Manual do usuário GE JSP69

Manual para o dispositivo GE JSP69

Dispositivo: GE JSP69
Categoria: Fogão
Fabricante: GE
Tamanho: 5 MB
Data de adição: 6/29/2014
Número de páginas: 60
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GE JSP69 Manual de instruções - Online PDF
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Resumos do conteúdo
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 1

~s&a hide t
;?, ,, .,,.,., ,,
,’,. .,..... .,,, ,’, ,,, ,,
Electric Sfide=in
Problem solver ...................... 56-58
Safety Instructions ...................4-7
Thermostat Adjustment–
Anti-Tip Device........................................ 4,46
Do It Yourself............................................ 31
More questions?..,call
GEAnswer CenteP8(J0.626.2000
Operating Instructions, Tps
Aluminum Foil.......................... 6,28,32, 34
Clockand Timer .................................

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 2

HELP USHELP YOU... If you receiveda damagedrangeor Beforeusing your range, read this modularcomponents... guide carefully. Immediatelycontactthe dealer(orbuilder)that sold It is intended to help youoperateand maintainyour youthe range. newrangeproperly. Keepit handyfor answersto yourquestions. Save time and money. Ifyoudon’tunderstand something orneedmorehelp,call: Beforeyou requestservice... GEAnswerCenter@ 800.626.2000 Checkthe ProblemSolverin the backof thisguide. 24 hoursa day,7 daysa week I

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 3

MOD~ES Am ACCESSO~S — General Information A full selection of modules is available for the range cooktop. The modules can be interchanged quickly and easily. Each module has an electrical plug which fits into a receptacle in the side of the well nearest the center of the cooktop. Some modules are inserted and removed differently than others. See each module section for specific instructions for installing and removing that module. To purchase, contact your nearest GE Appliances dealer or service

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 4

! WORTAm SME~ mSTRUC~ONS U Rwd d imtmctiom beforewing t~ appfiance. I~ORTANT SAFETYNOTICE WAMING–A1l ranges > can tip and injury could result. ● The CWornia SafeDrinkingWaterand Toxic b ;4 To preventaccidentaltipping of EnforcementAct requiresthe Governorof the range from abnormalusage, Californiato publisha list of substancesknownto d attach it to the wall or floor by the stateto causebirthdefectsor otherreproductive installingthe Anti-Tipdevice harm,andrequiresbusinessesto warn customersof ,.4

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 5

! ● D ● When cooking pork, follow the directions ● DO NOT STORE OR USE COMBUSTWLE exactly and always cook the meat to an intemd MATERIALS,GASOL~E OR OTHER temperatureof at least 170°F.This assures that, FLAWBLE VAPORSAND LIQ~S ~ in the remote possibilitythat trichina maybe - VIC~I~ OF T~S OR ANT OTnR present in the meat, it will be killed and the meat APPLIANCE. will be safe to eat. ● Keep the hood and greasefalterscleanto maintain good venting and to avoid grease fires. Oven ● Do not let cookin

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 6

● Ody c- types of* gbs/@ra* Mrthenware orother*ed mntiers m ~tible fmcooktop tiee; others may break -We of the suddenchangein tempera~. .To ~ the poss~tityofbins, ignition of flammable materiak,andspfiage,$e Me of a mntainershodd be-ed towardtherenter of therange without extendingover the nearby Stia tits. * Mways h thernodde mtrok off before remotig the mkw- ● Dunottierse orsoaktheremovnble rnoddes ad da~ *. M notpmthem ina dishwasher. Dono% seE+Ieanthemoddes intheovem 6

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 7

● If a combinationof oils or fats will be used ● Avoidscratching the glass cooktop surface. in frying, stir togetherbeforeheating, or as fats The cooktopcan be scratched with items such melt slowly. as sharp instruments,or rings or other jewelry and rivets on clothing. ● Always heat fat slowly,and watch as it heats. ● Never use the glass cooktop surface as a ● Use a deep fat thermometerwhenever cutting board. possible to prevent overheatingfat beyond the smokingpoint. ● Do not place or store ite

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 8

~mS OFYOm MODW G-uG~Dm WGE See tie ModulesandAwessoriessectionfor a listingof modulesavailable. — %111111 @ 7/=, ,

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 9

Explainedon page Featureshdex 4,46 1 Anti-Mp Device 2 2 ModelandSerkdNumberP1ati 6,36,44 3 OvenDoor Gasket 4 htenor OvenLight 26,36,42 11,45 5 Modde SurfaceUnitControls 26 6 OvenLightSwitch 11 7 SurfaceUnit“ON hdicatorLightforModdesmen anysurfaceunitis on,thislight willcomeon and stayon unti thesurfamunitisturnedoff. 8 Gfll Sheet GriUPan must be in placewhenusingthe grillmodule 17.21,42 or the gridde module),andDeflector 3,6,17-19,42 9 Gfil Modtie 17,20,42 10 GrillElement—Plug-belementusedwhenco

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 10

HOW DOES T~S COOKTOP COmAW TO YO~ OLD Om? Yournewmodularcooktopmay haveseveraltypesof cookingsurface units.Youwillnoticesomedifferenceswhenyouuseeachone. Thebesttypesof cookwareto use,plusheat-upandcool-downtimes, dependsuponthe type of burneror electricsurfaceunityou areusing. Thefollowingchartwill helpyou to understandthedifferencesamongthe variouscookingsurfaceunitsandhowtheydifferfromothersyou may haveusedin the past. ~pe ofCooktop Description Howit Works Heattravelsto the glasssurfaceand th

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 11

S~ACE CONTROLS At bothOFF and HI the control“clicks”intoposition.Whencookingin a quietkitchen,you mayhear slight“clicking”sounds—anindicationthat the heatsettingsyou selectedarebeingmaintained. Switchingheatsto highersettingsalwaysshowsa quickerchangethan switchingto a lowersetting. How to Set the Controls Pushthe knob Thecontrolmust bepushedin to Be sure you turn the control to +* in and turn in set only from the OFFposition. OFFwhenyou finishcooking. * eitherdirection When the control is in an

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 12

How to Insertthe Module 1. Be surethecontrolsare turnedto OFF.Toinstall the module,positionthe electricalplugto face the rear wallof the cooktopopening.Thereyou willseetheelectricalreceptacle.(A receptacleis availablein eithercooktopopening.)Let the leadingcomersof the modulerest on the cooktop . surface. 2. Carefullyslidethemoduleplugtowardthe receptacleuntilplugis engagedcompletely in receptacle.Allowthe moduleto fit intothe cooktopopening. 3. Lowerthe insideedgeof the moduleinto the cooktopop

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 13

Deep Fat Frying Do notovetilllcookwarewithfat thatmay spillover whenaddingfood. Frostyfoodsbubblevigorously.Watchfoodfryingat hightemperatures. Keeptherangeand hoodcleanfromgrease. WokCooking Werecommendthatyou Do not use woksthat useonlya flat-bottomed have support rings. wok.Theyare available ..— Useof thesetypesof atyourlocalretail store. woks,withor without ,::*:*~.:Q N’< the ring in placecan be * dangerous.piacingthe ,.. ring overthe su~ace unit willcausea build-upof heat that willdamagethe

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 14

WDWNT MODULE How to Insertthe Module 1. Be surethe controlsareturnedto OFF.To install the module,positiontheelectricalplug to face the rear wallof thecooktopopening.Thereyou will seethe electricalreceptacle.A receptacleis availablein eithercooktopopening.Allowthe leadingcornersof the moduleto rest on thecooktopsurface. 2. Carefullyslidethemoduleplugtowardthereceptacle untilplugis engagedcompletelyin the receptacle. Allowthe moduleto fit intothe cooktopopening. 3. Lowertheinsideedgeofthemoduleint

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 15

~pes of Cookware The followinginformation willhelp you choose Stoneware: Usable, but not recommended. Poorperformance.May scratchsurface. cookwarewhich willgivegood performance. Cast Iron: Usable, but not recommended. StainlessSteel: highly recommended Especially goodwith a sandwichcladbottom.The Poorperformance.Mayscratchsurface. sandwichbottomcombinesthe benefitsof stainless Copper Bottom: steel(appearance,durability,and stability)withthe Goodperformance,but coppermay leaveresidues advantageso

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 16

WDWNT MOD~E (continued) CAUTION ● Nevercookdirectlyon the glass.Alwaysuse cookware. ● Alwaysplacethe pan in the centerof the surfaceunityou are cookingon. ● Do not slidecookwareacrossthe cooktopbecauseit can scratchthe glass. Theglassis scratchresistant,notscratch-proof. ● Do notusethe surfaceas a cuttingboard. Plastic and Sugary Spillovers Sugaryspillovers(suchasjellies,fudge,candysyrups) Specialcareshouldbe takenwhenremovinghot or melted plastics cancausepittingof the surfaceof substances. Fol

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 17

How to Assemblethe Gtill Module I Toinsertthe gri~: 1. Be surethe controlsfor the cooktopgrillare 0~. 2. Placethe grillsheetin the centerof the well. 3. Plugthe grillpan intothewell. 4. Placethe deflectoron the grillpan. / [$ 5. Graspthe grillelementwithbothhandsnearthe plug.Keepingthe elementas nearlyhotiontal as possible,pushthe plugfidy intothe receptacle to insurecompletecontact.The elementshouldlie flat and reston the grillpan. 6. Placethe two grillgridsintothe openingin the cooktopoverthe

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 18

G~L MOD~E (continued) NOTE:It is recommendedthatyouhavea dry chemical,foamor Halon typefire extinguisherwhereyoucaneasilyreachit in caseof a cooking fire.NEVERUSEWATERON A GREASEFIREas it is likelyto spread the flames.Readthe instructionson the extinguisheraheadof timeandbe preparedto followthem in caseof a cookingfire. GrillTips ● Do not leavethe grillunattendedwhileit is in use. ● Trimthe fat frommeatsbeforeplacingthemon the grill.This willreducesmokingand lessengrease ● Removeaccumulatedgreas

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 19

Do not leaverangeunattendedduring“preheat” 3. Beforecookingsteaks,slashfat aroundthe edges @ohs turnedto “~”) or anytimethe bobs are to preventcurlingof meat. turned to “HI” with food on the Grill or Griddle. 4. Suggestedcookingtimesshouldbe used only 1.Preheatat HI settingfor 5 minutesbeforegrilling. as a guide,sincevariablesin food mn change Turnto the heatsettingin theguideor your cookingtimes. cookbookfor the foodyou aregrilling. 5. If yourrangeis connectedto 208volts,these 2. Trimexcessfat

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 20

G~DLE ACCESSORY Yournon-stickcoatedgriddleprovidesan extra-largecookingsurface for meats,pancakesor otherfoodsusuallypreparedin a fryingpan or electricskiUet.Youcanalsouse the gridde as a warmingtray by using a low-heatsetting. How to Assemblethe Gtiddle Accesso~ 1.Be surethe controlsare OFF. 2. Plugthe grillpanintothewell. 3. Graspthe grillelementwithbothhandsnearthe plug. Keepingthe elementas nearlyhortionti as - possible,pushthe plugf~y intothe receptacle to insurecompletecontact.The elements

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