Manual do usuário Pioneer SUPER TUNER 3D DEH-22UB

Manual para o dispositivo Pioneer SUPER TUNER 3D DEH-22UB

Dispositivo: Pioneer SUPER TUNER 3D DEH-22UB
Categoria: Leitor CD
Fabricante: Pioneer
Tamanho: 1.66 MB
Data de adição: 10/26/2014
Número de páginas: 60
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Resumos do conteúdo
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 1

English Français Español
Owner’s Manual
Mode d’emploi
Manual de instrucciones

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 2

Presection BeforeYouStart orotherreproductiveharm.Washhandsafter ThankyouforpurchasingthisPIONEER product. handling. Toensureproperuse,pleasereadthrough this manual beforeusing thisproduct.Itisespe- CAUTION: ciallyimportantthatyoureadandobserve USEOFCONTROLORADJUSTMENTOR WARNINGsandCAUTIONsinthismanual. PERFORMANCEOFPROCEDURES Please keep the manual in a safe and accessible OTHERTHANTHOSESPECIFIEDHEREIN place for future reference. MAYRESULTINHAZARDOUSRADIATION EXPOSURE. Thisdevicecomplieswithpar

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 3

English Presection BeforeYouStart purchasedetailsinour filesintheeventof After-salesservicefor lossortheft. Pioneerproducts ! Accessowner'smanuals,sparepartsinfor- Pleasecontactthedealerordistributor from mation,serviceinformation,andmuch whereyoupurchasedthisunitforafter-sales more. service(including warrantyconditions)orany otherinformation.Incasethenecessaryinfor- mationisnotavailable,pleasecontactthe companieslistedbelow: Pleasedonotshipyourunittothecompanies attheaddresseslistedbelowforrepa

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 4

Section 01 Operatingthisunit Headunit Part Operation Press toincrease ordecreasevo-   e VOLUME lume.  Press tomute. Pressagaintoun- f MUTE mute. g AUDIO Press toselect anaudio function. Press toselect differentdisplays. h DISP/SCRL Press andhold toscroll through thetextinformation.    i e Press topause orresume. Part Part Press toselect functions. AUXinputjack (3.5 Press andhold torecall theinitial 1 DISP/ /SCRL 8 j FUNCTION mmstereo jack) setting me

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 5

English Section Operatingthisunit 01 Anuppertieroffolderormenu Removingthefrontpaneltoprotectyour unitfrom 5 c exists. theft 1 Press torelease thefrontpanel. 6 (folder) Thelistfunctionisoperated. 2 Grabthefrontpanelandremove. Alowertieroffolderormenuex- 7 d Re-attachingthefrontpanel ists. 1 Slidethefrontpaneltotheleftuntilitclicks. 8 LOC Thelocalseektuningison. Frontpanelandtheheadunitareconnectedon theleftside.Makesurethatthefrontpanelhas LOUD been properly connectedtotheheadunit. 9 Theloudness

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 6

Section 01 Operatingthisunit Useandcareoftheremote perchlorate.(ApplicabletoCalifornia,U.S.A.)” control Important Usingtheremotecontrol 1 Pointtheremotecontrolinthedirection of the ! Donotstoretheremotecontrolinhightem- frontpaneltooperate. peraturesordirectsunlight. When usingfor thefirsttime,pulloutthefilm ! Theremotecontrolmaynotfunctionproperly protruding fromthetray. indirectsunlight. Replacingthebattery ! Donotlettheremotecontrolfallontothe 1 Slidethetray

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 7

English Section Operatingthisunit 01 Tuner LOCAL (localseektuning) Localseektuningletsyoutuneinonlythoseradiosta- BasicOperations tions withsufficientlystrongsignalsfor goodrecep- tion. Selectingaband 1 PressM.C.todisplaythe settingmode. 1 PressBAND/ESCuntil thedesired band(F1,F2, 2 TurnM.C.toselectthe desired setting. F3for FMorAM)is displayed. FM:OFF—LEVEL1—LEVEL2—LEVEL3—LEVEL Manual tuning(step bystep) 4 1 Presscord. AM:OFF—LEVEL1—LEVEL2 Largersetting numberishigher level.Thehighest Seeking l

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 8

Section 01 Operatingthisunit ! WhenplayingbackVBR(variablebitrate)-re- Returningtorootfolder cordedMP3files,VBRisdisplayedinsteadof 1 Pressand holdBAND/ESC. bitratevalue. Switching between compressedaudio and CD-DA 1 PressBAND/ESC. Selectingandplayingfiles/ Notes tracksfromthenamelist ! Whenplayingcompressedaudio,thereisno 1 Press toswitchtothefile/track soundduringfastforwardorreverse. namelistmode. ! USBportableaudioplayersthatcanbe chargedviaUSBwillberechargedwhen 2 UseM.C.toselectthedesiredf

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 9

English Section Operatingthisunit 01 AudioAdjustments Pausingplayback 1 Press2/PAUSE topause orresume. 1 PressM.C.todisplaythemainmenu. Enhancingcompressedaudio and restoringrich sound(sound retriever) 2 TurnM.C.tochangethemenuoption 1 Press1/S.Rtrvtocyclebetween: andpresstoselectAUDIO. OFF(off)—MODE1—MODE2 MODE1iseffectiveforlow compression rates, 3 TurnM.C.toselecttheaudiofunction. andMODE2iseffectivefor high compression Afterselecting,performthefollowingproce- rates. durestosettheaudiofunctio

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 10

Section 01 Operatingthisunit SLA(sourceleveladjustment) USB(plugand play) SLA(Source leveladjustment) letsyouadjustthevo- This setting allowsyoutoswitchyour sourcetoUSB lume levelofeachsourcetopreventradicalchanges automatically. involume when switchingbetween sources. 1 PressM.C.toturntheplugand playonoroff. ! Settingsarebased ontheFMvolume level,which ON –WhenUSB storagedevice isconnected,the remainsunchanged. source isautomaticallyswitchedtoUSB.Ifyou Beforeadjustingsourcelevels,comparetheFM d

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 11

T R A T English S N O Section Connections 02 — Securethewiringwithcableclampsorad- WARNING hesivetape.Wrapadhesivetapearound ! Usespeakersover50W(outputvalue)andbe- wiringthatcomesintocontactwithmetal tween4Wto8W(impedancevalue).Donot partstoprotectthewiring. use1Wto3Wspeakersforthisunit. — Placeallcablesawayfrommovingparts, ! Theblackcableisground.Wheninstalling suchasthegearshift andseatrails. thisunitorpoweramp(soldseparately),make — Placeallcablesawayfromhotplaces, suretoconnectthegroundwire

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 12

Section 02 Connections Connectiondiagram Power amp This product (sold separately) Connect with RCA cables (sold separately) Antenna jack Fuse (10 A) Rear output Yellow System remote control Connect to the constant 12 V Blue/white supply terminal. Connect to system control terminal of the power amp or auto-antenna relay control terminal (max. 300 mA 12 V DC). Red Connect to terminal controlled by ignition switch (12 V DC). With a 2 speaker system, do not connect Black (chassis ground) anyt

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 13

English Section Installation 03 2 Securethemountingsleevebyusinga Important screwdrivertobendthemetaltabs(90°) ! Checkallconnectionsandsystemsbefore intoplace. finalinstallation. Dashboard ! Donotuseunauthorizedpartsasthismay causemalfunctions. ! Consultyourdealerifinstallationrequiresdril- lingofholesorothermodificationstothevehi- cle. ! Donotinstallthisunitwhere: — itmayinterferewithoperationof thevehi- cle. — itmaycauseinjurytoapassengerasare- sultofasuddenstop. Mountingsleeve ! Thesemiconduc

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 14

Section 03 Installation 2 Tightentwoscrewsoneachside. Fasteningthefrontpanel Screw If youdonotplantodetach thefrontpanel, thefrontpanelcanbefastenedwiththesup- pliedscrew. Mounting bracket Dashboardorconsole Screw ! Useeithertruss(5mm×8mm)or flush surface(5mm×9mm)screws,depending onthebracketscrewholes. Removingtheunit 1 Extendtopandbottomofthetrimring outwardstoremovethetrimring.(When reattachingthetrimring,pointtheside withthegroovedown.) Trimring ! Releasingthefrontpanelallowseasierac- cessto

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 15

English Appendix AdditionalInformation Troubleshooting Electrical orme- Turn theignition chanical switchOFFand ERROR-10,11, 12,15,17,30, backON, orswitch Symptom Cause Action toadifferent A0 source,then back Thedisplay Youdidnotper- Performoperation tothe CDplayer. automatically formanyopera- again. returns tothe tionwithinabout ERROR-15 Theinserteddisc Replacedisc. ordinarydis- 30seconds. isblank play. ERROR-22,23 UnsupportedCD Replacedisc. Therepeatplay Depending on Selecttherepeat format rang

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 16

Appendix AdditionalInformation Theconnected Playan audio file USB storagede- USB storagede- USB storagede- notembeddedwith viceisnotfor- viceshould befor- SKIPPED ERROR-23 vicecontains WindowsMedia mattedwith mattedwithFAT16 WMAfiles em- DRM9/10. FAT16orFAT32 orFAT32. beddedwith WindowsMed- iaäDRM9/10 PROTECT Allthefiles inthe Transferaudio files USB storagede- notembeddedwith Handlingguideline viceareem- WindowsMedia beddedwith DRM9/10tothe Discsandplayer USB storagede- WindowsMedia DRM9/10 vic

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 17

English Appendix AdditionalInformation Playbackof discsmaynotbepossiblebecauseof Compressedaudio disccharacteristics,disc format,recorded applica- compatibility(disc,USB) tion,playbackenvironment,storageconditions, and soon. WMA Roadshocksmayinterruptdiscplayback. Fileextension: .wma Readthe precautions fordiscsbefore usingthem. Bitrate:48kbps to320kbps(CBR),48kbps to384 kbps (VBR) USBstoragedevice Samplingfrequency:32kHz,44.1kHz,48kHz Addressanyquestionsyouhave aboutyour USB sto- WindowsMediaAu

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 18

Appendix AdditionalInformation Disc Playablefiles: upto999 Folderselectionsequence orotheroperation Filesystem: ISO9660Level1and 2,Romeo,Joliet maydifferdepending ontheencodingor writ- Multi-sessionplayback:Yes ingsoftware. Packet writedatatransfer:No USBstoragedevice Regardlessof thelength ofblanksectionbetweenthe Playbacksequenceisthesameasrecorded songs of theoriginal recording,compressedaudio sequenceintheUSBstorage device. discsplay withashortpause between songs. Tospecifytheplaybacksequenc

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 19

English Appendix AdditionalInformation Tone controls: WMA Bass Frequency................100 Hz Gain ............................±12 dB Mid Frequency................1 kHz Gain ............................±12 dB Treble Frequency................10 kHz Gain ............................±12 dB WindowsMediaandtheWindowslogoaretra- CDplayer demarksor registeredtrademarks ofMicrosoft System ..........................................Compactdiscaudio system CorporationintheUnitedStatesand/orother Usable di

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 20

Appendix AdditionalInformation CEA2006Specifications Power output .............................14 W RMS × 4 Channels(4 Wand≦1%THD+N) S/N ratio .......................................91 dBA(reference:1Winto 4W) Note Specificationsandthedesignaresubjecttomod- ificationswithoutnotice. 20 En

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