Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 1
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 2
Content s 1.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................... 3 FEATURES 2.0 .................................................................................................. 3 3.0 FRONT PANEL DESCRIPTIONS ......................................................................... 4 4.0 REAR PANEL DESCRIPTIONS ........................................................................... 5 5.0 CONNECTING THE PFCTM 10 PROFESSIONAL MIDI FOOT CON
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 3
PFC'" 20 Professional MIDI Foot Controller 1 INTRODUCTIO N Congratulations on your purchase of the PFCTM 10 Professional MIDI Foot Controller. This MIDI foot controlleris designed to operate as either a stand-alone MIDI program change and continuous controller,orin conjunction with the Peavey Tube Fex'" or TransFex'" 212 as an intelligent program change and continuous 2.0 FEATURE S l 11 buttons l 20-character by LCD display l 2 inputs for Control Voltage pedals l Full MIDI compatibility (5 pin
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 4
PFC” IO Professional MIDI Foot Controller Tuner LED Button Display I I I I I Bank/Program Numbered Button Program LED 3.0 FRONT PANEL DESCRIPTIONS 1. Display This is a 20-character by 2-line Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) with variable view angle adjustment for easy visibility. 2. Tuner LED Blinking red indicates that the tuner is active. Bank/Tuner Button 3 . Pressing the Bank/Tuner button once selects Bank mode. Then, pressing a "Numbered" button once selects a Bank. Pressing the Bank/Tuner but
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 5
PFC'" 10 Professional MIDI Foot Controller View Control Remote Voltage Adjust OutJcd REAR PANEL DESCRIPTIONS 1. Power Supply Required when using a 5-pin MIDI cablewith MIDIequipment otherthan theTube FexorTransFex Use onfy the 16-16.5 volt AC 1,000 mA adaptor, Peavey part#70900660, available as an option. Caution: Use only the optional16.5 volt power supply for this product. If the (optional) power supply must be replaced, consultan Authorized Peavey Dealer or the factoryforthe correct replaceme
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 6
PFC‘" 10 Professional MIDI Foot Controller CONNECTING THE PFC 10 PROFESSIONAL MIDI FOOT CONTROLLER 5. I WITH THE TUBE FEX OR TRANSFEX 212 When used with the Peavey Tube Fex or TransFex 212, the only connection required is that of the supplied 8-pin DIN cable. This cable provides power from the Tube Fex or TransFex 212 to the foot controller, as well as supporting bidirectional MIDI transmission. Caution : The 8-pin cable is not a standard MIDI cable. It should not be used with any equipment othe
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 7
PFC’” 10 Professional MIDI Foot Controller Forexample: If you are currently on program A4 and wish to change to program A58, press the Bank button once and press the 5th numeric button to select bank 5. As soon as you press the 8, Program Change 58 is transmitted. Now, if you press 3, Program Change 53 will be transmitted. A typical display on the controller will appear as follows: In the top left corner of the display is a letter followed by a number. The number is the PROGRAM number. This is f
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 8
PFC'" 10 Professional MIDI Foot Controller USING THE CONTROLLER AS A STAND-ALONE MIDI CONTROLLER All messages transmitted by the PFClO Professional MIDI Foot Controller are standard MIDI messages. When used with a standard, 5-pin DIN cable, the controller will transmit Program and CV messages. Each timeyouturnthe footcontrolleron,you need to setthe MIDI channelthatthefoot controller will transmit on. The following message will appear: ENTER MIDI CH17tdtdEL: CHFIblt4EL = ?? Select the appropriate
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 9
PFC'" 10 Professional MIDI Foot Controller For further information on other Peavey products, ask your Authorized Peavey Dealer for the appropriate Peavey catalog/publication. Bass Guitars Guitars Bass Amplification Guitar Amplification Sound Reinforcement Enclosures Microphones Keyboards DJ Lighting Mixers, Powered/Non-Powered Accessories/Cables Effects Processors Axcess’” Wear The Peavey Beat’” Monitor@ Magazine Key Issues’” Low Down’” PM’” Magazine Peavey Electronics Corporation
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 10
Ces clauses de garantie ne sont vaiables qu’aux Etats-Unis et au Canada. Dans tour autres pays, clauses de garantie et de maintenance sont fixees par distributeur national et assuree par seion la legislation envigueur. l l Diese Garantie ist nur in den USA and Kanada gultig. Produkte sind der Garantie und dem Service des lmporteurs jewelligen Landes unterworfen. l l Esta garantia es solamente cuando en E.U. continentales o en Canada. Todos que comprados en extranjero, estan sujetos a
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 11
IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS WARNING: When using electric products, basic cautions should always be followed, including the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. This product should not be placed near a source of heat such as a stove, radiator, or another heat producing amplifier. 8. 9. Never break off the ground pin on the power supply cord. For more information on grounding, write for our free booklet “Shock 10. Power supply cords should always be handled carefully. Never walk or place equipment on
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 12
A Peavey Electronics Corporation 711 A Street / Meridian, MS 39301 / U.S.A. / (601) 483-5365 / Fax 486-1278 01996 5/96 Printed in U.S.A. #80300362 Features and specifications subject to change without notice.