Manual do usuário Polaris Sportsman 90

Manual para o dispositivo Polaris Sportsman 90

Dispositivo: Polaris Sportsman 90
Categoria: Veículo Offroad
Fabricante: Polaris
Tamanho: 1.49 MB
Data de adição: 5/30/2014
Número de páginas: 220
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Polaris Sportsman 90 Manual de instruções - Online PDF
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Resumos do conteúdo
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 1

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 2

WARNING The engine exhaust from this product contains chemicals known to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 3

Indicates a potential hazard which could result in severe injury ordeath.

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 4

PARENTS: Reviewtheinformationinthismanualwithanychildwhomaybe operatingtheATV. Itisuptoyoutoteachyourchildtheproperandsafeway to ride an ATV. You must set boundaries and adhere to them, keeping your child’s safety foremost in your mind. Never allow your child to operate this machine without adult supervision. CHILDREN: BeforeyourideyournewPolarisATV,therearesomeimportant things you should know. How to keep safe is the most important thing. You mustalsolearnsomethingsthatwillkeepyouandthosearound

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 5


Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 6

FOREWORD CongratulationsandthankyoufromPolarisIndustriesInc.forpurchasingoneofour all-terrain vehicles (ATVs). It is designed to provide superior riding comfort, enjoy- ment, and safety. This manual is furnished to ensure that the operator and parents are aware of safe operatingprocedures. Italsoincludesinformationaboutthegeneralcareandmain- tenance of your ATV. Carefullyreadthefollowingpages. IfyouhaveanyquestionsregardingthisATVcon- tactaPolarisdealerforassistance. Remember,Polarisdealershavet

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 7

PROTECTYOURSPORT Know all local, state/province riding laws; Respect your vehicle; Respect the environment; and You will gain the respect of others. Wealsoadviseyoutostrictlyfollowtherecommendedmaintenanceprogramasout- lined. This preventive maintenance program is designed to ensure that all critical components on this ATV are thoroughly inspected at various intervals. Allinformationinthismanualisbaseduponthelatestproductdataandspecifications available at the time of printing. Polaris Industries

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 8

INTRODUCTORYSAFETYMESSAGETO PARENTS ANATVISNOTATOYANDCANBEHAZARDOUSTOOPERATE. AnATVhandles differentlyfromothervehiclesincluding motorcyclesand cars. Acollision orrollover canoccurquickly,evenduringroutinemaneuverssuchasturninganddrivingonhills or over obstacles, if you fail to take proper precautions. Children differin skills,physicalabilities,and judgement.Somechildrenmaynotbe abletooperateanATVsafely.Parentsshouldsupervisetheirchild’suseoftheATV atalltimes.Parentsshouldpermitcontinueduseonlyi

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 9

• Alwaysfollowtheageguidelinesforyourmachine. YouthATVsaredesignedand intended for use by children in two age groups. The Scrambler 50 is for children notlessthan6yearsofage. TheScrambler90andtheSportsman90areforchil- drennotlessthan12yearsofage. Nochildrenundertheageof16shouldridean ATV designed and sold for an adult. • DonotallowotherchildrentoridethisATVunlesstheyhavereadthemanual,seen the instructional video and taken and passed a Polaris approved riding skill test. • AlwaysavoidoperatinganA

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 10

• Never attempt wheelies, jumps or other stunts. • Always inspect your ATV each timeyou useit tomake sureit isin safeoperating condition. Alwaysfollowtheinspectionandmaintenanceproceduresandsched- ules described in this manual. • Always keep both hands on the handlebars and both feet on the footrests of the ATV during operation. • Alwaysgoslowlyandbeextracarefulwhenoperatingonunfamiliarterrain. Always be alert to changing terrain conditions when operating the ATV. • Never operate on excessively

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 11

• Always follow proper procedures for climbing hills as described in this manual. Checktheterraincarefullybeforeyoustartupanyhill. Neverclimbhillswithexces- sivelyslipperyorloosesurfaces. Shiftyourweightforward. Neveropenthethrottle suddenlyormakesuddengearchanges. Nevergooverthetopofanyhillathigh speed. • Alwaysfollowproperproceduresforgoingdownhillsandforbrakingonhillsasde- scribed in this manual. Checkthe terraincarefully beforeyou startdown anyhill. Shiftyourweightbackward. Nevergodownahilla

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 12

• Always use proper procedures if you stall or roll backwards when climbing a hill. To avoid stalling, maintain a steady speed when climbing a hill. If you stall or roll backwards,followthespecialprocedureforbrakingdescribedinthismanual. Dis- mount on the uphill side or to either side if pointed straight uphill. Turn the ATV around and remount, following the procedure described in this manual. • Alwayscheckforobstaclesbeforeoperatinginanewarea. Neverattempttooper- ateoverlargeobstacles,suchaslar

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 13

• Alwaysusethesizeandtypetiresspecifiedinthismanual. Alwaysmaintainproper tire pressure as described in this manual. • Never modify an ATV through improper installation or use of accessories. • NeverexceedthestatedloadcapacityforanATV. Cargoshouldbeproperlydistrib- utedandsecurelyattached. Reducespeedandfollowinstructionsinthismanual for carrying cargo. Allow greater distance for braking. FORMOREINFORMATIONABOUTATVSAFETY,calltheConsumerProductSafe- ty Commission at 1-800-638-2772, or Polaris at

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 14

Polaris hereby informs you that the warranty on your ATV is terminated if any such equipmenthasbeenaddedtotheATVoranymodificationshavebeenmadetothe ATV which increase its speed or power. Wealsoadviseyoutostrictlyfollowtherecommendedmaintenanceprogramoutlined inthismanual. Thispreventivemaintenanceprogramisdesignedtoensurethatall critical components on the ATV are thoroughly inspected by your dealer at various mileage intervals. NOTE: The addition of certain accessories may change the handling ch

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 15

TABLE OFCONTENTS RIDER’S SECTION............................................... R-1 - R-20 UNDERSTANDING WARNINGS ........................................ 1 - 4 GENERAL SAFETY AND DESCRIPTION OF LABELS..................... 5-19 DAILY PRE-RIDE CHECK ............................................. 20-21 OPERATION WARNINGS ............................................. 22-46 VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS................................. 47-48 CONTROL AND PARTS FUNCTIONS ..............................

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 16

TABLE OFCONTENTS PVT SYSTEM OPERATION ....................................... 104-105 BATTERY ....................................................... 106-111 NOISE EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM REGULATION ............... 112-114 MAINTENANCE.................................................. 115-163 SPECIFICATIONS................................................ 164-170 WIRING DIAGRAMS ............................................. 171-172 TROUBLE SHOOTING ........................................... 173-1

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 17


Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 18

KNOW YOURMACHINE PARENTS: Reviewtheinformationinthismanualwithanychildwhomaybe operatingtheATV. Itisuptoyoutoteachyourchildtheproperandsafeway to ride an ATV. You must set boundaries and adhere to them, keeping your child’s safety foremost in your mind. Never allow your child to operate this machine without adult supervision. PolarisYouthATVsareequippedwithanAdjustableThrottleStopSystemand Exhuast System Restrictor(s) to allow adults to limit the speed of the vehicle accordingtotherider’sskillan

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 19

KNOW YOURMACHINE Pay attention when you see this symbol.: Thisisthesafetyalertsymbol. Whenyouseethissymbolonyour machineorinthismanualitmeansPAYATTENTION. Ifyoudon’t, you could get hurt very badly or even killed. Your safety is in- volved! R--3

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 20

KNOW YOURMACHINE Before you have an adult start the engine for you for the first time, let’s learn about the controls on your new machine. 1. EngineStop Switch (A) -When the engine is running, you can push this button down to shut the engine off. The button should be up “on” before starting the engine. 2. ThrottleControl(B)-Thismakesyour ATVgoforwardwhenyoupressitwith A your thumb. You must always make surethethrottlecontroldoesnotstick 1 before you operate your ATV. Read more about it on page R

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