Manual do usuário Geemarc Jupiter 4

Manual para o dispositivo Geemarc Jupiter 4

Dispositivo: Geemarc Jupiter 4
Categoria: Telefone de conferência
Fabricante: Geemarc
Tamanho: 0.43 MB
Data de adição: 6/6/2013
Número de páginas: 48
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Abaixo você encontrará previews do conteúdo contido nas páginas subseqüentes do manual para Geemarc Jupiter 4. Se você deseja visualizar rapidamente o conteúdo das páginas subseqüentes, você pode usá-los.

Resumos do conteúdo
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 1

User guide p.2
Notice d’utilisation p.26
Hands-free speaker phone

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 2

INDEX DESCRIPTION 4 INSTALLATION 5 Fittingthedesksupport 5 Connecting 5 Ringerselectswitch 6 Flashmode 6 SETTING UP 7 Set time 7 Set ring 8 Call waiting 8 Autoonhook 8 Setlanguage 9 LCDcontrast 9 Setareacode&LDScode 9 Setflash 10 Digit dimension 10 Hourformat 11 Dateformat 11 PHONE BOOK OPERATION 12 Setphonebook 12 To add the phone book number & name 12 Otherfunctionsaboutphonebook 13 TELEPHONE KEY FUNCTION 15 Regulardialing 15 Usingthecallbackfeature 15

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 3

INDEX Redial 16 Pause 16 Speaker 16 Receivervolume 17 Newcall indicator 17 Mute 17 Recall 17 REVIEWINGDISPLAYMESSAGES 18 Messagewaiting 18 Total & new calls 19 Nocalls 19 Private 19 Endoflist 19 Outofarea 20 Batterylowindicator 20 CALLER ID SYSTEM OPERATION 21 Review 21 Savecallrecords 21 Todeleterecords 21 Callbacktheincomingnumber 22 Caller ID on call waiting 23 GUARANTEE 24 For product support and help telephone01707384438 orfax01707372529

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 4

DESCRIPTION Up / Down Delete Newcallindicator Callback / OK Speakervolume adjustment Phonebook Recall Mute Speaker Redial/Pause Hands-free/Headset DC9V ETR R LINE1 LINE2 LO HI LO HI Flashmode Linejack 9VDCadaptorsocket Receivervolumeadjustment Headsetsocket Ringervolumeadjustment 4

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 5

INSTALLATION 1 - FITTING THE DESK SUPPORT YourJUPITER4canbeusedintheflatpositionorraisedwiththedesk support.ThedesksupportwillgiveyouthebestviewingangleoftheLCD display.Tofitthedesksupport,turnthetelephoneover,insertthetwoupper hooksintotheopeningsprovidedandpushthedesksupportfirmlyhome. 2 1 2-CONNECTING BatteriesarerequiredforthephonebookandcallerIDfunction. Thebatteriesalsoretainthememoriesinthephonebook.Incaseofpower cutandiftherearenobatteries,thememorieswillbekept2mins. ALWAYS ENSURE THAT T

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 6

INSTALLATION -Connectthehandsetcord. -Openthebatterydoor. -Insert4xAAAalkalinebatteriesinthebatterycompartment. -Snapthebatterydoorbackinplace. -ConnectthetelephonecordinLINE1jack.(*)TheLINE2canbeused toconnectamodem. -Connecttheadaptorcord.(**)(optional) -Connecttheheadsetcord(optional). TheACadaptorcanreplacethebatteriesforthephonebookandcallerID functions.Butincaseofpowercut,batterieswillalwaysbeusefultoretain thememoriesandforthephonebookandCIDfunction. 2 - RINGER SELECT SWITCH Settheringers

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 7

SETTING UP Inthestandbymode,youcanentertheMAINMENUbypressingthe button. The menu includes PHONEBOOK, SETTIME andSETPHONE functions. Use or buttontoselecttherequiredfunction,thenpressOKbutton toenterorpressXbuttontoexit. 1 - SET TIME AND DATE -AfterenteringtheSETTIMEmenu,pressOK. -Use or buttontoselectthecorrectnumber. -PressOKbuttontoconfirmandmovetothenextitem. -Aftersettingthetime,youcansetthecorrectmonthanddaybyusing or buttontoselectthecorrectnumber. -Whenyoufinishthesetting,pressOKbuttontoc

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 8

SETTINGUP -Use or buttontoselectoneoftheseitems. -PressOKbuttontoenterorpressXbuttontoexit. 2.1 - SET RING Thereare4kindsofringtype. -AfterenteringtheSETRINGmenu,pressOK. -Use or buttontoselecttheringtoneyouprefer. -PressOKbuttontoconfirm. -PressXbuttontoexittothepreviousmenu.(ThedefaulttypeisType3) 2.2 - CALLWAITING -AfterenteringtheCALLWAITINGmenu,pressOK. -Use or buttontoselectON/OFFtoactivate/de-activatethecall waitingfunction. -PressOKbuttontoconfirm. -PressXbuttontoexittothepreviousmenu.(T

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 9

SETTINGUP 2.4-SETLANGUAGE Theunitsupportsmultilanguages,includingChinese,Korean,Greek, AustralianEnglish,Turkish,Spanish,Dutch,French,German,Polish, Swedish,Danish,Finnish,NorwegianandEnglish. -AfterenteringtheSETLANGUAGEmenu,pressOK. -Use or buttontoselecttherequiredlanguage. -PressOKbuttontoconfirm. -PressXbuttontoexittothepreviousmenu.(Thedefaultlanguageis English) 2.5 - LCD CONTRAST -AfterenteringtheLCDCONTRASTmenu,pressOK. -Use or buttontoselecttheLCDcontrastlevel. -PressOKbuttontoconfirm.

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 10

SETTINGUP -PressOKbuttontoconfirmandenterthenextdigitsetting. -Whentheareacodehasbeenset(6digitslength),press OKbuttononce toenterthelongdistancecode(LDSCODE)setting(4digitslength). - The LCD displays SET LDS CODE. -Use or buttontoselectthefirstdigitoftheLDScode.Ifthelong distancecodeis01,thenthefirsttwodigitsmustbeleftblank.Toinserta blank,pressOK. -PressOKbuttontoconfirmandenterthenextdigitsetting. -PressXbuttontoexittothestandbymode. 2.7 - SET FLASH -AfterenteringtheSETFLASHmenu,pressOK. -Use

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 11

SETTINGUP thatcanbeshownontheLCDis8largedigits. Ifmorethan18smalldigitsor8largedigitsareentered,thelatestentered digitwillbedisplayedandthefirstentereddigitwillscrolloffthedisplay. -PressXbuttontoexittothepreviousmenu. 2.9 - HOUR FORMAT -AfterenteringtheHOURFORMATmenu,pressOK. -Use or buttontoselectthehourformat(12h/24h). -PressOKbuttontoconfirm.(Thedefaultformatis24h.) -PressXbuttontoexittothepreviousmenu. 2.10 - DATE FORMAT -AfterenteringtheDATEFORMATmenu,pressOK. -Use or buttontoselectthedate

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 12

PHONEBOOKOPERATION 1 - SET PHONE BOOK -AfterenteringthePHONEBOOKmenu,pressOK. TheLCDshowstwomenus:ADDandREVIEW. -Use or buttontoselectone. -PressOKbuttontoconfirm. 2 - TO ADD THE PHONE BOOK NUMBER & NAME -SelectADDmenu. -PressOKbuttontoconfirm. -Enterthetelephonenumberbykeypad(30digitsmax.foreachmemory). -Ifyoumakeamistake,pressXbuttontodeletethepreviousdigit. -Aftersettingthenumbers,press buttontoconfirmandenterthe name’ssetting.Presstheappropriatekeypadbuttontogetthefollowing characters: Key C

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 13

PHONEBOOKOPERATION -Ifthenextcharacterstobeenteredisonthesamebuttonastheprevious one,youwillfirstneedtopressOKbutton. -Ifyoumakeamistake,pressXbuttontodeletethepreviousdigit. -Whennumberandnamesettingiscompleted,press buttontostorethe recordinyourphonebook. Toenteranothernumber,repeatstepsfromthepoint3. -PressXbuttontoexittothestandbymode. Youcanalsojustpickupthehandsetordonooperationfor20secondsto exittothestandby. 3 - OTHER PHONE BOOK FUNCTIONS -AfterenteringthePHONEBOOKmenu,pressOK. -SelectRE

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 14

PHONEBOOKOPERATION b.To delete a single phone book number: -Use or buttontoselectthephonebooknumberwhichyouwantto delete. -PressXbuttononceandtheLCDshowsDEL? -PressXbuttononcemoretoconfirm. c. To speed dial out a phone book number: -Press button. -Use or buttontoselectthenumberyouwanttodialoutfromthe phonebook. -Thenpickupthehandsetorpress button,thenumberwillbedialedout. d. To modify the number & name in phone book : -Use or buttontoselectthenumberyouwanttomodifyinphonebook. -PressandholdOKbutt

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 15

TELEPHONEKEYFUNCTION 1-REGULARDIALING -Liftthehandsetorpressthe button. -Enterthetelephonenumberyouwanttocallbypressingtheappropriate digitsonthekeypad. PRE-DIALLING:Donotpickupthehandsetorpressthe button. Enterthetelephonenumberyouwanttocallbypressingtheappropriate digitsonthekeypad.Thepre-diallednumberwillbedialledoutautomatically whenyoupickupthehandsetorpressthe button. ThedialednumberwillbeshownontheLCDdisplay. Thedisplaywillswitchtothecalltimermode.Tostopthetimer;pressX buttonandthetimerca

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 16

TELEPHONEKEYFUNCTION 3-REDIAL( ) / P Thisfeatureallowsyoutoredialthelastnumberyouhavedialledbyone- touchoperation. -Liftthehandsetorpressthe button. -Press buttontoredialthelastdiallednumber. / P 4-PAUSE() Allowsyoutoinsertatemporarypauseduringdialingsequence. Forexample,dialinganinternationalnumber(eg:00-886-22-795-1234), somePBXsystemswillnotregistertheentirenumberentrywithouta pausebetweentheprefixnumbers. Youmayhavetodial00- ,dial886- . Thisallowsadequatetimingforthephonenumbertoregisterwith

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 17

TELEPHONEKEYFUNCTION 6-RECEIVERVOLUME( ) Toadjustthereceivervolumetoyourdesiredlisteninglevel,movethe switchlocatedbehindthephonetotheHIorLOposition. 7 - NEW CALLINDICATOR TheredindicatorlightofyourphonewillflashwhenyouhaveNewCalls. Thelightwillcontinuetoflashuntilallthenewcallshavebeenreviewed. 8 - MUTE ( ) Ifyouwishtospeakprivatelytosomeoneelseintheroomwithoutyour calleroverhearing,pressthe buttononce.Youwillstillbeabletohear thecaller’sbuttheycannothearyouduringthemuteoperation. Toresumenorma

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 18

REVIEWINGDISPLAYMESSAGES AcallerIDrecordconsistsofthefollowinginformation: Time a Batter Numb Caller’s Caller’s 1-MESSAGEWAITING Ifyouhavevoicemailservicefrom yourtelephonecompanyanda recordedmessageisleft,thescreen willdisplayMSGWAITINGandthe MESSAGE WAITING will be saved asacall. NOTE:Thisfunctionshouldbe supportedbyyourtelephonecompany. 18

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 19

REVIEWINGDISPLAYMESSAGES 2-TOTAL & NEW CALLS Thisshowsyouthetotalandnewcalls tobereviewed. Inthisexample,youhaveatotalof 15callswhichinclude5newcalls. 3 - NO CALLS Whenallcallshavebeendeleted, the display will show NO CALL. 4 - PRIVATE Ifthecallerhasexercisedtheoption topreventhisnameandnumberfrom beingsent,“PRIVATE” will be shown onthescreen. 5 - END OF LIST Thismessageisdisplayedwhenuse or toreachthetop(end)ofthe callhistorylist.Iftherearenocalls, then LCD shows NOCALL. 19

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 20

REVIEWINGDISPLAYMESSAGES 6 - OUT OF AREA Willdisplaywhensomeonecallsfrom anareawherethetelephonecompany isnotofferingthecalleridentification servicesoranareathatisnotyet providingnameandnumberdelivery toyourareaviathelongdistancenet-work. 7-BATTERY LOW INDICATOR Ifthebatteryisfull,the iconwill bedisplayed. Ifthebatteryislow,thebattery lowicon willturnon,ifthepower isnearlyempty,thebatteryicon willturnonandifthepowerisempty, theicon willturnon. 20

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