Manual do usuário Pioneer CD Receiver DEH-X6600BT

Manual para o dispositivo Pioneer CD Receiver DEH-X6600BT

Dispositivo: Pioneer CD Receiver DEH-X6600BT
Categoria: Car Audio
Fabricante: Pioneer
Tamanho: 3.87 MB
Data de adição: 3/23/2014
Número de páginas: 96
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Resumos do conteúdo
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 1

English Français Español
Black plate (1,1)
Important (Serial number)
The serial number is located on the bottom of this unit. For your own security and
convenience, be sure to record this number on the enclosed warranty card.
Important (Numéro de série)
Le numéro de série se trouve au bas de cet appareil. Pour votre sécurité et votr

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 2

Black plate (2,1) Section 01 Beforeyoustart Beforeyoustart ThankyouforpurchasingthisPIONEER ESTABLISHASAFELEVEL: MODELNO.:DEH-X3600S Note product ! Setyour volumecontrolatalowsetting. ThisdevicecomplieswithPart15of theFCC Toensureproperuse,pleasereadthroughthis Thisequipmenthasbeentestedandfound ! Slowlyincreasethesounduntilyoucanhear Rules.Operationissubjecttothefollowing tocomplywiththelimitsfor aClassBdigital manualbeforeusingthisproduct.Itisespecially itcomfortablyandclearly,withoutdistortio

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 3

English Black plate (3,1) Section Beforeyoustart Usingthisunit 01 02 ! Handlingthecordonthisproductorcords After-salesservicefor Headunit b DISP associatedwithaccessoriessoldwiththe Pioneerproducts DEH-X6600BS/DEH-X6600BT/DEH-X66BT/DEH- productmay exposeyoutochemicalslisted c 1/ to6/ X3600S onproposition65knowntotheStateofCali- Pleasecontactthedealerordistributor from d AUXinputjack(3.5mmstereojack) forniaandothergovernmentalentitiesto whereyoupurchasedthisunitforafter-sales 123 4 5 6 causecance

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 4

Black plate (4,1) Section 02 Usingthisunit Usingthisunit DEH-X4600BT Setupmenu Basicoperations DEH-X6600BS/DEH-X6600BT/DEH-X66BT/ Important a 6 8 1 Afterinstallationofthisunit,turnthe DEH-X4600BT 4 5 7 9 3 ignitionswitchtoON. ! Handlethefrontpanelwithcarewhenre- Presstoendacall,rejectanincomingcall, SETUPappears. movingorattachingit. i orrejectacallwaitingwhileonanothercall. ! Avoidsubjectingthefrontpaneltoexcessive 2 TurnM.C.toswitchtoYES. shock. AUDIO # Ifyoudonotusetheunitfor30seconds, theset

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 5

English Black plate (5,1) Section Usingthisunit Usingthisunit 02 ! Whendisposingofusedbatteries,comply Useandcareoftheremote Radio Turningtheunitoff withgovernmentalregulationsorenviron- 1 PressandholdSRC/OFFuntil theunitturns control mentalpublicinstitutions’rulesthatapplyin Basicoperations off. yourcountry/area. Usingtheremotecontrol Selectingasource ! “PerchlorateMaterial –specialhandlingmay Selectingaband 1 Pointtheremotecontrolinthedirectionof the 1 PressSRC/OFFtocyclebetween: apply. 1 Pres

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 6

Black plate (6,1) Section 02 Usingthisunit Usingthisunit Switchingthedisplay OperationsusingtheMIXTRAX Localseektuningallowsyoutotuneintoonly PlayingsongsonaUSBstoragedevice button thoseradiostationswithsufficientlystrongsig- 1 OpentheUSBportcover. Selectingthedesiredtextinformation nalsforgoodreception. 2 PlugintheUSBstoragedeviceusingaUSB 1 PressDISPtocyclebetweenthefollowing: 1 PressM.C.toselectthedesiredsetting. cable. TurningMIXTRAXonoroff ! FREQUENCY(programservicenameor FM:OFF—LV1—LV2—LV3

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 7

English Black plate (7,1) Section Usingthisunit Usingthisunit 02 Selectingandplayingfiles/ iPod Switchingthedisplay Pausingplayback tracksfromthenamelist 1 Press4/PAUSEtopauseorresume. Basicoperations Selectingthedesiredtextinformation 1 Press toswitchtothefile/trackname Enhancingcompressedaudioandrestoringrich 1 PressDISPtocyclebetweenthefollowing: listmode. sound(soundretriever) PlayingsongsonaniPod ! TRACKINFO (tracktitle/artistname/album Only for DEH-X3600S 1 OpentheUSBportcover. title) 2 Us

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 8

Black plate (8,1) Section 02 Usingthisunit Usingthisunit Notes % PressBAND/ toswitchthecontrol Playingsongsrelatedtothe AUDIOBOOK(audiobookspeed) mode. ! Youcanplayplaylistscreatedwiththecom- currentlyplayingsong ! CONTROLiPod/CTRLiPod –Thisunit’siPod puterapplication(MusicSphere).Theappli- 1 PressM.C.todisplaythesettingmode. Youcanplaysongsfromthefollowinglists. functioncanbeoperatedfromtheconnected cationwillbeavailableonour website. 2 TurnM.C. toselectyour favoritesetting. •Albumlistof thecur

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 9

English Black plate (9,1) Section Usingthisunit Usingthisunit 02 ! Pandoraserviceissubjecttochangewithoutno- 1 Connectyoursmartphonetothisunit 1 Press (list)toswitchtotheShuffle/sta- GivingaThumbsDown tice.Theservicecouldbeaffectedbyanyofthe usingBluetoothwirelesstechnology.Forde- tionlistmode. 1 Press2/ togive a “ThumbsDown” forthe following:firmware versionsofiPhone,firmware tails,refertoConnectionmenuoperationon trackcurrentlyplayingandtoskip tothenext versionsofPandoraapplication, changestot

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 10

Black plate (10,1) Section 02 Usingthisunit Usingthisunit ForiPhoneusers Startingprocedurefor Functionsettings S.RTRV(soundretriever) ! ThisfunctioniscompatiblewithiPhoneand smartphoneusers 1 PressM.C.todisplaythemainmenu. iPodtouch. 1 PressM.C.toselectthedesiredsetting. Only for DEH-X6600BS,DEH-X6600BT, DEH-X66BT ! ThedevicehasiOS5.0orhigher. Fordetails,referto Enhancing compressed and DEH-X4600BT 2 TurnM.C.tochangethemenuoption audio and restoring rich sound (sound retriever) andpresstoselectF

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 11

English Black plate (11,1) Section Usingthisunit Usingthisunit 02 Settingupforhands-freephoning Storingandrecallingphonenumbers ! Inorder for your voicecommandstoberec- DEVICELIST(connectingordisconnectingade- ognizedandinterpretedcorrectly,ensure 1 Tostore:Pressandholddownoneofthe vicefromthedevicelist) thatconditionsaresuitablefor recognition. 1 Connection presettuningbuttons(1/ to6/ ). ! Pleasenotethatwindblowingthroughthe 1 PressM.C.todisplaythesettingmode. UsetheBluetoothtelephoneconnection

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 12

Black plate (12,1) Section 02 Usingthisunit Usingthisunit Phonemenuoperation Bluetoothvisibilitycanbeturnedonsothatother 1 PressM.C.tostart searching. 1 PressM.C.todisplaythesettingmode. devicescandiscovertheunit. 1 Press todisplaythephonemenu. ! Tocancel,pressM.C.whilesearching. 2 TurnM.C. toselectthedesiredpresetnumber. 1 PressM.C.toturn thevisibilityof thisuniton ! If thisunitfailstofindanyavailablecellular 3 PressM.C.tomakeacall. oroff. 2 TurnM.C.toselectthefunction. phones,NOTFOUNDisdisplay

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 13

English Black plate (13,1) Section Usingthisunit Usingthisunit 02 Operationsusingspecialbuttons BluetoothAudio Audioadjustments 1 Connection Important 1 PressM.C.todisplaythemainmenu. UsetheBluetoothtelephoneconnection Selectingarepeatplayrange ! DependingontheBluetoothaudioplayer menu.Referto Connection menu operation on 1 Press6/ toselectarepeatplay rangefrom connectedto thisunit,theavailableopera- 2 TurnM.C.tochangethemenuoption page11. oneorall. tionswillbelimitedtothefollowingtwolev- andpre

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 14

Black plate (14,1) Section 02 Usingthisunit Usingthisunit SUB.WCTRL(subwooferadjustment) SLA(sourceleveladjustment) 12H/24H(timenotation) 1 PressM.C.todisplaythesettingmode. 2 TurnM.C. toselecttheequalizer. Onlyfrequencieslowerthanthoseintheselected Thisfunctionpreventsthevolumefromchanging 1 PressM.C.toselectthedesiredsetting. POWERFUL—NATURAL—VOCAL—CUS- rangeareoutputtedfromthesubwoofer. toodramaticallywhenthesourceswitches. 12H(12-hourclock)—24H(24-hourclock) TOM1—CUSTOM2—FLAT—SUPERBASS 1 Pre

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 15

English Black plate (15,1) Section Usingthisunit Usingthisunit 02 2 TurnM.C.todisplayILLUMIandpressto Illuminationfunctionmenu BTMEMCLEAR(clearingtheBluetoothdevice Youcanselectthedesiredcolorsforthekeysand select. datastoredonthisunit) displayof thisunit. 1 PressM.C.todisplaythemainmenu. 1 PressM.C.todisplaythesettingmode. Bluetoothdevicedatastoredonthisunitcanbe 3 TurnM.C.todisplayKEYCOLORor 2 TurnM.C. toselecttheilluminationcolor. 2 TurnM.C.todisplayILLUMIandpressto cleared.Toprotectyourperso

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 16

Black plate (16,1) Section 02 Usingthisunit Usingthisunit 2 TurnM.C.tochangethemenuoption TheflashingcolorandMIXTRAXspecialeffects CUTINFX(manualcut-ineffect) REAR-SP(rear outputsetting) andpresstoselectMIXTRAX. displaychangewithchangesinthesoundand YoucanturnonorofftheMIXTRAXsoundeffects TherearspeakerleadsoutputandtheRCAoutput basslevels. 3 TurnM.C.toselecttheMIXTRAXfunc- whilemanuallychangingtracks. of thisunitcanbeusedtoconnectafull-range 1 PressM.C.todisplaythesettingmode. tion. 1 PressM.C.

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 17

English Black plate (17,1) Section Usingthisunit Availableaccessories 02 03 ! Call1-877-438-9677 Note SiriusXMSatelliteRadio Thisfunctionisusedtoupdatethisunit withthe # TheSiriusXMsatelliteswillsend anactivation AUXcannotbe selectedunlesstheauxiliaryset- latestBluetoothsoftware.ForaboutBluetooth Only for DEH-X6600BS and DEH-X3600S messagetoyourtuner.Whenthetunerhasreceived tingisturnedon.Formoredetails,refertoAUX softwareandupdating,refertoour website. Youcanusethisunit tocontrolSiriusXMCon- th

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 18

Black plate (18,1) Section 03 Availableaccessories Availableaccessories Selectingachannelfromtheall Storingandrecallingchannels Scanoptions Operationmodesetting channellist Youcanscanthroughchannelswithincatego- Usingpresettuningbuttons % Press /DISPtoselectthedesiredset- Youcanselectachannelfrom anyof theavail- riesorsongsfromyourpresetchannels. ting. 1 Tostore:Pressandholddownoneofthe ablechannels. CHANNEL(channel)—REPLAY(Replay) presettuningbuttons(1/ to6/ )until TuneScanä thenumberstopsflash

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 19

T R A T English S N O Black plate (19,1) Section Availableaccessories Installation 03 04 ! Usethisunitwitha 12-voltbatteryandnega- SettingParentalControl Connections EDITCODE(changingthepasscode) tivegroundingonly.Failuretodosomayre- TheSiriusXMParentalControlfeatureallows Youcanchangeyourpasscode. sultinafireormalfunction. youtocontrolaccesstochannelsthatyoucon- WARNING 1 PressM.C.todisplaythesettingmode. ! Topreventashort-circuit,overheatingormal- siderinappropriatefor youngerlistener. ! Usesp

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 20

                              a a a Black plate (20,1) Section 04 Installation Installation b SiriusXMConnectVehicleTuner(soldsepa- 6 White DEH-X6600BS Thisunit rately) 7 White/black DEH-X6600BS 3 c Rearoutputorsubwooferoutput 8 Gray 1 2 9 Gray/black 1 4 a Green Powercord 5 5 2 3 4 5 6 b Green/black Performtheseconnectionswhennotconnect- c Violet 3 ingarearspeakerleadtoasubwoofer. d Violet/black 2 1 e Black(chassisground) 6 1 LR Connecttoaclean,paint-freemetallocati

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