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Dominion SX
User Guide
Release 3.1
Copyright © 2007 Raritan, Inc.
April 2007
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Copyright and Trademark Information This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated into another language without express prior written consent of Raritan, Inc. © Copyright 2007 Raritan, CommandCenter, RaritanConsole, Dominion, and the Raritan company logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Raritan, Inc. All rights reserved. Java is a registered trademark of
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Safety Guidelines To avoid potentially fatal shock hazard and possible damage to Raritan equipment: • Do not use a 2-wire power cord in any product configuration. • Test AC outlets at your computer and monitor for proper polarity and grounding. • Use only with grounded outlets at both the computer and monitor. • When using a backup UPS, power the computer, monitor and appliance off the supply. Rack Mount Safety Guidelines In Raritan products that require rack mounting, follow these pr
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CONTENTS i Contents Preface.............................................................................................................................. xii Audience ....................................................................................................................xii Conventions ...............................................................................................................xii Acronyms .......................................................................
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ii DOMINION SX USER GUIDE Chapter 7: Port Configuration and Port Access Application......................................31 Port Keywords........................................................................................................... 31 Port Configuration ..................................................................................................... 32 Direct Port Access..................................................................................................... 34
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CONTENTS iii Test the SMTP Logging...................................................................................................................76 Configuring NFS Logging.......................................................................................... 76 Configuring SNMP Logging....................................................................................... 78 Enable SNMP Logging ...........................................................................................
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iv DOMINION SX USER GUIDE Remote Services ...........................................................................................................................105 LDAP Configuration Menu .............................................................................................................106 RADIUS Command........................................................................................................................107 TACACSPLUS Command .................................
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CONTENTS v Logoff Command ...........................................................................................................................138 Password Command .....................................................................................................................138 Reboot Command..........................................................................................................................139 Restore Command.................................................
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vi DOMINION SX USER GUIDE DB25M Nulling Serial Adapter Pinouts ..........................................................................................172 Dominion SX Terminal Ports................................................................................... 172 Dominion SX16 and SX32 Terminal Ports .............................................................. 174 Appendix B: System Defaults .......................................................................................175
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FIGURES VII Figures Figure 1 Dominion SX16 Unit....................................................................................................................... 1 Figure 2 Rear Panel of the DSXA-32 ........................................................................................................... 6 Figure 5 Certificate Information.................................................................................................................... 7 Figure 6 DSX Login Screen ....
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viii DOMINION SX USER GUIDE Figure 63 Standalone RSC Login Screen .................................................................................................. 56 Figure 64 Standalone RSC Connected to Port Window............................................................................. 57 Figure 67 Security Settings Screen............................................................................................................ 59 Figure 68 Login Settings Screen.....................
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FIGURES IX Figure 118 New Phone Entry Display ...................................................................................................... 196 Figure 119 Dial-Up Security Display ........................................................................................................ 197 Figure 120 Windows 2000 Network and Dial-Up Connections................................................................. 197 Figure 122 Network Connection Type.......................................
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x DOMINION SX USER GUIDE Tables Table 1 Factory Default Network Settings.................................................................................................... 5 Table 2 Java Runtime Parameters............................................................................................................. 37 Table 3 Commands Common to All CLI Levels ......................................................................................... 99 Table 4 Available CLI Commands...........
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TABLES XI Table 52 Restore Command.................................................................................................................... 139 Table 53 Sendeventlog Command........................................................................................................... 140 Table 54 Upgrade Command................................................................................................................... 140 Table 55 Banner Command.................................
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xii DOMINION SX USER GUIDE Preface The Dominion SX User Guide provides the information needed to install, set up and configure, access devices such as routers, servers, switches, VPNs, and power strips, manage users and security, and maintain and diagnose the Dominion SX secure console server. Audience The primary audiences for this guide are infrastructure administrators and installers who are responsible for installing and setting up devices such as secure console servers. Other interes
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PREFACE XIII ACRONYM MEANING VPN Virtual Private Network Notices Important: cautionary information that warns of possible affects on the users, corruption risks, and actions that may affect warranty and service coverage. Note: general information that is supplemental to the text.
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CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1 Chapter 1: Introduction Dominion SX Overview The Dominion SX Series of Serial over IP Console Servers offers convenient and secure, remote access and control through LAN/WAN, Internet, or Dial-up modem to all networking devices. The Dominion SX: • Provides a non-intrusive solution for managing network elements and does not require any installation of software agents on the target device. • Connects to any networking device (servers, firewalls, load balancer, an
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2 DOMINION SX USER GUIDE Product Features Comprehensive Console Management • Remote Management: Access, monitor, administer, and troubleshoot up to 48 target devices (depending on the model) via Secure Socket Shell (SSH), Telnet, Local Port or Web browser with only one IP address. • Direct Port Access via TCP/IP address per port; or one IP address and TCP Port numbers. • Notification: Create notification messages by email alerts. • Collaborative Management and Training: Access ports simu