Manual do usuário Weed Eater 952711850

Manual para o dispositivo Weed Eater 952711850

Dispositivo: Weed Eater 952711850
Categoria: Soprador
Fabricante: Weed Eater
Tamanho: 0.18 MB
Data de adição: 9/5/2013
Número de páginas: 10
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Resumos do conteúdo
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 1

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Instruction Manual
Manual de Instrucciones
Manuel d’Instructions
Read and follow all Safety

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 2

SAFETYRULES IMPORTANTWARNINGSAND SAFETYINSTRUCTIONS WARNING: When using electric gardening appliances, basic safety precautions should always be followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, and serious injury. The warnings and safety instructions in this manual must be followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury, and to provide reasonable safety and efficiency in using this unit.The operatorisresponsibleforfollowingthewarningsandinstructionsinthismanualandon the unit.R

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 3

size to be used depending on the cord length is shown in this manual. See SE- WARNING: LECT AN EXTENSION CORD in the AS- SERVICING OF DOUBLE INSULATED SEMBLYsection). BLOWER/VACUUM S Do not use multiple cords. All electrical repairs to this unit, including S Keeptheextensioncordclearofoperator housing,switch,motor,etc.,mustbediag- and obstacles at all times. nosedandrepairedbyanauthorizedser- S Tie cord to cord retainer and connect to vice dealer. Replacement parts for a recessedplugasshowninthi

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 4

power source disconnected. Keep vents S Hard objects can be thrown through the andtubes freeof debris whichcanaccu- collectionbagorthehousingandbecome mulate and restrict proper air flow. dangerousmissileswhichcancauseseri- S Do not burn, incinerate, or expose this ous injury to the operator or others. unit to extreme heat. S Whenusing thevacuum attachment,the S Store the unit unplugged in a high, cool, unit is designed to pick up dry material dry, indoor area out of the reach of chil- such as l

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 5

ASSEMBLY unittoreleasethelatchwhilepulling WARNING: Stop the unit and dis- up on the vacuum inlet cover with connect from the power source before yourotherhand. openingtheinletcoverorattemptingtoin- Bottomview LatchArea sert or remove the inlet restrictor, blower of unit tube, or vacuum tubes. The motor must be stopped and the impeller blades no longerturningtoavoidseriousinjuryfrom the rotating blades. VacuumInlet Cover (closed) WARNING: Ifreceivedassembled, ensure your unit is properly assembl

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 6

4. To attach the lower vacuum tube to 3. Place the shoulder strap over your theuppervacuumtube,firstalignthe head and onto yourleftshoulder. arrowsonthetwotubes.Then,press 4. Adjustthestraptoallowafreeflowof thetwotubestogetheruntilthelower air from the blower. If the collection tube is securely seated in the upper bagiskinked,theunitwillnotoperate tube (about3 inches). properly. NOTE: The strap is designed to posi- tion the collection bag on your shoulder Upper Tube Lower Tube without kinks. Th

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 7

Theextensioncordusedtoreachthe Secure the extension cord to the unit by powersource mustbe: threading the cord through the cord re- D Specifically marked as suitable for out- tainer (see illustration). Insert the cord receptacle into the recessed plug. dooruse. Thecordmust be markedwith the suffix “W”. D Heavy enough to carry full current from CAUTION: Failuretousecordretain- the power source to the unit. Otherwise, ercould resultin damage to the unit, lossofpower andoverheating canoccur extensi

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 8

BLOWERTUBE TUBERELEASEBUTTON TheBLOWERTUBEisdesignedtodirect The TUBE RELEASEBUTTONsecuresthe the flow ofair. blower tube or elbow tube to the blower unit during operation. Also, pressing the INLETRESTRICTOR tube releasebutton allows removalofthe The INLET RESTRICTOR improves the blower tube or elbow tube. blowerfunction. D Blowing grass clippings, straw, or leaves WARNING: You MUST make sure into piles, or removing debris from cor- thetubesaresecurebeforeusingtheunit. ners, around joints, or be

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 9

CHECKFORDAMAGEDOR CLEANCOLLECTIONBAG WORNPARTS IMPORTANT: THE COLLECTION BAG Contact your authorized service dealer MUST BE PROPERLY EMPTIED. for replacement of damaged or worn D You must properly empty and maintain the collection bag to avoid deterioration parts. and obstruction of air flow. S ON/OFFSwitch-- Ensureswitchfunctions D Remove the collection bag from the unit properly by movingtheswitchtotheOFF and empty after each use. Do not store position.Makesuremotorstops;thenre- bag without em

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 10

TROUBLESHOOTINGTABLE WARNING: Alwaysstopunitanddisconnectfromthepowersourcebefore performingalloftherecommendedremediesbelowexceptremediesthatre- quire unitto be operating. SYMPTOM CAUSE REMEDY 1.Slideswitchto ONposition. Unitfails to 1.Switch in the OFFposition. 2.Reconnectextension cord. operate. 2.Extension cord discon-- nected. 3.Resetcircuitbreakeror 3.Circuitbreakertripped,or fuse. fuse blown. 4.Contactyourauthorized 4.Mechanicalfailure service dealer. Unit 1.Mechanicalfailure 1.Contactyou

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