Manual do usuário Renesas M16C/26A

Manual para o dispositivo Renesas M16C/26A

Dispositivo: Renesas M16C/26A
Categoria: Hardware
Fabricante: Renesas
Tamanho: 0.21 MB
Data de adição: 3/19/2014
Número de páginas: 26
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Resumos do conteúdo
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 1


Renesas Starter Kit for M16C/26A

User’s Manual


Rev.3.00 Renesas Technology Europe Ltd.
Revision date: Aug.31,2007

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 2

Table of Contents Chapter 1. Preface..................................................................................................................................................1 Chapter 2. Purpose.................................................................................................................................................2 Chapter 3. Power Supply ............................................................................................................................

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 3

Chapter 1. Preface Cautions This document may be, wholly or partially, subject to change without notice. All rights reserved. Duplication of this document, either in whole or part is prohibited without the written permission of Renesas Technology Europe Limited. Trademarks All brand or product names used in this manual are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organisations. Copyright © Renesas Technology Europe Ltd. 2007. All rights reserved. © Renesa

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 4

Chapter 2. Purpose This Renesas Starter Kit is an evaluation tool for Renesas microcontrollers. Features include: • Renesas Microcontroller Programming. • User Code Debugging. • User Circuitry such as Switches, LEDs and potentiometer(s). • User or Example Application. • Sample peripheral device initialisation code. The Renesas Starter Kit board contains all the circuitry required for microcontroller operation. NOTE: This manual describes the technical details of the Renesas Starter

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Chapter 3. Power Supply 3.1. Requirements This Renesas Starter Kit operates from a 3V to 5V power supply. A diode provides reverse polarity protection only if a current limiting power supply is used. All Renesas Starter Kit boards are supplied with an E8a debugger. This product is able to power the Renesas Starter Kit board with up to 300mA. When the Renesas Starter Kit is connected to another system then that system should supply power to the Renesas Starter Kit. All Renesas Starter Ki

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Chapter 4. Board Layout 4.1. Component Layout The following diagram shows the top layer component layout of the board. Figure 4-1: Board Layout 4

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4.2. Board Dimensions The following diagram gives the board dimensions and connector positions. All through hole connectors are on a common 0.1” grid for easy interfacing. 45.00mm JA1 14.00mm MCU JA2 27.00mm 50.80mm 80.00mm 85.00mm Figure 4-2 : Board Dimensions 5

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BOOT & BOOTn signals E8a Chapter 5. Block Diagram Figure 5-1 is representative of the CPU board components and their connectivity. Power Jack Option BOOT Application Board Boot mode pins Circuitry Interface Microcontroller Pin D-type RESET pin Headers Latch Microcontroller E8a IRQ pins Serial Connector Option ADC Input I/O SW1 SW3 SW2 RES BOOT Switches LCD Display POWER: Green Potentiometer Data x4 User LED x4 Control x2 1Green, 1Orange, 2Red BOOT: Orange LEDs Figure 5-1: Block Diagram Fi

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Chapter 6. User Circuitry 6.1. Switches There are four switches located on the Renesas Starter Kit. The function of each switch and its connection are shown in Table 6-1. Switch Function Microcontroller RES When pressed, the board microcontroller is reset. RESET Pin 7 SW1/BOOT* Connects to an IRQ input for user controls. INT0 Pin14 The switch is also used in conjunction with the RES switch to place (Port 8, pin 3) the device in BOOT mode when not using the E8a debugger. SW2* Connects

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6.3. Potentiometer A single turn potentiometer is connected to AN2.4 (P9.3) of the microcontroller. This may be used to vary the input analog voltage value to this pin between AVCC and Ground. 6.4. Serial port The microcontroller programming serial port 1 is connected to the E8a connector. This serial port can optionally be connected to the RS232 transceiver as well by fitting zero Ohm option resistors and fitting the D connector. In addition the RS232 transceiver should be enabled. The

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6.6.Option Links Table 6-5 below describes the function of the option links associated with Power configuration. The default configuration is indicated by BOLD text. Option Link Settings Reference Function Fitted Alternative (Removed) Related To R16 Power Supply Connects J5 to Board_VCC J5 disconnected from R18 Board_VCC R17 MCU Power Supply Supply to MCU Fit Low ohm resistor to measure R18, R19, R20 current R18 Power Supply Connects Board_VCC to Board_VCC disconnected from R16, R17,

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Table 6-6 below describes the function of the option links associated with Clock configuration. The default configuration is indicated by BOLD text. Option Link Settings Reference Function Fitted Alternative (Removed) Related To R1 Oscillator Connects X1 (or X2) to MCU Connects external clock to MCU R2, R3, R4 (Main clock) R2 Oscillator Connects X1 (or X2) to MCU Connects external clock to MCU R1, R3, R4 (Main clock) R3 Oscillator Connects external clock to MCU Connects X1 (or X2) to M

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Table 6-8 below describes the function of the option links associated with Analog configuration. The default configuration is indicated by BOLD text. Option Link Settings Reference Function Fitted Alternative (Removed) Related To R10 ADC Connects Board_VCC to Disconnects Board_VCC from R11, R12, R13, AVCC AVCC R14,R15 R11 ADC Connects CON_AVCC to Disconnects CON_AVCC R10, R12, R13, AVCC from AVCC R14, R15 R12 ADC Connects Board_VCC to Disconnects Board_VCC from R10, R11, R13, VREF VRE

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Table 6-10 below describes the function of the option links associated with other options. The default configuration is indicated by BOLD text. Option Link Settings Reference Function Fitted Alternative (Removed) Related To R53 E8a Enables E8a Do not fit the option resistor R56 SW1 Connects SW1 to MCU port Disconnected P8_3 R57 SW3 Connects SW3 to MCU port Disconnected R58 (ADTRG input) P1_5(ADTRG pin) R58 SW3 Connects SW3 to MCU port Disconnected R57 (IRQ input) P1_7(IRQ pin) R66

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6.7.Oscillator Sources A crystal oscillator or ceramic resonator is fitted on the Renesas Starter Kit and used to supply the main clock input to the Renesas microcontroller. A crystal oscillator is fitted on the Renesas Starter Kit and used to supply the sub clock input. Table 6-11: Oscillators / Resonators details the oscillators that are fitted and alternative footprints provided on this Renesas Starter Kit: Component Main clock (X1) Fitted 10 MHz (HC/49U package) Main clock (X2) Not F

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Chapter 7. Modes The Renesas Starter Kit supports Boot mode and Single chip mode. Details of programming the FLASH memory is described in the M16C/26A Group Hardware Manual. 7.1. Boot mode The boot mode settings for this Renesas Starter Kit are shown in Table 7-1: Boot Mode pin settings below: CNVSS RP/ P1_6 LSI State after Reset End P8_5 High Low High Boot Mode Table 7-1: Boot Mode pin settings The software supplied with this Renesas Starter Kit supports Boot mode using an E8a and

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Chapter 8. Programming Methods The board is intended for use with High-performance Embedded Workshop and the supplied E8a debugger. Refer to M16C/26A Group Hardware Manual for details of programming the microcontroller without using these tools. 15

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Chapter 9. Headers 9.1. Microcontroller Headers Table 9-1 to Table 9-4 show the microcontroller pin headers and their corresponding microcontroller connections. The header pins connect directly to the microcontroller pins. * Marked pins are subject to option links. J1 Pin Circuit Net Name Device Pin Circuit Net Name Device Pin Pin 1 IO_2 1 2 IO_1* 2 3 IO_0* 3 4 CNVSS_E8C 4 5 XCIN 5 6 XCOUT 6 7 RESn 7 8 CON_XOUT 8 9 Ground 9 10 CON_XIN 10 11 UC_VCC 11 12 RP_E8A 12 Table 9-1: J1 J2

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J4 Pin Circuit Net Name Device Pin Circuit Net Name Device Pin Pin 1 IO_7 37 2 IO_6 38 3 IO_5 39 4 TRISTn/IO_4* 40 5 AD3 41 6 AD2 42 7 AD1 43 8 R_AVSS 44 9 AD0 45 10 R_VREF 46 11 R_AVCC 47 12 IO_3* 48 Table 9-4: J4 9.2. Application Headers Table 9-5 and Table 9-6 below show the standard application header connections. JA1 Pin Header Name Circuit Net Device Pin Header Name Circuit Net Device Name Pin Name Pin 1 Regulated Supply 1 CON_5V - 2 Regulated Supply 1 Ground - 3 Regulate

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JA2 Pin Header Name Circuit Net Device Pin Header Name Circuit Net Device Name Pin Name Pin 1 Reset RESn 7 2 External Clock Input CON_XIN* 10 3 Interrupt RP_E8A 12 4 Regulated Supply 1 GND - 5 WDT overflow NC - 6 Serial Port SCIaTX* 30 7 Interrupt IRQ0* 14 8 Serial Port SCIaRX* 31 9 Interrupt IRQ1* 13 10 Serial Port SCIaCK* 32 11 Motor up/down MO_UD 15 12 Serial Port Handshake CTSRTS* 33 13 Motor control MO_Up 17 14 Motor control MO_Un 16 15 Motor control MO_Vp 23 16 Motor control

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