Manual do usuário Bushnell VOYAGER 789946

Manual para o dispositivo Bushnell VOYAGER 789946

Dispositivo: Bushnell VOYAGER 789946
Categoria: Telescópio
Fabricante: Bushnell
Tamanho: 3.5 MB
Data de adição: 1/18/2014
Número de páginas: 76
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Bushnell VOYAGER 789946 Manual de instruções - Online PDF
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Resumos do conteúdo
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 1

With sky tour™
789961 700x60mm refractor
789971 800x70mm refractor
789931 700x76mm reflector
789946 900x114mm reflector
Lit.#: 98-0822/01-11

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 2

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 3

Congratulations on the purchase of your Bushnell Voyager Telescope with Sky Tour! This telescope truly is the ultimate first telescope. The Sky Tour handset will actually speak, giving you a personal real-time tour of the night sky each and every night. Each tour object will include directions associated with it to allow you to quickly find the object with your telescope. After reading through this manual and preparing for your observing session as outlined in these pages, you can start e

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 4

sky t our HanDset Interface key 1. c onstellation Mode Button (also turns unit On by depressing and holding) 8. 2. Mythology Mode Button (also places unit into SETup mode from the off position when depressed and held) 7. 2. 3. a mazing f acts Mode Button 1. 6. 4. Planets Mode Button 4. 5. 5. Back Button 3. 6. n ext Button 7. lcD Display shows names and coordinates of tour objects 8. Volume Dial controls audio level of voice Button functIons ALL BUTTONS ARE ILLUMINATED FOR NIGHTTIME USE. The

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 5

Parts PackIng lIst-all MoDels MaIn telescoPe coMPonents • Red Dot Finderscope • 1.25” Format Eyepieces • Illuminated Telescope Mount with attached Adjustable Aluminum Tripod • Diagonal Mirror (Refractors Only) • 1.5x Erecting Eyepiece (Select Models Only) • Sky Tour Handset • Main Telescope Tube • Compass • Barlow Lens (Select Models Only) 1. 4. 2. 3. 5. 7. 6. telescope Mount Parts key 1. Illuminated Altitude Dial 5. Azimuth Lock Knob 2. Altitude Lock Knob (Backside) 6. Azimuth Dial Li

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 6

MaIn telescoPe coMPonents 1. 3. 2. 1. 7. 2. 7. 3. 8. 6. 6. 8. 4. 4. 5. 5. 789961 / 789971 789931 / 789946 telescope c omponents key 5. Tripod Leg Adjust 1. Red Dot Finderscope 6. Quick-Release Accessory Tray 2. 1.25" Format Eyepiece 7. Main Telescope Tube 3. Rack and pinion Focusing 8. Adjustable Aluminum Tripod 4. Accessory Tray Brace 6

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 7

DetaIleD asseMBly DetaIleD asseMBly (c ONTINUED) no tools are required for assembly of your telescope. Remove all components from the carton and identify all parts It is a good idea to lay all the parts out in front of you before assembly. Since your telescope is a precision optical system, the components require careful handling—particularly the Sky Tour Handset, Telescope, Eyepieces and various accessories. s et up t ripod and a ccessory t ray 1. Stand the Voyager Illuminated Mount As

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 8

DetaIleD asseMBly (c ONTINUED) focusIng tHe telescoPe 1. After selecting the desired Eyepiece, aim Main Telescope Tube at a land-based target at least 200 yards away (e.g. A telephone pole or building). Fully extend focusing tube by turning Rack and pinion Focusing Mechanism. 2. While looking through selected Eyepiece, slowly retract focusing tube by turning Rack and pinion Focusing Mechanism until object comes into focus. alIgnIng tHe fInDerscoPe 1. Look through Main Telescope Tube and es

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 9

InItIal setuP anD BasIc oPeratIon Bas Ic o Perat Ion / aB out lat Itu De/long Itu De coor DInates setuP 1. Set up your assembled telescope on a stable level surface. Your back yard is preferred to your back deck. 2. Turn on the altitude and azimuth dial light switches to illuminate your telescope mount. 3. Refer to the direction indicated by "0" on the included compass to align your telescope properly (Zero degrees=north). To orient your telescope to the same "0" reference, follow these steps

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 10

Bas Ic o Perat Ion / aB out lat Itu De/long Itu De coor DInates 4. Continue pressing the Next button to hear more information for that tour mode until the facts are starting to repeat, then select a different mode. 5. You don’t have to listen to all items in each mode, you can jump from mode to mode if you choose. 6. Each time you choose a new mode, directions are given for the first object in each mode. Simply move your telescope to view them and enjoy the information as it is spoken. 7.

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 11

usIng your telescoPe 1. First choose a target to view. Any bright object in the night sky is a good starting point. One of the favorite starting points in astronomy is the moon. This is an object sure to please any budding astronomer or experienced veteran. When you have developed proficiency at this level, other objects become good targets. Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus are good second steps to take. • t he Moon--a wonderful view of our lunar neighbor can be enjoyed with any magnif

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 12

us Ing your telesco Pe / Hel Pful HInts 4. The recurring astronomical theater we call the night sky is an ever-changing billboard. In other words, not the same movie plays all the time. Rather, the positions of the stars change not only hourly as they seem to rise and set, but also throughout the year. As the earth orbits the sun our perspective on the stars changes on a yearly cycle about that orbit. The reason the sky seems to move daily just as the sun and the moon “move” across our

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 13

trouBLeshootiNg power up problems: The handset uses a special low power consumption circuit designed to maximize battery life. Because of this, the handset may have difficulty powering up especially if the batteries are low, or if the batteries are removed and replaced immediately. To solve this issue, simply remove the batteries, wait 10 minutes, and replace with fresh batteries. This allows the circuitry to reset and should restore all handset functions. You will need to set the date, tim

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 14

WArr ANty / rep Air TELESCOpE LIFETIME LIMITED WARRAnTY ® Your Bushnell telescope is warranted to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for the lifetime of the original owner. The Lifetime Limited Warranty is an expression of our confidence in the materials and mechanical workmanship of our products and is your assurance of a lifetime of dependable service. If your telescope contains electrical components, these components are warranted to be free of defects in materials and workma

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 15

nous vous félicitons pour l'achat de votre télescope Bushnell Voyager avec Sky Tour (visite guidée du ciel nocturne). Ce télescope est réellement l'instrument d'initiation idéal. Le module portatif Sky Tour est parlant et propose une visite personnelle en temps réel du ciel nocturne, nuit après nuit. pour chaque objet de la visite, des coordonnées sont énoncées par le module vocal afin de le trouver rapidement dans le ciel avec le télescope. Après avoir lu ce manuel et préparé votre séance d

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 16

Interface Du MoDule Vocal skytour 1. Bouton Mode c onstellation (met également 8. l'appareil en MARCHE lorsqu'il est tenu enfoncé) 2. Bouton Mode Mythologie (met également 7. l'appareil en mode COnFIGuRATIOn depuis le 2. 1. mode éteint lorsqu'il est tenu enfoncé) 3. Bouton Mode l e s aviez-Vous ? 6. 4. Bouton Mode Planètes 4. 5. 5. Bouton Précédent 3. 6. Bouton suivant 7. Écran lcD Affichage du nom et des coordonnées des objets de la visite 8. Molette volume Réglage du volume de la voix

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 17

noMenclature Des PIÈces - tous MoDÈles • Chercheur à point rouge • Oculaires de format 1,25" (31,7 mm) • Monture de télescope lumineuse fixée sur trépied en aluminium réglable • Miroir diagonal (réfracteurs seulement) • Lentille de redressement 1,5x (certains modèles seulement) • Module vocal portatif SkyTour • Tube de télescope principal • Boussole • Lentille Barlow (certains modèles seulement) 1. 4. 2. 3. 5. 7. 6. Pièces de la monture de télescope 1. Cadran d'altitude lumineux 5. Mole

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 18

PrIncIP auX ÉlÉMents Du tÉlescoPe 1. 3. 2. 1. 7. 2. 7. 3. 8. 6. 6. 8. 4. 4. 5. 5. 789931 / 789946 789961 / 789971 l égende des composants du télescope 5. Réglage de jambe de trépied 1. Chercheur à point rouge 6. Plateau à accessoires à fixation rapide 2. Oculaire de format 1,25" (31,7 mm) 7. Tube de télescope principal 3. Mise au point à crémaillère 8. Trépied en aluminium réglable 4. Support de plateau à accessoires 18

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 19

asseMBlage L'assemblage du télescope ne nécessite aucun outillage. Sortez tous les éléments du carton et identifiez toutes les pièces. Il est conseillé d'étaler toutes les pièces devant vous avant l'assemblage. Ce télescope est un appareil optique de précision et ses pièces doivent être manipulées avec précaution — en particulier le module vocal, la lunette, les oculaires et divers accessoires. Montage du trépied et du plateau à accessoires 1. Dressez la monture lumineuse Voyager avec son trép

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 20

asseMBlage (suIte) LENTILLES AccESSOIRES-SUITE l entille de redressement 1,5X (certains modèles seulement) Cet accessoire permet d'observer des objets sur terre tels qu'on les verrait naturellement à l'œil nu. pour utiliser cet accessoire, il suffit de placer la lentille de redressement entre l'oculaire et le mécanisme de mise au point du télescope. M MIse au PoInt Du tÉlescoPe 1. Après avoir choisi l'oculaire souhaité, pointez le tube de télescope principal vers une cible terrestre éloignée

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