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The Unitech PT600/630 Scanner
The Unitech PT600 Scanner is a powerful tool for your inventory
needs. It allows you to do all of your inventory fast, and easily.
Point, scan, and plug it into your computer. Then simply import
the data into Furniture Wizard, and your inventory is now
updated, and you’re ready to go!
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Installing the Unitech PT600/630 Scanner 1. Insert your Furniture Wizard CD into your computer’s CD-ROM drive. 2. When the Installer opens up, click on Install Furniture Wizard. 3. After agreeing to the license agreement, click on “Install Additional Components” 4. Follow the instructions on the screen, by clicking “Next” 5. The necessary files will now be copied over to your computer. 6. Take the cable that was included along with your PT600 Scanner and plug into an available Ser
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Configuring the Unitech PT600/630 Scanner You are now ready to configure your PT600 Scanner for use with Furniture Wizard. Open up your Furniture Wizard Application. You will need to go into the Furniture Wizard Setup and Registration screen. To do this, double-click on the picture of the wizard. You will now be taken to the “Setup and Registration” screen. Here you will want to click on the advanced setup button. A window will pop up with a warning saying, “If you are not sure
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Put a checkmark next to “Unitech PT-600” in the lower left-hand corner of the window. This will let Furniture Wizard know that you will be using the PT600 Scanner. Now on the right side of the window, click on the down-arrow next to “Comm 1” and select the Comm port that your scanner is connected to. Also, make sure that “A” is selected as the address, as that is the default setting. Select the Comm port that your scanner is plugged into and verify
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The installer will now proceed to copy over the files to your PT600 Scanner, making it ready for you to use. The installer will ask you to overwrite the files already on the scanner. Simply click “Yes” to proceed. The Installer will launch a window informing you of the install process. Press “Yes” when it asks you to overwrite an existing file. After the Installer is done with copying your files over, you will be brought back into th
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Using Your New PT600/630 Scanner Now that you are ready to use your PT600 Scanner, you can now begin to take inventory in your store. To begin taking inventory, press the large orange button on the scanner to turn it on. You will now be in the main screen Press the of the scanner. Here you will be presented Large button with a choice of programs to run on your to turn on scanner. To take inventory in your store, you your scanner will want to use the collect.exe program on your
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Importing Your Scanned Inventory Now that your inventory is complete, you will need to add your new inventory to Furniture Wizard. To do so, you have to plug your scanner into its cable or the optional charging Cradle. Now, go into your Furniture Wizard program, and click on the Inventory Button on the main screen. Enter Furniture Wizard, and Click on the Inventory button On the inventory screen, click the “Reconcile Inventory” button. This will brin
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Performing Your First Inventory Session When performing your inventory for the first time in your store, you will want to create a new inventory session. This will take all the items that you scan in and tell the furniture wizard program how many of each item you have. If you have already begun a scan of your inventory, and simply wish to add to it, then do NOT choose to create a new inventory session. Doing so will take the quantities you have on individual item numbers and replace
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Once you have selected a branch, you will receive a list of all the items you have scanned, along with the quantity that furniture wizard has on those specific items, and how many you have scanned in during this new inventory session. The Inventory Reconciliation Program window Here you can preview a list of all the items you have scanned in, and analyze it before you decide to integrate the new quantities into furniture wizard. As you might have
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Continuing a Current Inventory Session If you have more items to scan in for the same branch, then you can add these items to your current session, thereby updating your current inventory. Therefore, if in your previous scan you had 4 chairs, and in your second scan you found 2 more, then the total would be brought up to 6, instead of replacing the previously scanned in information. Continue scanning in your items, as you have done before in the previous section. Once complete, plug
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Updating Your Inventory Now that you have had a chance to go through your scanned items, you can select which ones you want to integrate into Furniture Wizard. From the “Inventory Reconciliation Program” window, select the items that you want to import, by adding a checkmark next to them in the Inventory Reconciliation Program window. If you wish to add all of the items you have scanned in, then you can click on the “Tag All” button and all of the items will be marked for you.
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 12
Un-Scanned Inventory When you perform an inventory scan with your PT600 scanner, only the items that you have scanned will be updated in your inventory. This prevents you from accidentally missing an item during your scan and having that item be replaced with an incorrect quantity. Once you have completed your inventory scan, Furniture Wizard allows you to see a list of items that were missed during your scan. To see this report, click on the “Reconcile Inventory” button from the “In
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This report allows you to see any items that were not updated during a certain inventory scan, given any date range of your choosing. To do this, simply select the branch of your choice, and a starting date and ending date. By selecting a date range you can make sure to exclude items that were scanned in a prior scan, but not the latest one. Select the Branch you wish to print a report for Click the “Print” button to see the report Once you have a scan date selected, cli
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Troubleshooting the PT600 If your PT600 is behaving strangely, there are a few things that you can do to verify it is configured properly. The first thing you need to check is to make sure that your serial port is configured properly, with the settings illustrated previously. Once you have verified those settings, closely follow the following steps to check your scanner, and correct the settings if necessary. 1. Turn off your PT-600 scanner by pressing the power button (The small re