly is Instructions:‘) “Installation (See grounded. properly and supply electric correct the connected properly is weather. the protected area an in installed is weight. the s

Краткое содержание страницы № 3

to or of not to to or or from off 2. 7. on fire fire or on or or 3. to hot or hot to if a hot 4. from on. 9. con- hot to hot 5. to a room. room or or a fire off or not to l l - INSTRUCTIONS THESE SAW - FIRE. AND/OR EXPLOSION CAUSING IGNITE COULD THEY APPLIANCE. OTHER ANY OR THIS OF VICINITY THE IN LIQUIDS AND VAPORS FLAMMABLE OTHER OR GASOLINE USE OR STORE NOT DO SAFETY YOUR FOR burns. prevent watching are you when cooking finished are you when position the

Краткое содержание страницы № 4

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Краткое содержание страницы № 5

L I I to a OFF. dot F on a on. - I r Solid Element Surface Units of to a a dn/, a not a or a on. For a for a short of a to to turn OFF a result. could cookware the to damage and tood Burned done. is cooking when elements hot on pans leave or time of periods long for sefflng Hi the use not Do time. long a for hot stay elements Solid CAUTION: cooking. finished are you before minutes few element solid the want may You cooking. the complete setting lower use Then time. per

Краткое содержание страницы № 6

to to for to foods a to food food to to to a When to on a on a foods, or to of food or to or or to hot for or a on not of a of a not of information. utensil important for Guide” “Cooking the See times. cooking longer in resuit will lhls setting. heat the reduce and temperatures cooking uneven sense will limiter protective the fiat, not are bottoms pan if NOTE: bottoms. ridged or concave with canners or skirts, with woks trivets, use not Do -- pan. the bottom the and ruler

Краткое содержание страницы № 7

Panel 2. a soft off. to 4. on. 3. Wash to OFF. point they sure Make dry. and well Rinse water. soapy warm in knobs back straight knobs the Push well. dry and Rinse panel. control the wipe cloth straight knobs Pull 1. and water soapy warm Use Control cooktop your for Caring

Краткое содержание страницы № 8

Solid Element Surface Units 2. For off a soft food a of sur- off. not of 4. trim a of to from of 3-5 or If on trim food, for not 814009) or 814030), to: Whirlpool 1900 Whirlpool 8 46350s IN LaPone, Drive Dept. Service Customer Attention: appearance. Corporation their improve to units surtace the to applied be can dressing write (PN Eiectroi Optional NOTE: spots. dressing Electrol (PN the eliminate but pearance Creme Polishing Top Cook ap- their improve will tr

Краткое содержание страницы № 9

Cleaning HOW Warm, l Wash, l Warm, or 9 Wash, . . off . or for l l off or 9 on to Well. l 9 of to 3-5 of l on 814030). but l or l 814009). or trlm 8 for 9 information re-order page *See pans. and units surface the of heat from normal Is rlngs of Yellowlng NOTE: creme. polishing cleaner (PN with provided directions Follow Creme, Polishing Top cool. Cook cleaner steel are units surface sure Make stainless *Non-abrasive rlngs) (Trlm spots. dark ellmlnate not

Краткое содержание страницы № 10

Before calling need assistance... assistance%. often from find of of our l to a to from or, if l a or l need service?.. or Whirlpool a l to a OFF? of l 6. l turn? to fulfill l to turn? our 2) or l l for l a from a l fit sur- l for a for infor- on to 10 them. solve how and problems cooking mation more Guide Cooklng the See cool-down? and warm-up longer time allowing you Are used? being unit face the and bottoms flat smooth, have utensils cooking the Do

Краткое содержание страницы № 11

have problem:.. our 2) of our or if to: Mr. Whirlpool 2000 M-63 49022 need FSP” replacement a of Whirlpool for for of a for Whirlpool fit to to Whirlpool to 3 or Whirlpool 2. *If or of a of infor- to to for ance. assist- request your respond better order in needed is mation This problem. the description complete and purchase, date number, serial number, model vide: pro- please write, call must you Step in number sistance as- service COOL-LINE the call above S

Краткое содержание страницы № 12

MICROWAW - WILL to or From of a on If or Fifth From of WILL A. to: 1. of 2. to 3. or or 4. !ight B. to to fire, flood, of or of not Whirlpool. E. do not or of or or not to from to a different For Whlrlpool or * 01987 Whirlpool and k Ranges, Units, Surface Ovens Built-In Dishwashers, Makers, Ice Refrigerator-freezers, freezers. Dryers. Clothes Washers, Automatic U.S.A. in Printed Corporation 5040217/B16129 No. Part T&rlpool exchange. mllitary dlstrlbutor frarichl

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