Manual do usuário Atmel ATAK2270

Manual para o dispositivo Atmel ATAK2270

Dispositivo: Atmel ATAK2270
Categoria: Hardware
Fabricante: Atmel
Tamanho: 3.83 MB
Data de adição: 5/3/2014
Número de páginas: 39
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Resumos do conteúdo
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 1

RFID Application Kit ATAK2270
User Manual

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 2

Table of Contents Section 1 Introduction.................................................................................................................1-1 1.1 RFID Products Promoted by ATAK2270 Kit ...................................................................... 1-1 1.2 Included Hardware Components ....................................................................................... 1-1 1.3 Equipment Needed ...............................................................................

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 3

Table of Contents (Continued) 5.3 Transponder Type Software Interface Description ............................................................ 5-6 5.3.1 TK5530/e5530 Read-only Transponder Menu .................................................... 5-6 5.3.2 TK5552/T5552 Read/Write Transponder............................................................. 5-7 5.3.3 TK5551 Read/Write Transponder........................................................................ 5-9 5.3.4 T5557/ATA5567 Multifuncti

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 4

Section 1 Introduction 1.1 RFID Products Promoted by ATAK2270 Kit The RFID application kit (ordering code ATAK2270) promotes the key features of various RFID products ® from Atmel . The following products are supported by the kit: U2270B Read/write base station IC TK5530/e5530 Read-only transponder TK5551 Standard read/write transponder TK5552/T5552 Read/write transponder micromodule with 1-Kbit memory T5557/ATA5567 Multifunctional read/write transponder ATA5570 Multifunctional read/wri

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Section 2 Getting Started Build up the RFID reader application system according to the configuration shown on the cover and in Figure 2-1: 1. Plug the antenna into the socket of the interface board. 2. Connect a serial RS232 cable between the RS232 connector and either COM1 or COM2 of the PC. 3. Connect the supply line from the 12V power source to the jack connector. Alternatively use the mains SMPS. 2.1 Hardware Settings and Connector Positions ® The main board with the AVR ATmega8515L contro

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Getting Started Figure 2-2. Antenna Interface Board Figure 2-3. Application Board Top View 2-2 RFID Application Kit ATAK2270 User Manual 4871E–RFID–04/08

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Getting Started 2.2 Software Installation The ATAK2270 host installation software as well as the related datasheets and documentation are pro- vided by the CD-ROM included in the kit. Furthermore, the up-to-date software and documentation are available via the web. Execute the setup.exe file found on the CD-ROM to launch the installation and generate the ATAK2270.exe program file. If the default settings are accepted during installation, the program file will be installed to path: X:\Programm

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Section 3 Description of the Application Board System 3.1 System Overview The ATAK2270 application board unit (Figure 2-3) consists of a ready-to-run standard microcontroller ® main board equipped with the Atmel AVR microcontroller ATmega8515L, combined with a piggybacked antenna interface board containing the U2270B reader IC. The following functionality is controlled by the AVR microcontroller: Handling of the bi-directional data communication between the RS232 interface and the host PC Ex

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Description of the Application Board System 3.3.1 Frequency Tuning Mode Selection The reader interface has a built-in frequency tuning feature. By the host software, the resonant fre- quency of the LC antenna circuit can be switched in four steps. Therefore the board is equipped with two stages of high-voltage transistor switches to tune the resonator via switched capacitors. Table 3-1. The Frequency Tuning Can Be Selected Using Jumper J3 Tuning Mode Jumper J3 Position Disabled 1-2 Enabled 2-3

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Description of the Application Board System Figure 3-1. Circuit Diagram of the Antenna Interface RFID Application Kit ATAK2270 User Manual 3-3 4871E–RFID–04/08 R8 C5 R9 D2 D4 C9 D1 R3 BAS21 BAS21 514 15 M1 M4 M15 BAV21 U2 MS VS RF V CC R12 IN OUT 11 4 X2/1 7808 DVS INPUT C7 10 C4 R1 VEXT R10 R2 R13 Green 12 LD1 VBATT C8 Components Power D3 D5 R11 for feedback C3 application DZ1 BAS21 BAS21 M13 13 CANT1 X1/6 STANDBY L2 8 M11 COIL2 2 Data out 2 J3 X2/5 OUTPUT 3 X3 X1/3 OE CANT2 12 3 1 GND R14 1 9

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Description of the Application Board System 3.3.3 Antenna Interface Parts List U1 U2270 B SO16 U2 LM7808 TO220 Diodes D1 BAS21 SOT23 D2 BAS21 SOT23 D3 BAS21 SOT23 D4 BAS21 SOT23 D5 BAS21 SOT23 D6 BAS21 SOT23 D7 BAS21 SOT23 DZ1 BZX84C 5.6V SOT23 LEDs LD1 TLMC3100 (green) PLCC2 LD2 TLMT3100 (red) PLCC2 LD3 TLMT3100 (red) PLCC2 LD4 TLMA3100 (yellow) PLCC2 Transistors T1 BF820 SOT23 T2 BF820 SOT23 Resistors R1 3.6 kΩ 0805 R2 360Ω 0805 R3 10 kΩ 0805 R7 1

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Description of the Application Board System Capacitors CANT1 1.8 nF II 120 to 180 pF/100V COG CANT2 330 (270) pF/100V COG radial CTUNE1 150 pF/100V COG 0805 CTUNE2 330 pF/100V COG 0805 C3 10 µF/16V radial C4 22 µF/16V radial C5 22 µF/16V radial C6 220 nF 0805 C7 6.8 nF/100V 0805 C8 2.2 nF/100V 0805 C9 4.7 nF 0805 Miscellaneous SUB-D 9-pole socket 3-pole connector for coil Gold-pin block for jumper (1 × 3-pole) 2 gold-pin block 1 × 18-pole (used for pin connector to

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Section 4 Basic Transponder Functionality Getting Started 4.1 System Installation 1. Install the host software according to the instructions in Section 2.2. 2. Connect the application board unit with the host PC using the RS232 serial cable included in the kit. 3. Connect a 12V (AC or DC) power supply to the board using the jack connector cable. The power-on status is indicated by green LEDs labelled Power located, one each, on the interface and main board. 4. Start the host software on the ho

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Section 5 Host Software Figure 5-1. Start Window of the ATAK2270 Host Software 5.1 Software Structure The software included supports the following Atmel transponder types: TK5530/e5530 read-only TK5551 read/write TK5552/T5552 read/write (1 kBit) T5557/ATA5567 multifunctional read/write ATA5570 multifunctional read/write with sensor input ATA5577 Advanced multifunctional read/write All transponder types and their particular features and functions can be controlled by the same host soft- wa

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Host Software 5.2 Start Window The host software menu bar has five menus: Setup, Option, Application, Exit, and Info. 5.2.1 Setup Select the appropriate transponder in the Setup -> Transponder menu (Figure 5-2). The user interface displayed depends on the transponder chosen. Figure 5-2. Transponder Menu In the submenu COM-Port, select the RS232 serial port used to communicate with the RFID application kit (COM-Port). (To check that communication is established between the PC and the applicati

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Host Software Figure 5-4. Tuning Menu Table 5-1. Tuning Stage LED Indication Tune2 Tune1 Frequency 0 0 High 0 1 Semi High 1 0 Semi Low (default) 11 Low Select the submenu RF-Field to switch the antenna’s RF field ON or OFF. The current status is indicated by the yellow LED, RF On, on the interface board. ON is the default value. Clicking Demoboard Reset resets the application board and returns all changes in the option menu to the default values. The reset can also be triggered by pressing

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Host Software Write Bit String The input text box in theWrite Bit String window can be used to enter programming data, which can be sent to any block. The bit string entered can be freely composed; therefore, it is important to consider the bit sequence, specified above the text box. For the supported transponder types, typical default configu- rations can be displayed in the text box by clicking a corresponding Load standand block... buttons. Clicking the Write button, sends the bit

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Host Software Timing Test If specific antennas have to be matched to a transponder IC, the Timing Test feature can be used to determine the appropriate write timing needed for OOK data downlink. The write time ranges for logical one, logical zero, and gap can be defined. When the Start Test button is clicked, data is written to the tag starting with the minimal time values. Following this, the programmed data content will be read back and verified, and the results displayed in the wi

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Host Software 5.3 Transponder Type Software Interface Description 5.3.1 TK5530/e5530 Read-only Transponder Menu Figure 5-9. TK5530 Read Tab Selecting Transponder >TK5530/e5530 from the Setup menu, opens the the TK5530 user interface. A Read tab is displayed. The read tab is divided into two areas – Configuration Setup and Read Timings. The following parameters can be configured in the Configuration Setup area: Bitrate: Rf/32, Rf/40 or Rf/64 Coding: Manchester or Bi-phase ID-Code Length: 32

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Host Software 5.3.2 TK5552/T5552 Read/Write Transponder Figure 5-10. TK5552 Read Tab Selecting Transponder >TK5552/T5552 from the Setup menu, opens the the TK5552 user interface. Two tabs are available – Read and Write. The Read tab is divided into two areas – Configuration Setup and Read Timings. The following parameters can be configured in the Configuration Setup area: Bitrate: Rf/16 and Rf/32 Coding: Manchester and PSK ID-Code Length: Block0, Block1, Block1 to 2, Block 1 to 3, ..., Blo

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