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SJ2002 Series Inverter
Quick Reference Guide
• Single-phase Input 200V Class
� Three-phase Input 200V Class
� Three-phase Input 400V Class
Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd.
Manual No. NB6701X � Sept. 2006
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Caution: Be sure to read the SJ2002 Inverter Manual and follow its Cautions and Warnings for the initial product installation. This Quick Reference Guide is intended for reference use by experienced users in servicing existing installations. ® UL Cautions, Warnings, and Instructions Wiring Warnings for Electrical Practices and Wire Sizes The Cautions, Warnings, and instructions in this section summarize the procedures necessary to ensure an inverter installation complies with ® Underwriters
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Terminal Tightening Torque and Wire Size The wire size range and tightening torque for field wiring terminals are presented in the tables below. 200V Models Motor output Torque Wire Size Inverter Model (AWG) kW HP ft-lbs (N-m) 0.2 1/4 –002NFE(F)2/NFU2 0.4 1/2 –004NFE(F)2/NFU2 16 0.6 0.8 0.55 3/4 –005NFE(F)2 0.75 1 –007NFE(F)2/NFU2 14 1.1 1 1/2 –011NFE(F)2 1.5 2 –015NFE(F)2/NFU2 12 0.9 1.2 2.2 3 –022NFE(F)2/NFU2 10 3.7 5 –037LFU2 10 5.5 7 1/2 –055LFU2 10 1.5 2.0 7.5 10 –075LFU2 8 400V Models
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Wire Size Torque Range Terminal Connector Range (AWG) ft-lbs (N-m) Logic/Analog connector 30—16 0.16—0.19 0.22—0.25 Relay connector 30—14 0.37—0.44 0.5—0.6 Wire Connectors Warning: Field wiring connections Terminal (ring lug) must be made by a UL Listed and CSA Cable support Certified ring lug terminal connector sized for the wire gauge being used. The connector must be fixed using the crimping tool specified by the con- nector manufacturer. Cable Fuse and Circuit Breaker Sizes The inverte
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400V Models Motor output Ampere Rating for Inverter Model Fuse or Breaker kW HP 0.4 1/2 –004HFE(F)2/HFU2 3 0.75 1 –007HFE(F)2/HFU2 6 1.5 2 –015HFE(F)2/HFU2 10 2.2 3 –022HFE(F)2/HFU2 10 3.0 4 –030HFE(F)2 15 4.0 5 –040HFE(F)2/HFU2 15 5.5 7 1/2 –055HFE(F)2/HFU2 20 7.5 10 –075HFE(F)2/HFU2 25 Motor Overload Protection Hitachi SJ2002 inverters provide solid state motor overload protection, which depends on the proper setting of the following parameters: � B012 “electronic overload protection” � B212
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Power Circuit Terminals Inverter models SJ200–002NFE(F)2/NFU2 to –005NFE(F)2/ NFU2 Jumper RB +1 + – L1 L2 N/L3 U/T1 V/T2 W/T3 Chassis Ground Inverter models SJ200–007NFE(F)2 to –022NFE(F)2, –007NFU2 to –037LFU2, –004HFE(F)2/HFU2 to –040HFE(F)2/HFU2 Jumper +1 + – RB NFE(F)2, NFU2 L1 L2 N/L3 U/T1 V/T2 W/T3 LFU2, HFE(F)2, R/L1 S/L2 T/L3 U/T1 V/T2 W/T3 HFU2 Chassis Ground Inverter models SJ200–055LFU2, –055HFE2/HFU2, –075LFU2, 075HFE2/HFU2 R/L1 S/L2 T/L3 U/T1 V/T2 W/T3 PD/+1 P/+ N/– RB Chassis
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Inverter models SJ200–HFEF2, –075HFEF2 L1 L2 L3 U/T1 V/T2 W/T3 +1 + – RB Chassis Jumper Ground Control Circuit Terminals Logic inputs L 6 5 4 3 2 1 PCS Alarm relay AL2 AL1 AL0 Analog Logic Analog outputs outputs inputs H O OI L AM CM2 12 11 Terminal Description Ratings and Notes Name PCS +24V for logic inputs 24VDC supply, 30 mA max. (Notes: Do not use for network power Do not short to terminal L) 1, 2, 3, 4, Intelligent (program- 27VDC max. (use P24 or an 5, 6 mable) discrete logic externa
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Terminal Description Ratings and Notes Name 11, 12 Discrete logic outputs 50 mA max. ON current, 27 VDC max. OFF voltage CM2 GND for logic outputs 100 mA max for sum of terminals 11 and 12 currents AM Analog voltage output 0 to 10VDC, 1 mA max., 50% duty cycle L (bottom GND for analog signals Sum of OI, O, H, and AM row) currents (return) OI Analog input, current 4 to 19.6 mA range, 20 mA nominal O Analog input, voltage 0 to 9.6 VDC range, 10VDC nominal, 12VDC max., input impedance 10 k Ω
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Basic Wiring Diagram The following wiring diagram shows the power and motor connections for basic operation. The optional signal input wiring supports external Fwd and Rev Run command, and a speed potentiometer. SJ200 From 3-phase R U power input (L1) (T1) source (See specifications S V Motor label on inverter (L2) (T2) for details) T W (N/L3) (T3) Inputs: PCS AL1 Forward Relay contacts, 1 AL0 1 Form C Reverse 2 AL2 Open collector GND for logic inputs L outputs: Run signal 12 Load Analog
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Inverter Keypad Operation Run Key Enable LED Parameter Display Program/Monitor LED Run/Stop LED Power LED Alarm LED POWER HITACHI ALARM Display Units LEDs Hz Hertz 50.0 A Amperes RUN PRG STOP RUN RESET Potentiometer Enable LED FUNC. 2 STR 1 Potentiometer Stop/Reset Key Run Key Up/Down Keys Store Key Function Key � Run/Stop LED – ON when the inverter output is ON and the motor is developing torque, and OFF when the inverter output is OFF (Stop Mode). � Program/Monitor LED – ON when the inverter
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� Parameter Display – A 4-digit, 7-segment display for parameters and function codes. � Display Units: Hertz/Amperes – One of these LEDs will be ON to indicate the units associated with the parameter display. � Power LED – ON when the power input to the inverter is ON. � Alarm LED – ON when the inverter in Trip Mode. � Function Key – This key is used to navigate through the lists of parameters and functions for setting and monitoring parameter values. � Up/Down Keys – Use these keys alternate
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Keypad Navigation Map Monitor Mode Program Mode Display data Select Parameter Edit Parameter powerdown 0.0 Store as FUNC. H007 powerup default 1 2 d 083 H003 1 2 Increment/ 1 2 d 001 decrement value C1 4 9 1 2 1 1 2 2 H- - - Edit 1 C 001 2 FUNC. 1 2 C- - - 1 2 3.4 FUNC. b151 1 2 1 FUNC. 2 STR b --- Write data b 001 1 2 to 1 2 EEPROM A- - - A1 5 5 1 2 1 2 F0 0 4 FUNC. A001 1 2 Return to parameter list F0 0 1 11
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Powerup Test The Powerup Test procedure uses minimal parameter settings to run the motor. The procedure describes two alternative methods for commanding the inverter: via the inverter keypad, or via the logic terminals. � Check power input and motor output wiring (see page 8 diagram). � If using logic terminals for testing, verify correct wiring on [PCS], [FW], [H], [O], and [L] (bottom row) per the diagram on page 8. � Reverse [RV] input wiring (defaults to terminal [2]) is optional. Via Logi
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Error Codes The SJ2002 series inverters will trip on over-current, over-voltage, and under-voltage to protect the inverter. The motor output turns OFF, allow- ing the motor to free-run to a stop. Press the Stop/Reset key to reset the inverter and clear the error. Basic Error Codes Error Name Probable Cause(s) Code Over current event while at � Inverter output was short-circuited E01 constant speed � Motor shaft is locked � Load is too heavy Over current event during � A dual-voltage motor is
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Error Name Probable Cause(s) Code Thermistor � Thermistor input, [THM] and [L], is E35 over the temp. threshold Communications error � The inverter’s watchdog timer for the E60 communications network has timed out. Under-voltage (brownout) � Low input voltage caused the inverter --- with output shutoff to turn OFF the motor output and try to restart. If unsuccessful, a trip occurs. Error Trip Conditions Use function code D081 to access the error trip conditions for the current error as sh
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Restoring Factory Default Settings Action Display Function/Parameter “B” Group selected b --- FUNC. 1 Press , or 2as needed. First “B” Group parameter b 001 Press . FUNC. Country code for b 085 1 Press/hold until... initialization selected 00 = Japan 02 Press FUNC. . If setting is 01 = Europe correct, then skip next step. 02 = USA 1 To change country code, press or 2 to set; STR to store. Country code for b 085 Press . FUNC. initialization selected Initialization function b 084 2 Press .
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Parameter Tables “D” Group: Monitoring Functions Func. Name / Description Units Code D001 Output frequency monitor Hz D002 Output current monitor A D003 Rotation direction monitor — Forward Stop Reverse Direction D004 Process variable (PV), PID feedback monitor % D005 Intelligent input terminal status — ON OFF 6543 2 1 Terminal Numbers D006 Intelligent output terminal status — ON OFF AL 12 11 Terminal Numbers D007 Scaled output frequency monitor User- (output frequency x B086 scale factor) defi
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Trip History and Inverter Status Func. Name / Description Units Code D080 Trip Counter Hz D081 Trip monitor 1 (most recent trip n) — D082 Trip monitor 2 (trip n-1) — D083 Trip monitor 3 (trip n-2) — No error Error Monitor Mode No exists? Yes Display data 0.0 Trip conditions 2 FUNC. Error code E07 1 2 1 2 d 083 Output frequency 60.0 FUNC. at trip point 1 2 1 2 d 081 Motor current FUNC. 4.0 at trip point 1 2 1 2 DC bus voltage 39 8.0 at trip point 1 2 Cumulative 15 inverter operation time
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Parameter tables for user-settable functions follow these conventions: � Some parameters have 2nd motor equivalents, indicated by the x2xx parameter codes in the left-most column. � Some parameters specify an option code. Where applicable, the options codes will be in a bulleted list in the Name/Description column. � The default values apply to all models unless otherwise noted for each parameter... –FE(F) (Europe) / – FU (U.S.) � Some parameters cannot be edited during Run Mode, and certai