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Newpoint ™ Compass 4.0
also includes the
Technical Support
Newpoint Technologies, Inc.
13 Red Roof Lane
Newpoint Technology Park
Salem, NH 03079-2929 USA
telephone +1 603 898-1110
fax +1 603 898-1113
Getting Started with
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001 Software Version: Compass v. 4.0 Operating System: Windows NT 4.0+ Doc. Number: COMP-USER-006 Doc. Revision Rev. 3.2 N ewpoint Technologies, Inc. makes no representations that use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of lice nses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. Possession, use,
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and 3 Newpoint Technologies, Inc. COMP-USER-006 Salem, NH 03079 Rev. 3.2 –01/31/01 Newpoint Technologies, Inc. Paul Houle, President forward to servicing your needs today and into the future. Thank you for purchasing our products and services. We look representative, or Customer Service. For additional copies of this Guide, contact your Newpoint Sales smallest to the largest communication systems. d meet the needs of all customers, from th
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- Figure 1 Newpoint Technologies Headquarters 1 - 800 - 447 - 1 - 603 - 898 - 1 - 603 - 898 - 1113 e - 4 Newpoint Technologies, Inc. COMP-USER-006 Salem, NH 03079 Rev. 3.2 –01/31/01 Technical Support Guide for further details. ing Started / can obtain support in several ways. See the Gett documentation for assistance. If you can not solve the problem, you Before contacting Technical Support, please check your Technical Suppo
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Contents A W ELCOME FROM THE P RESIDENT 3 C N EWPOINT T ECHNOLOGIES 4 ................................ ....... 4 ................................ ............................... 4 ................................ ................................ .... 4 A BOUT THIS G UIDE 7 ................................ ................................ ................ 7 ................................ ................................ .... 7 ................................ ......................
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M AINTENANCE P LANS - C OMPASS L ICENSED S OFTWARE 65 A PPENDICES ................................ ................................ ................. 68 W INDOWS N AVIGATION C ONVENTIONS 69 ................................ ............ 69 ................................ ............. 71 M AINTENANCE ROUBLESHOOTING 73 ................................ ................................ ..... 73 ................................ ................................ ....... 73 ..................
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q 0 q q q - - - 7 Newpoint Technologies, Inc. COMP-USER-006 Salem, NH 03079 Rev. 3.2 –01/31/01 concepts. please refer to Microsoft documentation for detailed procedures and related topics are not discussed in detail; the system. Windows NT hnologies that are configured in understanding of the devices and tec Newpoint Compass and related documentation will have a solid user of based monitor and control system. The successful end device integrator
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This typeface is used in examples of command sequences and ASCII file contents. Italics identify new terms and variable expressions, such as parameters. Angle brackets specify keyboard keys, such as th e < T B ACKSPACE > keys. Note that your keyboard may not be labeled as shown in the text. S C APITAL Small caps indicate names of keys on the keyboard LETTERS – for example, < S HIFT > or < A LT > . Key combinations for which you must press and hold down one key, and t
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Figure 2 Sample Compass Console What’s in the box? In Compass Administrator, use simple point - and - click routines to add new sites (nodes) and devices. The Ad ministrator makes it easy to customize system alarms, and other driver point details. From here you can also edit Console screens and logic scripts, and view current or historical data trends. Use Compass Draw to build new screens, or m odify current screens, to reflect changes to your system hardware. Use the
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the - - • • • 10 Newpoint Technologies, Inc. COMP-USER-006 Salem, NH 03079 Rev. 3.2 –01/31/01 Plot Manager Trend Historian AEM Viewer include: lications stability. The new Java app greater functionality, portability, and applications, for Java redesigned as Several Compass clients have been versions. customers using Compass 3.1 and earlier will remain available for purchase by ompass 4.0. This product the release of C for Compass has been discon
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The asks The - (4.0). 11 Newpoint Technologies, Inc. COMP-USER-006 Salem, NH 03079 Rev. 3.2 –01/31/01 Adobe Acrobat version of orted by a newer Compass 4.0 is now supp 6.0) GMS program (SL Draw version of the Compass 4.0 is now supported by a newer representative. can be purchased through your sales the standard Compass CD; paper copies is included in the documentation suite on User Guide of devices. The Device Library compatible with Compass and with
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Figure 3 To Upgrade, select Repair • • • 12 Newpoint Technologies, Inc. COMP-USER-006 Salem, NH 03079 Rev. 3.2 –01/31/01 s 4.0, you must also upgrade the Mercury units. Compas If you use Mercury units in your system, and you upgrade to cannot upgrade only some of the systems in a network. If you upgrade, you must upgrade all systems at all sites; you custom clients with the Compass 4.0 Toolkit. recompile all drivers and If you upgrade, you will hav
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• - \ Ø \ system.pnt Ø \ init.ctl Ø \ system.cfg Ø \ feprpl.cfg Ø \ custlink.cfg Ø \ admin.txt Ø \ system.mnu Ø \ default.dy Ø \ pointdb.cfg Ø \ ipe.cfg Ø \ overview.m1 • ). • • - • 13 Newpoint Technologies, Inc. COMP-USER-006 Salem, NH 03079 Rev. 3.2 –01/31/01 your start menu items. to manually remove the Configurable Driver menu item in have . If installing Compass over an older version, you will Studio Visual Driver The Configurable Driver has been rename
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- Figure 4 Upgrade Warning 14 Newpoint Technologies, Inc. COMP-USER-006 Salem, NH 03079 Rev. 3.2 –01/31/01 (see syntax below). the Compass directory, and can be executed from a command prompt , to assist you. This utility is stored in scrpatch.exe new utility, in earlier Compass versions. The Compass distribution includes a creens created Draw, you will need to process your existing system s Because Compass version 4 is supported by a newer version of SL Usin
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1 Enter this command to update SCRPATCH all system screen s under \ COMPASS. Enter the command with a directory name argument to SCRPATCH update only screens in the designated directory. Enter the command with one or multiple screen name arguments to update only those sc reens. In the Windows SCRPATCH Explorer, screen files can also be dragged - - dropped onto SCRPATCH executable with the same results. 15 Newpoint Technolog
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• \ • \ bin \ • • \ • \ r • \ • • - • • \ etc 16 Newpoint Technologies, Inc. COMP-USER-006 Salem, NH 03079 Rev. 3.2 –01/31/01 node master configuration files for the local screens and other supporting files specific configuration file a driver a point configuration file drv a driver executable file contains: subdirectories; each typically device drive Acrobat Reader. in PDF format, to be viewed in Adobe’s docs Newpoint Compass User
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• \ \ • • \ iml • \ • \ • \ • \ These directories and files are stored in the COMPASS directory by default. Although you are able to change this location during installation, we strongly recommend that you accept the default installation settings 17 Newpoint Technologies, Inc. COMP-USER-006 Salem, NH 03079 Rev. 3.2 –01/31/01 . We Recommend View Console screen standard and customized screens for the replication. remote empty until you begin to im
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Pentium II 233 MHz (see note below) at least 300MB free - space available for a complete installation Use a three - button mouse to take adva ntage of all navigation features in Newpoint Compass. (A two - button mouse is acceptable) SVGA monitor, that can support 65536 Colors, Small Fonts Enabled, and 1024 x 768 resolution. W e recommend that you disable the option to Show contents while dragging . This setting is located in the Display Properties page on the
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- 19 Newpoint Technologies, Inc. COMP-USER-006 Salem, NH 03079 Rev. 3.2 –01/31/01 RAM. best supported by a Pentium II 233 machine with at least 128 MB uirement clients, is req Alarm and Event Manager, and other high For example, a system that contains a few hundred devices, as much processor power and RAM as you can afford. approach is to plan for future system expansion, and to purchase l system. However, a more realistic adequately support a smal incorporate into the
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- - \ - - 20 Newpoint Technologies, Inc. COMP-USER-006 Salem, NH 03079 Rev. 3.2 –01/31/01 read each screen carefully to avoid errors. to continue. Follow the instructions presented on the screen, and Yes up window asks if you wish to install the program. Click on A pop ROM drive). match the drive assigned to the CD command to (or edit the drive letter in the Setup D: the command line, type . On Run button, then select Start Windows NT desktop, click on