Manual do usuário Pioneer AppRadio SPH-DA01

Manual para o dispositivo Pioneer AppRadio SPH-DA01

Dispositivo: Pioneer AppRadio SPH-DA01
Categoria: Car Audio
Fabricante: Pioneer
Tamanho: 2.02 MB
Data de adição: 1/27/2014
Número de páginas: 36
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Resumos do conteúdo
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 1


Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 2

Contents Thankyou for buying this Pioneer product. Please readthrough theseinstructionssoyou will knowhow tooperate your model properly. After you have finished reading the instructions, keep this document in a safe place for future reference. – Usingradiotext 11 Introduction – RBDSfunctions 11 Manualoverview 4 – Howtousethismanual 4 PlayingiPodmusic – Conventions usedinthismanual 4 Startingprocedure 12 – Termsusedinthismanual 4 Readingthescreen 12 iPhonecompatibility 4 Usingthetouchpanelkeys 12

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 3

Contents Settingrearviewcamera Customizingpreferences Customizingtheaudiosettings 20 – Usingtheequalizer 20 – Usingbalanceadjustment 21 Customizingthegeneralsettings 21 – Displaysettings 21 – Generalsettings 22 – Timesettings 22 – Subwoofersettings 22 – Selectingthelanguage 23 – Sourceleveladjustmentsettings 23 Assigningfunctionstothesteering wheel 23 Changingthebackgroundimage 24 ReturningtheAppRadiotothedefaultor factorysettings Restoringthedefaultsetting 25 Returningthisproducttotheinitialsta

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 4

Chapter 01 Introduction p If thehomelocation hasnotbeenstored Manualoverview yet,set thelocation first. ! Functions ofotherkeys onthesamescreen Beforeusingthisproduct,besuretoreadIm- areindicated with#at thebeginningof the portantInformationfortheUser(aseparate description: manual)whichcontainswarnings,cautions, e.g.) andotherimportantinformationthatyou #If youtouch[OK],theentryisdeleted. shouldnote. ! Referencesare indicatedlikethis: e.g.) = Fordetails, referto Answering a call Howtousethismanu

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 5

Introduction Chapter Introduction 01 Datasubjecttoerasure Parkingbrakeinterlock Theinformation iserased bydisconnecting Certain functions (suchasviewingofApp- theyellowleadfromthebattery(orremoving basedvisualcontentandcertain touchpanel thebatteryitself). keyoperations) offeredbythisproductcould p Somedataremains.Besuretoread Return- bedangerousand/orunlawful if usedwhile ing the AppRadio to the default or factory driving.Topreventsuch functions frombeing settings first. usedwhilethevehicleisin

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 6

Chapter 02 AboutAppRadio Features Checkingpartnamesand functions Listeningtotheradio Youcanlisten totheradiobyusingthispro- duct. PlayingiPodmusic Youcanplayandoperatetheaudiosource withtheiPhoneconnected. AdvancedAppMode WithAdvancedAppMode,youcandisplay theiPhoneapplicationscreenon thedisplay 123 45 ofAppRadio.AndyoucanoperateAppRadio 1 Volume(+/–)button compatibleiPhone applications(suchas AppRadioapp)via thedisplay withmulti- 2 Homebutton touchgestures liketapping,dragging, scrol- ! Pressthe

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 7

AboutAppRadio Chapter AboutAppRadio 02 ConnectingyouriPhone Startupandtermination Using thesuppliediPhonecableenablesyou 1 Starttheenginetobootupthesystem. toconnectyour iPhonetothisproduct. Afterashortpause,thesplashscreencomes p Connection viaaUSBhubisnotpossible. onforafew seconds. % ConnectyouriPhone. 2 Readthedisclaimercarefully,checking itsdetails,andthentap[OK]ifyouagree totheconditions. p Onfirst-timestartup,alanguagesetup screenappearsbeforethedisclaimer.Se- lectthelanguageof yourchoice

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 8

Chapter 03 Basicoperation Homescreen Touchpanelkeyscommon toeachfunction TheHomescreenisthemainscreenthatal- lowsaccesstoyour entertainmentsources, Thetouchpanelkeys forcommon operations Apps,settings andmore. foreachfunction aredescribedbelow. Readingthescreen The previous screenreturns. 12 Deletestheinput text oneletter at atime, beginning attheendof the text. Scrollsthrough thelistand allows you toviewtheremainingitems. p The selected itemishigh- lighted. 1 Dayoftheweekindicator 2 Currenttime

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 9

Basicoperation Chapter Basicoperation 03 When“iPod”is selected asthe source, tappingthekeyswitchesbetweenplay- back and pause. When“Radio”isselected as the source, tappingthekeymoves tothe nextor previous presetchannel. When“iPod”is selected asthe source, tappingthekeymoves tothenextor previoustrack. p Whenyouturntheignition switchoff(ACC OFF)andthen turnitonagain(ACC ON), thesesettings willbereset. 9 En

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 10

Chapter 04 Usingtheradio Startingprocedure Usingthetouchpanelkeys 1 PresstheHomebuttontodisplaythe Homescreen. Tap or toloweror raisefrequen- cies inone-step increments.Hold down 2 Tap[Radio]ontheHomescreen. or and thetuner willscan fre- quenciesuntil abroadcaststrongen- 3 Usethetouchpanelkeysonthescreen ough forgood reception isfound. tocontroltheradio. Displaystheradio text (when radiotext Readingthescreen is received). 12 3 Tappingthekeyrepeatedlyswitches be- tween thefollowingbands: FM1,FM2,

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 11

Usingtheradio Chapter Usingtheradio 04 3 Tapthechannelofthefrequencyyou RBDSfunctions wanttoregister. ThefunctionsrelatedtoRBDS(RadioBroad- cast DataSystem)are availableonly inareas withFMstations broadcasting RBDSsignals. Storingthestrongestbroadcast Evenif thisproductisreceivinganRBDSsta- frequencies tion,notallthefunctionsrelatedwith RBDS Thisfunction automaticallyassigns frequen- willbeavailable. cieswithgoodreceptiontothepresetchan- Youcanmake thesettings fortheRBDSfunc- nelsintheselectedba

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 12

Chapter 05 PlayingiPodmusic Startingprocedure Usingthetouchpanelkeys 1 PresstheHomebuttontodisplaythe ! Displaysthelist screen. Homescreen. ! When thelistscreen isdis- played,displays theprevious 2 Tap[iPod]ontheHomescreen. list. 3Tap or toselectanitemandtap tocompletetheselection.Whenatrackis In thelistscreen,use or to selected,theplaybackscreenisdis- select thesong youwant tolisten played. to. Selectsthehighlightediteminthe Readingthescreen list screen. p Selectingasongstarts play- 13 2 back.

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 13

® UsingPandora Chapter ® UsingPandora 06 Youcanexperience Pandora byconnectingan Readingthescreen iPhonethathasthePandora applicationin- stalled. 123 p Beforeperforming operationsdescribedin thischapter,besuretoread Using App- based connected content inImportantInfor- mation forUsers. Note: ! Certainfunctionalityof thePandoraserviceis notavailablewhenaccessingtheservice throughthisproduct,including,butnotlim- itedto, creatingnewstations,deletingsta- tions,emailingcurrentstations,buyingsongs 1 Cu

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 14

Chapter ® 06 UsingPandora Usingthetouchpanelkeys Displaysthelist of your Pandora stations toselectoneof themto play. = For details,refer to Selecting a Pandora station from the liston thispage. Switchesbetweenplaybackand pause. Skips tothestart of thenexttrack. Adds information for thetrackcur- rently playing tobookmarks. Gives “Thumbs Up”tothetrack currentlyplaying. Gives “Thumbs Down”tothetrack currentlyplaying andskip tothe nexttrack. SelectingaPandorastation fromthelist 1Tap . 2 Scrollthelis

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 15

Usinghands-freephoning Chapter Usinghands-freephoning 07 2 ActivatetheBluetoothwirelesstech- CAUTION nologyonyouriPhone. For yoursafety,avoidtalkingonthephoneas 3 TapthenameoftheiPhonethatyou muchaspossiblewhiledriving. wanttoconnect. Youcancontrol Bluetooth connectionof the iPhone,andmake acallwithincoming orout- 4Tap . goingcallhistories,transferred phonebook, ordials. DisconnectingyouriPhone Toconnectusingthehands-free phoningfunc- tion,youmustfirstusetheiPhonetopair this 1 Tap[Phone]ontheHom

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 16

Chapter 07 Usinghands-freephoning 3Tap . Usingthetouchpanelkeys Dialingstarts. ! Initiatesacall. 4Tap toendthecall. ! When thereisan incoming call,connectsthecall. Callinganumberinthephone ! Disconnectsacall. ! When acallisbeing placed, book cancels thecall. Youcanselect andcallacontactfromthe ! When thereisan incoming phonebookentriestransferred tothisproduct. call,rejectsthe call. p Beforeusing thisfunction,youneedto Each tapof thekeyswitches be- transfer thephonebookentriesstoredin tween phon

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 17

Usinghands-freephoning Chapter Usinghands-freephoning 07 ! ON(default): p Youcansetthesystemtoautomaticallyan- swerincoming calls.Ifnotset toautomati- ActivatestheBluetoothautoconnectfunc- tion. callyanswer incomingcalls, youwillhave toanswerthecallsmanually. ! OFF: DeactivatestheBluetoothautoconnect = Fordetails, referto Answering a call automaticallyon thispage. function. p Theregisteredname appearsif thephone numberof thereceivedcallisalready regis- Answeringacallautomatically teredin“Phonebo

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 18

Chapter 07 Usinghands-freephoning thantheestimateddistance,dependingon Transferringthephonebook theusageenvironment. Thephonebookof aniPhone currentlycon- nectedtothisproductvia Bluetoothwireless Registrationandconnection technologycanbetransferred totheproduct. WithsomeiPhones, phonebooktransfer may p Upto1000contacts canbetransferredto notwork eventhoughyour iPhoneispaired thisproduct. withthis product.Inthatcase,disconnect youriPhone,performpairing again fromyour Evenif thenumberof thecontact

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 19

Settingrearviewcamera Chapter Settingrearviewcamera 08 Select“Normal”inthefollowingcase: Thefollowingtwofunctions areavailable.The rear viewcamera featurerequiresaseparately ! Whentherear viewcameraiscon- soldrear viewcamera(e.g. ND-BC4).(Forde- nectedtodisplaya mirrorreversed tails,consult yourdealer.) image. ! Whenthepolarityof theconnectedlead Rearviewcamera ispositivewhiletheshift leverisinthe Thisproductfeatures afunction thatautomati- REVERSE(R)position callyswitchestothefull-screenimageof

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 20

Chapter 09 Customizingpreferences curvesbyswitchingalternatively between Customizingtheaudio “Flat”and asetequalizercurve. settings 1 Displaytheaudiosettingsscreen. 1 PresstheHomebuttontodisplaythe Homescreen. 2 Tap[EQ]. 2Tap ontheHomescreen. 3 Taptheequalizeryouwant. 3 Tap[AudioSettings]. Theaudiosettingsscreenappears. Customizingtheequalizercurves Youcanadjust thecurrentlyselectedequalizer 4 Taptheitemthatyouwanttochange curvesettingas desired.Adjustmentscanbe thesetting. madewith a3-bandparam

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