Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 1
Installation, Operation and
Maintenace Manual
HTS Series Split System,
Two Stage, 2-5 Tons
1900 Wellworth Ave., Jackson, Michigan 49203 Ph. 517-0787-2100 Fax 517-787-9341
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Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 2
HEAT CONTROLLER, INC. WATER-SOURCE HEAT PUMPS Residential Split - 60Hz R410A Rev.: 03 August, 2012 Table of Contents Model Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Electrical - Line Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Electrical - Low Voltage Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Low Water Temperature Cutout Selection . . . 24 Pre-In
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The Quality Leader in Conditioning Air Residential Split - 60Hz R410A Rev.: 03 August, 2012 Model Nomenclature : for Indoor Split Series 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 910 11 12 13 14 HT S 0 2 4 B 1 D 0 1 N N N SERIES HT = Heat Controller Two Stage SUPPLY AIR FLOW & MOTOR CONFIGURATION N = NOT APPLICABLE CONFIGURATION S = SPLIT RETURN AIR FLOW CONFIGURATION UNIT SIZE N = NOT APPLICABLE 024 036 048 060 HEAT EXCHANGER OPTIONS REVISION LEVEL A = Obsolete 6-29-12 Copper Cupro-Nickel B = Current Revision DXM2
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HEAT CONTROLLER, INC. WATER-SOURCE HEAT PUMPS Residential Split - 60Hz R410A Rev.: 03 August, 2012 Safety Safety WARNING! Warnings, cautions and notices appear throughout this manual. Read these items carefully before attempting any WARNING! All refrigerant discharged from this unit must installation, service or troubleshooting of the equipment. be recovered WITHOUT EXCEPTION. Technicians must follow industry accepted guidelines and all local, state, DANGER: Indicates an immediate hazardo
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The Quality Leader in Conditioning Air Residential Split - 60Hz R410A Rev.: 03 August, 2012 General Information Inspection 4. Inspect all electrical connections. Connections must be clean and tight at the terminals. Upon receipt of the equipment, carefully check the shipment 5. Loosen compressor bolts on units equipped with against the bill of lading. Make sure all units have been compressor spring vibration isolation until the compressor received. Inspect the packaging of each unit, and in
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HEAT CONTROLLER, INC. WATER-SOURCE HEAT PUMPS Residential Split - 60Hz R410A Rev.: 03 August, 2012 Equipment Selection ® NOTICE! AHRI matched systems are required for warranty Indoor Coil Selection - HTS GeoLogix and applicable federal tax credits. HCI split system heat pumps are rated in the AHRI directory ® with a specifi c indoor coil match. GeoLogix (HTS) models The installation of geothermal heat pump units and all are rated with Heat Controller WDG Series air handlers associated compon
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The Quality Leader in Conditioning Air Residential Split - 60Hz R410A Rev.: 03 August, 2012 Equipment Selection Air Handler Selection Example Figure 1 shows a typical performance table for a heat pump air handler. Suppose the evaporator temperature required is 50ºF, the capacity required is 35,000 Btuh and the airfl ow required is 1,200 CFM. Each evaporator temperature listed in the table shows three wet bulb temperatures. As recommended in the table notes above, select the 67ºF WB column. A
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HEAT CONTROLLER, INC. WATER-SOURCE HEAT PUMPS Residential Split - 60Hz R410A Rev.: 03 August, 2012 Installation NOTICE! Failure to remove shipping brackets from Any access panel screws that would be diffi cult to remove spring-mounted compressors will cause excessive after the unit is installed should be removed prior to setting noise, and could cause component failure due to added the unit. Refer to Figure 2 for an illustration of a typical vibration. installation. Refer to “Physical Dimen
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The Quality Leader in Conditioning Air Residential Split - 60Hz R410A Rev.: 03 August, 2012 Installation Figure 2: HTS Installation The female locking ring is threaded onto the pipe threads External Flow Controller Mounting which holds the male pipe end against the rubber gasket, The Flow Controller can be mounted beside the unit as and seals the joint. HAND TIGHTEN ONLY! DO NOT shown in Figure 4. Review the Flow Controller installa- OVERTIGHTEN! tion manual for more details. Water Connectio
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HEAT CONTROLLER, INC. WATER-SOURCE HEAT PUMPS Residential Split - 60Hz R410A Rev.: 03 August, 2012 Ground-Loop Heat Pump Applications Earth loop temperatures can range between 25 and 110°F [-4 Pressures will be higher in the winter months than during to 43°C]. Flow rates between 2.25 and 3 gpm per ton [2.41 to the cooling season. This fl uctuation is normal and should be 3.23 l/m per kW] of cooling capacity is recommended in these considered when charging the system initially. Run the unit in
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The Quality Leader in Conditioning Air Residential Split - 60Hz R410A Rev.: 03 August, 2012 Ground-Loop Heat Pump Applications Table 2: Approximate Fluid Volume (U.S. gal. [L]) per Figure 4: Loop Connection (Indoor Compressor Section) 100’ of Pipe Fluid Volume (gal [liters] per 100’ [30 meters] Pipe) Pipe Size Volume (gal) [liters] 1” 4.1 [15.3] To Loop Copper 1.25” 6.4 [23.8] Flow 2.5” 9.2 [34.3] Controller Rubber Hose 1” 3.9 [14.6] Unit Power 3/4” IPS SDR11 2.8 [10.4] Disconnect 1” IPS SDR11
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HEAT CONTROLLER, INC. WATER-SOURCE HEAT PUMPS Residential Split - 60Hz R410A Rev.: 03 August, 2012 Ground-Water Heat Pump Applications -Compressor Section Only Open Loop - Ground Water Systems Expansion Tank and Pump (“Indoor” Compressor Section Only) Use a closed, bladder-type expansion tank to minimize The “outdoor” version of the compressor section may not mineral formation due to air exposure. The expansion tank be used with open loop systems due to potential freezing should be sized to pr
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The Quality Leader in Conditioning Air Residential Split - 60Hz R410A Rev.: 03 August, 2012 Ground-Water Heat Pump Applications To manually open the internal modulating motorized water Water Coil Low Temperature Limit Setting valve in HTS024 - 048 push down on the handle to unlock For all open loop systems the 30°F [-1.1°C] FP1 setting it. Then rotate the handle to the open position as shown (factory setting-water) should be used to avoid freeze damage in Figure 9a. This fully opens the v
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HEAT CONTROLLER, INC. WATER-SOURCE HEAT PUMPS Residential Split - 60Hz R410A Rev.: 03 August, 2012 Water Quality Standards Table 4: Water Quality Standards Water Quality HX Closed Open Loop and Recirculating Well Parameter Material Recirculating Scaling Potential - Primary Measurement Above the given limits, scaling is likely to occur. Scaling indexes should be calculated using the limits below pH/Calcium Hardness - All pH < 7.5 and Ca Hardness <100ppm Method Index Limits for Probable Scaling S
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The Quality Leader in Conditioning Air Residential Split - 60Hz R410A Rev.: 03 August, 2012 Refrigeration Installation When passing refrigerant lines through a wall, seal CAUTION! opening with silicon-based caulk. Avoid direct contact with water pipes, duct work, fl oor joists, wall studs, CAUTION! R-410A systems operate at higher pressures fl oors or other structural components that could transmit than R-22 systems. Be certain that service equipment compressor vibration. Do not suspend ref
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HEAT CONTROLLER, INC. WATER-SOURCE HEAT PUMPS Residential Split - 60Hz R410A Rev.: 03 August, 2012 Refrigeration Installation Figure 10: Braze Instructions Figure 11: Air Coil Connection TXV (‘IN’ toward Bulb (Must be compressor section) Equalizer Installed and Line Insulated) FP2 Vapor Sensor Fully Insulated Suction Line Suction Line TXV has internal check valve Liquid Line Fully Insulated Liquid Line Add-On Heat Pump Applications Nitrogen Braze The HWG Series indoor coil should be located in t
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The Quality Leader in Conditioning Air Residential Split - 60Hz R410A Rev.: 03 August, 2012 Refrigeration Installation Figure 12: Typical Split/Air Handler Installation (Indoor Compressor Section) Power Disconnects WDG Series TXV ‘IN’ toward Compressor Section Insulated Line Sets PVC Condensate with vented trap Indoor Compressor Section Low Voltage Air pad or extruded polystyrene Figure 13: Typical Split/Add-on Coil Fossil Fuel Furnace Installation (Indoor Compressor Section) Air Temperatur
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HEAT CONTROLLER, INC. WATER-SOURCE HEAT PUMPS Residential Split - 60Hz R410A Rev.: 03 August, 2012 Refrigeration Installation Evacuation Of The Lineset And Coil Charging The System The line set and coil must be evacuated to at least 500 There are two methods of charging a refrigerant system. One microns to remove any moisture and noncondensables. method is the total charge method, where the volume of the Evacuate the system through both service ports in the system is determined and the refr
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The Quality Leader in Conditioning Air Residential Split - 60Hz R410A Rev.: 03 August, 2012 Refrigeration Installation Checking Superheat and Subcooling Turn service valves full out CCW (see Table 5) and then turn back in one-half turn to open service ports. Add the required Determining Superheat: refrigerant so that the total charge calculated for the unit 1. Measure the temperature of the suction line at a point and line set is now in the system. Open the service valve near the expansion
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HEAT CONTROLLER, INC. WATER-SOURCE HEAT PUMPS Residential Split - 60Hz R410A Rev.: 03 August, 2012 Hot Water Generator The HWG (Hot Water Generator) or desuperheater option Using a 125°F set point, the HWG can heat the lower 40 provides considerable operating cost savings by utilizing gallons of water from 100°F to 125°F, providing up to 8,330 excess heat energy from the heat pump to help satisfy btu’s of heat. Using the 150°F set point, the HWG can heat domestic hot water requirements. The