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Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 3
2 I. Introduction English I. INTRODUCTION SUNRISE LISTENS Thank you for choosing a Quickie wheelchair. We want to hear your questions or comments about this manual, the safety and reliability of your chair, and the service you receive from your Sunrise supplier. Please feel free to write or call us at the address and telephone number below: SUNRISE MEDICAL Customer Service Department 7477 East Dry Creek Parkway Longmont, Colorado 80503 (800) 333-4000 or (303) 218-4500 FOR ANSWERS TO YOU
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3 II. Table of Contents English II. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................. 2 II. TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................... 3 III. YOUR CHAIR AND ITS PARTS............................................................ 5 IV. NOTICE - READ BEFORE USE............................................................. 6 V. EMI (ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE) ............
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4 II. Table of Contents English J.Seating Systems........................................................................... 17 K.Upholstery Fabric ......................................................................... 18 L. Suspension.................................................................................. 18 M.Wiring........................................................................................ 18 VIII. TIPS FOR ATTENDANTS .................................
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5 III. Your Chair and Its Parts English III. YOUR CHAIR AND ITS PARTS 1. Flip-back, height-adjustable armrest 2. Integral controller joystick M11 & F11: Programmable 7 3. Contour seat (Contour Flat Pan Seat 1 not pictured) 4. Front caster 6" Full (F11) 5. Rear stabilizing caster 5" 2 6. Single plate foot platform 7. Semi-recline seat 8. Battery deck lid (not shown) 8 3 9. M11: 10" drive wheels F11: 14" drive wheels 10 10. Freewheel release (not shown) 12 11. Cast
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6 IV. Notice– Read Before Use English IV. NOTICE– READ BEFORE USE A. CHOOSE THE RIGHT CHAIR & SAFETY OPTIONS Sunrise provides a choice of many power wheelchair styles, sizes and adjustments to meet the needs of the rider. However, final selection of a wheelchair rests solely with you and your health care professional. Choosing the best chair for you depends on such things as: 1. Your size, disability, strength, balance and coordination. 2. Your intended use, and your level
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7 V. EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) English V. EMI (ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE) Heed all warnings to reduce the risk of unintended brake release or chair movement: 1. Beware of the danger from hand-held transceivers. Never turn on or use a hand-held transceiver while power to your chair is on. Use extra care if you believe that such a device may be in use near your chair. 2. Be aware of nearby radio or TV stations, and avoid coming close to them. 3. If unintended movement
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8 V. EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) English D. DISTANCE FROM THE SOURCE EM energy rapidly becomes more intense as you get closer to the source. For this reason, EMI from hand-held devices is of special concern. (See C.1) A person using one of these devices can bring high levels of EM energy very close to your chair without you knowing it. E. IMMUNITY LEVEL 1. The level of EM energy is measured in volts per meter (V/m). Every power wheelchair can resist EMI up to a certain level. Thi
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9 VI. General Warnings English VI. GENERAL WARNINGS Heed all warnings in this section. If you fail to do so a fall, tip-over or loss of control may occur and cause severe injury to you or others. A. NOTICE TO RIDER 1. Before using this chair, you should be trained in its safe use by your health care pro- fessional. 2. Every wheelchair is different. Take the time to learn the feel of this chair before you begin riding. 3. Be aware that you must develop your own methods for the safe u
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10 VI. General Warnings English E. EMI Read Section V to learn about EMI. To reduce the risk of unintended brake release or chair movement: 1. Never turn on or use a hand-held transceiver while power to your chair is on. Use extra care if you believe that such a device may be in use near your chair. 2. Be aware of nearby radio or TV stations, and avoid coming close to them. 3. If unintended movement or brake release occurs, turn your chair off as soon as it is safe. F. SAFETY CH
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11 VI. General Warnings English 2. Proceed slowly and use extra care if you must operate your chair on a wet or slick surface. • Do so only if you are sure it is safe. • Stop if one or both main wheels lose traction. If this occurs, you may lose control of your chair or fall. • Never operate your chair on a slope or ramp if there is snow, ice, water or oil film present. • When in doubt, have someone help you. 3. When not in use, keep your chair in a clean, dry place. Extra cau
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12 VI. General Warnings English To Reduce The Risk Of A Fall Or Tip-Over: 1. Consult your supplier for information on modifications authorized by Sunrise before you modify or adjust this chair. NOTE– You may need to make additional changes to correct the center of balance. 2. Use extreme care until you know the balance points of this chair and how to avoid a fall or tip-over. N. TRANSFERS It is dangerous to transfer on your own. It requires good balance and agility. Be aware th
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13 VI. General Warnings English 3. Turn off all power to your chair. If you fail to do so, you may touch the joystick and cause your chair to move when you do not expect it. 4. Firmly grasp an armrest with one hand. This will help to prevent a fall if the chair tips. P. DRESSING OR CHANGING CLOTHES Be aware that your weight will shift if you dress or change clothes while seated in this chair. To make the chair more stable, rotate the front casters until they are forward. Q. OBSTACL
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14 VI. General Warnings English T. TO REDUCE THE RISK OF A FALL, TIP-OVER OR LOSS OF CONTROL 1. Never use your chair on a slope unless you are sure you can do so without losing traction. 2. Always go as straight up and as straight down as you can. • Do not “cut the corner” on a slope or ramp. • Do not turn or change direction on a slope. 3. Always stay in the center of the ramp. Make sure ramp is wide enough that you are not at risk that a wheel may roll off the side. 4. Le
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15 VI. General Warnings English 2. To prevent a fall or tip-over, use wheelchair access ramps or have someone help you. 3. If you must climb or descend a curb or step alone do so at your own risk and use extreme care. • Go as straight up or straight down as you can. Never turn or climb or descend at an angle as a fall or tip-over is likely. • Proceed slowly, at a steady speed. 4. Make sure that persons who assist you review the “Tips For Attendants” and heed all warnings. 5. Avoid drivi
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16 VII. Warnings: Components & Options English VII. WARNINGS: COMPONENTS & OPTIONS Note: If you use parts or make changes not authorized by Sunrise it may create a safety hazard and will void the Warranty. A. ARMRESTS Armrests flip back and cannot be used to lift chair or the seat. 1. Never lift this chair by its armrests. 2. Lift this chair only by non-detachable parts of the main frame. B. BATTERIES 1. Only deep cycle sealed case construction batteries should be used in this devi
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17 VII. Warnings: Components & Options English F. MOTOR LOCKS 1. Do not engage or disengage motor locks unless power to the chair is off. 2. Be aware that the chair will not have brakes when motor locks are in the free-wheel position. 3. Make sure that the person pushing the chair has full control when motor locks are disengaged. G. ON/OFF SWITCH 1. Never use the ON/OFF switch to stop the chair except in an emergency. This will result in an abrupt stop and may cause you to fall.
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18 VII. Warnings: Components & Options English K. UPHOLSTERY FABRIC 1. Replace worn or torn fabric of the seat as soon as you can. If you fail to do so, the seat may fail and cause you to fall. Worn fabrics may increase the potential for a fire hazard. 2. Fabric will deteriorate with age and use. Look for fraying, thin spots, or stretching of fabric at rivet holes. Replace fabric as required. 3. Be aware that washing may reduce flame retardation of the fabric. L. SUSPENSION The Overland su
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19 VIII. Tips For Attendants English VIII. TIPS FOR ATTENDANTS 1. Persons who help a rider do one of the following tasks should review and heed the warnings “Notice to Attendants” and all warnings in this Manual for that task. 2. The “Tips” that follow are suggestions only. Be aware that you will need to learn safe methods best suited to the rider and to your abilities. Consult your health care professional for instructions. A. TO CLIMB A CURB OR SINGLE STEP The following is one way t