Manual do usuário Stovax 7051

Manual para o dispositivo Stovax 7051

Dispositivo: Stovax 7051
Categoria: Fogão
Fabricante: Stovax
Tamanho: 1.28 MB
Data de adição: 8/23/2013
Número de páginas: 30
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Stovax 7051 Manual de instruções - Online PDF
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Resumos do conteúdo
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 1

Brunel 1A/2CB/3CB
Free Standing Stove
Models : 7008/7008Bl/7008lG/7051/7051Bl/7051lG/7053/7053Bl/7053lG
Instructions for Use,
Installation and servicing
For use in GB & Ie (Great Britain and Republic of Ireland).
This appliance has been certified for use in countries other than those stated. To install this appliance in these countries, it is essential to obtain the translated
instructions and in some cases the appliance will require modification. Contact Stovax for further information.

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 2

CoVeRING THe FolloWING Models: 7008/7008Bl/7008lG/7051/7051Bl/7051lG/7053/7053Bl/7053lG APPlIANCe CoMMIssIo NING CHeCKlIsT 3 CoMMIssIoNING 22 UseR INsTRUCTIoNs 4 MAINTeNANCe & seRVICING 23 General Points 4 Annual Service 23 Using the Appliance for the first time 5 Removal of Log Guard 24 Recommended Fuels 5 Removal of Fire Brick 24 Lighting the appliance 6 Removal of Baffle 24 Running the appliance 7 Removal of Riddling Mechanism 24 Burning Tips 8 Fitting a New G

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 3

APPlIANCe CoMMIssIoNING CHeCKlIsT To assist us in any guarantee claim please complete the following information:- dealer appliance was purchased from Name: ................................................................................................................................................................. Address: ............................................................................................................................................................... ............

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 4

UseR INsTRUCTIoNs 1. GeNeRAl PoINTs Airwash 1.1 Before use of this appliance please read these Control instructions fully. Main Door 1.2 All local regulations, including those referring to national and european standards need to be complied with when Main Door Catch installing the appliance. Primary Air 1.3 Only use for domestic heating in accordance with these Control operating instructions. Cleanburn Combustion 1.4 You must burn only approved fuels. Do not use with liquid Control

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 5

UseR INsTRUCTIoNs •Allow fire to burn out or safely dispose of fuel from the Airwash appliance Closed Open • Check for chimney blockage and clean if required • Do not attempt to relight until the cause of the emission has been identified and corrected If necessary seek expert advice. • All open flued appliances can be affected by temporary atmospheric conditions which may allow fumes to enter Primary Air the house. Because of this it is recommended that

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 6

UseR INsTRUCTIoNs 3.2 solid fuel: 4. lIGHTING THe FIRe • Burn only anthracite or manufactured briquette smokeless fuels listed as suitable for use with closed heating appliances 4.1 For best results: do not burn bituminous coal, ‘petro-coke’ or other • S e t a i r c o n t r o l s , S e e D i a g r a m 6 petroleum based fuels as this will invalidate the product guarantee. Airwash Fully Open 3.3 Fuel consumption. As tested at nominal heat output to the requirements

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 7

UseR INsTRUCTIoNs • Rake the embers evenly over the fire bed and open the Airwash control fully for a few minutes before re-fuelling 5.2 Burn new logs at high output for a few minutes before adjusting the Airwash control. Refuel little and often for clean, efficient burning. 5.3 Experience establishes settings to suit personal preferences. Air Inlets 5.4 Do not burn large amounts of fuel with the Airwash control Log Guard closed for long periods of time. This reduces the glass

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 8

UseR INsTRUCTIoNs 2) To provide a sufficient amount of draught (suction) in the 5.11 You must burn only anthracite or smokeless fuels appliance ensuring the fire keeps burning. suitable for use in closed appliances. Draught is caused by the rising hot air in the chimney when 5.12 do not burn bituminous coal, ‘petro-coke’ or other the appliance is lit. petroleum based fuels as this invalidates the product guarantee. Symptoms of poor performance related to flue draught include: do not lo

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 9

UseR INsTRUCTIoNs 7. AsH ReMoVAl 8. oVeR NIGHT BURNING 8.1 It is possible to get the appliance to burn over night. 7.1 All fuels: In order to do this: • Open Doors, See Diagram 11 • De-ash prior to final refuelling • Set air controls to low combustion settings This will blacken the glass over night but it will clear when operated at high output for a short period. • Use smokeless fuel or small, thick logs depending on fuel desired 9. oVeR-FIRING 9.1 Do not o

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 10

UseR INsTRUCTIoNs 13.2 The chimney, any connecting flue pipe and the appliance 11. GeNeRAl CleANING flue ways if incorporated, must be regularly cleaned. 11.1 Allow appliance to cool thoroughly to avoid risk of burns: 13.3 Ensure adequate access to cleaning doors where it is not • Clean regularly, according to the level of use possible to sweep through the chimney. • Give attention to the baffle system, flue ways and removing ash 13.4 If the appliance is believe to have p

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 11

UseR INsTRUCTIoNs • Glass blackening 15. seAsoNAl Use • Thick, brown and sticky tar oozes from the pipe joints 15.1 Clean and service the appliance if it is not used during the This is caused by burning damp wood and burning your warmer periods of the year as detailed in the Maintenance appliance at too low a temperature; and Servicing section • Use well season ed wood and operate the appliance in the ideal temperature range 15.2 Set the air controls 50% open to

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 12

TeCHNICAl sPeCIFICATIoN BRUNel Model Brunel 1a - 7008/7008BL/7008LG Brunel 2CB - 7051/7051BL/7051LG Brunel 3CB - 7053/7053BL/7053LG Wood kW 4.0 6.0 7.0 Nominal Heat Output Solid Fuel kW 4.0 6.0 7.0 mm Wg 1.25 1.25 1.25 Flue Draught @ Nominal Heat Output All Fuels inch Wg 0.05 0.05 0.05 Wood g/s 3.3 5.5 5.2 Flue Gas Mass Flow Solid Fuel g/s 3.4 5.8 4.5 Wood °C 396 360 442 Flue Gas Temperature @ Spigot/Socket Solid Fuel °C 369 360 442 mm 125 150 150 Flue Outlet Size (Top or Rear Option) inch 5 6 6

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 13

TeCHNICAl sPeCIFICATIoN BRUNel dIMeNsIoNs PR7225 Description Model A B C D E F (dia) G H 7008 Brunel 1a 7008BL 525 385 290 106 430 125 89 95 7008LG 7051 Brunel 2CB 7051BL 640 437 335 115 545 125 122 103 7051LG 7053 Brunel 3CB 7053BL 685 550 330 115 588 150 155 103 7053LG All dimensions in mm. (25.4mm = 1”) 13

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 14

sITe ReQUIReMeNTs 1.5 You must sweep and inspect the flue when the appliance is 1. FlUe oR CHIMNeY installed. 1.6 You must check the flue draught with all windows and 1.1 The flue or chimney system must be in good condition. doors closed and any extraction fans in this or adjoining It must be inspected by a competent person and passed for rooms running at maximum speed. (See next section for use with the appliance before installation additional ventilation requirements) Products of combus

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 15

sITe ReQUIReMeNTs 1. FlUe oUTleT PosITIoNs Horizontal Terminal Measurement Flue 150mm Vertical max Measurement Adjacent Building Insulation The vertical measurement is the lowest from either the point of discharge or 150mm above insulation. Position on Roof Minimum Clearances IMPORTANT: Seek specialist On ridge or within 600mm 600mm above ridge A advice if installing in a dwelling with a thatched roof Elsewhere on roof 2300mm horizontally from roof surface and: B a) 1000mm above highest p

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 16

sITe ReQUIReMeNTs WAlls NexT To HeARTHs Solid, non-combustible Thickness W material e.g. masonry or concrete H C 150mm minimum 150mm C minimum PR7227 Position of Appliance & Hearth in relation to walls Requirement for the walls distance of hearth from wall distance of Appliance to wall Min thickness of Wall Min height of wall 'C' 'W' 'H' 0mm 0mm - 50mm 200mm Height of appliance + 300mm Or 1200mm from the hearth (take largest 0mm 51mm - 300mm 75mm dimension) 0 - 150mm 150mm + 75mm 1200mm 150m

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 17

Brunel 3CB Brunel 2CB Brunel 1a PRe-INsTAllATIoN CHeCKs 1. FlUe Model Brunel 1a - 7008/7008BL/7008LG Brunel 2CB - 7051/7051BL/7051LG Brunel 3CB - 7053/7053BL/7053LG mm 150 150 150 Without Liner System Round (diameter) inch 6 6 6 mm 135 135 135 Without Liner System (square) minimum Flue/Chimney size dimension 1 1 1 inch 5 / 5 / 5 / 2 2 2 † With Liner or Factory made System mm 150 150 150 (diameter) † inch 6 6 6 installed in accordance with manufacturers instructions m 4 4 4 Flue/Chimney Minimu

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 18

PRe-INsTAllATIoN CHeCKs 3. VeNTIlATIoN 3.1 This appliance requires ventilation to supply combustion air. Any room containing the appliance must have a permanent 2 air vent opening with a total free area of at least 550mm per kW of appliance rated output above 5kW. 3.2 Increase air supply provisions where a room contains multiple appliances. 3.3 If vents open into adjoining rooms or spaces there must be an air vent of at least the same size direct to the outside. 3.4 Permanent air vents shou

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 19

INsTAllATIoN INsTRUCTIoNs 1.1 Take care when installing the appliance. Careless leGAl ReQUIReMeNTs handling and use of tools can damage the finish and/or area. Before installation of this product please read these • Assemble the appliance by attaching the legs to the instructions fully. base of the appliance, see picture 1 It is very important to understand the requirements of the national Building Regulations* and standards**, along with any local regulations and working practices that

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 20

INsTAllATIoN INsTRUCTIoNs The Flue must be installed in accordance with manufacturers instructions. Seal Collar with Fire Cement Self Tapping Screw PR8009 Tee Size Stovax Part No. The Flue must be installed in accordance with manufacturers instructions. 5" 4516 6" (4616)* Flue Pipe 915mm (3ft) Size Stovax Part No. *5" 4502 6" 4602 Cap Self tappping screw at rear PR7228 Seal flue collar To chimney connection as detailed in with Fire Cement building regulation Elbow with access cover PR7230

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