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Prefix and Above
HP Part No. 08560-90081
August 1992
Printed in USA
Analyzer Spectrum 8560A HP
Manual Service
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@Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 1990, 1992 All Rights Reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under the copyright laws. 1212 Valley House Drive, Rohnert Park, CA 94928-4999, USA
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Certification Hewlett-Packard Company certifies that this product met its published specifications at the time of shipment from the factory. Hewlett-Packard further certifies that its calibration measurements are traceable to the United States National Institute of Standards and Technology, to the extent allowed by the Institute’s calibration facility, and to the calibration facilities of other International Standards Organization members. Warranty This Hewlett-Packard instrument product is warr
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The following safety symbols are used throughout this manual. Familiarize yourself with each of the symbols and its meaning before operating this instrument. The caution sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure which, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in damage to or destruction of the instrument. Do not proceed beyond a caution sign until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met. The warning sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedu
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HP 8560A Spectrum Analyzer Documentation Outline For ordering information, contact a Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Office. Manuals Shipped with Your Instrument HP 8560A Installation and Verification Manual n Tells you how to install the spectrum analyzer. n Tells you what your analyzer’s specifications are. 0 perating and Programming Manual HP 856OA/8561 B/8563A w Tells you how to make measurements with your spectrum analyzer. w Tells you how to program your spectrum analyzer. HP 8560A Quick
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Contents 1. General Information l-l ......................... Manual Organization l-2 ....................... Manual Text Conventions l-2 ................. Serial Numbers Covered by This Manual l-3 ......................... Instrument Variations l-6 ................ HP 85629B Test and Adjustment Module .............................. l-6 Service Kit ..................... 1-6 Recommended Test Equipment l-7 ........................ Electrostatic Discharge l-7 ................. Reducing Potential fo
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15. External Mixer Amplitude Adjustment .............. 2-57 16. Second IF Gain Adjustment .................. 2-60 17. Signal ID Oscillator Adjustment ................. 2-63 18. 600 MHz Amplitude Adjustment ................ 2-66 19. 10 MHz Reference Adjustment (Option 003) ........... 2-68 20. Tracking Oscillator Adjustment (Option 002) ........... 2-71 3. Assembly Replacement Access to Internal Assemblies 3-2 ...................... Cable Color Code ........................... 3-2 Procedure 1. An
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6. General Troubleshooting Introduction ............................. 6-1 Assembly Level Text ........................ 6-l Block Diagrams ........................... 6-l ........................ Assembly Test Points 6-2 Pad.. ............................. 6-2 Test Jack ............................ 6-2 Ribbon Cables ........................... 6-2 ................. 6-6 WR PROT/WR Menus ................. 6-8 Troubleshooting to a Functional Section Using the TAM ............................ 6-10
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Option Module Errors (800 to 899) .................. 6-34 .................. 6-34 User-Generated Errors (902 to 904) ....................... 6-35 Block Diagram Description RF Section ............................. 6-36 A7 LODA ............................ 6-36 A8 Low Band Mixer ........................ 6-36 ....................... 6-36 A9 Input Attenuator 6-36 All YTO ............................ ....................... 6-37 Al3 Second Converter .......... 6-37 Second IF Distribution Amplifier (
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........................... 7-21 Track and Hold ...................... 7-22 A3 Assembly’s ADC Circuits ........................ 7-22 ADC Control Signals ....................... 7-23 ADC Start/Stop Control ............................. 7-24 ADC ASM 7-24 ADC ............................... ........................... 7-25 Ramp Counter ..................... 7-26 A3 Assembly’s Control Circuits Analog Bus Drivers ......................... 7-26 ......................... 7-27 Analog Bus Timing ........
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.................. 8-34 A4 Assembly’s Cal Oscillator Circuit ............ Cal Oscillator Unlock at Beginning of IF Adjust 8-35 Inadequate CAL OSC AMPTD Range ................. 8-35 ....... 8-36 300 Hz to 3 Resolution Bandwidth Out of Specification 8-40 Low-Pass Filter ........................... Sweep Generator .......................... 8-40 .......... AM/FM Demodulation, Audio Amplifier, and Speaker 8-40 9. Controller Section Troubleshooting Using the TAM .................... 9-l Blank Displa
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Unlocked Reference PLL ........................ Operation ............................. Troubleshooting .......................... Third LO Driver Amplifier ...................... 10-44 Sampler and Sampler IF ........................ 10-45 Sweep Generator Circuit ........................ 10-47 A21 OCXO (Option 003 only) ..................... 11. RF Section Troubleshooting Using the TAM .................... 11-2 ................. Low Band Problems (50 Hz to 2.9 GHz) 11-4 Low Band Problems .......
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12. Display/Power Supply Section .................... 12-4 Troubleshooting Using the TAM 12-5 Blank Display ........................... 12-6 Blank Display ............................ 12-7 Display Distortion .......................... 12-8 ............................ Focus Problems 12-9 .......................... Intensity Problems 12-11 ...................... A6 Power Supply Assembly 12-11 ......................... Dead Power Supply 12-13 ......................... Line Fuse Blowing 12-13 .....
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Figures l-2 .................... l-1. Serial Number Label Example 1-7 ................. l-2. Example of a Static-Safe Workstation ......... l-10 1-3. HP 8560A Shipping Container and Cushioning Materials ............. 2-12 2-1. High-Voltage Power Supply Adjustment Setup ...................... 2-14 2-2. Display Adjustment Setup 2-17 ........................ 2-3. CRT Adjust Pattern 2-18 ................... 2-4. A2 Display Adjustment Locations 2-20 .................... 2-5. IF Adjustment Setup ....
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3-27 3-15. RF Section Bias Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. 3-16. A9 Mounting Screws at Right Frame 3-30 ............... 3-31 3-17. A10 Tracking Generator Mounting Screws ........................ 3-32 3-18. All Mounting Screws ................... 3-34 3-19. Al4 and Al5 Assembly Removal .................... 3-36 3-20. Al4 and Al5 Assembly Cables 3-37 3-21. Al7 Mounting Screws ........................ 3-41 3-22. Main Deck Screws ......................... 3-43
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8-31 ........................ 8-13. Faulty Crystal Short 8-31 ........................... 8-14. Faulty LC Pole 8-33 ...................... 8-15. Faulty Crystal Symmetry ............ 8-37 8-16. Output Waveform, 10 Resolution Bandwidth ............ 8-38 8-17. Output Waveform, 3 Resolution Bandwidth 8-38 ............ 8-18. Output Waveform, 1 Resolution Bandwidth ............ 8-39 8-19. Output Waveform, 300 Hz Resolution Bandwidth 8-39 ..................... 8-20. Failed Crystal Set Symptoms 8-43
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Tables l-l. Service Kit Contents ........................ l-6 l-2. Static-Safe Accessories ........................ l-8 l-3. Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Offices ............... 1-12 1-4. Recommended Test Equipment .................... 1-13 2-l. Related Adjustments (1 of 2) ..................... 2-4 ..................... 2-5 2-l. Related Adjustments (2 of 2) ................... 2-6 2-2. Adjustable Components (1 of 3) ................... 2-2. Adjustable Components (2 of 3) 2-7 ..............
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................... 8-12 8-4. Available Reference Level Range 8-12 ................ 8-5. Signal Level for Reference Level Display 9-2 9-l. TAM Tests Versus Test Connectors .................. ............................ 9-2. Gate Times 10-3 10-l. Center Frequency Tuning Values ................... ................. 10-7 10-2. Sampling Oscillator Test Frequencies 10-3. YTO Frequency in TEST Position .................. 10-9 .............. 10-4. Automatic Fault Isolation References (1 of 2) ........
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General Information This HP 8560A Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual contains information required to adjust and service the HP 8560A Spectrum Analyzer to the assembly level. For component-level information, refer to the HP 856OA/61B/63A Spectrum Analyzer Component Level Information. Manual Organization Chapter 1, General Information, contains information about service kit contents, recommended test equipment, returning an instrument for service, and sales and service offices. Chapter 2, Adjustmen
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Manual Text Conventions The following text conventions are used throughout this manual: Boxed text in this typeface represents a mechanical key physically located on the m instrument. Sof tkeys Shaded text indicates a labels appear on the display and can be activated by pressing corresponding keys surrounding the display. The labels displayed are determined by the mechanical front-panel key depressed and the instrument’s firmware. Display Text printed in this typeface indicates text appearing