Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 1
Part 1
CAR 704 / 705 Air Operator
Maintenance Requirements Checklists
Table of Contents
(March 2001)
AOC-01 Previous Transport Canada Audit.................................................................. 3
AOC-02 Maintenance Control Manual........................................................................... 5
AOC-03 Person Responsible for Maintenance..........................................................13
AOC-04 Evaluation Program.............................
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 2
Intentionally Blank March 2001 Page 2
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 3
CAR 704 / 705 Aircraft Operator Requirements (CAR 706) File 5015- Company: Date: AOC-01 Previous Transport Canada Audit What was the purpose and date of N/A OK Finding Not Checked 1. the previous audit? Were there a significant number of N/A OK Finding Not Checked 2. Audit Findings? • What conclusions were drawn from the audit? Was the audit follow-up N/A OK Finding Not Checked 3. completed
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AOC-01 Previous Transport Canada Audit Have there been any additional N/A OK Finding Not Checked 7. Operations Specifications or a change to the Maintenance Scope of Approval / Authorized since the previous audit? N/A OK Finding Not Checked 8. Ref. Comments/Summary: Items completed by: Date: March 2001 Page 4
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CAR 704 / 705 Aircraft Operator Requirements (CAR 706) File 5015- Company: Date: AOC-02 Maintenance Control Manual Maintenance Control - Administrative N/A OK Finding Not Checked Does the manual have a table of 1. contents? Ref: CASS 726.08(1)(a) N/A OK Finding Not Checked Does the manual reflect the 2. business or trade name? Ref: CASS 726.08(1)(b) N/A OK Finding Not Checked Does the comp
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AOC-02 Maintenance Control Manual Aviation Regulations? • Is there a listing of the incorporated documents? • Is the list covered by the certification statement made by the certificated holder? Note: there’s no compelling regulation for the AOC to change certification if the certificate holder position changes Ref: CASS 726.08(1)(d) N/A OK Finding Not Checked Has each Incorporated by 7. Reference Document been “certified” by the PRM or person respo
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AOC-02 Maintenance Control Manual Ref: CASS 726.08(1)(f) N/A OK Finding Not Checked Does the manual specify 12. distribution procedures and the identity of manual holders / locations? Ref: CASS 726.08(1)(g) N/A OK Finding Not Checked Is the amendment procedure 13. followed? Ref: CASS 726.08(1)(e) N/A OK Finding Not Checked Are manuals up to date? 14. Ref: CASS 726.08(1)(
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AOC-02 Maintenance Control Manual responsibilities? • If not, is one required for clarity? Ref: CASS 726.08(1)(h)(iii) Does the manual state the N/A OK Finding Not Checked 19. communication equipment to be used in the conduct of the type of business intended? • Is it adequate? Ref: CASS 726.04(2)(b) Are they able to contact the N/A OK Finding Not Checked 20. aircraft / crew when away from the main base or remotely operat
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AOC-02 Maintenance Control Manual N/A Not Checked Complete separate Technical, 25. Regulatory Publication Checklist … N/A Not Checked Complete separate Technical 26. Records Checklist … N/A Not Checked Complete separate Weight & 27. Balance Checklist … Does the manual specify how N/A OK Finding Not Checked 28. maintenance actions are to be recorded? Ref: CAR 726.08(1)(k) Complete separate N/A Not Checked 29.
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AOC-02 Maintenance Control Manual procedure? Ref: N/A Not Checked Complete separate 35. Maintenance Planning Checklist … N/A Not Checked Complete separate Defect 36. Control Checklist … Complete separate N/A Not Checked 37. Airworthiness Directive / Service Bulletin Checklist … N/A Not Checked Complete separate instructions, 38. job cards … N/A Not Checked Complete separate Technical 39. Dispatch Checklist … N/A Not Checke
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AOC-02 Maintenance Control Manual N/A Not Checked Complete separate Control of 51. Parts / Parts Pooling Checklist … N/A OK Finding Not Checked Are sufficient spare parts available, 52. located where needed? Ref: CAR 706.04(1)(e) N/A OK Finding Not Checked Are sufficient supplies and spare 53. parts available to ensure timely rectification of defects / MEL provisions? Ref: CAR 706.04(2)(e) N/A Not Checke
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Items completed by: Date: March 2001 Page 12
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 13
CAR 704 / 705 Aircraft Operator Requirements (CAR 706) File 5015- Company: Date: AOC-03 Person Responsible for Maintenance N/A OK Finding Not Checked Review TC company files, is there 1. documentation to support the evaluation of the PRM? • completion of the CARs examination (AMEs exempt)? • check for convictions under Section 7.3 of the AA or CAR 605.84/85/86? • assessment by interview? Ref: CASS 726.03(1)(a) & (3) / CASS 726.03(4) & (5) / CASS 7
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AOC-03 Person Responsible for Maintenance Ref: CASS 726.08(1)(h) N/A OK Finding Not Checked 6. Ref. Comments/Summary: Items completed by: Date: March 2001 Page 14
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CAR 704 / 705 Aircraft Operator Requirements (CAR 706) File 5015- Company: Date: AOC-04 Evaluation Program Is the requirement to evaluate the N/A OK Finding Not Checked 1. company maintenance system identified in the manual? Ref: CAR 706.07 / CASS 726.07(1) Is the person responsible for N/A OK Finding Not Checked 2. evaluating the program identified in the manual? If not the PRM, are this person’s duties clearly defined
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AOC-04 Evaluation Program Ref: CASS 726.07(4)(c) N/A OK Finding Not Checked Does the operator use checklists 7. for the evaluation process? • Are examples available and are they comprehensive? Ref: CASS 726.07(4) N/A OK Finding Not Checked Does the operator follow the 8. frequency of evaluation as specified in the manual? Ref: CASS 726.07(4)(a) N/A OK Finding Not Checked Does the operator follow
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AOC-04 Evaluation Program N/A OK Finding Not Checked Is there any record of a 13. maintenance schedule review being carried out or the evaluation of supplemental maintenance requirements for applicability and inclusion to the operators program? • Were they included? • Does the outcome deviate from manufacturers recommendations; are the conclusions stated and decisions substantiated? (see std 625) Ref: CASS 726.07(4) / 625.86(5)(b)(I) N/A OK
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AOC-04 Evaluation Program Ref. Comments/Summary: Items completed by: Date: March 2001 Page 18
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CAR 704 / 705 Aircraft Operator Requirements (CAR 706) File 5015- Company: Date: AOC-05 Technical / Regulatory Publications N/A OK Finding Not Checked Is the person responsible for 1. keeping publications current aware of his / her responsibilities (interview)? Ref: CASS 726.12(1) N/A OK Finding Not Checked Does the operator have technical 2. and regulatory publications according to the list in their approved manual? Note
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AOC-05 Technical / Regulatory Publications Ref: CASS 726.07 Are appropriate portions of N/A OK Finding Not Checked 5. publications made available to company personnel, contractors as outlined in the manual? Ref: CASS 726.04(2)/CASS 726.08(1)(j) N/A OK Finding Not Checked How is the operator made aware of 6. technical information, updates, bulletins, etc. applicable to the aircraft type they operate? Ref: CASS 7