Manual do usuário Dish Network Solo 508

Manual para o dispositivo Dish Network Solo 508

Dispositivo: Dish Network Solo 508
Categoria: Sistema de TV por satélite
Fabricante: Dish Network
Tamanho: 3.19 MB
Data de adição: 7/1/2013
Número de páginas: 146
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Dish Network Solo 508 Manual de instruções - Online PDF
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Resumos do conteúdo
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 1

Chapter1-How to GetStarted..........................................1
Welcome! .....................................................1
Overview ......................................................2
New Features Video .....................................2
GettingStarted .............................................3
Quick Tour of Basic Features .......................4
Quick Tour of the Menus ............

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 2

Contents Chapter 4-InstallationInstructions.................................83 How toUse these Instructions .....................83 Installing a DISH 500 Antenna .....................83 DishPro Wiring Diagrams .............................94 Running CoaxialCable ................................101 Connecting Each Receiver to a Phone Line 102 Chapter 5-Reference.........................................................105 Use the Troubleshooting Tables ..................105 Test theSystem ........

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 3

ImportantSafety Instructions 1. Readthese instructions. 2. Keep theseinstructions. 3. Heed all warnings. 4. Follow allinstructions. 5. Donotuse thisapparatusnearwater. 6. Cleanonlywith adrycloth. 7. Donotblockany ventilationopenings. Installin accordance with the manufacturer’sinstructions. 8. Donotinstallnear anyheatsources suchas radiators, heatregisters, stoves, or otherapparatus(including amplifiers) thatproduce heat. 9. Donotdefeatthe safety purpose ofthe polarized orgrounding-type plug. A

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 4

Safety Noteto Satellite TVSystem Installer:This reminderisprovided to callthe satellite TV system installer’sattention to Article 820-40 ofthe National ElectricalCode(NEC) thatprovidesguidelines for propergroundingand, in particular, specifiesthatthe cable ground shallbe connected to the grounding system ofthe building as close to thepointof cable entry as practical. Satellite Dish CoaxialCable fromSatelliteDish Ground Clamp ElectricServiceEquipment AntennaDischarge Ground Clamps Unit PowerServi

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 5

Chapter1 Howto GetStarted Welcome! You’re about to enjoy a DigitalVideo Recorder! Thissatellitereceiver letsyou decidehow youwatchTV. Youcanrecordand play back audio and video with full digitalquality. You can pause alive program and not missanyof the actionor youcanrecorda program towatch later, without aVCR. Thisdeviceisalso an advancedsatellitereceiver,withfeatureslikeaUHF/IR remotecontrol, on-screen program information, themesto selectprograms, ® favorite lists, program locks, Dolby Digitals

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 6

Chapter1 HowtoGetStarted Overview Before you use yoursatellite receiver, youneed to installthe system or have itinstalled by a professionaltechnician.Fora professionalinstallation, please call the CustomerService Center at1-800-333-DISH (3474). Ifyou install the system yourself, use the instructionsinChapter4. Avitalpartofthe installation isto setupthe receiver to get thelatestsoftwarevia the satellite signal. You cannotuse the receiver’sfeaturesuntil you do! If youare installing a new system an

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 7

GettingStarted Getting Started Order Your ProgramPackages 1. Turn onthe receiver and your TV. 2. PresstheSYSINFO button on the receiver frontpanel to open the ImportantSystem Information screen on theTVscreen.Leavethemenu openwhileyoudosteps 3and 4. Note:The numbersinthe figurebelow are for exampleonly. Usethe numbersonthe Important System Informationscreen displayed on your TV. 3. Call 1-800-333-DISH (3474)to tellusyou’ve installed the system and wanttogetservices.We’llexplainwhatprogrampackage

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 8

Chapter1 HowtoGetStarted ChooseaProgramto Watch 1. Make sure the receiver isonand itsgreenfrontpanel POWER lightis on. Also, make sure youturnonthe TV. 2. Pressthe remotecontrol GUIDE buttontoopen the receiver’s Program Guide on theTV screen. The Program Guideisyour key to satellite TV programs. The receiver displays the ProgramGuide on the TV screen. 3. Use the remote controlARROW buttonsto movethe highlight aroundthe Program Guide, and to highlight aprogram thatison now. 4. Pressthe remotecont

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 9

QuickTourofBasicFeatures 4. PresstheTHEME (LEFT arrow) buttontoopenthe Themes menu. 5. For example, pressthe 1buttontoseealistofmovies. 6. Pressthe VIEW buttontogo backto watcha program. 7. PresstheINFO button to seeinfo aboutthe program. 8. PresstheCANCELbuttontogobacktowatchthe program. 9. PresstheBROWSE (RIGHTarrow) buttontoopen the Browse Banner. Inthisexample, theBrowseBannershowsinfoon a program we’re watchingatthe top, andinfoonanother program atthe bottom. Page5

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 10

Chapter1 HowtoGetStarted 10. PresstheUP orDOWN ARROW buttontochangethe channel informationyousee atthe bottom of the TV screen. Untilyoudo, the bottom info is the same asthetop info. 11. Press theRIGHT ARROW buttontochangethe channelinformation you see atthe bottom ofthe TVscreenfortheprogramcomingnext.Pressthe LEFT ARROW button to got back to the program onnow. 12. Pressthe VIEW button to clearthe Browse Bannerfrom the TV screen and to go back to watching a program. QuickTour ofthe Menus 1. Pre

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 11

QuickTouroftheMenus Anytime you’re in amenu and want to go directly backto watching your program,just pressVIEW on 3. PresstheMENUbuttontogobacktothe Main Menu. the remote. 4. Pressthe 2 button to selectthe Themes and Searchoption ontheMainMenu.ThisopenstheThemesmenuontheTV screen. Tip:Themeslet you geta listof just movies, just sports events,orjust programs in severalother categories. 5. For example, pressthe 1buttontoseealistofmovies. Page7

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 12

Chapter1 HowtoGetStarted 6. PresstheMENUbuttontogobacktotheMainMenu. Tip:Youcanset up aFavorites 7. Back onthe MainMenu,notice theMail option. The mail List of your feature is for DISH Networkto sendyoumessages, and favorite onlyat specialtimes. channels.Then, when you use 8. Pressthe 4buttontoselectthe Favorites optionontheMain this listasyour Menutoopen the Favorite Listsmenu.Youcanuse Favorite program guide, Lists to makethe Program Guide and other on-screen lists you see only showonlyyour fa

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 13

QuickTouroftheMenus Tip:You can press the 13. PressMENUtogobacktothe Main Menu. CANCEL buttontoback 14. Pressthe 7buttontoselectthe Timers optionon theMain outofany Menu toopen the EventTimer Managementmenu. menu.Unless you’re in the Important System Information screen,if you want to immediatelygo back to watching a program no matter where you are in the menus,press theVIEW button. This menu isused for creating and changing timers used to trigger automatic recordings. 15. PressMENU togobacktothe

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 14

Chapter1 HowtoGetStarted L 17. Pressthe VIEWbuttontogobacktowatchingaprogram. QuickTour ofDishDVR Features Tip:You can pausealive 1. Watch aprogram for justa few minutes. program to 2. Pressthe PAUSE button to pause the program. answer the phone or get a snack! 3. Pressthe PLAY button to watch the program from the point where you pausedit. 4. Pressthe VIEW button to go back rightaway to the“live” program. 5. PresstheSKIP BACKbuttontoskipback abouttenseconds inthe program. Page10

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 15

QuickTourofDishDVRFeatures 6. PressthePAUSEbuttonandthenpresstheBACKbuttontoreversethe program inslowmotion. PresstheBACKbuttononce to reversethe program 1/4the speedasnormalplay. PresstheBACK button twice to reverseatnormalspeed. If youpress theBACK button again, the program reverses asdescribedinstep7. 7. PresstheBACK buttononce toreverse the program fourtimesas fastasnormalplay. PresstheBACK buttontwicetoreverse at15 timesnormalspeed, three times to reverse at60 timesnormalspeed, andfour time

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 16

Chapter1 HowtoGetStarted 9. Pressthe SKIP AHEADbuttontoskipaheadabout30 seconds in the playback. Note:You cannotskipahead if you are watching liveTV. 10. Pressthe PAUSE button andthen presstheFWD button to forwardthe program inslow motion.WhenyoupresstheFWD buttononcethe program advancesat 1/15the speedof normalplay. PresstheFWD button twice to forward at 1/4 as fast as normal play. Press theFWD button three times to playtheprogram atnormal speed. If you pressthe FWD buttonagain,the program adva

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 17

QuickTourofDishDVRFeatures 12. Pressthe VIEW buttontogo back rightaway to the program in progress. 13. PresstheRECORDbutton to startrecording the program right now. 14. TheStartRecordingOptionsmenudisplays.SelectManual userstop. See page 48 for an explanation of the other recording options. 15. SelectDone to startrecording the program. Notice the receiver’sfront panel RECORDINGlightturnson. 16. If you want, pressthe STOP button.Thisstopsthe receiver from recordingtheprogram. Noticethe receiver’s

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 18

Chapter1 HowtoGetStarted 21. Use the remote controlarrow buttonsto highlightan eventon theRecordedEvents menu(it’sOK to highlightan eventyou’re recording). 22. PresstheremotecontrolSELECTbuttontoselecttheevent youhighlighted. This opensa menu ofinfo aboutthat event. 23. Press VIEWto return to yourliveprogramming. Conclusion Thisistheendof the quick tours. Continue on to the nextchapter, Partsof the System, fora detailed descriptionof yourDishDVR receiver. Page14

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 19

Chapter2 Parts ofthe System TheReceiver Receiver FrontPanel SmartCard Door The SmartCardisbehindthe dooronthe frontpanel. Note:Leave the SmartCardin, andkeepthe door closed. FrontPanelButtons The front panelbuttons workthe same way asthe buttonsonthe remote, to controlthe receiver. For moreinformationonthe remote controlbuttons,see Remote Controlonpage20 of thisUserGuide. InfoButton Press theINFO buttontosee informationabouta program you watchor a program youhighlightina menu. The information ma

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 20

Chapter2 PartsoftheSystem ArrowButtons Tip:First,you Use theARROWbuttonsto move amenu move the highlight toan highlighttoan option or a program. item with the Use theUP andDOWN ARROWbuttons to Arrowbuttons, changechannelswhile watchinga program. andthenyou press the Whenwatchinga program, pressingtheLEFT SELECT ARROW buttonopenstheThemesmenu and button to theRIGHT ARROW buttonopensthe Browse selectthat Banner. item. SelectButton Pressthe SELECT button to selectan item youhighlightin a menu. SysI

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