Manual do usuário Electrolux EEKG5048

Manual para o dispositivo Electrolux EEKG5048

Dispositivo: Electrolux EEKG5048
Categoria: Fogão
Fabricante: Electrolux
Tamanho: 0.99 MB
Data de adição: 9/24/2013
Número de páginas: 40
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Electrolux EEKG5048 Manual de instruções - Online PDF
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Resumos do conteúdo
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 1

user manual

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 2

We were thinking of you when we made this product

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 3

electro lux we lco m e 3 Welcome to the wo rld of Electrol ux You’ve ch osen a fir st class product fro m E ectro l lux, which hope f ully w ill provid e y ou w ith lots o f pl ea sure in the future. El ectro lux amb tion is i to of fer a wide va riety o f qualit y produ cts that would ma ke your li fe e ven m ore com ortabl f e. You c an lo ok a t some exampl es on the co ve r in thi s manual. But now it’s time to study this manua l and start using and enjo ying

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 4

4 electrolux contents Contents Saf ety in for m ation 5 Product descr iption 7 Bef ore us ing the appl iance 8 Operati on 10 Coo kin g charts 17 Hints and tips 21 Care and cl eaning 23 Troublesho oting 27 Technica l data 28 Installati on instructions 30 Connecting to the gas suppl y 32 Envir onment 36 Guarantee conditions 36 The followi ng symbo ls ar e used in this user ma nual: Important in for m ation conce

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 5

electro lux impo rtant safet y infor m ation 5 Important safety information u m Ch ild safety p l of the pac part kaging. Installat ion prevents them from using the appliance i l A . y awa Du ri ng use prevent the a ppliance from slipping. b appliance has This een designed for f appliance by the han dles. hot. ed. ppliance is us the a oils, as they will ignite if they b ecome too fore be removed be ust ppliance mthe a nd fats a ting hea are when Take great

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 6

6 electrolux imp ortant saf ety inf orm ation h h h Clean ing a nd ma inte nanc e For h ygiene a nd safety re asons this appliance shou ld be kept clean at all t imes. A bu ild-up of fa t or ot her foodstuff could resul t i n a fire especially i n t he gr il l pan. t Never leave t he applia nce unatte nded when t he ove n door is open. ppliance. the a to clean steam cleaners Never use steam or hig sure h-pres his book. ctions given in stru with the in Only clean

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 7

electro lux product descr iption 7 Product description Control panel Top oven / Grill Main oven Controls and their functions Main oven Hob controls Hob controls temperature control Ignition switch Top oven/Grill control

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 8

8 electrolux bef ore usin g the appliance Before using the appliance Rating p late If the stea m c omes into cont act w ith This is usua ll y situated on th e fr ont a coo l sur face on the outsid e of the fra m e o f the appl iance and can be appliance, e.g . a tri m, it w ill condense seen upon opening e ither the ma in or and produce w ater drop lets. This is top oven do or. Alternat ive ly the rating quite norma l and is not caus ed by a plate ma y a lso be found on t he back

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 9

electro lux befo re using the appliance 9 1 gri ll pan ha ndle All models 1 gri ll pan gr id Natu ral gas mode ls onl y 1 gri ll pan 1 straig ht she lf (For gri ll ing a nd top ove n cooking) 1 gri ll pan ha ndle 2 straig ht she lves (For mai n ove n cooking )

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 10

10 electrol ux operation Operation The hob Things to note The gas hob ha s di ffe rent burner si zes If you a re ha ving any di ff icult y l ighting a to suit dif ferent types o f co o king. hob burner turn all the hob c ontrols o f f To ensure max imum burner eff ic iency and mak e sure the burner p arts have only use pots and pans w ith flat bas es been repla ced co rrectl y. appropriate to the burner si z e used. To tur n off any bu rner The lar gest pan, which you should use

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 11

electro lux operati on 11 The shel f should be fitted wi th the straight rods upper m ost on the fram e and the form s tow ards the b ack of the Place pans on the cen tre of the oven. If not fitted c orre ctly th e anti-tilt burners. Posi tion pans so the and safety stop me chanism wi ll be handles canno t be accidental ly aff ected. knocked or overhang the appliance. L ift pans o n an d off the pan supports. Do no t sl ide them across the hob. Take care to avoid bu rns a

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 12

12 electrol ux operation The gri ll doo r m ust be left open when gr il ling . Things to note • Som e sm oke fr om fat spl as hes ma y be ev ident as the gr ill cle ans itsel f. • To Remove. P ress the button on • The shel f in the g ril l/top ov e n is the handle with the thumb a nd pivot diff erent f rom the shelv es in the main the handle sli ghtly upw ards and oven. Onl y use the she f l w th the i towards the r ight to re mo ve fro m the larg e so lid m etal pl ate in

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 13

electro lux operati on 13 To fit t he gri ll pan and handle (L PG Plac e the gr il l pan on the sh elf so that gas models) the pan is positi oned central y bene l ath The gr ill pan has a r emo vab l e handle. the gril l. Attach and rem ove as desc r ibed. The top oven • To attach. P lac e the w rei w ork The top ov en is the s m al ler of the tw o under the cut out in the pan so that ovens. It is de signed for co o king the metal pl ate hoo ks o ver the top smal ler quantities of

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 14

14 electrol ux operation To re mo ve a shel f sl ide the s helf towards you until the she lf stop is reached. Ti lt shelf up at the front so Do no t close the doo r u nt il the that the stops clear the sid e supports. burner is showi ng la rge fl ames. Lift shel f c ear. l To instal l a shel f, re ver se the above To tur n t he top oven off steps. • Turn the control knob to the of f position. This is sho w n by a dot. The mai n oven Heat zo nes There a re zones o

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 15

electro lux operati on 15 Using the mai n oven uncover fo od f or the la st half hour if it is • Open the o ven door . normal ly ser ved g olden br o w n. • Push in the control knob and turn it to gas m ar k 9. Using slow cook • When the burner has l it rel e ase the You need to co ok fo od at g as mar k 6 control knob. for 30 minutes bef ore you tu rn the oven • There wi ll only b e sma ll fl am es at down to the sl ow co ok s etting. This first. mak es sure that the temper ature of

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 16

16 electrol ux operation Food preparatio n – slow cooking • Co ver fo od w th a tight f i tting lid i or Join ts of meat and po ult r y tin foi .l • Do not coo k meat j oints o ve r 2.7 kg (6lb). Mi lk puddi ngs • Do not coo k pou ltry ove r 2 k g (4lb • Co ver the c erea l with boi ling water 8oz) . and lea ve it to stand for 30 minutes. • Coo k on the middle shel f o f the oven • Drain and m ak e the pudding in the or abo ve. usual wa y. • Coo k stuf fing separate ly . Genera l

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 17

electro lux coo kin g charts 17 Grilling chart FOOD GRILL TIME (m ins in total ) Bacon Rashe rs 5 - 6 Bee f Bur gers 10 - 1 5 Chic ken Joints 30 - 4 0 Lamb Chops 15 - 2 0 Por k Chops 20 - 3 0 Whole Trout/Ma cke rel 15 - 2 5 Pla ice/ Cod Fil lets 10 - 1 5 Kebabs 20 - 3 0 Kidneys – Lamb/P ig 8 - 12 Liver – La mb/Pi g 10 - 2 0 Sausage s 20 - 3 0 Steak – Rar e 6 - 12 Steak – Medium 12 - 1 6 Steak – We ll D one 14 - 2 0 Toasted S andwi ches 3 - 4 The times quoted abov e ar e

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 18

18 electrol ux cook ing cha rts Oven cooking chart The ov en temper atures are i ntended as a guide only. It may b e necess ary to increas e or d ecre ase the te mperatures b y to suit indi vid ual pre ferenc es and requirem ents. Main oven Top oven Gas Gas Approximate Food Pos Pos mark mark cook time (m) Biscuits 5 2 + 4 5 2 0 10 - 2 Bread 8* 3 - - 0 30 - 4 ls/buns Bread rol 8* 3 - - 0 10 - 2 Small / Queen 5 2 + 4 5 2 0 15 - 2 Cakes 4 2 + 4 4 2 0 18 - 2 Victoria Sandwich 4 2 +

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 19

electro lux coo kin g charts 19 Oven cooking chart continued M m ) Choux Pastry 6 2 6 2 5 30 - 3 Éclairs / Profiteroles 5 2 5 2 0 20 - 3 Flaky Pastry 6 2 6 2 0 25 - 4 Mince Pies 5 2 + 4 5 2 0 15 - 2 Pasta Lasagne etc. 5 3 5 2 0 30 - 4 Meat Pies 7 2 7 2 5 25 - 3 Quiche, Tarts, Flans 5 2 5 2 5 25 - 4 Shepherd’s Pie 7 3 7 2 0 30 - 4 Soufflés 5 3 5 2 0 20 - 3 Fish 4 2 4 2 0 20 - 3 Fish Pie 6 3 6 2 5 20 - 2 Beef Casserole 3 4 3 2 3h 2½ - Lamb Casserole 3 4 3 2 3h 2½ - Convenience Fo

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 20

20 electrol ux cook ing cha rts Roasting chart M (1lb) minutes per ½kg 20-35 Beef/ Beef boned 5 r and 20-35 minutes ove (1lb) minutes per ½kg 25-35 Mutton/La mb 5 r and 25-35 minutes ove (1lb) minutes per ½kg 30-40 Pork/Veal/Ham 5 r and 30-40 minutes ove (1lb) minutes per ½kg 20-25 Chicken 5 and 20 minutes over to (1lb) up minutes per ½kg 20-25 Goose Turkey/ 5 ½kg g (7lb) then 10 minutes per 3½k lb) kg (7 3½ (1lb) over (1lb) minutes per ½kg 25-35 Duck 5 r and 25-30

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