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® ™
Transcend Traffix Manager
User Guide
Software version 3.0 for Windows NT
Part No. 09-1825-000
Published August 1999
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3Com Corporation Copyright © 1999 3Com Technologies. All rights reserved. No part of this documentation may be reproduced in any form or by any means or used to make any derivative work (such as translation, transformation, or 5400 Bayfront Plaza adaptation) without written permission from 3Com Technologies. Santa Clara, California 3Com Technologies reserves the right to revise this documentation and to make changes in content from time 95052-8145 to time without obligation on the part of 3
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CONTENTS ABOUT THIS GUIDE How To Use The Traffix Manager Documentation 11 Conventions 13 Terminology Used in this Guide 14 Related Documentation 14 Documents 14 Web Sites 14 Documentation Comments 15 Year 2000 Compliance 16 PART IGETTING STARTED WITH TRAFFIX MANAGER 1 TRAFFIX MANAGER OVERVIEW What to Read First 19 Features of Traffix Manager 20 How Does Traffix Manager Work? 21 Strategy for New Users 23 2 LAUNCHING TRAFFIX MANAGER FOR THE FIRST TIME Installing RMON Agents on Your Network 25 Lau
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PART II HOW TRAFFIX MANAGER WORKS 3 COLLECTING DATA How Traffix Manager Processes Collected Data 35 RMON Overview 37 Remote Monitoring 37 RMON-2 Standard 37 How Traffix Manager Discovers Network Devices Using RMON-2 38 4 GROUPING NETWORK DEVICES IN THE MAP Overview 39 Attributes 40 Predefined Attributes 40 Groupings 42 Predefined Groupings 43 Creating and Assigning Attributes 44 Creating Groups and Ordering Attributes 45 PART III RUNNING TRAFFIX MANAGER 5 LAUNCHING TRAFFIX MANAGER AFTER THE FIRS
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7 DISPLAYING NETWORK TRAFFIC IN THE MAIN WINDOW Loading Network Traffic Data 57 Working with Objects in the Main Window 58 Displaying Object Information 58 Searching for Objects 59 Selecting and Deselecting Objects 59 Locating Objects in the Map 59 Displaying Network Traffic Data 59 Displaying Connections Between Objects 60 Displaying Connections To and From Objects 60 Combining To and From and Between 61 Removing and Hiding Traffic 61 Protocols, Applications and Favorites 61 Protocol Tools 62 U
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10 VIEWING EVENTS Overview 81 Viewing Events 82 Filtering Events 83 Summarizing Events 84 Output of Events 84 Viewing and Managing Selected Events 85 Deleting Events 85 Ignoring Devices or Connections 85 Displaying an Event in the Map 85 Displaying an Event in the Launch Graph Dialog Box 85 Forwarding Events as SNMP Traps 86 Integrating Traffix Manager SNMP Traps with HP OpenView 86 11 OVERVIEW OF REPORTING Overview 89 Types of Report 89 Report Instances 90 Output 90 Periods Covered by Reports 9
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12 REPORT TYPES Report Templates 99 Activity Reports 99 Top N Reports 99 Connection Activity Report 100 Device Activity Report 101 Group Activity Report 102 Segment Activity Report 103 Top N Connections Report 105 Top N Devices Report 107 Top N Groups Report 109 Top N Segments Report 110 PART IV APPENDICES AND INDEX A TROUBLESHOOTING TRAFFIX MANAGER Troubleshooting Traffix Manager 115 Troubleshooting Reports 116 Diagnosing Reporting Problems 116 B DATABASE MANAGEMENT USING TRAFFIX CONTROL PANE
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C AGGREGATING DEVICES Overview 129 Default Aggregation 129 Specifying an Aggregation Policy 130 D USING THE SUBNETSDB FILE Using the SubnetsDB File 133 How Subnet Grouping Works 135 E AUTOMATIC ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENT Overview 137 Contents of the User-defined Attributes Configuration File 138 File Format 139 Performing Attribute Assignment 140 Using the fileattrs Program 140 Configuration File Format 140 Running fileattrs 141 How fileattrs Works 141 Using the dblookup Program 142 Lookup Database St
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G CONFIGURING 3COM STANDALONE RMON-2 AGENTS Downloading Firmware to 3Com Standalone Agents 153 Setting the Operational Mode on 3Com Standalone RMON-2 Agents 154 H DHCP How Traffix Manager Monitors DHCP Devices 157 What Effect Do DHCP Devices Have On The Map? 157 I USING RMON-1 AGENTS Monitoring Network Segments Using RMON-1 Agents 159 J RMON AND SNMP TABLES RETRIEVAL SNMP Tables used by Traffix Manager 161 K TECHNICAL SUPPORT Online Technical Services 163 World Wide Web Site 163 3Com Knowledgeb
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ABOUT THIS GUIDE ® ™ This guide describes Transcend Traffix Manager version 3.0 for Windows NT. This application gathers, displays and analyzes enterprise-wide network traffic. Procedural information on how to perform all tasks using Traffix Manager, as well as context-sensitive information about each dialog box, is provided in the online help. This guide is intended for network administrators. It assumes a working knowledge of local area network (LAN) operations. If the information in the
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12 ABOUT THIS GUIDE Table 1 Where to find specific information (continued) If you are looking for Turn to An overview of the RMON-1 and RMON-2 standards, and an introduction to how Traffix Chapter 3 Manager uses RMON-2 agents to collect data from your network. Information on grouping devices to create views of your network in the Map. Chapter 4 Procedures for launching Traffix Manager after the first time. Chapter 5 Information on configuring RMON-1 and RMON-2 agents to collect network traffi
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Conventions 13 Table 1 Where to find specific information (continued) If you are looking for Turn to Information about what’s new in this release of Traffix Manager. Release Notes A list of known problems in this release of Traffix Manager. Release Notes Conventions Table 2 and Table 3 list conventions that are used throughout this guide. Table 2 Notice Icons Icon Notice Type Description Information note Information that describes important features or instructions Caution Information that
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14 ABOUT THIS GUIDE Table 3 Text Conventions (continued) Convention Description Words in italics Italics are used to: ■ Emphasize a point. ■ Denote a new term at the place where it is defined in the text. ■ Identify menu names, menu commands, and software button names. Examples: From the Help menu, select Contents. Click OK. Terminology Used Refer to the Glossary at the end of this User Guide for definitions of in this Guide terms. Terms which are defined in the Glossary are italicized at t
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Documentation Comments 15 RMON-2 Protocol Identifiers: Miscellaneous List of third-party agents which are supported by Traffix Manager: Links to network management information: Internet Engineering Task Force home page: Network Management Resource Database: Documentation Your suggestions are very im
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16 ABOUT THIS GUIDE Year 2000 For information on Year 2000 compliance and 3Com products, visit the Compliance 3Com Year 2000 Web page:
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GETTING STARTED WITH TRAFFIX MANAGER I Chapter 1 Traffix Manager Overview Chapter 2 Launching Traffix Manager for the First Time
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TRAFFIX MANAGER OVERVIEW 1 ™ This chapter introduces you to Traffix Manager. It contains the following sections: ■ What to Read First ■ Features of Traffix Manager ■ How Does Traffix Manager Work? ■ Strategy for New Users What to Read First Chapters 1–5 contain a conceptual overview of the processes you need to follow in order to get to the stage where Traffix Manager is displaying network traffic data for analysis. Read these chapters to understand: ■ How Traffix Manager can facilitate netw
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20 CHAPTER 1: TRAFFIX MANAGER OVERVIEW The Traffix Manager online help contains detailed procedural information on how to perform all tasks, and information about each application dialog box. The Traffix Manager Release Notes contain installation information, and a list of known problems with this release. Features of Traffix Traffix Manager collects and displays information about the application Manager traffic on your network, allowing you to understand who is using your network, and how