Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 1
TI-36X Solar, English
Texas Instruments U.S.A.
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© 1998 Texas Instruments 30XA/OM/1L5
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 2
TI.36X SOLAR Scientific Calculator Basic Operations ................................. 2 Results .......................................... 2 Basic Arithmetic .................................. 3 Percents ......................................... 4 Fractions ......................................... 5 Powers and Roots ................................ 6 Logarithmic Functions ............................ 6 Angle Units ....................................... 7 DMS ...................................
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 3
Basic Operations ¦ To turn on the TI-36X Solar, expose the solar panel to light and press !. Note: Always press ! to clear the calculator because memory and display may contain incorrect numbers. ¦ To turn off the TI-36X Solar, cover the solar panel with the slide case. ( selects the 2nd function of the next key pressed. " selects the 3rd function of the next key pressed. 3 Third function x x Second function e LN Primary function For example, 8 " finds the cube root of 8. To cancel 2nd or 3rd,
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 4
Basic Arithmetic D > 8 2 60 D 5 8 12 O 120. O Completes all pending operations. With constant, repeats the operation and value. N Changes sign of value just entered. 1 D 8 N D 12 O 5. In binary, octal, or hexadecimal mode, N calculates the 2’s complement of the number in the display. 6 7 Parenthetical expression (up to 15 open for each pending operation). O closes all open parentheses. " Pi is calculated with 12 digits (3.14159265359), displayed with 10 digits (3.141592654). 2 8 " O 6.283185
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Percents Percentage (5% of 250) 250 8 5 " 0.05 O 12.5 Ratio (Ratio of 250 to 5) 250 2 5 " 0.05 O 5000. Add-On (5% add-on of 250) 250 D 5 " 12.5 O 262.5 Discount (5% discount on 250) 250 > 5 " 12.5 O 237.5 4 TI36XSUS.DOC MURFE pruning--US version Pat Hatcher Revised: 06/17/99 4:37 PM Printed: 06/17/99 4:37 PM Page 4 of 29
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 6
Fractions b F c Enters a proper or improper fraction, bàc (b { 6 digits, c { 3 digits). When possible, improper fractions are displayed as mixed numbers. 3 F 4 3¯4 8 3 O 2®1¯4 Single-variable functions display decimal results. 1 F 2 0 0.25 a F b F c Enters the mixed fraction a bàc. (a, b, c { 3 digits each, with the total digits { 8). 6 F 4 F 6 6®4¯6 O 6®2¯3 ( s Toggles display between mixed number and improper fraction. 30 F 4 30¯4 ( s 7®1¯2 ( s 15¯2 ( s 7®1¯2 " ¡ Toggles display between fracti
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 7
Powers and Roots / 8 / D 4 / O 0.375 0 6 0 D 2 O 38. 1 256 1 D 4 1 O 18. " 8 " D 4 O 6. , 5 , 3 O 125. ( Y 8 ( Y 3 O 2. Logarithmic Functions $ 15.32 $ 1.185258765 D 12.45 $ O 2.280428117 ( R 2 ( R > 10 0 O 0. % 15.32 % 2.729159164 D 12.45 % O 5.250879787 ( S .693 ( S 1.999705661 D 1 O 2.999705661 (e=2.71828182846) 6 TI36XSUS.DOC MURFE pruning--US version Pat Hatcher Revised: 06/17/99 4:37 PM Printed: 06/17/99 4:37 PM Page 6 of 29
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 8
Angle Units ( Q Cycles angle-unit setting between degrees, radians, and grads without affecting the displayed number. " Cycles (converts) angle-unit setting between degrees, radians, and grads for display, entry, and calculation. 45 DEG 45 " RAD 0.785398163 " GRAD 50. " DEG 45. 7 TI36XSUS.DOC MURFE pruning--US version Pat Hatcher Revised: 06/17/99 4:37 PM Printed: 06/17/99 4:37 PM Page 7 of 29
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 9
DMS Enter DMS (Degrees/Minutes/Seconds) values as D.MMSSs, using 0s as necessary: D degrees (0–7 digits) . decimal-point separator MM minutes (must be 2 digits) SS seconds (must be 2 digits) s fractional part of a second For example, enter 48¡5'3.5" as 48.05035. Before using a DMS value in a calculation, you must convert it to decimal with ( |. ( | Interprets display as DMS and converts it to decimal. 30.09090 ( | 30.1525 " ª Temporarily displays current value as DMS. 30.1525 " ª 30¡09'09"0 8 TI
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 10
Rectangular to Polar " © converts rectangular coordinates (x,y) to polar coordinates (r,q). Convert rectangular coordinates (10,8 ) to polar. ! or ( Q (if necessary) DEG 10 . 8 DEG 8 " © (display r) DEG r 12.80624847 (display ) . q DEG 38.65980825 . (display r) DEG r 12.80624847 Polar to Rectangular ( { converts polar coordinates (r,q) to rectangular coordinates (x,y). Convert polar coordinates (5,30) to rectangular. ! or ( Q (if necessary) DEG 5 . 30 DEG 30 ( { (display x) DEG x 4.330127019 . (
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 11
Trigonometric Functions Before using the trigonometric functions ( ), *, +, ( V, ( W, ( X), select DEG, RAD, or GRAD with ( Q. ( Q (if necessary) DEG 90 ) DEG 1. > 30 * DEG 0.866025404 O DEG 0.133974596 1 ( V DEG 90. > .5 O DEG 89.5 Note: Before using a DMS (Degree/Minute/Second) value in a calculation, you must convert it to decimal with ( |. Hyperbolic Functions To access hyperbolic functions, press # and then the function ( # ), # *, # +, # ( V, # ( W, # ( X). Note: DEG, RAD, or GRAD does not
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 12
One-Variable Statistics " One-variable statistics mode. ( [ Clears all statistical data. ! Clears all statistical data, STAT mode, and memory. 4 Enters data point. ( a Removes data point. ( \ Adds or removes multiple occurrences of a data point. Enter data point, press ( \, enter frequency (1–99), press 4 to add or ( a to remove data points. ( g Sum. ( h Sum of squares. ( ] Mean. ( _ Population standard deviation (n weighting). ( ^ Sample standard deviation (n-1 weighting). ( b Number of data
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 13
Find the sum, mean, population standard deviation, and sample standard deviation for the data set: 45, 55, 55, 55, 60, 80. The last data point is erroneously entered as 8, removed with ( a, and then correctly entered as 80. " STAT 0. ( [ STAT 0. 45 4 STAT 1. 55 ( \ 3 4 STAT 4. 60 4 STAT 5. 8 4 STAT 6. 8 ( a STAT 5. 80 4 STAT 6. ( g (sum) STAT 350. ( ] (mean) STAT 58.33333333 ( h (sum of squares) STAT 21100. ( _ (n weighting) STAT 10.67187373 ( ^ (n-1 weighting) STAT 11.69045194 12 TI36XSUS.DOC
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 14
Two-Variable Statistics " Two-variable statistics mode. ( [ Clears all statistical data. ! Clears all statistical data, STAT mode, and memory. x . y 4 Enters data point. x . y Removes data point. ( a ( \ Adds or removes multiple occurrences of a data point. Enter data point, press ( \, enter frequency (1–99), press 4 to add or ( a to remove data points. ( g or Sum. ( i ( h or Sum of squares. ( j ( ] or Mean. ( c ( _ or Population standard deviation ( e (n weighting). ( ^ or Sample standard dev
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 15
For trend-line analysis, enter 1st data point, and then enter just y values with 4. x is automatically incremented by 1. Linear Regression Example Predict y for x = 9, given (4,5), (4,5), (9,9), (2,3). Calculate correlation coefficient, slope, and intercept of the line, mean of x values, and mean of y values. " STAT 0. ( [ STAT 0. 4 . 5 ( \ 2 4 STAT 2. 9 . 9 4 STAT 3. 2 . 3 4 STAT 4. 9 ( q (predict y for x=9) STAT 9.074766355 " (correlation coefficient) STAT 0.998030525 ( o (slope) STAT 0.84
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 16
Probability A combination is an arrangement of objects in which order is not important, as in a hand of cards. " ¦ calculates the number of possible combinations of n items taken r at a time. Calculate the number of 5-card poker hands that can be dealt from a deck of 52 cards. 52 . 5 " ¦ O 2598960. A permutation is an arrangement of objects in which the order is important, as in a race. ( x calculates the number of possible permutations of n items taken r at a time. Calculate the number of possi
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 17
Clearing and Correcting ! Clears display, errors, all pending operations, statistical data, mode STAT and memory. Sets DEG angle units, floating-decimal format. ' Clears value (before pressing operation key), display, errors, all pending operations. Does not affect mode, display format, angle units, memory, or statistical data. ' after 6, 7, ,, ( Y, 8, 2, D, or > clears the calculator as if you had pressed ' '. ' ' Clears display and all pending operations. K Deletes right-most character in dis
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 18
Physical Constants c speed of light 299,792,458 meters per second 2 g gravitational 9.80665 meters per second acceleration -31 m electron mass 9.1093897Q 10 kilograms e -19 e electron charge 1.60217733Q 10 coulombs -34 h Planck’s constant 6.6260755Q 10 Joule seconds 23 N Avogadro’s number 6.0221367Q 10 molecules per A mole R ideal gas constant 8.31451 Joules per mole °Kelvin 11 - G universal 6.67259 Q 10 Newton 2 2 gravitation meters per kilogram Press " U and then the appropriate constant key
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 19
English/Metric Conversions English/metric conversions are available only in DEC. centimeters to inches ( t cm P 2.54 inches to centimeters " ¢ in Q 2.54 liters to U.S. liquid ( u l P 3.785411784 gallons U.S. liquid gallons to " £ gal Q 3.785411784 liters kilograms to pounds ( v kg P .45359237 mass pounds to kilograms " ¤ lb Q.45359237 Celsius to Fahrenheit ( y °C Q 9/5 + 32 Fahrenheit to Celsius " § (°F - 32) Q 5/9 grams to ounces ( z g P 28.349523125 avoirdupois ounces avoirdupois to " ¨ oz Q 2
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 20
Constants (Repeated Operations) x A constant contains an operation (+, -, Q, P, y , ¬, AND OR XOR XNOR) and a value , , , or . O repeats the calculation. !, ' ', or a pending operation key clears the constant. Calculate 2 Q p, 4 Q p, and 8 Q p. 2 8 " O 6.283185307 4 O 12.56637061 8 O 25.13274123 19 TI36XSUS.DOC MURFE pruning--US version Pat Hatcher Revised: 06/17/99 4:37 PM Printed: 06/17/99 4:37 PM Page 19 of 29