Manual do usuário Pioneer DVD Receiver AVH-X1500DVD

Manual para o dispositivo Pioneer DVD Receiver AVH-X1500DVD

Dispositivo: Pioneer DVD Receiver AVH-X1500DVD
Categoria: Car Video
Fabricante: Pioneer
Tamanho: 8.48 MB
Data de adição: 3/21/2013
Número de páginas: 212
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Resumos do conteúdo
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 1

English Français Español

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 2

Contents Contents Precautions HDRadioätuner Selectingfilesfromthe filenamelist 19 UsingMIXTRAX AboutHDRadioästations 11 PlayingDivXâVODcontent 20 MIXTRAXoperation 27 IMPORTANTSAFEGUARDS 4 HDRadiotuneroperations 11 MIXTRAXEZoperation 27 Toensuresafedriving 4 Storingandrecallingstations 12 iPod StartingMIXTRAXEZoperation 27 Toavoidbatteryexhaustion 4 Storingthe strongeststations 12 Movingimagesoperations 20 SettingMIXTRAXmode 27 Tuningintostrongsignals 12 Soundplaybackoperations 21 Settingtheeffec

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 3

English Contents Contents Settingupthevideoplayer Bluetoothconnectionmenu iPodcompatibility 60 Settingthesubtitlelanguage 35 Bluetoothconnectionmenu Sequenceofaudiofiles 61 Settingtheaudiolanguage 35 operations 42 Usingthedisplaycorrectly 61 Settingthemenulanguage 35 Bluetoothprofiles 61 Settingthemulti-angleDVDdisplay 36 Thememenu License,WarrantyDisclaimer&Limitationof Settingtheaspectratio 36 Selectingtheilluminationcolor 43 Liability 62 Settingtheslideshowinterval 36 SelectingtheOSD(on-scree

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 4

Section 01 Precautions Precautions ThankyouforpurchasingthisPIONEER Parkingbrakeinterlock WARNING CAUTION product. Certainfunctions(Videoviewingandcertain Donotattempttoinstallorserviceyourdis- ! Therear viewcamerafunctionistobeused Toensureproperuse,pleasereadthroughthis touchpanelkeys)offeredbythisunitcouldbe playbyyourself.Installationorservicingof asanaidtokeepaneyeontrailers,or while manualbeforeusingthisproduct.Itisespecially dangerousand/orunlawfulifusedwhiledriving. thedisplaybypersonswi

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 5

English Section Beforeyoustart Beforeyoustart 02 InformationtoUser TheSafetyofYourEarsisin Alterationormodificationscarriedoutwith- WARNING outappropriateauthorizationmayinvalidate YourHands Handlingthecordonthisproductorcordsasso- FCCID:AJDK058 theuser’srightto operatetheequipment. ciatedwithaccessoriessoldwiththeproduct Getthemostoutof yourequipmentbyplayingit MODELNO.:AVH-X5500BHS,AVH-X4500BT, mayexposeyoutochemicalslistedonproposi- atasafelevel—alevelthat letsthesoundcome AVH-X3500BHS,AVH-X2

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 6

Section 02 Beforeyoustart Beforeyoustart ! “PerchlorateMaterial –specialhandlingmay DVDvideodiscregionnumbers Useandcareoftheremote U.S.A. apply. PioneerElectronics(USA)Inc. control OnlyDVDvideodiscswithcompatibleregion CUSTOMERSUPPORTDIVISION numberscanbe playedonthis player.Youcan perchlorate.(ApplicabletoCalifornia, Installingthebattery P.O.Box1760 findtheregionnumberof theplayeronthebot- U.S.A.)” LongBeach,CA90801-1760 Slidethetrayonthebackof theremotecontr

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 7

English Section What’swhat What’swhat 03 3 +/–(VOLUME/VOL) ! FordetailsonhowtoconnectaniPodor Sourceondisplay Headunit USBstoragedevicetothisunit,referto 1 AVH-X5500BHSandAVH-X4500BT 4 MUTE When connecting withoptional CD-IU201V Presstomute.Pressagaintounmute. cableonpage48. JAN AM 12:22 SiriusXM 5 Homebutton Digital Radio Homedisplay Displayingthe homedisplay. Disc ThedisplayreturnstotheLauncherscreen Homedisplay whilea 3rd-partyapplicationisbeingusedin USB/iPod 1324 AdvancedAppMode. Dolby PLII

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 8

Section 03 What’swhat What’swhat 9 Clockkey Selectingasource Adjustingthevolume Remotecontrol Switchingtoclockadjustmentdisplay. % Press+/–(VOLUME/VOL)toadjustthe Availablesourcemodes volume. ! SiriusXM –SiriusXM tuner TurningthesourceON/OFF (AVH-X5500BHS/AVH-X3500BHS) (FunctionofAVH-X5500BHS/AVH-X4500BT) ! DigitalRadio –DigitalRadiotuner (AVH-X5500BHS/AVH-X3500BHS) Turningthesourceonusingthebuttons ! Radio –Radiotuner 1 PressSRC/OFFtoturnthesourceon. (AVH-X4500BT/AVH-X2500BT/AVH-X1500DVD) ! Dis

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 9

English Section What’swhat Commonoperations 03 04 n b BAND/ESC Commonoperationsfor 1JAN PM12:43 Presstoperformfastforward. Presstoselectthetunerbandwhentuneris 01 01 menusettings/lists Presstochangethefastforwardspeed. selectedasasource.Alsousedtocancelthe DVD-V o controlmodeoffunctions. (FunctionofAVH-X5500BHS/ Presstoreturntotheprevioustrack(chap- Presstoswitchbetweenmodeswhenplay- AVH-X4500BT/AVH-X3500BHS/ ter). ingthefollowingtypesofdata: AVH-X2500BT) p ! Disc Dolby D Multi ch 48kHz 16bit Do

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 10

Section 04 Commonoperations Commonoperations Notes ! Whenavideoisviewedinawidescreen Activatingthetouchpanelkeys Usingtherearviewkeyto modethatdoesnotmatchitsoriginalaspect ! Thisfunctionisenabledforplaybackonthe displaytherearview ratio,itmayappeardifferent. Touchpanelkeys sourceslistedbelow. ! Remember thatusingthewidemodefeature — CD-DA Displayingtherear viewimageby of thissystemforcommercialorpublicview- 1JAN — MP3/WMA/AAC/WAVfilesonUSBstorage PM12:43 turningtherear viewimageon. 01 01 ingpur

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 11

English Section Basicoperations HDRadioätuner 05 06 Adjustingtheangleofthe Ejectingadisc AboutHDRadioästations (FunctionofAVH-X3500BHS/AVH-X2500BT/AVH- LCDpanelandejectingmedia (FunctionofAVH-X5500BHS/AVH-X3500BHS) â X1500DVD) iTunes Tagging provides you theopportunity todiscover HDRadioästationsofferhigh-qualityaudioand awiderangeof contentand themeans to “tag” thatcon- CAUTION dataservices.HDRadiostationsarebroughtto â tent for later reviewand purchase from theiTunes Store. % Presshtoejectadis

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 12

Section 06 HDRadioätuner HDRadioätuner # Whilestoringthetagdataonthisunit, Tag SwitchingbetweenFM1,FM2,andFM3by 8 Presetchannelkey 1 Displaythepresetchannellistscreen. flashes. touchingthebandkey. Selectapresetchannel. Referto HDRadiotuner operationsonthepre- WhenAMisselected,youcannotswitchto viouspage. # Thetaginformationforupto50songscanbe anotherAMbandbytouchingthebandkey. Thepresetchannellist appearsinthedisplay. storedonthisunit. Basicoperations # Dependingonthetimingof whenthetaginfor- 2

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 13

English Section Tuner Tuner 07 6 Presetchannelkey StoringbroadcastfrequencieswithBSMmayre- Youcanstoretheinformationifthe Tagindica- Tuneroperations Selectingapresetchannel. placebroadcastfrequenciesyouhavesaved torisdisplayedwhilethedesiredsongisbeing (FunctionofAVH-X4500BT/AVH-X2500BT/AVH- usingthepresettuningkeys. broadcast. X1500DVD) # Whilestoringthetagdataonthisunit, Tag Basicoperations 1 Displaythepresetscreen. flashes. Touchpanelkeys Referto Tuner operationsonthispage. # Thetaginformatio

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 14

Section 08 SiriusXMtuner SiriusXMtuner # TheSiriusXMsatelliteswillsend anactivation 5 Searchkey Note IntroducingSiriusXMtuner messagetoyourtuner.Whenthetunerhasreceived Selectingachannelfromthelistscreen. TouchpanelkeysnotlistedunderIntroducing operations themessage, “SubscriptionUpdated”isdisplayed. SiriusXMtuner operationsmayappearonthedis- (FunctionofAVH-X5500BHS/AVH-X3500BHS) Onceyouhave subscribed,SiriusXM willsend anac- 6 Parentalcontrolkey play. tivationmessagetoyourtuner. TheParentalCont

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 15

English Section SiriusXMtuner SiriusXMtuner 08 â 4 Touchtheclosekeytoclosethelist 2 TouchtheiTunes songtaggingkey. 2 Usethenumerickeypadtoenterthe SelectingaSiriusXM screen. Storethetag informationto thisunit. four-digitpasscodeandthentouchtheEnter channeldirectly Youcanstoretheinformationifthe Tagindica- key. YoucanselectaSiriusXMchanneldirectlyby torisdisplayedwhilethedesiredsongisbeing Displayisclosed. broadcast. enteringthedesiredchannelnumber. # Whilestoringthetagdataonthisunit, Tag Touch t

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 16

Section 08 SiriusXMtuner SiriusXMtuner 2 Usethenumerickeypadtoenteranew 1 Touchthelistkeytodisplaythepreset Scanplayoperations four-digitpasscodeandthentouchtheEnter channellist. key. 22 JAN SXM 1 AM12:22 2 TouchTuneScan. SiriusXM 1 CHWWWWWWWWWWWWW Touch toconfirmthepasscode. WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Each songinthecurrentchannel 2 WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW playsforeightsecondsatatime. 3 WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Scanning 4 Oncethenewpasscodeisset,theParentalCon- Dolby PLII trolscreenwillopen. Referto Scanplay operationso

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 17

English Section Disc(CD/DVD) Disc(CD/DVD) 09 Touchtochangethefastforward andreverse 9 Screenmodekey g Audiooutputkey Introducingmovieoperations speed. Changingthescreenmode. Switchingtheaudiooutput,whenplaying Youcanusethisunit toviewDVD/DVD-R/DVD- Referto Changingthe wide-screen modeon videodiscsrecordedwithLPCMaudio. RW/CD/CD-R/CD-RWmoviefiles. 2 Searchkey page10. Startingthesearchfunction. h Slowkey Touchpanelkeys a Pauseandplaykey Speedingdowntheplaybackspeedinfour 3 Switchsubtitlelanguageke

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 18

Section 09 Disc(CD/DVD) Disc(CD/DVD) ! Youcanalsoswitchbetweensubtitlelan- 2 Searchkey OperatingtheDVDmenu Selectingachapterusingthebuttons guagesusingVideoSetupmenu.Forde- Displayinga listof tracktitles/filenamesto 1 Presscord(TRK). (FunctionforDVDvideo) tails,referto Setting the subtitlelanguage on selectsongsonaCD. SomeDVDsallowyoutomakeaselectionfrom Fastforwardingorreversingusingthebuttons page35. Displayingthe filenamelisttoselectthe thedisccontentsusingamenu. 1 Pressandholdcord(TRK). ! Th

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 19

English Section Disc(CD/DVD) Disc(CD/DVD) 09 # Waystodisplaythemenuwilldifferdepending ! If youselectanother folderduringrepeat 4 Startplaybackfromtheselectedpart. 2 Touch10keytodisplaythenumerickey- onthedisc. play,the repeatplayrangechangestoDisc. pad. # Dependingonthecontentsof theDVDdisc,this ! If youperformtracksearchor fastforward/ Registeringthenumbersand functionmaynotworkproperly.Insuchcases,use reverseduringFile,therepeatplayrange 3 Touch0to9correspondingtoamenu startingplayback. theto

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 20

Section 09 Disc(CD/DVD) iPod 10 Filenamelistisa listoffilenames(or folder ! DivXVODcontentisprotectedbyaDRM 6 Screenmodekey Movingimagesoperations names)fromwhichyoucan selecta file(or fold- (DigitalRightsManagement)system.Thisre- Changingthescreenmode. Youcanusetheunit toviewiPodmoviefiles. er)toplayback. strictsplaybackofcontenttospecific,regis- Referto Changingthe wide-screen modeon ! DependingonyouriPod,theremaynotbe tereddevices. page10. anyoutputunlessyouuseCD-IU201S/CD- 1 Touchthesearchke

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