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Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 2
Contents Thank youforpurchasingthisPIONEERproduct. Toensureproperuse,pleaseread through thismanualbeforeusing thisproduct.It isespecially importantthatyou readand observeWARNINGsandCAUTIONsin this manual. Please keep the manual in a safe and accessible place for future refer- ence. Resettingthemicroprocessor 19 Besuretoreadthis Demomode 19 ! DVD videodiscregionnumbers 8 HDRadioätuner ! Handlingguidelines 100 AboutHDRadioäbroadcasting 20 IntroductionofHDRadiotuner Precautions operations 20 IMPORT
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 3
Contents Tuningintostrongsignals 40 SwitchingtheXM/SIRIUSchannelselection UsingiTunestagging 40 mode 49 Switchingthemediafiletype 41 SelectinganXM/SIRIUSchanneldirectly 50 OperatingtheDVDmenu 41 UsingtheGameAlertfunction 50 Operatingthisunit’siPodfunctionfromyour DisplayingtheRadioID 51 iPod 42 SwitchingtheSIRIUSdisplay 52 Randomplay(shuffle) 42 UsingtheInstantReplayfunction 52 Repeatingplayback 42 Switchingtheseekmode 52 PlayingvideosfromyouriPod 43 Switchingthereceptionmode 52 Playingvideosfro
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 4
Contents Usinganexternalunit 76 Installation Connectingtheunits 78 Installation 88 Additionalinformation Troubleshooting 91 Errormessages 93 UnderstandingautoEQerrormessages 97 Understandingmessages 97 Indicatorlist 98 Handlingguidelines 100 Compressedaudiocompatibility(disc,USB, SD) 103 iPodcompatibility 104 Sequenceofaudiofiles 104 Usingthedisplaycorrectly 105 Bluetoothprofiles 106 Copyrightandtrademark 106 LanguagecodechartforDVD 110 Specifications 111 4 En
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Precautions Section Precautions 01 IMPORTANTSAFEGUARDS WARNING Pleasereadallof theseinstructions regarding Donotattempttoinstallorserviceyourdis- yourdisplay andretain themfor futurerefer- playbyyourself.Installationorservicingof ence. thedisplaybypersonswithouttrainingand 1 Readthismanualfullyandcarefullybe- experienceinelectronicequipmentandauto- foreoperatingyourdisplay. motiveaccessoriesmaybedangerousand 2 Keepthismanualhandyasareferencefor couldexposeyoutotheriskofelectricshock operatingpro
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Section 01 Precautions backingup.Donotuseforentertainmentpur- Parkingbrakeinterlock poses. Certain functions (Videoviewing andcertain ! Pleasenotethattheedgesof therear view touchpanel keys)offeredbythisunitcould be cameraimagesmaydifferslightlyaccording dangerous and/orunlawful ifusedwhiledriv- towhether fullscreenimagesaredisplayed ing.Topreventsuch functions frombeing whenbackingup,andwhethertheimagesare usedwhilethevehicleisinmotion,thereisan usedforcheckingtherear whenthevehicleis interlock
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Beforeyoustart Section Beforeyoustart 02 FCCID:AJDK048 Note MODELNO.:AVH-P8400BH Thisequipmenthasbeentestedandfoundto IC:775E-K048 complywiththelimitsforaClassBdigitalde- ThisdevicecomplieswithPart15ofFCCRules vice,pursuanttoPart15of theFCCRules. andIndustryCanadalicence-exemptRSSstan- Theselimitsaredesignedtoprovidereason- dard(s).Operationissubjecttothefollowing ableprotectionagainstharmfulinterferencein twoconditions:(1)thisdevicemaynotcause aresidentialinstallation.Thisequipmentgen- interfer
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Section 02 Beforeyoustart ESTABLISHASAFELEVEL: CAUTION ! Setyour volumecontrol atalowsetting. ! Donotallowthisunittocomeintocontact ! Slowlyincreasethesounduntilyoucan withliquids.Electricalshockcouldresult. hearitcomfortably andclearly,withoutdis- Also,damagetothisunit,smoke,andover- tortion. heatingcouldresultfromcontactwithliquids. ! Onceyouhave establishedacomfortable ! Keepthismanualhandyfor futurereference. soundlevel,setthedialand leaveitthere. ! Alwayskeepthevolumelowenoughtohear BESURET
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Beforeyoustart Section Beforeyoustart 02 Operatingenvironment Visitourwebsite Thisunitshould beusedwithinthetempera- Visit usatthefollowingsite: turerangesshown below. Operating temperaturerange: 14°Fto140°F inCanada EN300328 ETCtest temperature: –4°Fand131 °F 1 Register yourproduct.Wewillkeepthedetails of yourpurchaseonfiletohelpyoureferto thisinformationintheeventofaninsurance claimsuchaslossortheft. After-salesservicefor 2 Rec
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Section 02 Beforeyoustart ! Donotlettheremotecontrolfallontothe floor,whereitmaybecomejammedunderthe brakeoracceleratorpedal. WARNING ! Keepthebatteryoutof thereachofchildren. Shouldthebatterybeswallowed,consulta doctorimmediately. ! Batteries(batterypackorbatteriesinstalled) mustnotbeexposedtoexcessiveheatsuch assunshine,fireorthelike. CAUTION ! UseoneCR2025(3V)lithiumbattery. ! Removethebatteryif theremotecontrolisnot usedforamonthorlonger. ! Thereisa dangerofexplosionif thebatteryis incorrect
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What’swhat Section What’swhat 03 Headunit Part Part HOME Displayingthe HOME display. The display returns to theLauncher screen while a3rd- partyapplicationis SDmemorycard 5 b being used inAd- slot vancedApp Mode. Doubleclicking the icon ontheLaunch- 12 3 456 7 8 erscreen returns thedisplayto the 9 a b HOME display. MODE 6 Turningthe infor- mation display off. CAUTION ! Donotuseunauthorizedproducts. ! WheninsertinganSDcardintothecardslot, makesurethatthelabelisfacingupand Part Part pressthecardun
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 12
Section 03 What’swhat Remotecontrol Part Operation Press topause orre- 32 f sumeplayback. Press toperform fast reverse. m Press tochange the fast reverse speed. 4 Press toperform fast forward. n Press tochange the fast forward speed. Press toreturnto the 8 o previoustrack (chap- 5 ter). Press togoto thenext p track (chapter). Press tostopplay- back. If you resume play- back, playbackwill Part Operation g start from thepoint where youstopped. Press tocycle through Touchthekeyagainto all theavaila
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 13
What’swhat Section What’swhat 03 Part Operation Press tochange the audio language during DVD playback. AUDIO Press toswitch audio outputfor DivX/ MPEG-4. 8 Press tochange the subtitlelanguage dur- SUBTITLE ingDVD/DivX/MPEG-4 playback. Press tochange the ANGLE viewingangle during DVD playback. Press todisplay the MENU DVD menu during DVD playback. 9 Press toreturnto the TOPMENU top menu during DVD playback. 13 En
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Section 04 Basicoperations Sourceondisplay Basicoperations 1 HOMEdisplay(Front) 03.APR 1 23 PM12:25 Digital Radio DISC Digital Radio Disc USB/iPod1 USB/iPod2 Pandora iPod 1 Pandora FRONT SD Bluetooth Audio AUX AV XM Bluetooth Audio OFF SIRIUS EXT1 EXT2 RearView AUX ON Settings Video Audio System Theme Favorite Bluetooth Touchpanelkeys 65 4 Sourceicon Selectingafavoritesource. HOMEdisplay(Rear) When thesourceicon isnot 1 1 3 displayed, itcan bedisplayed by pressingthehome keyor touching . Mirror
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 15
Basicoperations Section Basicoperations 04 DisplayingtheBluetooth Selectingasourceusingthebuttons connectionmenu. 1 PressSRC/OFFtocycle through thesources 4 Referto Introduction of listed below: Bluetooth connection menu Selectingasourceusingthetouchpanel keys operationsonpage 71. 1 Touch thesourceicon andthen touchthedesired sourcename. DisplayingtheThememenu. ! XM – XM tuner Referto Introduction of 5 ! SIRIUS –SIRIUS tuner Theme setting menu opera- ! Radio –Built-in Digital Radiotuner tions on
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 16
Section 04 Basicoperations ! Anexternalunitreferstoa Pioneerproduct, 1 Scrollicon suchasthosewhichwillbeavailableinthefu- Appearswhenselectableitemsarehidden. ture.Althoughincompatibleasasource,the 2 Scrubberbar basicfunctionsofuptotwoexternalunitscan Appearswhenitemscannotbedisplayedona becontrolledwiththisunit.Whentwoexter- singlepageonly. nalunitsareconnected,theexternalunitsare Viewingthehiddenitems automaticallyallocatedtoexternalunit1or 1 Touch thescrolliconordragthescrubber bar to externa
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 17
Basicoperations Section Basicoperations 04 Activatingthetouchpanel DisplayingtheEQ(Audio function menu). keys Referto Usingthe equalizeron page 57. 13.APR PM12:25 DisplayingtheFavoritemenu. XX XX DVD-V XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Referto Favorite menuonpage70. Dolby D 48kHz 16bit 2ch TOP MENU MENU 1/2 2 -01:00 01:00 AdjustingtheLCDpanelangle CAUTION 1 Keephandsandfingersclearof theunitwhen y Return opening,closing,oradjustingtheLCDpanel.Be 2/2 especiallycautiousofchildren’shandsandfin- 01:00 2 -01:00 gers.
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Section 04 Basicoperations ! Avoidsubjectingthefrontpaneltoexcessive 2 Ejectadisc. shock. ! Keepthefrontpaneloutofdirectsunlightand Ejectingadisc. hightemperatures. ! Ifremoved,replacethefrontpanelontheunit beforestartingupyour vehicle. 1 Pressh(eject)toreleasethefront panel. EjectinganSD 1 Pressh(eject)todisplaytheejecting 2 Touchthedetachkey. menu. The frontpanelautomatically 2 EjectanSD. slides toward you. EjectinganSD. 3 Slidethedialatthebottomofthefront paneltotheright,andliftupthefront pan
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Basicoperations Section Basicoperations 04 ! Whenstrange orincorrectmessages ap- pearonthedisplay 1 TurntheignitionswitchOFF. 2 PressRESETwithapentiporother pointedinstrument. 2 Pushonthebottomofthefrontpanel untilitclicksintoplace. RESETbutton Note SwitchyourengineONorsettheignitionswitch toACCONbeforepressingRESETinthefollow- ingsituations: ! Aftercompletingconnections ! Whenerasingallstoredsettings ! Whenresettingtheunittoitsinitial(factory) settings Demomode Settingtheclock Thefeaturedemoaut
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 20
Section 05 HDRadioätuner AboutHDRadioä broadcasting â iTunes Taggingprovidesyoutheopportunityto discover HDRadioäbroadcastingishighqualityaudio awiderange ofcontent and themeansto“tag”that con- â anddata services.HDRadiobroadcasting is tentfor later review andpurchasefrom theiTunes broughttoyoubyyourlocal FM/AMstations. Store. HDRadiobroadcastingfeatures thefollowing: ! Highqualityaudio ! FMmulticasting IntroductionofHDRadio ! Dataservices tuneroperations 1 13 APR FM 1 AM PM12:25 Radio 1 WWWWWWW