Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 20
.,. 2. Changing the starter cord Back off the three starter retaining screws and lift / ,/ the starter off. .. s+”. , 2. Austausch des Anwerfseils. @4=’-’-~- !1 Die drei Schrauben, mit denen die Anwerfvor- richtung befestigt ist, herausdrehen und die An- werfvorrichtung abheben. 2. Replacement de la cordelette de Iancement Devissez Ies trois vis de fixation du demarreur et sortez celui-ci. Take the cord out of the pulley. Remove the “cube” from the pulley with the aid of a small screwdriver. Das
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 1
Chain Saw
1100 CD
Operator's Manual
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 2
Technic da11 C TechD – 1 Ct a 0 a n Displacement 99 cm3 Hubraum 99 cm3 Bore 56 mm Bohrung 56 mm 40 mm Hub 40 mm Stroke Output on crankshaft 6.2 hp Leistung an der Motorwelle 6,2 hp Speed at max. power 8000 rpm Fuel tank capacity 0.85 I Drehzahl bei max Oil tank capacity 0.55 I Leistung 8000 rpm Ignition system Femsa electronic GEF Kraftstofftank 0,85 I 0,55 I CD type Ultank 243 Zundung Elektronisch, Ignition advance Champion CJ 7 Y Femsa GEF CD-Typ Sparking plug ~4. Bosch WKA 225 T 36 Vorzundung
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 3
What’s what on the chain saw Einzelteile der Motorsage Apprenez Ziconnaitre votre tronconneuse a -6 -7 “8 “9 1 1 1 2------1 4 1. Starter handle 6. Kurzschlusschalter 2. Starter 7. Startklappe 3. Fuel filler cap 8. Startgassperre 4. Oil filler cap 9. Gashebel 5. Cylinder casing 10. Gashebelsperre 6. Stop contact 7. Choke control 1. Poignee de Iancement 8. Starting throttle ratchet 2. Demarreur 9. Throttle lever 3. Bouchon du reservoir d’essence 10. Throttle safety catch 4. Bouchon du reservoir d’
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 4
1. Fuel and chain oiI Engine The saw is powered by a two-stroke engine. A petrol and oil admixture should be used as the fuel. 1. Kraftstoff und Kettenschmierol Motor Die Sage wird von einem Zweitaktmotor angetrieben. Als Kraftstoff ist eine Benzin- ~1-Mischung zu verwenden. i Carburant et huile de Iubrification I 1. de la chahe I Moteur La tronqonneuse est equipee d’un moteur 2 temps et utilise comme carburant de I’essence melangee d’huile. Use only two-stroke oil of the highest auality. The pe
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 5
Caution: When day turns into night the moisture in the air condenses and water readily forms in petrol tanks. For this reason make sure that the saw has a full tank when it is not in use and stored outdoors. Spare fuel cans should be fitted with airtight filler caps and it is advisable to rinse them out with fuel before filling them. Chain and guide bar: The saw chain is lubricated with the aid of a special oil pump. Chain lubricating oil with ‘(adhesive” properties should be used. Make sure tha
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 6
I Adjusting oil volume Einstellen der Olmenge R6glage du d6bit d’huile The chain saw is equipped with an adjustable oil pump. Oil volume can be regulated by turning the adjusting I screw to any of four different positions. To adjust the volume of oil, turn the adjusting screw all the way in and then align the mark on the screw with one of the figures 1 to 4. When the mark on the screw is set at: I position 1, the oil pump delivers approx. 11 cm3/min position 2, the oil pump delivers approx. 13 c
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 7
2. Maintenance Although the chain saw is partially run-in as supplied following are of a preventive nature designed to from the factory, it is advisable to begin using a obviate costly repairs which may be necessary if new saw on small-dimension timber. Avoid sawing maintenance is neglected. with the engine under full load for more than approx. To make it easier ~or you to know when the various half a minute during the first two days. This will measures need carrying out, we have arranged them e
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 8
After refueling, check that oil is delivered to the chain. This can be done against a Iight-coloured tree stump or other light surface. Nach dem Tanken prufen, ob die Kette geschmiert wird. Ulspritzer von der Iaufenden Kette mtissen auf einem heilen Baumstumpf oder einer anderen hellen Oberflache zu sehen sein. Apres avoir fait Ie plein, verifiez que I’huile arrive bien a la chaine. Pour mieux voir I’huile, placez la chaine contre un tronc ou autre surface claire, Graissez Ie galet de guide-chai
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 9
Daily maintenance 1. Cleaning the air filter. Back off the screws holding the cylinder casing. Tagliche Pflege 1. Reinigen des Luftfilters Die Schrauben zur Befestigung des Zylinderkopfes herausdrehen. Entretien quotidien 1. Nettoyage du flltre h alr D6vissez Ies vis de fixation du capot de cylindre. Remove the cylinder casing. Den Zylinderkopf abnehmen Otez Ie capot. Lift out the air filter. Das Luftfilter abheben. Sortez Ie filtre a air. 9
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 10
... 1 Rinse the air filter in chain saw fuel or paraffin. Another way is to pour fuel onto the filter and then shake off the dirt. Assemble in reverse order. Das Luftfilter in Kraftstoff oder Petroleum aus- waschen. Man kann auch Kraftstoff auf das Filter giessen und dann den Schmutz abschtitteln. Die Montage in umgekehrter Reihenfolge vor- nehmen. Rincez Ie filtre clans du carburant 2 temps ou du petrole. II est egalement possible de verser du carburant sur Ie filtre, puis de secouer pour faire
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 11
Make sure that the oil hole in the guide bar is clean. Auch das Ulloch in der Schiene muss frei sein. Veillez egalement a ce que I’orifice d’entree d’huile du guide-chaine soit propre. At the same time, check that the guide bar is straight and undamaged. Gleichzeitig nachsehen, ob die Sageschiene gera- de und einwandfrei ist. Verifiez en m~me temps que Ie guide-chalne est parfaitement droit et ne presente aucun autre defaut. Rotate the guide bar a half-turn on assembly to ensure uniform wear – t
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 12
Weekly maintenance 1. Cleaning of starter and fan wheel. Back off the three screws holding the starter in A place, Wochentliche oberholung 1. Reinigen der Anwerfvorrichtung und des Lufters. Die drei Schrauben, mit denen die Anwerfvorrich- tung befestigt ist, Iosen. Entretien hebdomadaire Nettoyage du demarreur et du ventilateur Devissez Ies trois vis de fixation du demarreur. Clean the fan wheel and the space surrounding it. Den Lufter und seine Umgebung reinigen. Nettoyez Ie ventilateur et I’es
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 13
2. Cleaning and checking the sparking plug. Unscrew and remove the cylinder casing. 2. Ziindkerze reinigen und kontrollieren. Den Zylinderkopf abschrauben und abnehmen. 2. Nettoyage et contr~le de la bougie Devissez et enlevez Ie capot de cylindre. ,,./.. . Disconnect the ignition cable from the sparking plug. Das Zundkabel von der Zundkerze abziehen. Debranchez Ie cable d’allumage de la bougie. Clean the space round the sparking plug (wipe or blow with compressed air). Die Umgebung der Zundkerz
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 14
Unscrew the sparking plug, using the combina- tion spanner. Die Zundkerze herausschrauben. Dazu den Kom- binationsschiussel benutzen. Devissez la bougie a I’aide de la cle combinee. I C{ean tt~e sparking plug, removin9 all deposits use a hard, pointed object such as a needle Clean the electrodes and between the threads and insulator base. Die Zhndkerze von anhaftendem Schmutz be- freien. Fur diesen Zweck eignet sich ein SPitzer, z,B. eine Nadel. Die Umge- steifer Gegenstand, und den Zwischenraum
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 15
Check and adjust the spark gap. Use a wire gauge. Note that a new sparking plug might not always be set at the correct gap. The gap should be 0.5 mm (0.02”). Den Elektrodenabstand prtifen und gegebenen- falls nachstellen. Mit einem Messdraht arbeiten. Auch eine neue Zundkerze kann einen falschen Elektrodenabstand aufweisen. Der Abstand SOII0,5 mm betragen. Verifiez et, Ie cas echeant, reglez I’ecartement des electrodes. Pour mesurer cet ecartement, utilisez un fil calibre. Souvenez-vous egalemen
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 16
.,> Lubricating the needle bearing in the clutch drum. Lubricate the clutch bearing with the same type of grease as used for the guide bar with nose wheel, i. e. ball bearing grease. Use the grease gun supplied with the kit of tools: Remove the clutch housing. Inject grease through the hole in the centre of the clutch. Two strokes of the grease gun will be sufficient. (Check that grease emerges from the gun when it is pumped.) Schmieren des Nadellagers in der Kupplungstrommel Das Kupplungslager
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 17
Other service measures 1. Carburetter adjustment This adjustment should preferably be carried out by a trained mechanic. [n an emergency, the following adjustment may be carried out by the saw owner. Screw the L and H needles right in, exercising care — use the carburetter screwdriver. Do not screw them down hard as this may damage the carburetter housing, From this position, screw the L needle out slightly more than one complete turn (1.1 turns) the H needle out slightly less than one complete
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 18
I I I I ~. Repairs. Reparaturen. Reparations I 1. Changing the drive sprocket Remove the clutch housing, chain and guide bar. Disconnect the ignition cable from the sparking plug. 1. Austausch des Ritzels Kupplungsgehause und Schneidgarnitur abneh- men. Das Zundkabel von der Zundkerze abziehen. 1. Replacement du pignon d
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 19
Clean the clutch drum. Die Kupplungstrommel reinigen. Nettoyez Ie tambour d’embrayage. Fit the drive sprocket on the engine shaft. Das Ritzel auf der Motorwelle montieren. Montez Ie pignon d’entrainement sur I’arbre mo- teur. Screw the clutch onto the engine shaft (anti- clockwise) fingertight only. When the saw is subsequently started the clutch will be automati- cally tightened. NOTE: Fit the chain and guide bar in place before starting. Lubricate the clutch bearing. See page 16. Die Kupplung