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TA-VN-07a (d) INTERNET 8/07 JTB
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A MESSAGE FROM THE COMMISSIONER OF MOTOR VEHICLES The motorcycle is a popular and powerful machine which demands skill and attention. As motorcyclists we must exercise extra caution in preparing to ride and while riding. The motorcyclist is exposed throughout the entire ride and is subjected to the hazards of weather, road conditions and the actions of other drivers. This manual will help you become a more knowledgeable rider, make you aware of your limits and those of your motor
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TABLE OF CONTENTS 23 V.S.A. §202 and §203 1 Vermont State Holidays 3 Motorcycle Examination Locations 4 Do I Need An Appointment 5 Motorcycle Rider Training Program 6 Motorcycle Awareness Classroom Training 8 Liability Insurance Requirements 8 Part I How to Obtain a Motorcycle Learner Permit 9 How to Obtain a Motorcycle Endorsement 10 How to Obtain a 3-Wheeled Motorcycle Endorsement 11 Motorcycles and Mopeds Defined 11 Vermont Regulations 12 Hand Signals 12 Motorcycle
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23 V.S.A. §202 - Impersonating another in an application, or aiding an applicant by false representation. A person who falsely impersonates another in an application for operator license or learner permit, or in an application for a non- driver identification card, or in an application for motor vehicle registration, all terrain vehicle, snowmobile or motorboat registration, or vessel validation, or who obtains a learner permit or non-driver identification card by false representation,
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(4) Display or represent as his or her own any operator license, permit or nondriver identification card not issued to him or her; or (5) Permit any unlawful use of an operator license, permit or nondriver identification card issued to him or her by the commissioner; or (6) Obtain or attempt to obtain a registration plate, validation sticker, registration certificate, operator's license, learner's permit, nondriver identification card, or duplicate copy of any of such documents by
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VERMONT STATE HOLIDAYS New Year's Day January 1 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 3rd Monday in January Washington's Birthday 3rd Monday in February Town Meeting Day 1st Tuesday in March Memorial Day Last Monday in May Independence Day July 4 Bennington Battle Day August 16 Labor Day 1st Monday in September Veterans' Day November 11 Thanksgiving Day 4th Thursday in November State offices are usually closed the Day After Thanksgiving day after Thanksgiving. Christmas Day December 25
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MOTORCYCLE EXAMINATION LOCATIONS You should take the test at the testing office nearest your home. The telephone number for scheduling appointments at all locations is: 802-828-2085 (8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.) For general information please call: 802-828-2000 Telecommunications Relay Service TTY/TDD: 800-253-0191 Bennington Burlington Montpelier 215 North Street State Office Complex 120 State Street Monday – Friday 1193 North Avenue Monday, Tuesday, 7:45 a.m. – 4:00 Monday, Tue
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SKILLS TESTS Skills Tests are given at the following locations: Bennington - State Office Complex, 215 North Street Colchester - AOT Garage, Barnes Ave., Fort Ethan Allen Montpelier - AOT Site, Industrial Lane, Berlin, VT Rutland - State Office Complex, 101 State Place St. Johnsbury - State Office Building, Route 5 Springfield - State Office Building, 266 River Street Motorcycle examination dates and times are determined by demand. Location of the skills test may be subject to
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MOTORCYCLE RIDER TRAINING PROGRAM The Vermont Rider Education Program was established in direct response to a bill passed by the General Assembly in 1990, calling for a motorcycle rider-training program. The Vermont Rider Education Program (VREP) is a comprehensive rider-training program. The program is designed to provide the training necessary to enhance operator safety and reduce injuries that occur in motorcycle crashes. VREP encourages people who are interested in riding mot
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The course then introduces students to the strategies needed for riding on the street and sharing the road with other vehicles. Skills taught include emergency braking, swerving and proper cornering techniques. Motorcycles, textbooks and helmets, if needed, are provided for this course. All exercises are conducted on a protected range. Students successfully completing the Basic Rider Course will be exempt from taking the Vermont motorcycle knowledge and skill examinations to obt
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MOTORCYCLE AWARENESS CLASSROOM TRAINING A bill passed by the General Assembly gave the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles the discretion to require any applicant to successfully complete and approved classroom training curriculum before a Motorcycle Learner Permit or motorcycle endorsement may be issued. The Motorcycle Awareness Program is a 3½ to 4 hour classroom course that has been developed in partnership with the “Motorcycle Safety Foundation”. A pilot course is currently being impl
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PART I A. HOW TO OBTAIN A MOTORCYCLE LEARNER PERMIT: A Vermont licensed resident who does not possess a motorcycle endorsement may obtain a Motorcycle Learner Permit to learn how to operate a motorcycle. To obtain a Motorcycle Learner Permit you must do the following: 1. Make an appointment for an examination at a motor vehicle office near you. At the examination, 20 of the 25 questions must be answered correctly. If the knowledge test is failed, there is a waiting period of
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1.) A motorcycle may be operated during daylight hours only; 2.) The Motorcycle Learner Permit holder is NOT ALLOWED to carry any passengers; 3.) The Motorcycle Learner Permit is valid in VERMONT only. Ignoring the restrictions will VOID the Motorcycle Learner Permit. If you hold a valid Motorcycle Learner Permit you may ride the motorcycle to the skill test area on the day of your appointment. If you fail the skills test and your permit has not expired you will, under most circu
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You will not be permitted to take the skills test unless the cycle you furnish for this purpose is properly equipped, registered, inspected (if required), insured, and in good mechanical condition. If an applicant fails the skills test a one-week practice period is required before another skills test may be taken. Any motorcycle used for the skills test portion of the exam must be legally transported to the exam site. For example, you can have another licensed motorcycle operator ride
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tractors and vehicles on which the operator and passengers ride within an enclosed cab. Definition of Moped: "Moped" means a motor-driven cycle equipped with two or three wheels, foot pedals to permit propulsion, a power source providing up to a maximum of two brake horsepower and having a maximum piston or rotor displacement of 50 cubic centimeters if a combustion engine is used, which will propel the vehicle, unassisted, at a speed not to exceed 30 M.P.H. on a level road surface and
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To Make A Left Turn: To Make A Right Turn: Extend left hand and arm Extend left hand and arm straight out horizontally, upward, keeping hand and keeping hand and arm arm stationary. stationary. TO STOP OR REDUCE SPEED: Extend left hand and arm downward, keeping hand and arm stationary. G. MOTORCYCLE CARE AND MAINTENANCE: General Care and Maintenance: Pre-ride inspections help insure a trouble free ride and provide confidence that your motorcycle will respond pro
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T – Tires and Wheels Air pressure Tread Cracks, dents, loose spokes Bearings Brakes C – Controls Levers Switches Cables Hoses Throttle L – Lights and Electrics Working condition O – Oil and Other Fluids Levels Leaks C – Chassis Suspension Drive components (chain, belt, or drive shaft) S - Side stand A pre-ride inspection should not take more than a few minutes. If done before every ride, it can help you identify changes before they become a probl
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adequate exhaust system, rear number plate bracket, number plate light, adequate tires and fenders and hand holds are necessary if a passenger is to be carried. High-rise handlebars with the hand grips over 15 inches above the saddle are not permitted. A sidecar attached to any motorcycle shall be equipped with an approved light showing either a white or amber beam to the front and securely mounted on the right side of the sidecar. You will be required to show your registration and
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Put foot down or hit cone. Fail to complete left turn or travel outside of boundary. Skid to a stop. Fail to stop within the borders of the box. RUN #2 ~ Illustration B ~ Cone Weave/U-Turn: You will be required to travel to the left between a set of cones then weave back to the right around the next cone. The weave continues alternately around three more cones. Upon completing the weave you turn right and come back down the outside of the course to the enclosed area of the sta