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T.90 USB
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IMPORTANT SAFETY PRECAUTION 1. Read Instructions –All the safety and operating instructions should be 16. Ventilation – Slots and openings in the cabinet are provided for read before this product is operated. ventilation and to ensure reliable operation of the product and to 2. Retain Instructions –The safety and operating instructions should be protect it from overheating, and these openings must not be blocked or retained for future reference. covered.The openings should never be blocked by pl
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ASSEMBLY Remove all the parts from the box. Please check to make sure the following items are included with the main unit in the carton: • DISC x 1 • Platter x1 • AC cord x 1 • Slipmat x 1 • RCA cable x 1 • Cartridge x 1 • USB cable x 1 • Headshell x 1 • 45 rpm adapter x 1 • Instruction manual x 1 • Counter weight x 1 ‧Cloth dust cover x1 CONNECTIONS 1. Connect the power cord to an AC outlet. 2. Connect the RCA cable to the PHONO input of your mixer. You can also use a line input by setting the
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CONTROLS OVERVIEW 20 1 19 2 18 17 3 16 15 4 5 14 13 12 6 11 10 2 T.90 USB 7 8 9 21 22 24 25 23 26 1. REVERSE-This button is used to reverse the direction of the platter 8. HEADSHELL - Install the cartridge here. When installing a cartridge, rotation. refer to the installation instructions supplied by the manufacturer of that cartridge. 2. START/STOP- Press this button to start or stop the platter. 9. KEYLOCK-Presstoenablekeylock.WhenKeyLockison,thepitch 3. STROBE DOTS - The dots around the edge
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CONTROLS OVERVIEW 16. ANTI SKATE KNOB - When a record is playing, a force is 22. PHONO/LINESWITCH-Switchestheoutputtoeitherphonoorlinelevel. generated drawing the stylus towards the center of the record. This control compensates for that force and needs to be set to the same 23. USB SOCKET- Connect the USB cable (included) to this socket value as the counter weight pressure ring. and to a USB connector on your computer. After connecting the turntable to your computer, you can record your vinyl t
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CREATING A CD FROM AN LP TheT.90USB includes a USB computer interface and Cakewalk Pyro CD software for Windows. Macintosh users can download the freeAudacity software forrecordingdirectlyfromtheT.90USB.ByconnectingtheT.90USBtoyourcomputerandusingthecorrectsoftware,youcancreatecustomCD’sfromyour recordalbums. InadditiontocreatingCDs,youcanedittheLPtracks,cleanupclicksandnoise,andapplyspecialaudioeffectsifdesired.Youcanevenmakecustommixes withonetrackcrossfadingtoanother.Totakefulladvantageofthes
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12 AUDACITY SOFTWARE OVERVIEW (for MAC and PC users) RECORDING&SAVINGTRACKS 10 11 10. When you are ready to record, click theRED record button on the computer. Play the LPtrack to be recorded. 11. When you have finished the recording, click theYELLOW stop button. Click theGREEN play button to playback your finished recording. You can now clickFILE and chooseExportAsAIFF (Macintosh) orWave (Windows) to save the recording.This will save the entire recording as one audio file. 12. If you want to re
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CAKEWALK PYRO 5 SOFTWARE OVERVIEW (for PC users) Tostart,insertyourcomplimentaryCakewalkPyro5CDintoyourdiscdriveonyourcomputerandfollowtheinstallationinstructionstocompletelyinstallthe softwareonyouroperatingsystem.CompleteinstructionsonhowtouseallthefeaturesofthesoftwareareincludedintheHelpMenu. To transfer and record transfer LPs to your hard drive from yourT.90USB, start by connectingyourT.90USBtoyourcomputerusingaUSBcable. 1 1. From the Cakewalk Pyro 5 main page beginning with the Start tab,
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CAKEWALK PYRO 5 SOFTWARE OVERVIEW (for PC users) 2 3 2. OntheMakeAudioCDtab,typeinthefilenameyouwishtosavetheLPrecordingunderandlocatewhereyouwantthefiletobestored. 3. YoucanrecordtheentiresideofanLP,acontinuousselectionoftracks,orjustasingletrack.Tobeginrecording,clicktheStartRecordingbutton,and begin playing your LP on the T.90USB. You will see activity on the Check Volume bar representing the input level (or volume) of the track you are recording. When you are satisfied with the selection you
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CAKEWALK PYRO 5 SOFTWARE OVERVIEW (for PC users) 6 6. It’sa good idea to save each of your tracks, at least temporarily, prior to burning a CD.The easiest way to do this is topress theSave button and chooseSaveAsMultipleAudioFiles. 7 9 8 7. This brings up a dialog box offering several choices.The first choice allows you to choose which tracks you want to save. Click on the box to the left of the track to save it.You can also rename the tracks here by double-clicking on them and entering a new na
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CAKEWALK PYRO 5 SOFTWARE OVERVIEW (for PC users) 11 11. To create a CD, press theBurnCD button.This brings up a dialog where you can select the CD burner to use. Press theOK button, and your CD will be created. 10
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SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL Model:T.90USB Dimensions: 452(W) x 370(D) x 143(H)mm Weight: 8.6Kgs Power supply: AC 100V, 50/60Hz (For Japan) AC 110V, 60Hz (ForTaiwan) AC 120V, 60Hz (For U.S.A.,Canada, Mexico) AC 220V, 50Hz (For UnitedArab Emirates, Chile,Argentina) AC 220V, 60Hz (For Philippines) AC 230V, 50Hz (For Europe, New Zealand, SouthAfrica, Singapore, Israel) AC 240V, 50Hz (ForAustralia, U.K.) Power consumption: 11W STANDARDTESTCONDITION: AmbientTemperature 20 +/-2 deg. C Relative Humidity 65%
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WARRANTY & RETURN POLICY Warranty Through Stanton’s authorized dealers around the World, Stanton, or one of Stanton’s authorized distributors outside the U.S., will, without charge, repair or replace, at the sole discretion of the entity responsible for making the repair or providing the replacement, any Stanton merchandise proved defective in material or workmanship for a period of one year following the date of original purchase. Exceptions tothis warranty are as noted below: Thewarrantyformec
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NOTE 1 3
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