Manual do usuário Hitachi IPJ-AW250N

Manual para o dispositivo Hitachi IPJ-AW250N

Dispositivo: Hitachi IPJ-AW250N
Categoria: Projetor
Fabricante: Hitachi
Tamanho: 0.62 MB
Data de adição: 6/7/2013
Número de páginas: 32
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Hitachi IPJ-AW250N Manual de instruções - Online PDF
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Resumos do conteúdo
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 1

(Type nos. iPJ-AW250N, iPJ-AW250NM)
User's Manual (detailed)
Operating Guide – Technical
Example of computer signal
Resolution (H x V) H. frequency (kHz) V. frequency (Hz) Rating Signal mode
720 x 400 37.9 85.0 VESA TEXT
640 x 480 31.5 59.9 VESA VGA (60Hz)
640 x 480 37.9 72.8 VESA VGA (72Hz)
640 x 480 37.5 75.0 VESA VGA (75Hz)
640 x 480 43.3 85.0 VESA VGA (85Hz)
800 x 600 35.2 56.3 VESA SVGA (56Hz)
800 x 600 37.9 60.3 VESA SVGA (60Hz)
800 x 600 48.1 72.2 VESA SVGA (72Hz)

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 2

Initial set signals Initial set signals The following signals are used for the initial settings. The signal timing of some computer models may be different. In such case, adjust the items V POSITION and H POSITION in the IMAGE menu. Back porch (B) Front porch (D) Back porch (b) Front porch (d) Active video (C) Active video (c) Data Data H. Sync. V. Sync. Sync (A) Sync (a) Horizontal signal timing (μs) Vertical signal timing (lines) Resolution Signal mode (H x V) (A) (B) (C) (D) (a) (b)

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 3

Connection to the ports Connection to the ports NOTICE ►Use the cables with straight plugs, not L-shaped ones, as the input ports of the projector are recessed. ►Only the signal that is input from the COMPUTER IN1 or IN2 can be output from the MONITOR OUT port. COMPUTER IN2 B COMPUTER IN1 A USB TYPE B HDMI USB TYPE A DC5V 0.5A LAN MIC AUDIO OUT S-VIDEO AUDIO IN1 AUDIO IN3 C CONTROL MONITOR OUT R R L L AUDIO IN2 VIDEO A COMPUTER IN1, B COMPUTER IN2, C MONITOR OUT D-sub

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 4

Connection to the ports (continued) COMPUTER IN2 COMPUTER IN1 HDMI USB TYPE B USB TYPE A DC5V 0.5A LAN AUDIO OUT S-VIDEO MIC AUDIO IN1 AUDIO IN3 CONTROL MONITOR OUT R D R L L E AUDIO IN2 VIDEO D S-VIDEO 4 3 2 1 Mini DIN 4pin jack • System: NTSC, PAL, SECAM, PAL-M, PAL-N, NTSC4.43, PAL(60Hz) Pin Signal Color signal 0.286Vp-p (NTSC, burst), 75Ω terminator 1 Color signal 0.300Vp-p (PAL/SECAM, burst) 75Ω terminator 2 Brightness signal, 1.0Vp-p, 75Ω terminator 3 Ground 4 Ground E V

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 5

Connection to the ports (continued) COMPUTER IN2 COMPUTER IN1 HDMI USB TYPE B USB TYPE A DC5V 0.5A LAN I K F G M AUDIO OUT S-VIDEO MIC AUDIO IN1 AUDIO IN3 CONTROL MONITOR OUT R R L L AUDIO IN2 VIDEO J L H F HDMI 24 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 • Type :Digital audio/video connector 13 5 7 911 13 15 17 19 • Audio signal : Linear PCM (Sampling rate; 32/44.1/48 kHz) Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 T.M.D.S. Data2 + 8 T.M.D.S. Data0 Shield 15 SCL 2 T.M.D.S. Data2 Shield 9 T.M.D.S. Data0 -

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 6

Connection to the ports (continued) COMPUTER IN2 COMPUTER IN1 HDMI N USB TYPE B O USB TYPE A DC5V 0.5A LAN AUDIO OUT S-VIDEO MIC AUDIO IN1 AUDIO IN3 Q CONTROL MONITOR OUT R R L L AUDIO IN2 VIDEO P 4 3 N USB TYPE A O USB TYPE B USB A type jack USB B type jack 4 3 2 1 Pin Signal 1 2 Pin Signal 1 +5V 1 +5V 2 - Data 2 - Data 3 + Data 3 + Data 4 Ground 4 Ground P CONTROL D-sub 9pin plug 9 8 7 6 • About the details of RS-232C communication, 54 3 2 1 please refer to the section "R

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 7

Connection to the ports (continued) To input component video signal to COMPUTER IN ports ex. D-sub plug COMPUTER IN2 COMPUTER IN1 HDMI USB TYPE B RCA plugs USB TYPE A DC5V 0.5A LAN S-VIDEO MIC AUDIO IN1 AUDIO IN3 AUDIO OUT RCA connectors Y CB/PB CR/PR CONTROL MONITOR OUT R R COMPONENT VIDEO OUT L L AUDIO IN2 VIDEO VCR/DVD/Blu-ray Disc player To input component video signal to the COMPUTER IN1 or IN2 port of the projector, use a RCA to D-sub cable or adapter.

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 8

RS-232C Communication RS-232C Communication When the projector connects to the computer by RS-232C communication, the projector can be controlled with RS-232C commands from the computer. For details of RS-232C commands, refer to RS-232C Communication / Network command table (17). Connection Turn off the projector and the computer. 1. Connect the projector's CONTROL port and the computer's RS-232C port 2. with a RS-232C cable (cross). Use the cable that fulfi lls the specifi cation shown in

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 9

RS-232C Communication (continued) Communicaion settings 1. Protocol 19200bps,8N1 2. Command format ("h" shows hexadecimal) 78 9 10 11 12 Byte Number 01 2 3 4 5 6 Header Data Command Header Data CRC Setting Action Type code size flag code Packet Action LH L H L H L H L H L H Change setting to desired value [(cL)(cH)] (aL) (aH) 01h 00h (bL) (bH) (cL) (cH) by [(eL)(eH)]. Read projector internal setup value [(bL) (aL) (aH) 02h 00h (bL) (bH) 00h 00h (bH)] . BEh EFh 03h 06h 0

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 10

RS-232C Communication (continued) 3. Response code / Error code ("h" shows hexadecimal) (1) ACK reply : 06h When the projector receives the Set, Increment, Decrement or Execute command correctly, the projector changes the setting data for the specified item by [Type], and it returns the code. (2) NAK reply : 15h When the projector cannot understand the received command, the projector returns the error code. In such a case, check the sending code and send the same command again. (3) Error

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 11

Command Control via the Network Command Control via the Network When the projector connects network, the projector can be controlled with RS- 232C commands from the computer with web browser. For details of RS-232C commands, refer to RS-232C Communication / Network command table (17). Connection Turn off the projector and the computer. 1. Connect the projector's LAN port and the computer's LAN port with a LAN 2. cable. Use the cable that fulfi lls the specifi cation shown in fi gure (Use CAT-

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 12

Command Control via the Network (continued) Communicaion Port The following two ports are assigned for the command control. TCP #23 TCP #9715 Configure the following items form a web browser when command control is used. Port Settings Click the [Enable] check box to open [Network Port open Control Port1 (Port: 23)] to use TCP #23. Default setting is “Enable”. Network Control Click the [Enable] check box for the Port1 (Port: 23) [Authentication] setting when authentication Authentication is re

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 13

Command Control via the Network (continued) Command control settings [TCP #23] 1. Command format Same as RS-232C communication, refer to RS-232C Communicaton command format. 2. Response code / Error code ("h" shows hexadecimal) Four of the response / error code used for TCP#23 are the same as RS-232C Communication (1)~(4). One authentication error reply (5) is added. (1) ACK reply : 06h Refer to RS-232C communication (10). (2) NAK reply : 15h Refer to RS-232C communication (10). (3) Erro

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 14

Command Control via the Network (continued) 2. Response code / Error code ("h" shows hexadecimal) The connection ID is attached for the TCP#23's response / error codes are used. The connection ID is same as the sending command format. (1) ACK reply : 06h + ××h (××h : connection ID) (2) NAK reply : 15h + ××h (3) Error reply : 1Ch + 0000h + ××h (4) Data reply : 1Dh + xxxxh + ××h (5) Authentication error reply : 1Fh + 0400h + ××h (6) Projector busy reply: 1Fh + ××××h + ××h When

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 15

Network Bridge Communication Network Bridge Communication This projector is equipped with NETWORK BRIDGE function. When the projector connects to the computer by LAN communicaton, an external device that is connected with this projector by RS-232C communication can be controlled from the computer as a network terminal. For details, see the 6. Network Bridge Function - Network Guide. Connection Connect the computer's LAN port and the projector's LAN port with a LAN 1. cable. Connect the pro

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 16

Network Bridge Communication (continued) Communication settings For communication setting, use the OPTION - SERVICE - COMMUNICATION menu. (OPTION menu - SERVICE - COMMUNICATION in the User's Manual - Operating Guide) Item Condition BAUD RATE 4800bps / 9600bps / 19200bps / 38400bps Data length 8 bit (fixed) PARITY NONE/ODD/EVEN Start bit 1 bit (fixed) Stop bit 1 bit (fixed) Transmission method HALF-DUPLEX/FULL-DUPLEX For connecting the projector to your devices, please read the NOTE • manual

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 17

RS-232C Communication / Network command table RS-232C Communication / Network command table Command Data Names Operation Type Header CRC Action Type Setting code Turn off BE EF 03 06 00 2A D3 01 00 00 60 00 00 Set Turn on BE EF 03 06 00 BA D2 01 00 00 60 01 00 BE EF 03 06 00 19 D3 02 00 00 60 00 00 Power [Example return] Get 00 00 01 00 02 00 [Off] [On] [Cool down] COMPUTER IN1 BE EF 03 06 00 FE D2 01 00 00 20 00 00 COMPUTER IN2 BE EF 03 06 00 3E D0 01 00 00 20

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 18

RS-232C Communication / Network command table (continued) Command Data Names Operation Type Header CRC Action Type Setting code CONTRAST Execute BE EF 03 06 00 A4 D2 06 00 01 70 00 00 Reset 1 DEFAULT BE EF 03 06 00 07 E9 01 00 A1 30 20 00 1 CUSTOM BE EF 03 06 00 07 FD 01 00 A1 30 10 00 2 DEFAULT BE EF 03 06 00 97 E8 01 00 A1 30 21 00 2 CUSTOM BE EF 03 06 00 97 FC 01 00 A1 30 11 00 3 DEFAULT BE EF 03 06 00 67 E8 01 00 A1 30 22 00 3 CUSTOM BE EF 03 06 00 67

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 19

RS-232C Communication / Network command table (continued) Command Data Names Operation Type Header CRC Action Type Setting code Get BE EF 03 06 00 80 FE 02 00 96 30 00 00 User Gamma Increment BE EF 03 06 00 E6 FE 04 00 96 30 00 00 Point 7 Decrement BE EF 03 06 00 37 FF 05 00 96 30 00 00 User Gamma Execute BE EF 03 06 00 D0 C2 06 00 56 70 00 00 Point 7 Reset Get BE EF 03 06 00 7C FF 02 00 97 30 00 00 User Gamma Increment BE EF 03 06 00 1A FF 04 00 97 30 00 0

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 20

RS-232C Communication / Network command table (continued) Command Data Names Operation Type Header CRC Action Type Setting code Get BE EF 03 06 00 BC F4 02 00 B7 30 00 00 COLOR TEMP Increment BE EF 03 06 00 DA F4 04 00 B7 30 00 00 OFFSET B Decrement BE EF 03 06 00 0B F5 05 00 B7 30 00 00 COLOR TEMP OFFSET B Execute BE EF 03 06 00 C8 C5 06 00 4C 70 00 00 Reset Get BE EF 03 06 00 B5 72 02 00 02 22 00 00 COLOR Increment BE EF 03 06 00 D3 72 04 00 02 22 00 00 De

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