Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 1
H - 65396
™ ®
DuPont Velpar L
“......... A Growing Partnership With Nature”
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 2
TABLE OF CONTENTS Active Ingredient. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Precautionary Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Environmental Conditions and Biological Activity. . 2 Application Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Tank Mixtures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 3
™ DuPont ® Velpar L herbicide Water Dispersible Liquid Contains 2 Lbs Active Ingredient Per Gallon Active Ingredient By Weight Hexazinone PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS [3-cyclohexyl-6-(dimethylamino) HAZARDS TO HUMANS -1-methyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4(1H,3H)-dione] 25% AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS Inert Ingredients 75% DANGER! CAUSES EYE DAMAGE. TOTAL 100% Corrosive, causes irreversible eye damage. Harmful if swallowed. Do not get in eyes or on clothing. Wash EPA Reg. No. 352-392 thoroughly with soap an
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Where a rate range is shown, use the higher levels of the dosage GENERAL INFORMATION range on hard-to-control species, fine-textured soils, or soils containing greater than 5% organic matter or carbon. Use the DuPont™ VELPAR® L herbicide is a water-dispersible lower levels of the dosage range on coarse-textured soils and/or liquid that is mixed in water and applied as a spray for weed on soils low in organic matter. Refer to specific uses for rate control in certain crops, Christmas trees, fores
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INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT AGRICULTURAL USES This product may be used as part of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program that can include biological, AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS cultural, and genetic practices aimed at preventing economic Use this product only in accordance with its labeling and pest damage. IPM principles and practices include field with the Worker Protection Standard, 40 CFR part 170. This Standard contains requirements for the protection of scouting or other detection
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NOTE: Severe alfalfa injury may result following application, if 2 - 4 PINTS/ACRE after cutting the regrowth is more than 2 inches high, or there is Bluegrass, annual Poa annua significant stubble left after cutting or grazing, or the air Brome, downy (cheatgrass) Bromus tectorum temperature is above 90 °F. Buckwheat, wild Polygonum convolvulus Catchfly, English Silene gallica DORMANT VARIETIES Chamomile, mayweed (dogfennel) Anthemis cotula Chickweed, common Stellaria media Make a single applica
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displacement injection pump (e.g., diaphragm pump) CHEMIGATION effectively designed and constructed of materials that are ALFALFA compatible with pesticides and capable of being fitted with Apply this product only through center pivot sprinkler a system interlock. irrigation systems. Do not apply this product through any MIXING INSTRUCTIONS other type of irrigation system. 1. Fill the supply tank 1/4 to 1/3 full of water. Crop injury, lack of effectiveness, or illegal pesticide 2. While agitati
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indefinitely as long as they are composed of materials to FLOOD IRRIGATED ALFALFA prevent deterioration and maintain legibility for the In arid climates (10 inches of rainfall or less per year) or areas duration of the posting period. where drought conditions have prevailed for one or more • All words shall consist of letters at least 2 1/2 inches tall, years, a field bioassay should be completed prior to planting and all letters and the symbol shall be a color which any desired crop. The result
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Rate Chart for Impregnating Fertilizer with DuPont™ below the crown) throughout the field and the crop is VELPAR® L healthy, vigorous, and not under stress from weather Fertilizer VELPAR® L Rate Per Acre conditions, low fertility, insects or disease damage. Rate/Acre 2 Pints 3 Pints 4 Pints 6 Pints –In areas with shorter growing seasons, such as, higher 250 pounds 16 pts/ton 24 pts/ton 32 pts/ton 48 pts/ton elevations, adequate alfalfa tap root growth may not occur 300 pounds 13.4 pts/ton 20 p
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USE PRECAUTIONS LOW BUSH BLUEBERRIES less than or greater than • Do not apply through any type of irrigation system. equal to 3% 3% organic Soil texture organic matter matter • Do not apply within 90 days of harvest. Coarse • Do not apply to flooded field with standing water. loamy sand, 4 5 sandy loam • Application to blueberry foliage will result in crop injury. (50-85% sand) • Since the effect of DuPont™ VELPAR® L on blueberries Medium varies with soil type, plant vigor, uniformity of loam
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WEEDS CONTROLLED CHRISTMAS TREES DuPont™ VELPAR® L is recommended for the control or suppression of the following weed species in High and Low VELPAR® L is recommended for control of certain weeds Bush Blueberry crops: where the following species are grown: Aster, heath* Aster ericoides Fir, Douglas (western US only) Pseudotsuga menziesii Barnyardgrass Echinochloa crus-galli Fir, Fraser Abies fraseri Blackberry* (briar) Rubus spp Fir, grand Abies grandis Bluegrass, Fir, noble Abies procera Kentu
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First year plantings - Transplant stock that is 2 years old or –Applications to soils high in organic matter (greater more (1 year old for loblolly pine). Apply DuPont™ than 5%). VELPAR® L only if rainfall has settled the soil around the • Injury may occur when VELPAR® L is used on the base and root systems of the transplants. following: Established trees - Trees that have been planted in the –Trees that show poor vigor, insect damage, disease, winter plantation for 1 year or more. injury, or ot
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pints per 100 gallons of water. Apply a sufficient volume to WEEDS CONTROLLED thoroughly wet weed foliage, but do not exceed 40 gallons DuPont™ VELPAR® L is recommended for the control or of spray per treated acre. Use the lower concentrations on suppression of the following weeds in pineapple crops: coarse-textured soils that are low in organic matter, and use the higher concentrations on fine-textured soils that are high Ageratum, tropic Ageratum conycoides in organic matter. Balsamapple Momor
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Soil Texture DuPont™ VELPAR® L (Pints/Acre) USE PRECAUTIONS Description Preemergence + Layby SUGARCANE Coarse* • Do not plant any crop other than sugarcane following an Sandy loam 1.8 1.8 application of VELPAR® L. Medium • Do not feed sugarcane forage to livestock. • Do not apply VELPAR® L: Loam, silt loam 2.7 2.7 - Within 180 days of harvest in Hawaii. Fine - Within 234 days of harvest in Louisiana. Clay loam 3.5 3.5 - Within 288 days of harvest in Puerto Rico. * With at least 2% organic matte
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APPLICATION INFORMATION PLANTS CONTROLLED EASTERN US VELPAR® L is recommended for the control or suppression of the following species in forestry site Apply DuPont™ VELPAR® L from early spring to early preparation: summer after hardwoods have broken bud and before the foliage has hardened off. HERBACEOUS PLANTS Soil Texture VELPAR® L (Quarts/Acre) Asters Description Eastern US Aster, heath* Aster ericoides Coarse Barnyardgrass Echinochloa crus-galli Sand, loamy sand, Bentgrass Agrostis spp sand
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twice, allowing for sufficient root uptake of DuPont™ the stem. If treating resprouts from brush disturbed by VELPAR® L. In the West, results may take one to two years cutting or shredding, the rate of application should be in areas of low rainfall. proportional to the original tree size, not just the small regrowth of sprouts. SPRAY EQUIPMENT INJECTION When applied as a liquid spray using water as the carrier, No Worker Protection Standard worker entry VELPAR® L may be applied by ground equipme
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WESTERN US APPLICATION INFORMATION Application rates by soil type for VELPAR® L in the EASTERN US following western conifers: Blue spruce, Douglas fir, Apply DuPont™ VELPAR® L from early spring to early Engleman spruce, Grand fir, Jeffrey pine, Lodgepole pine, summer after hardwoods have broken bud and before full Noble fir, Ponderosa pine, Sitka spruce, Western hemlock, leaf expansion. and White fir. Soil Texture VELPAR® L Applications made over the top of pines may result in Description (Quar
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and at least 5 gallons of water for every 1 gallon of devise, inject at waist height. Treatment should be made in the DuPont™ VELPAR® L. summer. Woody species controlled include black cherry, oaks, and sweetgum. GRID APPLICATION USE PRECAUTIONS Apply undiluted VELPAR® L directly to the soil surface in a grid pattern using an exact delivery handgun applicator. This RELEASE UNDILUTED APPLICATIONS equipment delivers a thin stream of a predetermined volume • Application of VELPAR® L spots closer tha
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EASTERN US the appropriate segment of this label to determine the appropriate rate of VELPAR® L to be applied per acre. DuPont™ VELPAR® L (Pints/Acre) Apply this amount of VELPAR® L to the volume of Soil Texture First Year Established fertilizer to be applied per acre. Description Plantings Trees IMPREGNATION EQUIPMENT Loamy sand, 4 4 – 5 sandy loam(50-85% sand) To impregnate or coat the fertilizer use a system consisting Loam, silt loam, silt, 4 – 5 5 – 7 of conveyor or closed drum used to blen
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Apply 4 to 6 pints per acre of VELPAR® L as USE PRECAUTIONS recommended on the package label for "RELEASE— FORESTRY HERBACEOUS WEED CONTROL" in pine plantations in • Do not use DuPont™ VELPAR® L in nurseries, seedbeds, or the eastern U.S. Follow the label recommendations ornamental plantings. regarding varying the application rate by soil texture. • On tracts of land where various soil types are present and For ground application, use enough water for thorough VELPAR® L rate selection is diffic