Manual do usuário Omega Engineering M-4066

Manual para o dispositivo Omega Engineering M-4066

Dispositivo: Omega Engineering M-4066
Categoria: Rádio por satélite
Fabricante: Omega Engineering
Tamanho: 0.61 MB
Data de adição: 9/17/2014
Número de páginas: 63
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Omega Engineering M-4066 Manual de instruções - Online PDF
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Resumos do conteúdo
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 1

Version 2.2
Copyright ©2004, Omega Engineering, Inc.

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 2

OMEGAnet® Online Service Internet e-mail Servicing North America: USA: One Omega Drive, Box 4047 ISO 9001 Certified Stamford CT 06907-0047 Tel: (203) 359-1660 FAX: (203) 359-7700 e-mail: Canada: 976 Bergar Laval (Quebec) H7L 5A1, Canada Tel: (514) 856-6928 FAX: (514) 856-6886 e-mail: For immediate technical or application assistance: USA and Canada: Sales Service: 1-800-826-6342 / 1-800-TC-OMEGA® Customer Service: 1-800-622-2378 / 1-800

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 3

Contents Overview 1 Quick Start................................................................................................................................. 1 Description ................................................................................................................................ 3 OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server and Wireless................................................................................. 3 Receivers....................................................................

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OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server Tags 29 Using OPC Tags.......................................................................................................................29 Device Names ..........................................................................................................................29 Device Tag Names ...................................................................................................................31 Temperature...................................................

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 5

Overview Quick Start When OMWT-SOFT-OPC is run for the first time it displays this help screen. You may view this help screen again by selecting "Help" from OMWT-SOFT-OPC's main window. OMWT-SOFT-OPC is designed to gather data from sensors. OMWT-SOFT-OPC makes available the data it receives from each sensor through OPC tags. The main OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server window will show the total number of devices in the startup list and how many of those that are online. The offline devices will be

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If there is not an OMWT-SOFT-OPC.ini file or if [Server]NumberDevices=0 and when OMWT-SOFT-OPC starts, it will automatically search for all devices on the network and add them to its list of devices to process. 2 x Overview OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server

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Description OMWT-SOFT-OPC is a data acquisition OLE for Process Control (OPC) server that acquires data from devices and passes this data using OPC to a client application. OMWT-SOFT-OPC waits for the device to transmit and then processes the transmission. Any Windows® application that can use OPC can obtain this data from the OMWT- SOFT-OPCServer. Examples of such applications include Wonderware® Intouch, National Instruments® LookOut, Capital Equipment Corp.® TestPoint, and general

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delete it. To edit a device click on the device to select it and click on "Edit" to edit the device. There is also a "Stop" button. If you click that button, OMWT-SOFT- OPC will stop listing devices in the window. When you click on the "Stop" button it becomes a "Receive" button. If you click on that, OMWT-SOFT-OPC will start receiving packets and listing devices again. When you are ready, hit "OK", or "Cancel" to exit. Edit Device The Edit screen for a new wireless device shows the de

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Receivers The following is a list of supported receivers: x OMWT-REC232-600 x OMWT-XREC-SER (at 19200 baud) x OMWT-RECIP x OMWT-REPEAT Device List OWMT-SOFT-OPC Server interfaces to a large number of devices. New devices are continually being created for wireless network. Check with your distributor for the latest. The following is a list of devices supported by OWMT-SOFT-OPC Server: OMWT-TEMP15 Temperature OMWT-TEMPRH Temperature/Humidity OMWT-AIN5V Analog Input 5V OMWT-AIN10V Analog Inpu

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Polling For a wireless device the polltime has a slightly different meaning. OWMT-SOFT- OPC does not actively poll wireless devices. Rather, it waits to receive a packet from the devices. Therefore, the polltime is how often OWMT-SOFT-OPC expects to receive a packet from the wireless devices. The polltime for a wireless device is configurable during device setup. OWMT- SOFT-OPC will use this time to determine when to mark a device offline. OWMT- SOFT-OPC has a INI file parameter called "T

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What is OPC? OLE for Process Control (OPC) is a specific specification of Microsoft’s Object Linking and EmbeOPCding (OLE) and Component Object Model (COM) that is administered by the OPC Foundation (150 member companies including Microsoft Corporation). OPC provides a common interface for devices and applications to communicate. Devices that gather or originate data become OPC servers, providing data to OPC client applications in a consistent fashion. At the heart of OPC is the client/

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OMWT-SOFT-OPC Main Window Main Window OMWT-SOFT-OPC displays the number of devices online and offline. It also lists the devices that are currently offline displaying the name and serial number of the device. If OMWT-SOFT-OPC is running with TCP/IP receivers, then for each offline device it will display the node address, name and serial number of the device. Setup OWMT-SOFT-OPC simplifies setup by automatically finding, identifying and beginning to poll devices in a network. OWMT-SOFT-OP

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Add/Delete IP Connection (OMWT-RECIP Receiver only) OWMT-SOFT-OPC will display the “Add/Delete IP Connection” screen. IP addresses already setup will be displayed. The following is a list of the columns: Node – Node number for the IP address. OWMT-SOFT-OPC uses this number to identify this IP connection. OWMT-SOFT-OPC uses this number to update the OPC item “nodaladdress”. IP Address – the IP address that is used to address the receiver. Port – the port number that is used along with the

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View IP Connection Status (OMWT-RECIP Receiver only) OWMT-SOFT-OPC will display the “IP Status” screen. OWMT-SOFT-OPC shows the current state of the all the connections. The following describes the columns: Node – Node number for the IP address. OWMT-SOFT-OPC uses this number to identify this IP connection. OWMT-SOFT-OPC uses this number to update the OPC item “nodaladdress”. IP Address – the IP address that is used to address the receiver. Port – the port number that is used along with t

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Outputs Outputs are only send packets. The Output devices do not send packets. Therefore the setup for an Output sensor must be done manually. Some Outputs need to be “trained” to the packets that it will receive for from the Server. New and Edit Create or edit an Output object to manage an Output sensor. The following describe the parameters necessary to set up an Output sensor. Type – “Dual Discrete Outputs” or “12 bit Analog Output”. Select the type of Output sensor. Note changeable

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Train The Train dialog is used in the processing of training the Output device to output packets (as produced by OWMT-SOFT-OPC). Follow these steps to train an Output device: 1. Select the desired Output from the list of Outputs. 2. Press and hold the button on the Output device (label as “train”). 3. Click the button on the Train window. Repeat until the LED on the Output device is on. The Output device is now ready to receive Output packets from OWMT-SOFT-OPC. 12 x OMWT-SOFT-OPC Main W

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Search and Add Devices OWMT-SOFT-OPC will display the "Add Wireless Device" screen. Devices already in the OWMT-SOFT-OPC.ini file are displayed in the top portion of the screen. Follow the setup procedure to add more devices. The setup screen is the method by which OWMT-SOFT-OPC acquires wireless devices. The default on the setup screen is to accept only packets that are sent in service mode from the device (the packet is sent by pressing the service button on the device.) To change t

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Devices Clicking this menu option shows the View Device List window. OMWT-SOFT-OPC shows a list of devices and their serial numbers. To see the help for a device, click on the device and then click the help button. OMWT-SOFT-OPC will display the help for the selected device. Errors OMWT-SOFT-OPC displays the Communication Errors window. This window shows the last error that occurred. Tries Count: Number of tries that have occurred before a device is considered offline. Major Error Count:

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OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server .INI File Format OMWT-SOFT-OPC.ini The OMWT-SOFT-OPC.INI file contains the configuration parameters for the server and the devices being polled. When OMWT-SOFT-OPC searches and finds a new device it adds the device to the INI file and assigns default initial parameters. These parameters can be changed by using a text editor and editing the INI file, or by using the included OMWT-SOFT-OPC.ini Editing Utility, which will be discussed later in this Help. (The installat

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SERVER [Server]- Section name. PortType - Communication medium (AUTO, OMWT-232-600, etc.). PortNo - Port number. NumberDevices - Number of devices to be polled by the server. OfflinePollTime - How often to poll for offline devices. Milliseconds Tries - No. of tries during polling before a device is marked offline. HostAdapterCheck - Enables/disables the detection of receiver. (0 or 1) BaudRate –options are: 115,200; 38,400; 19,200; or 1200. The default is 19200. Use this parameter for receive

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