Manual do usuário Pioneer AVH P7800DVD

Manual para o dispositivo Pioneer AVH P7800DVD

Dispositivo: Pioneer AVH P7800DVD
Categoria: Car Audio
Fabricante: Pioneer
Tamanho: 3.98 MB
Data de adição: 3/23/2014
Número de páginas: 144
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Resumos do conteúdo
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 1


Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 2

Contents Thankyou for buying this Pioneer product. Pleasereadthroughtheseoperatinginstructionssoyouwillknowhowtooperate yourmodelproperly. After you have finished reading the instructions, keep this man- ual in a safe place for future reference. Adjustingthevolume 24 Besuretoreadthis Turningtheunitoff 24 Usingthereardisplay 24 ! Playable discs 9 Touchpanelkeybasicoperation 25 ! DVD video disc region numbers 10 OpeningandclosingtheLCDpanel 26 ! When an operationis prohibited 15 Protectingyourunit

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 3

Contents Scanningtracks 38 PlayingDivX®VODcontent 49 Selectingaudiooutput 39 Selectingfilesfromthefilenamelist 50 DisplayingtextinformationonDivX/JPEG PlayingVideoCDs disc 50 WatchingaVideoCD 40 Frame-by-frameplayback 50 PBCplayback 40 Slowmotionplayback 50 Frame-by-frameplayback 41 Searchingforthepartyouwanttoplay 50 Slowmotionplayback 41 Changingaudiolanguageduringplayback Searchingforadesiredscene,starting (Multi-audio) 51 playbackfromaspecifiedtime 41 Changingthesubtitlelanguageduring Introd

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 4

Contents XMtuner(GEX-P920XM) BluetoothTelephone ListeningtoXMSatelliteRadio 60 Hands-freephoningwithcellularphones SwitchingtheXMchannelselectmode 61 featuringBluetoothwireless Switchingbetweenthedetailinformation technology 75 displayandpresetlistdisplay 61 Settingupforhands-freephoning 76 Storingandrecallingbroadcaststations 61 Basicoperationofhands-freephoning 76 Selectingachannel 61 Introductionofadvancedhands-freephoning UsingtheMyMixfunction 62 operation 77 DisplayingtheRadioID 63 Connecti

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 5

Contents IntroductionofadvancedDVDplayer Settingforrear viewcamera(backup operation 88 camera) 109 Repeatingplay 88 Settingtheautomaticopenfunction 110 Playingtracksinrandomorder 88 AdjustingtheLCDpanelslideposition 110 ScanningtracksofaCD/MP3/WMA 88 Settingtheclock 110 Selectingaudiooutput 89 Settingthevideoofreardisplay 111 Switchingthedimmersettingforsub- AudioAdjustments display 111 Introductiontobuilt-inDSPfeatures 90 Adjustingthecontrastforthesub- Introductionofaudioadjustments 92 display

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 6

Contents EnteringPINcodeforBluetoothwireless connection 118 Settingthesecurityindicator 118 OtherFunctions Switchingthedisplayonthesub- display 119 Adjustingthescreen 119 Selectingthebackgrounddisplay 121 Adjustingtheresponsepositionsofthe touchpanels(TouchPanel Calibration) 121 UsingtheAUXsource 122 UsingthePGMbutton 122 AdditionalInformation Troubleshooting 124 Errormessages 126 UnderstandingautoTAandEQerror messages 127 DVDplayerandcare 128 DVDdiscs 128 CD-R/CD-RWdiscs 128 DualDiscs 129 MP3,W

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 7

Precautions Section Precautions 01 IMPORTANTSAFEGUARDS WARNING Pleasereadalloftheseinstructionsregarding ! Donotattempttoinstallorserviceyour yourdisplayandretainthemfor futurerefer- displaybyyourself.Installationorservi- ence. cingofthedisplaybypersonswithout 1 Readthismanualfullyandcarefullybe- trainingandexperienceinelectronic foreoperatingyourdisplay. equipmentandautomotiveaccessories 2 Keepthismanualhandyasareferencefor maybedangerousandcouldexposeyou operatingproceduresandsafetyinforma- to

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 8

Section 01 Precautions WhenyouattempttowatchaDVD,VideoCD Toavoidbatteryexhaustion orTVwhiledriving,thewarningViewingof Besuretorunthevehicleenginewhileusing frontseatvideosourcewhiledrivingis thisunit.Usingthisunitwithoutrunningthe strictlyprohibited.willappearonthefront enginecanresultinbatterydrainage. display. ! Whennopowerissuppliedtothisunitbe- TowatchaDVD,VideoCDorTVonthefront causeofareplacementofthevehiclebat- display,parkyour vehicleinasafeplaceand teryor forsomesimilarreason,the applyt

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 9

BeforeYouStart Section BeforeYouStart 02 InformationtoUser CAUTION: USEOFCONTROLORADJUSTMENTOR Alterationormodificationscarriedoutwithout PERFORMANCEOFPROCEDURES appropriateauthorizationmayinvalidatethe OTHERTHANTHOSESPECIFIEDHEREIN user’srighttooperatetheequipment. MAYRESULTINHAZARDOUSRADIATION EXPOSURE. CAUTION: THEUSEOFOPTICALINSTRUMENTS WITHTHISPRODUCTWILLINCREASE ForCanadianmodel EYEHAZARD. ThisClassBdigitalapparatuscomplieswith CanadianICES-003. CAUTION ! Donotallowthisunittocomeintocontac

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 10

Section 02 BeforeYouStart DVDaudio regionnumberoftheplayercanbefoundon thebottomofthisunit. Theillustrationbelowshowstheregionsand correspondingregionnumbers. DVDvideo VideoCD Aboutthismanual Thisunitfeaturesanumberofsophisticated functionsensuringsuperiorreceptionandop- eration.Allthefunctionshavebeendesigned fortheeasiestpossibleuse,butmanyarenot self-explanatory.Thisoperationmanualwill helpyoubenefitfullyfromthisunit’spotential andtomaximizeyourlisteningenjoyment. CD Werecommendthatyoufamilia

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 11

BeforeYouStart Section BeforeYouStart 02 3 Downloadowner’smanuals,orderproduct After-salesservicefor catalogues,researchnewproducts,and Pioneerproducts muchmore. Pleasecontactthedealerordistributor from whereyoupurchasedthisunitforafter-sales service(includingwarrantyconditions)orany otherinformation.Incasethenecessaryinfor- Features mationisnotavailable,pleasecontactthe Touchpanelkeyoperation companieslistedbelow: Itispossibletooperatethisunitbyusing Pleasedonotshipyourunittothecompanies touchp

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 12

Section 02 BeforeYouStart WMAfileplayback ! “DTS”, “DTS-ES”, “Neo:6”,and “DTS96/24” YoucanplaybackWMAfilesrecordedonCD- aretrademarksofDigitalTheaterSystems, R/RW/ROMandDVD-R/RW/ROM(ISO9660 Inc. Level1/Level2standardrecordings). AACfileplayback YoucanplaybackAACfilesrecordedonCD- R/RW/ROMandDVD-R/RW/ROM(ISO9660 Level1/Level2standardrecordings). Multi-aspect Switchingbetweenwidescreen,letterboxand ® DivX videofileplayback panscandisplayispossible. YoucanplaybackDivXvideofilesrecordedon CD-R/RW/RO

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 13

BeforeYouStart Section BeforeYouStart 02 ! Theremaybeaslightdelaywhenstarting Note playbackofWMAfilesencodedwithimage Thisproductincorporatescopyrightprotection data. technologythatisprotectedbymethodclaimsof certainU.S.patentsandotherintellectualprop- ertyrightsownedbyMacrovisionCorporation andotherrightsowners.Useofthiscopyright AboutAAC protectiontechnologymustbeauthorizedby AACisshortforAdvancedAudioCodingand MacrovisionCorporation,andisintendedfor referstoanaudiocompressiontechnology homean

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 14

Section 02 BeforeYouStart ! DivX,DivXCertified,andassociatedlogos ! Whenusingacellularphone,keepthean- aretrademarksofDivX,Inc.andareused tennaofthecellularphoneawayfromthe underlicense. displaytopreventdisruptionofthevideoby theappearanceofspots,coloredstripes, etc. ! Nevertouchthescreenwithanythingbe- sidesyour finger whenoperatingthetouch AbouttheSATRADIO panelfunction.Thescreencanscratch READYmark easily. TheSATRADIOREADYmarkprintedonthe ForviewingLCDcomfortably frontpanelindicatesthattheSat

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 15

BeforeYouStart Section BeforeYouStart 02 ! Whenstrangeorincorrectmessagesap- WhatthemarksonDVDs pearonthedisplay indicate ThemarksbelowmaybefoundonDVDdisc Important labelsandpackages.Theyindicatethetypeof IfyoupressRESET,allmemorizedsettingsare imagesandaudiorecordedonthedisc,and erased.Forthisreason,werecommendthatyou thefunctionsyoucanuse. recordthesettingsinthesheetonpage135after Mark Meaning youhavecompletedaudioadjustments. Indicatesthenumberofaudiosys- 2 tems. 1 TurntheignitionswitchOFF. I

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 16

Section 02 BeforeYouStart Featuredemomode CAUTION Thefeaturedemoautomaticallystartswhen ! UseonlyoneCR2025(3V)lithiumbattery. youselectthesourceOFF.Thedemocon- ! Removethebatteryiftheremotecontrolisnot tinueswhiletheignitionswitchissettoACC usedforamonthorlonger. orON.Tocancelthefeaturedemo,pressand ! Donotrecharge,disassemble,heatordispose holdSOUNDSETTING.Torestartthefeature ofthebatteryinfire. demo,pressandholdSOUNDSETTING ! Donothandlethebatterywithmetallictools. again.Rememberthatifthefeatu

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 17

What’sWhat Section What’sWhat 03 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 h h h g g g f f f e d c b a 9 8 5 OPEN/CLOSEbutton Headunit PresstoopenorclosetheLCDpanel. 1 DISPLAYbutton Presstoturntheinformationdisplayonor 6 BAND/ESCbutton offwhenthevideoisdisplayed. PresstoselectamongthreeFMbandsand tocancelthecontrolmodeoffunctions. 2 MEMObutton Pressandholdtostoretheinformationof 7 ATTbutton thesongyouarelisteningto.Pressto Presstoquicklylowerthevolumelevel,by switchtoastationbroadcastingthememor

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 18

Section 03 What’sWhat a RESETbutton Sub-display Presstoreturntothefactorysettings(initial settings). 111 222333 b SOUNDSETTINGbutton Presstoselectthesoundsetting. c REARONbutton 777 666 555444 Presstoswitchbetweenthevideosources (suchasDVDorAV)onreardisplay. 1 Sourcedisplay Showsthestatusofselectedsource. d 2ch/MULTI-CHbutton Presstoswitchbetweenthemulti-channel 2 Stereo(5)indicator outputand2-channeloutput. Showswhentheselectedfrequencyis Pressandholdtoswitchbetweenthedis- playsonthesub-display

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 19

What’sWhat Section What’sWhat 03 222 333 444 5 nnn 6 7 888 mmm 999 111 lll aaa bbb c kkk ddd jjj iii eee hhh fff ggg Remotecontrol DVDmodewithremotecontrol Buttonnames AVHmode codeAVH Remotecontrol Switchtochangethesettingoftheremotecontrol.Fordetails,referto Setting remote con- 1 selection trol code typeonpage115. switch 2 SOURCEbutton Presstocyclethroughalltheavailablesources.Pressandholdtoturnthesourceoff. Presstoquicklylowerthevolumelevel,byabout90%.Pressoncemoretoreturntotheori- 3ATTbutton

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 20

Section 03 What’sWhat DVDmodewithremotecontrol Buttonnames AVHmode codeAVH 2ch/MULTI-CH 6 Presstoswitchbetweenthemulti-channeloutputand2-channeloutput. button 7 RETURNbutton PresstodisplaythePBC(playbackcontrol)menuduringPBCplayback. Dolby/DTS but- 8 Presstoswitchbetweensurroundsoundsetting(DolbyProLogicIIorDTSNeo:6). ton a/bbutton 9 PresstoadjusttheLCDpanelangle. Notused. (TILT/DISC) Remotecontrol SwitchtheoperationmodebetweenAVH,DVDandTVmodes.Normally,setto AVH.For 10 operationmode details,ref

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