Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 1
® ®
2-channel amplifier
car audio
Installation Reference Sheet
Páginas de Referencia para la Instalación
Schéma d’Installation
Installations Beiblatt
Istruzioni di Installation ®
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 2
Dear Customer, Congratulations on your purchase of the world's finest brand of car audio electronics. At Rockford Fosgate we are fanatics about musical reproduction at its best, and we are pleased you chose our product. Through years of engineering expertise, hand craftsmanship and critical testing procedures, we have created a wide range of products that reproduce music with all the clarity and richness you deserve. For maximum performance we recommend you have your new Rockford Fosgate produc
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 3
Specification 2-Channel Punch Amplifier Reference Punch 45.2 Sheet FEATURES TECHNICAL FEATURES • Trans•ana – Sound quality topology that sends an extended bandwidth • Gold-Plated RCA Input Jacks – Maintains signal quality by resisting accurately to the output stages of the amplifier corrosion • TOPAZ – Eliminates troublesome ground loop noise between the source • Input Sensitivity Control – Level control can be adjusted to match and amplifier output levels from a variety of source units • NOMAD
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Installation 2-Channel Punch Amplifier Reference Punch 45.2 Sheet R AUD CLOCK AUTO ILLUM SEL DSPL P.SCN LOUD TUNE VOL PWR D.SCN SCAN RPT RDM DIM PAUSE 1 23 4 5 6 ® ® Extension RCA's (opt.) Remote Turn-On LED Full 80Hz LP Bass Gain Range Xover Left Right Input Input EQ L+ L– R+ R– B+ REM GND ®® +18 +12 +6 80Hz Low-Pass Full Range +3 Xover Frequency Xover Frequency 0dB 33Hz 45Hz 67.5Hz 33Hz 45Hz 67.5Hz 0dB 0dB –3dB –3dB 80Hz 20Hz 20kHz Battery +12V + – Stereo 2 or 4 ohm Bridged/Mono 4 ohm 20A Batt
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INSTALLATION • For safety, disconnect the negative lead from the car battery prior to beginning the installation Trunk Mounting Mounting the amplifier vertically on a surface with the fin grooves running up and down will provide the best cooling for the amplifier. Passenger Compartment Mounting Mounting the amplifier in the passenger compartment will work as long as you provide a sufficient amount of air for the amplifier to cool itself. If you are going to mount the amplifier under the seat of
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Páginas de Referencia Amplificadore de Punch a 2 canale – Español Punch 45.2 para la Instalación R AUD CLOCK AUTO ILLUM SEL DSPL P.SCN LOUD VOL PWR TUNE D.SCN SCAN RPT RDM DIM PAUSE 1 23 4 5 6 ® ® Extension de RCA (opcional) Encendido Remoto LED Full 80Hz LP Left Right Bass Gain Range Xover EQ Input Input L+ L – R + R – B + REM GND ®® +18 +12 +6 80Hz Low-Pass Full Range +3 Xover Frequency Xover Frequency 0dB 33Hz 45Hz 67.5Hz 33Hz 45Hz 67.5Hz 0dB 0dB –3dB –3dB Batería +12V 20kHz 80Hz 20Hz + – Est
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INSTALACÍON • Por seguridad, desconecte el terminal negativo de la bateria antes de comenzar la instalacíon. Montaje en el Malatero del vehícule Monte el amplificador verticalmente con las líneas del radiador orientadas de arriba hacia abajo. De esta manera conseguirá la mejor ventilación. Montaje en el Compartimento de Pasajeros El montaje en el compartimento de pasajeros sera eficiente en funcion de la ventilación que tenga el amplificador. Si va a instalar el amplificador bajo un asiento debe
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Schéma Amplificateur de puissance 2 canaux– Français Punch 45.2 d’Installation R AUD CLOCK AUTO ILLUM SEL DSPL P.SCN LOUD TUNE VOL PWR D.SCN SCAN RPT RDM DIM PAUSE 1 23 4 5 6 ® ® Extension RCA (en option) Câble de télécommande LED Full 80Hz LP Bass Gain Range Xover Left Right Input Input EQ L+ L– R+ R– B+ REM GND ®® +18 +12 +6 80Hz Low-Pass Full Range +3 Xover Frequency Xover Frequency 0dB 33Hz 45Hz 67.5Hz 33Hz 45Hz 67.5Hz 0dB 0dB –3dB –3dB 80Hz 20Hz 20kHz Batterie +12V + – Stéréro 2 ou 4 Ohms P
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INSTALLATION • Pour votre sécurité, deéconnectez la borne négative de la batterie du véhicule avant de commencer le montage. Montage dans l’habitacle L’installation d’un amplificateur est envisageable dans l’habitacle dès que la convection naturelle est suffisante. Il est possible de fixer l’amplificateur soud un siège si la hauteur de celui-ci permet au minimum d’avoir trois centimètres au-dessus du dissipateur thermique. Alimentation La connexion B doit être reliée impérativement via un fusibl
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Installations 2-Kanal Punch Amplifier – Deutsch Punch 45.2 Anleitung R AUD SEL CLOCK AUTO ILLUM DSPL P.SCN LOUD VOL PWR TUNE D.SCN SCAN RPT RDM DIM PAUSE 1 23 4 5 6 ® ® Verlängerungskabel (Optional) Remote-Kabel LED Full 80Hz LP Gain Range Xover Left Right Bass Input Input EQ L+ L– R+ R– B+ REM GND ®® +18 +12 +6 80Hz Low-Pass Full Range +3 Xover Frequency Xover Frequency 0dB 33Hz 45Hz 67.5Hz 33Hz 45Hz 67.5Hz 0dB 0dB –3dB –3dB 80Hz 20Hz 20kHz Batterie +12V + – Stereo 2 or 4 ohm Gebrueckt/Mono 4 o
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EINBAU • Zur Sicherheit klemmen Sie den Negativ-Pol der Batterie während des gesamten Einbaues ab. Im Fahrzeugkofferraum Der vertikale Einbau der Endstufen, das bedeutet, dab die Kühlrippen von oben nach unten verlaufen, gibt dem Verstärker die beste Kühlung. Auf der Beifahrerseite Sollte der Verstärker auf der Beifahrerseite montiert werden, so ist es sehr wichtig für eine ausreichende Kühlung zu sorgen. Sollte der Verstärker z.B. unter dem Beifahrersitz montiert werden, sollte dem Kühlkörper m
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 12
Istruzinoni di Amplificatore di Punch a 2 canali – Italiano Punch 45.2 Installazione R AUD SEL CLOCK AUTO ILLUM DSPL P.SCN LOUD VOL PWR TUNE D.SCN SCAN RPT RDM DIM PAUSE 1 23 4 5 6 ® ® Prolunga RCA (opzionale) Accensione LED Full 80Hz LP Gain Range Xover Left Right Bass EQ Input Input L+ L– R+ R– B+ REM GND ®® +18 +12 +6 80Hz Low-Pass Full Range +3 Xover Frequency Xover Frequency 0dB 33Hz 45Hz 67.5Hz 33Hz 45Hz 67.5Hz 0dB 0dB –3dB –3dB Batteria +12V 80Hz 20Hz 20kHz + – Mono a ponte 4 ohm Stereo a
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INSTALLAZIONE • Per sicurezza, scollegare il polo netativo della batteria dell’auto prima di iniziare l’installazione. Nel Bagagliaio Montando l’amplificatore su una superficie in verticale con le alette direzionate dall’alto verso il basso si garantirá un miglior raffreddamento dell’amplificatore. Nel’abitacolo Montare l’amplificatore nell’abitacolo si avrá un funzionamento regolare se si garantisce un flusso d’aria sufficiente. Per l’installazione sotto un sedile, é necessario avere uno spazio
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ENGLISH Please contact your local Authorized Rockford Fosgate Dealer for information on Warranty Policies and Technical Support. ESPAÑOL FRANÇAIS Veuillez contacter votre distributeur Rockford Fosgate Por favor contacte al Distribuidor Autorizado Rockford agréé pour toute information concernant les Fosgate en su localidad para información sobre Políticas modalités de garantie et le support technique. de Garantía Soporte Técnico. DEUTSCH ITALIANO Bitte Fragen Sie Ihren autorisierten Rockford Fosg
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LIMITED WARRANTY INFORMATION Rockford Corporation offers a limited warranty on Rockford Fosgate products on the following terms: • Length of Warranty 3 years on electronics 90 days on electronic B-stock (receipt required) 2 years on source units 30 days on speaker B-stock (receipt required) • What is Covered This warranty applies only to Rockford Fosgate products sold to consumers by Authorized Rockford Fosgate Dealers in the United States of America or its possessions. Product purchased by cons
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MADE IN THE USA This product is designed, developed and assembled in the USA by a dedicated group of American workers. The majority of the components used in the construction of this product are produced by American companies. However, due to the global nature of their manufacturing facilities and the electronics parts industry in general, some parts may be manufactured in other countries. Rockford Fosgate Rockford Corporation 546 South Rockford Drive Tempe, Arizona 85281 U.S.A. In U.S.A., (602