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IMPORTANT START HERE! 1 Remove Protectors and Assemble Your Unit With the unit turned OFF, align the antenna and antenna port then BOTH telephone ports on the Unit connect to the same telephone number.
screw the antenna into the port. Ensure that the antenna is securely Plug one end of a telephone cable into a telephone port and the other e
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Thank you for choosing Straight Talk Wireless Home Phone! You made the right choice. 1. POWeR BUTTON/INDICATOR 1. BATTeRY COVeR 2. VOICeMAIL INDICATOR 2. WALL-MOUNTING BRACKeTS 2 3. BATTeRY INDICATOR 3. BATTeRY SLOT 4. SIGNAL STReNGTH INDICATORS 4. BATTeRY PORT 5. TeLePHONe PORT 1 3 1 6. TeLePHONe PORT 2 1 7. USB PORT* 4 4 2 3 8. DC 12V POWeR PORT 9. ANTeNNA PORT UNDeRSTANDING THe INDICATORS The table below describes possible states for each of the device indicators. 5 6 IC
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TABLe OF CONTeNTS getting started GeTTING STARTeD 1.1 WHAT’S IN YOUR PACKAGe What’s In Your Package 1.1 1.2 ACTIVATING YOUR STRAIGHT TALK WIReLeSS HOMe PHONe Activating Your Straight Talk Wireless Home Phone 1.2 1.3 SeTTING UP YOUR STRAIGHT TALK WIReLeSS ACCOUNT Setting Up Your Straight Talk Wireless Account 1.3 ABOUT YOUR STRAIGHT TALK WIReLeSS SeRVICe Keeping Your Service Active 2.1 2.2 Knowing Your Service Plans and Refill Options 2.3 Managing Your Straight Talk Reserve™ USING YOUR
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WHAT’S IN YOUR PACKAGe ACTIVATING YOUR STRAIGHT TALK WIReLeSS HOMe PHONe 1.1 1.2 Locate your Activation Card and Follow the Instructions on the Card. A 1. MAIN DeVICe PREPARE YOUR STRAIGHT TALK WIRELESS HOME PHONE UNIT FOR ACTIVATION ACTIVATION CARD Install the Antenna Properly Connect a Telephone Device to the Unit 2 4 IMPORTANT START HERE! Remove Protectors and Assemble Your Unit BOTH telephone ports on the Unit connect to the same telephone number. 1 With the unit turned OFF, align the anten
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SeTTING UP YOUR STRAIGHT TALK WIReLeSS ACCOUNT ABOUT YOUR STRAIGHT TALK WIReLeSS SeRVICe 1.3 Create My Account upon activation of your Straight Talk Wireless Home Phone 2.1 KeePING YOUR SeRVICe ACTIVe service at 2.2 KNOWING YOUR SeRVICe PLANS AND ReFILL OPTIONS My Account is the best place to: 2.3 MANAGING YOUR STRAIGHT TALK ReSeRVe™ • Buy a Service Plan • Enroll in Auto-Refill • Manage your Straight Talk Reserve™ • Check Balance/Service End Date •
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KeePING YOUR SeRVICe ACTIVe KNOWING YOUR SeRVICe PLANS AND ReFILL OPTIONS 2.1 2.2 The Home Phone device requires use of one of the Unlimited 30-day Plans. A IMPORTANT! UNLIMITeD* 30-DAY PLANS To keep your Service Active, you must refill your • Home Phone Unlimited* Nationwide Calling Service Plan BeFORe your Service end Date. This plan offers Unlimited Nationwide local and long distance calling, and calls to 411 for 30 days. Keeping your Service Active is easy! Just add a Service Plan befo
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KNOWING YOUR SeRVICe PLANS AND ReFILL OPTIONS KNOWING YOUR SeRVICe PLANS AND ReFILL OPTIONS 2.2 2.2 The Home Phone device requires use of one of the Unlimited 30-day Plans. Your Refill Options A B UNLIMITeD* 30-DAY PLANS HOW TO ReFILL YOUR SeRVICe PLAN † • Home Phone Unlimited International Calling • enroll in Auto-Refill at by using a credit card or debit This plan offers Unlimited Nationwide local and long distance calls and calls to card and your Straight Talk Servi
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USING YOUR STRAIGHT TALK WIReLeSS HOMe PHONe MANAGING YOUR STRAIGHT TALK ReSeRVe™ 2.3 3.1 FINDING YOUR SeRIAL NUMBeR Straight Talk Reserve allows you to purchase Straight Talk Wireless Home Phone Service Plans and reserve them until your Service End Date. A plan in 3.2 FINDING YOUR PHONe NUMBeR reserve will be automatically applied to your account on your Service End Date. 3.3 MOUNTING THe DeVICe There is no limit to the number of Straight Talk Wireless Home Phone Se
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FINDING YOUR SeRIAL NUMBeR MOUNTING THe DeVICe 3.1 3.3 Horizontal Mounting (Tabletop) Your Serial number is located on the front of the red Activation Card that 1. Place the device on a smooth surface with access to good ventilation. was enclosed in your packaging. If you do not have access to the card, you can 2. Leave at least 4” of clearance space around the device. also locate your serial number on the back of the device. It is the number series next to
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MAKING AND ReCeIVING CALLS USING YOUR WIReLeSS HOMe PHONe VOICeMAIL SYSTeM 3.4 3.5 Setting Up: To Make a Call: To set up your Straight Talk Wireless Home Phone voicemail, dial *86. You will 1. Before making a call, make sure at least one Signal Strength Indicator light is be prompted to set your personal options the first time you access this voicemail ON or blinking. system. You can change your voicemail settings at any time by dialing *86 and 2. Place the
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UNDeRSTANDING YOUR CALLING FeATUReS UNDeRSTANDING YOUR CALLING FeATUReS 3.6 3.6 Your Straight Talk Wireless Home Phone service includes: To Deactivate: • Caller ID 1. Dial *73 from your phone. • Call Forwarding 2. Call forwarding will be deactivated and you will hear a confirmation tone. • Call Waiting 3. Hang up your phone. • 3-Way Calling You must deactivate Call Forwarding for your handset to resume ringing. Caller ID: This feature identifies the caller’s phone number
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ADJUSTING THe SYSTeM VOLUMe BATTeRY INFORMATION 3.7 3.8 You can adjust the system volume using the telephone that you connect to the Your Home Phone device includes a rechargeable backup battery. Talk time for Home Phone device. Four volume levels are available, with level 1 being the softest the device when using the battery is approximately 2 hours and standby time is and level 4 being the loudest. The default setting for the system is level 4. You can approximate
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T Te eRMS RMS AND AND CONDITIONS CONDITIONS OF OF S Se eRVIC RVICe e IMPORTANT INFORMATION 3.10 IMPORTANT 911 eMeRGeNCY ReSPONSe INFORMATION: • Fax Machine Compatibility: The equipment is designed to operate indoors only. The GPS chip in the equipment will work best if you place the Equipment near a window or other opening to the exterior of the premises. In the Your Straight Talk Wireless Home Phone device does not support incoming or event of an emerge
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T Te eRMS RMS AND AND CONDITIONS CONDITIONS OF OF S Se eRVIC RVICe e T Te eRMS RMS AND AND CONDITIONS CONDITIONS OF OF S Se eRVIC RVICe e You must purchase a monthly service plan in order to activate your Service. Before you can use your Service, The Service cannot be used to place certain types of calls such as collect calls, operator assisted calls and dial around you must register and activate the Equipment. You may activate your Equipment by visitin
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T Te eRMS RMS AND AND CONDITIONS CONDITIONS OF OF S Se eRVIC RVICe e T Te eRMS RMS AND AND CONDITIONS CONDITIONS OF OF S Se eRVIC RVICe e 3. Straight Talk Reserve: With Straight Talk Reserve, you may purchase and add Straight Talk Service Plans and purposes, including, but not limited to, conference calling, monitoring services, data transmissions, transmission Service Cards to your Straight Talk Reserve to be automatically applied on your Service End Date. You may
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T Te eRMS RMS AND AND CONDITIONS CONDITIONS OF OF S Se eRVIC RVICe e T Te eRMS RMS AND AND CONDITIONS CONDITIONS OF OF S Se eRVIC RVICe e 9. eMeRGeNCY CALLS: Do not rely solely on your Straight Talk Home Wireless in an emergency situation. In an 13. UNAUTHORIZeD USAGe OR ReSALe: The Equipment is sold exclusively for use by you, the end consumer, with emergency, locate the nearest landline phone and call for help. the Service available solely within t
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T Te eRMS RMS AND AND CONDITIONS CONDITIONS OF OF S Se eRVIC RVICe e T Te eRMS RMS AND AND CONDITIONS CONDITIONS OF OF S Se eRVIC RVICe e is found to be unenforceable, then this entire arbitration clause shall be null and void. All fees and expenses of Straight Talk will presume certain usage, dialing or calling patterns to indicate that you are using the ILD Service arbitration will be divided between you and Straight Talk in accordance with the WIA Rul
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T Te eRMS RMS AND AND CONDITIONS CONDITIONS OF OF S Se eRVIC RVICe e T Te eRMS RMS AND AND CONDITIONS CONDITIONS OF OF S Se eRVIC RVICe e COVeR, PUNITIVe, SPeCIAL, OR CONSeQUeNTIAL DAMAGeS, HOWeVeR CAUSeD AND WHeTHeR ARISING a) The Product has been subjected to abnormal use, abnormal conditions, improper storage, exposure to UNDeR CONTRACT, TORT, NeGLIGeNCe, OR OTHeR THeORY OF LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF THe USe OF moisture or dampness, unauthorized modifications,
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T Te eRMS RMS AND AND CONDITIONS CONDITIONS OF OF S Se eRVIC RVICe e HeALTH AND SAFeTY INFORMATION 10. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental and consequential damages, so certain of the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you (the Consumer). This limited warranty gives This section contains important information pertaining to the operating instructions of the Consumer specific legal rights and the Consumer may also have other righ
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HeALTH AND SAFeTY INFORMATION HeALTH AND SAFeTY INFORMATION Traffic Security Accessories • Do not use your device while driving, and observe the local laws and regulations. Use the accessories delivered only by the manufacturer. Using accessories of other • D o n ot u se y ou r d ev i ce w hi l e fl yi n g i n a n a ir c r af t. P ow er o ff y ou r d ev i ce b ef or e manufacturers or vendors with this device model may invalidate any approval or warranty boarding an airc