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User Manual
Multifunction I/O Board for the PC AT/EISA
October 1997 Edition
Part Number 320640B-01
© Copyright 1992, 1997 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.
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Internet Support E-mail: FTP Site: Web Address: Bulletin Board Support BBS United States: (512) 794-5422 BBS United Kingdom: 01635 551422 BBS France: 01 48 65 15 59 Fax-on-Demand Support (512) 418-1111 Telephone Support (U.S.) Tel: (512) 795-8248 Fax: (512) 794-5678 International Offices Australia 03 9879 5166, Austria 0662 45 79 90 0, Belgium 02 757 00 20, Canada (Ontario) 905 785 0085, Canada (Québec) 514 694 8521, De
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Important Information Warranty The AT-MIO-16X is warranted against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of shipment, as evidenced by receipts or other documentation. National Instruments will, at its option, repair or replace equipment that proves to be defective during the warranty period. This warranty includes parts and labor. The media on which you receive National Instruments software are warranted not to fail to execute programming instructi
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Table of Contents About This Manual Organization of This Manual........................................................................................xv Conventions Used in This Manual................................................................................xvi Related Documentation.................................................................................................xvii Customer Communication .....................................................................................
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Table of Contents Analog Output Reference Selection............................................................... 2-11 Analog Output Polarity Selection .................................................................. 2-12 Digital I/O Configuration ............................................................................................. 2-12 Board and RTSI Clock Configuration.......................................................................... 2-12 Hardware Installation ..............
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Table of Contents Chapter 3 Theory of Operation Functional Overview.....................................................................................................3-1 PC I/O Channel Interface Circuitry ..............................................................................3-2 Analog Input and Data Acquisition Circuitry...............................................................3-5 Analog Input Circuitry ..............................................................................
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Table of Contents Command Register 3 ....................................................................... 4-13 Command Register 4 ....................................................................... 4-20 Status Register 1 .............................................................................. 4-25 Status Register 2 .............................................................................. 4-30 Analog Input Register Group...........................................................
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Table of Contents Chapter 5 Programming Register Programming Considerations...........................................................5-1 Resource Allocation Considerations ..............................................................5-1 Initializing the AT-MIO-16X.........................................................................5-2 Initializing the Am9513A ................................................................5-3 Programming the Analog Input Circuitry..........................
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Table of Contents RTSI Switch Signal Connection Considerations.......................................................... 5-38 Programming the RTSI Switch .................................................................................... 5-39 Programming DMA Operations..................................................................... 5-41 Interrupt Programming................................................................................... 5-43 Chapter 6 Calibration Procedures Calibration
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Table of Contents Figure 2-5. AT-MIO-16X 68-Pin I/O Connector .....................................................2-16 Figure 2-6. AT-MIO-16X PGIA ..............................................................................2-20 Figure 2-7. Differential Input Connections for Ground-Referenced Signals ...........2-23 Figure 2-8. Differential Input Connections for Nonreferenced Signals ...................2-24 Figure 2-9. Single-Ended Input Connections for Nonreferenced or Floating Signals .....
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Table of Contents Figure 5-7. Cyclic Waveform Programming ........................................................... 5-27 Figure 5-8. Programmed Cycle Waveform Programming....................................... 5-29 Figure 5-9. Pulsed Cyclic Waveform Programming................................................ 5-31 Figure 5-10. RTSI Switch Control Pattern................................................................. 5-40 Figure 6-1. AT-MIO-16X EEPROM Map.......................................
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Table of Contents Table A-1. Equivalent Offset Errors in 16-Bit Systems ..........................................A-3 Table A-2. Equivalent Gain Errors in 16-Bit Systems.............................................A-4 Table A-3. Typical Multiple-Channel Scanning Settling Times .............................A-5 Table B-1. Signal Connection Descriptions.............................................................B-4 © National Instruments Corporation xiii AT-MIO-16X User Manual
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About This Manual This manual describes the mechanical and electrical aspects of the AT-MIO-16X board and contains information concerning its operation and programming. The AT-MIO-16X is a high-performance, multifunction analog, digital, and timing I/O board for the IBM PC AT and compatibles and EISA personal computers (PCs). Organization of This Manual The AT-MIO-16X User Manual is organized as follows: • Chapter 1, Introduction, describes the AT-MIO-16X, lists the contents of your AT-MIO-
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About This Manual • Appendix C, AMD Am9513A Data Sheet, contains the manufacturer data sheet for the AMD Am9513A System Timing Controller integrated circuit (Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.). This controller is used on the AT-MIO-16X. • Appendix D, Customer Communication, contains forms you can use to request help from National Instruments or to comment on our products. •The Glossary contains an alphabetical list and description of terms used in this manual, including abbreviations, acronyms,
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About This Manual Related Documentation The following document contains information that you may find helpful as you read this manual: • IBM Personal Computer AT Technical Reference You may also want to consult the following Advanced Micro Devices information if you plan to program the Am9513A Counter/Timer used on the AT-MIO-16X: • Am9513A/Am9513 System Timing Controller Customer Communication National Instruments want to receive your comments on our products and manuals. We are interested
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Chapter 1 Introduction This chapter describes the AT-MIO-16X, lists the contents of your AT-MIO-16X kit, the optional software, and optional equipment, and explains how to unpack the AT-MIO-16X. About the AT-MIO-16X Congratulations on your purchase of the National Instruments AT-MIO-16X. The AT-MIO-16X is a high-performance, software-configurable 16-bit DAQ board for laboratory, test and measurement, and data acquisition and control applications. The board performs high-accuracy measuremen
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Chapter 1 Introduction signals for communication and control. SCXI is the instrumentation front end for plug-in DAQ boards. Analog Input The AT-MIO-16X is a high-performance multifunction analog, digital, and timing I/O board for the PC. The AT-MIO-16X has a 10 μsec, 16-bit, sampling ADC that can monitor a single input channel, or scan through the 16 single-ended or 8 differential channels (expandable with National Instruments multiplexing products) at a programmable gain of 1, 2, 5, 10, 2
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Chapter 1 Introduction Digital and Timing I/O In addition to the analog input and analog output capabilities of the AT-MIO-16X, the AT-MIO-16X also has eight digital I/O lines that can sink up to 24 mA of current, and three independent 16-bit counter/timers for frequency counting, event counting, and pulse output applications. The AT-MIO-16X has timer-generated interrupts, a high-performance RTSI bus interface, and four triggers for system-level timing. You can use the AT-MIO-16X, with its
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Chapter 1 Introduction ❑ AT-MIO-16X User Manual ❑ One of the following software packages and documentation: ComponentWorks LabVIEW for Windows LabWindows/CVI for Windows Measure NI-DAQ for PC Compatibles VirtualBench ❑ Your computer Software Programming Choices You have several options to choose from when programming your National Instruments DAQ and SCXI hardware. You can use National Instruments application software, NI-DAQ, or register-level programming. National Instruments Application So
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Chapter 1 Introduction VirtualBench features virtual instruments that combine DAQ products, software, and your computer to create a stand-alone instrument with the added benefit of the processing, display, and storage capabilities of your computer. VirtualBench instruments load and save waveform data to disk in the same forms that can be used in popular spreadsheet programs and word processors. Using ComponentWorks, LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, or VirtualBench software will greatly reduce the